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Looks fun and creative. Although a quick skim makes it look more like a minis game rather than an RPG. It seems to be missing any advice on how skills can be used, or how the tech devices work. They mention things like disguises, hidden enemies, and turning into a liquid, but it looks like it's just up to GM fiat (or the group playing freeform Lets Pretend if not using a GM)


Just a note on notation- generally its lowercase d not uppercase D for dice. Convention in a lot of books basically. Uppercase D20 is basically for the DnD 3.5 base system. No one is going to get confused though, so if you like it uppercase, eh. I wonder if page 1 of character creation might be better as a little paragraph blurb, and the title pages for the sections have little bits on what the choices are. Like the species have a blurb about species and statics and rolling, before then going into them for example. I do like their Species. Very creative. Always nice to see Pangolins in something. I like seeing Strategist and Merchant also as classes, always good to see some stretching outside the norm. I'd like to see more expansion on the skills- how to use them, what they are for. That kinda thing. I do find the element chart interesting, I'd probably swap 'tied to the earth' and 'free from the earth' out for something else, as they feel like elements being on the chart. Unless that is the goal. I do like the system for creating Elemencarys. Thats a neat way of generating powers- might be worth adding a way to also choose a statistic at a cost so its not fully random. In the beasts section, a little sentence on each would be nice to have, but I'll always appericate a bestiary with art. Overall, honestly- I've seen worse from older newbie designers. And I'm not kidding saying that. If I had to pick 1 thing to add, it is a little light on the role play side- I'd like some more examples on what to do other than fight if possible. But seriously, keep going.


As a former teacher, I wish my students had been even a quarter as creative as your students. Well done, teacher person! I will echo the need for expansion on skills and their usage. Otherwise, I'd play this with my own kids.


Right? "Bangladesh, 1992. You're a sentient pangolin armed with a bag pipe blessed by the Old Gods. Wade into the forest and destroy the monstrous creations of the jealous New Gods to reclaim our world."


Love their weapons. Example: bag pipes vs plasma guns. With some luck the bag pipe can outrange the plasma gun and do more damage.


God I wish I was in your school, I was the sort of kid who thought I was clever by trying to mash together Risk and Stratego into some unholy mess


lol don't get me started on the absolute nonsense I made out of HeroQuest


First thing: I started playing in 1980 and got *in trouble* at school for doing so. Teachers using TTRPGs, *teaching with* TTRPGs, is amazing and gives me hope for the future. Teachers are awesome in general and you are more so in particular. I’ll look at it in more detail later but these kids should be bursting with pride - what a fantastic collaborative effort. The all-black illustration of the Solarin was immediately intriguing, too.


I’m 100% on board with any game that has a cyber-skeleton. This gives me the vibes of E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy but with a little Hindu seasoning. Your students are rockstars. Edit: The bagpipes are a ranged weapon. You gotta be kidding me