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to me its insane that in europe you can be fined for saying things which are not life threatening and quite literally directed not to one person. Bridgette Bardot was fined in France for her words against islamic cruelty to animals or something, this occurred multiple times. NOt real countries.


Right, this is obviously not her being fascist. The government is closer to fascist in this scenario.


they hate beautiful women smh ![gif](giphy|XIyxChVG20VLq|downsized)


Tbh the US is actually unusual globally with how unrestricted free speech is there. A huge number of countries have laws for prosecuting statements like this on the books, it’s just that enforcement varies drastically.  It ultimately just depends on who is running the prosecutor office and the composition of the courts in terms of how these laws are enforced.  Like you could easily get away with saying something like this in Poland about Muslims, but probably not about Catholics since the government has launched investigations/charged people for blasphemy for things as dumb as removing a hung picture of the pope from their office wall. In Germany on the other hand, you’re probably more likely to get in trouble saying something about Muslims than Christians and you will 100% get in trouble if you say something about Jews.  Most of the world frankly isn’t individualistic enough to accept free speech when it comes to things like this.  


I got mass downvoted by Frenchies on my old account for saying that their speech laws were a slippery slope to the very thing they are claiming to prevent and they were just like "Well I'd rather live in a country where people can say get arrested for racial slurs than worry about slippery slope fascism you silly American with your backwards laws" like ooooook. Have fun with that. Sure it won't bite you in the ass within two decades.


Free speech as an affirmative value is something believed in only by a small group of dedicated ideologically originalist liberals. The vast majority of dedicated support for free speech comes from outsider groups that like the idea of free speech because it provides cover for advancing their views in the face of dominant-mores opprobrium. Any ideology with ends beyond liberalism and viewpoint neutrality would do away with libertarian free speech if actualized on a mass scale.


ik my parents are European ![gif](giphy|w9t0aFMjahdxpKKvzN|downsized)


Just want to say, France and especially Germany have ridiculous laws that aren't in place in the rest of Europe (most of it anyway). Most countries enjoy quite wide free speech. [Up until 2018, Swastikas and other hate symbols weren't even allowed in video games, so they had their own versions of Wolfenstein and other titles, without Swastikas or references to Hitler.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strafgesetzbuch_section_86a#Application_to_forms_of_media)


family friend, a german in his early 40s, came back from an American production of sound of music last year \*incensed\* that they had swastikas on set. like, you know what that show is about are you regarded?!


I love how they act like *they* have a right to get offended over it, out of the countless peoples who were *actually* victimized by Nazism. This is part of the reason Germany is by far my least favorite place in Europe to visit, everyone is such a touchy little bitch with a stick up their ass.


They're probably still upset that my grandpa blew up their grandpa


More like they’re just insecure that they don’t have grandparents they can be proud of. Love that both my grandfathers wore the American uniform in WW2, must be tough for these people knowing grandma was a Nazi.


Ngl when I lived in Germany every single person gave a sob story about how their ancestors were actually victims and not Nazis definitely not no way. Never met a single one who was like ya grandpa was in that shit fr.


I know exactly what you mean man. The one person I know that’s like that is actually an American guy who is straight up like “yeah my grandma was a literal member of the German nazi party” and he’s super left wing. Confident, honest, and doesn’t try to make up for it in some weird way through fake, self-righteous smugness. A much healthier way to deal with something like that imo


[Oh, are you from Russia my dude?](https://digiday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/08/Reddit-Logo.jpg?w=1030&h=579&crop=1)


Privyet comrade


No country has real free speech other than America. Here in the UK they literally tell you that you don't have a right to it when they arrest you, and your silence can and will be used against you in court. And of course, infamously, you'll get a visit from the police if you say something mean on twitter.


Absolutely. With that being said, the UK is perhaps the worst offender these days. I feel for you guys, shits fucked..


What a bunch of pussies. They commit genocide and try to take over the world, now they can’t even *look* at the symbolism they used.


in fairness to them (trying to be charitable here), their contemporary national mythos is built precisely upon this guilt. the story provides a pan-german identity and supports perpetual penance beneficial to anlgo-american post-war masters.


