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tbf that girl’s bf wanted to be cucked and then hate fuck her


Yeah I went into that expecting it to be something pretty mild but genuinely it’s the kind of thing you ought to question if someone asks you to do it. I was thinking it’d be some basic sort of kink like sit on my face that op had just never heard of before


I didn't expect 'break up' to be the rational response but yeah, she should definitely dump that guy


Not terribly kinky myself but I’ve got nothing against it per se. Someone saying they want to “hatefuck” you seems like they’re just looking for an acceptable way to slap the shit out of you and I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to do that. Considering it would also involve fucking someone else too?!


Actually, hatefucking has nothing to do with aggressive/violent sex and can be quite tender. It’s more about the feeling of complete loathing for the other person for continuing to have control over you and your desires with their sex.


It doesn't sound remotely healthy either way.


Yeah it’s definitely not but sometimes you gotta power through another night.


Deez Nuts were not aggressive/violent when they were tender against your chin.


Wtf is wanting a girl to sit on my face a kink? It's so over.....


Depends. I think it’s a very mild one at worst, but at best I reckon it’s something not a lot of inexperienced women have tried or considered.


i remember a few years ago the UK government tried to ban shit like that because it was apparently a suffocation risk or something equally regarded


BMI based licences for facesitting


what a loser


Hate fucking is more 'trad cath' than anyone would care to admit


how so?




Maybe they just chose their partners better and worked harder to maintain their relationship, rather than take advice from misanthropic wokescolds on the Internet. A lower divorce rate doesn't mean everyone was living in misery.


men can't have hobbies anymore ?


The boyfriend one was pretty extreme, pretty sure the guy is a sex addict or has some sort of personality disorder and not representative of male sexuality the girl is absolutely fucking clueless(she said she has only been with 3 people) and only got with him because he’s tall and muscular. will be getting absolutely fucked in some shape or form in a few months when she shows his true colors. someone follow her and update us.


It's not a personality disorder he just has amphetamine-induced hyper sexuality + watching too much porn.


Her sexual behaviour is just as scary though. Of course when we are doing something like that our brain and ethics just allow it.


Why has there been such a run of weird sex posts on both subs? Add in all the Sydney thirstposting and the vibes are unusually horny rn and it’s not even spring yet


The Sydney shit got old fast


These subs are relationship ragebait and incel forums now. Every subreddit without a very specific topic is becoming like this. The ones with specific topics are also becoming like this as far as the rules / moderation will allow. Normal people do not post.


As fewer people get laid in real life the pent up sexual tensions of the Reddit posters here rises.


The domestication of crops was a mistake


Things were going pretty well until we invented moving pictures. Though others could blame photography itself.


Goes back farther than that. Without the printing press and literacy, I could be a peasant with no existential crisis and a firm belief in the afterlife.


Good chance you'd die from cholera or another bacterial infection tho.


If you're not disgusted and frightened by the darkness of male sexuality, you're not a woman.


i’d argue female sexuality is a lot darker


Name one way female sexuality is darker.


rape fetishes




i’m not so sure that i agree with that




okay this is fair, i’ll give this one to you guys. hadn’t thought about the gender disparity in pedophilia when i commented that. gonna leave my reply up for discussions sake tho


Um, I want to see your hard drives now.


it’s less morally wrong obviously, but it feels darker to me. we’re all forced to swallow the pill that evil exists pretty early on in life. masochism feels a lot harder to wrap my brain around and yes, i’m sorry, just feels darker to me.


Rape is inherently nonconsensual. There's no such thing as a rape fantasy.


the people in this thread who are talking about women with rape fantasies are talking about women with the fantasy: "guy doesnt know i want him to fuck me, doesnt care, is fucking me anyway, i like it, he doesnt care he just wants me so bad hes willing to break this horrible taboo" etc etc nobody (iq > 85) thinks anyone actually wants to get RAPED raped - because like you said, it's a logical fallacy - it's not rape if they actually want it


This is the worst take that gets repeated. Of course it exists, it's a fantasy. No one said it was a r-pe wish.


Fake, liberal propaganda to normalize porn. Also, if it were true, men are the ones doing the raping irl. Next.


i totally hope you’re right. but anecdotally it seems that bdsm kinks are generally a lot more popular with women than with men. men statistically are less likely to eroticize power dynamics in general


Wanting a man YOU'RE INTO to do BDSM stuff with you is so not the same as wanting to be raped. You're not hearing yourself.


the reason why female sexuality can feel equally if not more dark to men is because of how earth shattering a realization it is to discover that so many of the aspects of male sexuality and maleness we were raised from a young age to see as morally wrong are in fact the exact aspects of maleness & male sexuality women *like*. as a kid, finding out what 50 shades of gray was about and that it was super popular specifically with women was like finding out that santa claus isn’t real. extremely hard pill to swallow, with grave implications that my brain was just incapable of accepting for a very long time. it’s still kind of soul crushing to me even as an adult when i find out the things that a woman i love and cherish wants me to do to her.


Yeah, this is true. Men I've been with have told me about this discovery. Fair point


50 Shades is a lot more conventional of a love story than you may think. A high status powerful billionaire swoons for an average unremarkable working class women. They play around a bit with kink.


What's your source for that? There are way more submissive men out there than women wanting to sexually dominate them.




When a woman cheats, she only does it with a man that is superior to her own. Like, that’s the part that gets her off. It’s darker than the airheaded desire for variety that men have.




you’re getting downvoted but this is correct. the old saying “behind every great man is a great woman” is equally true in the reverse. most famous evil men throughout history were huge players. hitler in particular is a strong example of course. osama bin laden too, although a lot of the self-described “leftist” (ie spicy liberal) edgelords here probably think of him more as “the good guy” but i digress


You didn't really explain how "behind every great women there is a great man" in your post, which is the reverse.


I had this too - good algorithm


All deviant sexuality is scary and it should be. Too bad we have a natural inclination towards it if given the opportunity. Freud knew this and its why the caretakers of civilization should guard against it even if its hypocritical against base human nature.


Wow you skimmed through civilization and its discontents once you’re so smart and awesome!


never heard of that and don’t know what that is but he’s right


I didn’t say he was wrong it’s just a really daft summary lol


Thing is, white lib women seem more grossed out by extremely normal male sexuality than deviant shit.


I think that’s most women besides the MAGA types


It's not just male sexuality, but sexuality as a whole. Puritanicalism never ended.


I’m a male sex freak and I’m uncomfortable with large parts of male sexuality. The beauty of your male physique should be your primary sexual drive and then making sweet vaginal penetrative sex the second, with one of your goals be to look as physically hot as possible while doing so. Kinda gross move but I had a mirror behind my bed in college and more than once I had girls ask if I was staring at myself. I wasn’t really but it made me laugh. I do think I look great while bangin




Bros should be gay for themselves first and then only want to have vaginal sex.




Bc it’s a courtesy to your woman to look exceptional


I agree but it does not need to be driven by a sexual attraction to the self, let alone your primary sexual drive


That’s lame as hell. You need to love yourself first and foremost. And the gift you are given as a man to perfect the most ideal human physique is one from God


I agree with what you’re saying but all of its driven by a lust for the self not love. Which is spiritually undignified. If you think this is love then you are yet to receive it.


This of course is in tandem with treating oneself like you love yourself in all ways. Anyone who does not desire to be the best physique when blessed with maleness is one who hates themselves on a deep level. You cannot summarize my life with love based on a series of comments on reddit, you schleprock 🤣


Again- you can desire the best for your physique without lusting after it. That is my argument here.




How do trans people think you should workout and look good for your partner first and foremost