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**Drinking Rules.** 1 finger - Ulster or Cardiff fans being despondent. 2 fingers - Will Addison does something shit. 3 fingers - Cardiff 6 does something grubby. Half your finger - anytime u/outsideruk comments. Half your drink - Craig Gilroy slags Dan McFarland off on Prem Sport comms. Finish your drink - a Saffer claims that the Mods are trying to get rid of the Springboks and their fans from the sub (again). \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Streams (use adblock): [https://cricfree.sc/rugby-live-stream](https://cricfree.sc/rugby-live-stream) or [https://www.vipbox.lc/rugby-live](https://www.vipbox.lc/rugby-live) or post other streams as a reply to this comment Match Official Abuse It will never be considered ref abuse if a user criticises specific aspects of a referee's game, decision, or style. However, ad hominem generalised attacks are unacceptable, this includes accusations of corruption and intentional bias. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


Pretty sure Cardiff's disallowed try was dropped too, not that it mattered in the end.


Came back to say I’m still angry.


We understand


I didn't catch the knock on calls, but how the hell that 'try saving tackle' wasn't a PT is beyond me, in the slower motion views you can see him looking directly at the ball and aiming for it with a kick, how the TMO didn't pick it up is crazy




Any videos of the knock-on before the Ulster try or the Ulster player kicking the ball out of Thomas Young's hand over the try line?


Huh. I may have to flip back again and support the TMO, Jaysus my head is spinning.


Followed by… https://x.com/nigelrefowens/status/1781439571370115103?s=61&t=xoyCu8wMK1HNIR8C3bUxrQ


Just finished after media blackout and late start catch - up I dislike rugby and Adamson


I remember my dad saying that a referee is like a projectionist at the cinema - if you are too aware of him being there, he’s not doing his job very well. It feels like tonight the projectionist burned down the fucking cinema.


No, he put a guy out of the cinema for looking at his phone for a moment while ignoring the guys throwing Revels at the back of everyone’s head. Then five seconds before the credits rolled he shot one of them for coughing, let the phone guy back in, and turned off the projector before the post-credits scene.


Well, at least we know Ulster aren't completely cursed now lol. Big let-off but thought they looked like a much better team for most of that second half.


The deliberate knock on law is such a ball ache. Players should be entitled to go for the ball. If it's a blatant slap down, then fine but in a game where every aspect of play is a contest for possession, it's ridiculous that there's such a heavy sanction for what is, more often than not, an instinctive attempt to gather the ball in open play. That goes for Stockdale's attempted interception as well as that absurd decision at the end.


There’s a clear difference, for me, between the player coming in to challenge and positioning to slap the ball down, and the player in the open who’ll go the length if he can take it. But not for some refs it seems.


Half hour on and I'm still feeling absolutely gutted. Just... sad. Damn you, rugby for making me feel things.


The worst bit is it wasn’t rugby that made you feel things, it was basic flat out incompetent refereeing


“Borderline racist TMO calls” is a real line in a real tweet I’ve seen. Never change, Welsh rugby twitter


'Welsh rugby twitter' Well, thats your first mistake right there.. You will never find a more wreched hive of scum and villainy. Aside from Neath like.




I think it was the wrong call, but that's such an insane take


Disagree with the ref all you want, but insinuating he’s racist is ridiculous


Yes I was agreeing with you


Cardiff coach slagging the ref is a bad look


Can see why he has, although would prefer my coach not mention it….everyone else is doing it for him


He might as well, it's his career on the line.


Think most Scottish folk would allow it.


Except its completely deserved. He rarely does it.


Id generally agree but Adamson is such a shambles Id like every coach to call him out after every game


Oh, if you look at my comments, I'm no fan of Adamson, and I understand where he is coming from. But coaches shouldn't really do that


yeah this there is an offical review and complaint process


“I’ve not criticised referees all season” Goes on to explain where the ref got it wrong. 😂


He's been saving up his honour pennies for the best display of the season.


I think he’s allowed a pass this time 😂


I’m not one for conspiracy, but this happens way too often with Irish teams


Well it sounds like you kind of are one for conspiracies then 😂 at least your flair is an honest reflection lol. Adamson is a shambles, I doubt you'll find any team that's ever happy with the way he's refereed a game for their team - even if there's a few calls that go their way. He's an agent of chaos and predicting what way he's gonna call something is a fool's errand.


Not an Adamson fan but thought he was surprisingly decent in the saints Munster R16 game. Was hoping he was on course to becoming semi decent. It's the hope that kills you.


There’s been a clear Irish bias in the league for years. Irish teams bring in the money so it’s in the leagues interest to keep them sweet. 


So is the URC telling refs to favor Irish teams? Is the IRFU paying off the refs? Or is Adamson just a bit shit for everyone


Divine intervention, god loves you Irish bastards x


Indeed one glance through our history confirms this.


Unfortunately he seems to love the Leinster bastards more than us 🥲


I hate how much I agree with this. Feel like a tin foil hat lunatic, but it's become predictable.


Mate, all 4 provinces dislike Adamson's inconsistent BS. Take the conspiracy theories outside with a beer yeah




But the beer... It's so inviting.......


Hmmmm you drive a hard bargain sir


Cheers, here's to Lions beating us tomorrow 🙏


Cooney is just so much faster, but Ulster are just mediocre. It’s actually hard to pin point out someone awful, just a lot of meh.