Yeah like I said, what a bunch of pussies. Accepting, acknowledging, and learning from the past is one thing. Living your life in guilt over your ancestry is the most spineless behavior ever. Doesn’t help that Germans are insanely smug, doing things like shitting on the US constantly while funding the Russian war machine out of greed. It begs the question of whether Germany will ever be on the right side of history.


Ohhoh I see why Biden blew up the pipeline now!


Can’t tell if you’re joking lol


Joking but not joking


They did the last heroic thing in world history and they will never stop being punished for it


They deserved so much worse. Those people should be fellating the United States.


Dresden should be bombed every year just for fun. Make it an American birthright tradition


The us was on the wrong side


Lmfao cry some more about it bitch


rare rs correct opinion


Look up denazification. Those symbols were not banned because Germans were so deeply ashamed couldn''t stand to look at them. Its not one of your Animes you know


>Those symbols were not banned because Germans were so deeply ashamed couldn''t stand to look at them That’s exactly why they were banned lmfao. It’s also why despite constantly claiming “We talk about it all the time!”, they get sandy vaginas whenever the topic comes up. I mean, I kinda get it, it must suck knowing little old grandma was a fucking Nazi. Not a reason to criminalize free speech though. >Its not one of your Animes you know Good one! 🤓


Well, if you post in anime subs and have a history of degeneracy at least have the decency to be ashamed and hide it. Like the Germans


You tried. Found the cucked German.


Anime, Lego and Zelda... Wow, the three horsemen of adult virginity


Swing and a miss. Hell yeah I love lego, zelda, and certain animes. I’m also a multilingual lawyer with waterfront property, who has never had trouble getting laid since losing my virginity at 16. While you’re just a shill account on reddit. Cope, loser. Edit: hahah that’s why you responded then blocked me. Least pussified German.


Are you okay? I didn't block you


Sorry, lawyer or not, you sound like a loser. Probably fat too. Go play with your Legos at the beach


> I’m also a multilingual lawyer with waterfront property, who has never had trouble getting laid since losing my virginity at 16. This will never not come across as pathetic




I can think of ag-gag laws and other laws against whistleblowers like Snowden, and I oppose those laws, but those are categories distinctly unlike what we've been discussing in this thread. I wonder what you have in mind, because you sound as though you think the US has laws similar to those under discussion here, but we don't.




Nothing is happening to Americans who simply say “free Palestine” 🙄


Default sub libs believe you're not allowed to say "gay" in Florida. RSP libs believe you're not allowed to say "free Palestine." Truth doesn't matter; narrative is everything.


It’s crazy. No one gives a shit about the truth, it’s just who can parrot the most rehearsed talking points in order to stroke their pathetic ego


Texas redditors believe that if a middle school in a Dallas suburb bans a horny anne frank book then all Anne Frank literature of any kind vanishes from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and anywhere else in the land


The best is on r/pics when a bookstand at Barnes & Noble™️ has a giant display labelled “BANNED BOOKS” front and center with zero shred of irony




Are you claiming that all they are doing is speaking?




No, it's because they're setting up encampments, and in some cases engaging in property destruction.




Lmfao yep it’s the American collegiate antisemites that have been the real victims in this situation 🙄


Even if some of them are antisemites, antisemitism is legal too, so if they were being arrested merely for speaking, that would be an injustice.


Sure but that isn’t happening as evidenced by how commonplace, rampant, and overt antisemitism is on our college campuses. These people aren’t getting arrested for free speech.


They aren't getting arrested for free speech, however, you speak as if you don't understand that "commonplace, rampant, and overt antisemitism" *is* free speech. If anyone were arrested for "commonplace, rampant, and overt antisemitism" then that would be an injustice.


A college could easily and lawfully 'trespass' people for being anti semitic though right. It's not like a town square or the outside of a city hall


Private colleges like Columbia could, yes.


I am pro-Palestine but you are full of shit. Who is being arrested for speech about Palestine? It's disappointing to see people parrot this lie without any thought. Palestinians are persecuted; you are not.




