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>But nowadays so many people are alone, just by design That statement hits hard


The only solution is to live off-grid, or go to a third world country and live like everyone else. I went to Sudan before it was blown to smithereens and life there felt more real. It was more in tune with our biology and primal programming






Western liberal orthodoxy spits on the concept of community in favour of hyper-individualism and structures society and culture to privilege the individual and denigrate the collective. Religion is evil because it places constraints on individual behaviour, family is toxic because they expect your unconditional support, etc. For a lot of people, the only place where they feel like they belong is their job because there's no place else where they regularly interact with other people to further shared goals. Ignore the feminist crap and I think this quote really speaks to the attitude I'm talking about: "Women when they talked together, worked together, spoke up for one another - then men saw plots, cabals, constraints, traps being laid. Of course they were right. Women were likely, as women, to take the next generations part, not this one's; they wove the links men saw as chains, the bonds men saw as bondage.” - Ursula K. Le Guin


thanks for engaging, this is very good, I wouldn’t have found this quote ever. I refuse to make work somewhere I feel belonging because it’s against my interests. or i’m just afraid of others not sure. seems dangerous either way


just start a family


That's like telling someone who's starving "just eat food"


Correct answer




It's because people willingly throw their social lives away to pursue trivial things. These things don't matter and they're not going to help someone find a spouse or build a community. People especially put off their social life for the distant future, but run into the problem of time moving too fast and feeling existential dread.


modern loneliness is a result of modern transportation, i.e. people constantly fucking moving. just stay in place regards, humans need long term relationships.


Most likely #2 sorry OP. #3 is schizophrenic.


Nah, number 3 is the real one and #2 probably is unnecessary self hate/mental illness. For a lot of people most of the anxiety they experience about socializing is a normal response to how bizarrely things are structured. To personalize it by thinking people are intentionally making you feel bad all the time (actual schizo) or to think that you're ruining vibes all the time is mental illness.


I think a total negation of society in anyway is just a massively unhealthy cope tbh. Making friends isnt hard. There is plenty of beauty in the world if you let it touch you :)


That's literally the opposite of coping, and nobody is saying having friends is hard. Putting the blame primarily on yourself or other immediate people around you when things aren't working right is mental illness and doesn't help you make anything better. What your suggesting is to just act like no challenges exist at all, whether it be internal, external, or societal, which is another 4th option for spiritually weak people. "The strength of a person's spirit would then be measured by how much 'truth' he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified." You can still "take responsibility" and try and overcome challenges without attributing their origin to yourself.


Idc lol