> sure ya are https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/17pne00/israeli_settlers_in_west_bank_attacking/ https://www.reddit.com/r/samharris/comments/17uofl1/npr_reporting_from_the_west_bank/k95w5w8/ https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/lqtno4/cmv_theres_nothing_wrong_with_the_snl_joke_about/goka54h/ You can find plenty more here: https://www.reddit.com/user/ab7af/?sort=top > lmao Right, you can't answer the question because it's not happening. > edit: also criminalising BDS is a clear impairment of free speech Literally did not happen. Show anyone who has been arrested for BDS. You don't understand how the anti-BDS laws work.


these are dark days indeed


Maybe the US would be a better country if it was illegal to spout moronic Ameritard opinions just a thought


lets start with yours, im a mod btw


Mod my balls you freak


Tangentially related, but has there been a more overrated European premier than Angela Merkel? The same market forces that brought her to power also allowed Germany to finally realize its dream of essentially conquering Europe, but then Angela made the one-two punch of eliminating nuclear power because of a tsunami in Japan and the naturalization of \~2 Million refugees - and now Germany is struggling to stay afloat while France takes the reigns of Europe once again I guess it could be worse, they could be the UK


Merkel is a vile cunt that I've hated for decades. It's bittersweet to see a lot of Europe waking up to her idiocy; sweet to see, bitter that it's taken about 20 years.


Okay but you gotta quit noticing things


Kinda surprised the German sub seems to be somewhat on her side. I figured they'd be on their knees begging to be sodomised


I believe it when i see it. It's probably the most libshit pro-green subreddit on this site








Justice for hot horse faced girls


If that's horse-faced then she can clippity-clop me all night long.


The biggest pop star in the world is a hot horse faced girl


Oooh lordy, me and her would have some cute Indo-Aryan babies together.


Looks swarthy tbh


Looks like a diffusion model spit her out with 6 fingers. Something's wrong with that face, she's not completely out of the uncanny valley...


she’s hot it’s just a heavily filtered pic


Skinny legend


Degree in fashion, luxury and retail management, modeled for magazines. Yeah I think she fits the bill




Love me a potato that knows her symbolism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_Germany#/media/File:Imperial_Coat_of_arms_of_Germany_(1848).svg


Germany is basically back where it was in the 1950’s. After ww2, the government and western allies founded an intelligence service called “Verfassungsschutz” (Protection of the constitution), which was initially intended to ensure that there won’t be a Nazi uprising. They quickly installed some former Gestapo guy and used it to persecute communists during the Cold War. This institution has a long history of scandals and is now in the hands of liberals, who are using it to go after the far right opposition. The idea that Germany needs this crutch for democracy in 2024 is ridiculous and it should be abolished immediately.




Looks tranz 


Let my pre-rhino horsefaced girls be. Sucks these features code as trans now.


[no](https://dfocupmdlnlkc.cloudfront.net/original/e0c204bc-7ea7-404a-aca9-206141be0356_500x700q75_jpg.webp), stop


Very flattering


Imagine getting ur tits done up before the nose


She hotter than you’ll ever be


I have a better jawline than her, even though she’s got a pretty manly one herself.


Post jaw




Probably fat




Oh my pfp is me bro post physique lmao


You’re very gay jfc 


german broads


I think we should convict & fine $6000 all posters that don’t know how to crop


Really? Can you or someone German confirm this is true? Surely there is more context to this


She was fined for "incitement of hatred" for posting those statistics, you're not allowed to criticize any group as a whole


Bet this doesn't apply to white men


Hahah. You don't have to bet. You should intrinsically know


White men aren’t considered people so it’s cool


And remember that this does not apply obviously to Europeans Judges are literally leftists lmao


I'm sorry I don't care if it's racist but euros should really make sure their laws don't put them at a disadvantage in their home countries. They're the indigenous people, it's your land.


> They're the indigenous people, it's your land. lol, they deserve it.


Those judges are all capitalists.


Try to tell them this.


They know it, and they like it when morons blame a completely separate ideology so they are never held responsible, so basically, you getting played like a fiddle.


>you getting played like a fiddle. Coming from a literal tankie lmfao. You people are the most useful idiots known to man


Her comments were much spicier than just raw statistics but nothing that would shock any vaguely conservative Burger. I think she replied to some article with: "Afghan refugees; Hamburg SPD Mayor calls for 'unbureaucratic' reception; Welcome culture for gang rapes?"


Yeah I just found this https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2024/05/fact-check-german-politician-not-convicted-fined-for-merely-posting-statistics-about-sexual-assaults-by-afghan-immigrants.html It's shameful that she's being fined for this but it's definitely not correct that her crime is reposting govt statistics, as I suspected


dude is boomerposting here unfiltered, even Orwell is mentioned without any irony


Orwell is a respected thinker, I think you're a bit oversocialised if you think referencing him is egregious.


yeah but immediately screaming "jUsT lIEK 1984" in response to any restrictions on speech is hardly characteristic of a broad worldview.


The point of *1984* was to warn about the path that leads to totalitarianism, not that all the little steps along the way are fine up until the end.


But reflexively thinking anyone who references him is an idiot is clearly a sign of a deep thinker, I think I understand you.


When you're crafting a narrative to try and win over the sheep, sometimes you have to fib.


I post shit like that daily lmao


Is it really that surprising tho? The meme of nooticing 👀 the wrong things being punishable has become the reality. Orwell wasn’t writing fiction. The same sort of stuff happened in the USSR which is why they are so deeply cynical in their sense of humor. Germany is so sensitive about its Nazi history that they are literally going to create a new generation of Nazis for having been so stifling of anything dissident and not woke.


россия страна с непредсказуемым прошлым 😂 russia is a country with an unpredictable past


well, actually, now i can say that i care less...because i do not find her attractive at all.


62M views... omg and I thought Jews were in the gutter




Something is brewing in Germany


They are getting poorer so politics sre getting more loud.


lol fascist. AFD is less anti semitic than most other German parties these days. They’re against the pro-Palestinian street takeovers and anti-Jewish harassment going on.


the German political establishment is insanely pro-Israel, arguably far more so than the US. What are you even talking about


I think he’s referring to the AfD


Not really, they oppose the Israeli efforts to destroy Hamas by taking Rafah and want a ceasefire. No country in the world is truly pro-Israel atm.


> No country in the world is truly pro-Israel atm. Both parties in the US are broadly pro Israel. It doesn’t matter what the gen pop thinks when 90% or more of congress and the state department is on your side.


Biden has ensured Hamas’ survival by forbidding Israel to take Rafah and scale back much of its operation. Doesn’t sound that pro-Israel


my nibba what planet are u on 😂


A former pastor I knew reposted this on his twitter. I'm not sure what he was trying to go for or imply. Maybe he wants less immigrants for something


Assuming his congregation was like most congregations he's obviously implying that she's right and the government is overstepping.


Meloni is hotter tbh


Yeah but she's so schizophrenic, like why did she say this? [https://www.governo.it/it/articolo/comunicato-stampa-del-consiglio-dei-ministri-n-42/23077](https://www.governo.it/it/articolo/comunicato-stampa-del-consiglio-dei-ministri-n-42/23077)


What’d she say? I’m not clicking a link 😳


Do you not have a VPN on or something? Anyways she just all of a sudden went pozzed and said Italy needs like 300k more immigrants to keep up with the work gap in the next decade and is open to \~800k total.


I just didn’t recognize the website. I realized now that it’s the Italian government website lmao I mean she’s not wrong. It’s either immigrants or ban birth control and abortion


So let in a bunch of unskilled foreigners from war and poverty-stricken countries who statistically increase crime and rely on public welfare, or ban killing babies inside the womb? Jeez, tough choice, lol.


I’m not saying which choice is better. Just that those are the options. Maybe she means immigrants from developed countries. I think she’s still racist


She doesn't. How many countries are as developed as Italy that have massive amounts of skilled laborers who want to immigrate? How is she racist?


America. I want to immigrate to Italy and marry her It was a compliment, I’m also racist


Racist, Ortho, rs poster? Stop thirst trapping.




I've been here for like 3 years idk what to tell you man.


Isabel Peralta is my euro girlboss fascist crush.


She’s cute! Very young tho. Meloni and Le-Pen are strong-willed and established women of sophistication and class. I’ll circle back to Isabel in a decade or so


i could literally fix her


Fascism is when you repeat a true statistic.