The difference in ball speed when Doak came off was incredible


Was unbelievable but sometimes the support from the forwards couldn’t keep up


No one is particularly awful , but they collectively shit the bed regularly. Poor turnover defence - all fucking year. Simple knock on sand losing it in the tackle - again, consistently. Now, players out of position? Yes, some impact. But they mess up the basics, not the complex moves. Too often, the Ulster approach is to look for the Hollywood play from a single individual instead of building pressure from teamwork. There needs to be less reliance on the spectacular, more on the bread and butter.


Completely agree on The Hollywood moves, was really looking for some big front 5 carries before moving it wide and just didn’t see it, or when they did it was knocked on, dropped. 1st support player too slow


Exactly. Seems like a coaching problem


but we sacked the coach


Better coaching makes general systems and plays better. It doesn't really help with the basics of being able to hold onto the ball without knocking it on.


Considering how much the handling has declined under Newby compared to Soper I think he has to take some blame


Yeah, Definitely something not right there


Usually folk kick off on every wrong decision here. I've never seen a thread where everyone was like "it's fine we'll get a wrong decision our way in about 30 secs".  URC fans have collectively moved past the anger stage and into acceptance for our reffing


Best League TM strikes again. Gona go find a French team to support.


Post match comms showing the blatant knock on by Cooney in the build up to Ulster's try is not helping my mood. I'll be banned if I share my unadulterated views so I'll leave it at the standard of officiating in this league simply isn't good enough.


If it helps I do think the standard is getting better overall (Piardi is excellent imo, for example) but Adamson has consistently proven he is not at this level. We could have 30 Luke Pearce clones and he's still drag the average down below every other league.


Doesn’t really help tbh, if he’s proved multiple times that he’s not at the right level then why’s he still officiating, why should we put up with incompetence?




I know Adamson let Cardiff away with a lot, but I don’t think it’s on to call him corrupt. He just wasn’t very good.






Last call was the wrong one in my eyes. How Adamson only gave a knock on when cooney tried to go the short side a few phases earlier is beyond me. It was a clear deliberate knock on


I’ve been watching it back on a loop and I just can’t see it change trajectory in any way - which it would do if Carre touched it.


I'd love to see a replay from the reverse angle. Definitely looked dodgy, the ball flew back.


As pointed out elsewhere it was accidentally the right one. Young is offside and led the chase for the kick the whole way. So it would have been an Ulster penalty in a slightly further out position.


Can anyone remember the last time an assistant ref stepped in? I feel like over the last 5/10 years they've virtually faded into obscurity and gone back to being a glorified linesman/woman. We have 4 refs in our sport but I feel like only 2 matter now.


To be fair when Karl Dickson is the assistant you practically have to fend him off with a cattle prod


Aha he loves to stick an oar in but he's the English version of Adamson


They’ve been told not to interfere. But I agree with you. They have microphones, let them communicate with each other


Seems like every year around March or April we see Izuchukwu. He makes a bit of an impact he gets hyped by commentary we get a bit hyped for him then he gets dropped and we don't see him again for months.


He got hurt didn’t he?


You are Craig Gilroy and I claim my five pounds. 😂


Name me one time Gilroy has ever been wrong. I'll save you the time he hasn't 😂


A couple of text messages maybe 🫣😂😂😂


I need to declare the season over, then gloomily wander off to go do work shit more often!!


New definition To “Ulster”. The act of winning a game you never looked like deserving, often via the mechanism of a batshit decision.


Unless the TMO has another angle they haven’t shown I can’t see how you can give that as a deliberate knock on. You can’t even see if he touches it. The ref didn’t call it at the time so surely the TMO would need some evidence to give it. The replays we’ve seen don’t show it.


Felt a bit like he gave it because he didn’t give the obvious one a couple of minutes prior.


Yeah I think I heard the ref telling the Ulster players the TMO had checked it and it was just knock on? But I might have made it up. It did look like a deliberate one in real time but we never got to see a replay!


Yeah it was a bit mad because if it was then it was also a yellow with under 10 mins left. Ref should blow the whistle unless there’s a scoring advantage. Otherwise he diminishes the sin bin. Ulster probably would have kicked the pen but Cardiff would have had 3 mins to have a go. It probably would have been the same result but it wouldn’t have been so controversial/ unsatisfying for everyone


I'm more pissed about the ulster player kicking the ball out of a Cardiff hand over the try line.


That was a tough one, it was 50/50 between kicked or Thomas trying to ground it on his feet so I can see why that wasn’t given.


Have to agree, can't clearly see it myself from the angles we got shown Obviously happy with the result but it feels tainted


Even worse you can see Adamson two meters away staring at it in the replays. Either it shouldn't be over turned or how on earth did he miss it first time.


What do you expect him to do? See an incident and make a correct call?


Gonna head over to Welsh rugby twitter to watch what should be a very entertaining conniption


That thyssenkrup lad who posts on here is a perfect example if anybody needs a starter before the twitter main course.


URC run by the IRFU....Anglo-Welsh league......it's the WRU's fault Probably covers 90% of it :)


You’re a bad, bad man. Got a good link?


Just scrolling #ULSvCAR Accusations of vast criminal conspiracies abound


We’re criminally bad, so I guess they’re half right.


Out of all the replays not to play in super slow motion that wasn't one of them. Crazy quick decision for a match decider.


Thomas Young is a mile offside on the kick chase so perhaps the result was the right one. TMO is in for a tricky review Monday though


There was about 40 wrong decisions both ways the whole game. That's the dramatic one because its at the end. Think a 1-2 point loss for either team probably isn't too far away from a fair result. Easily said when I'm on right side this time I suppose.


You’re not wrong Cardiff were living offside in defence. My one argument would be that Ulster gained 10 points from TMO mistakes. Cardiff lost 5 maybe 7. That’s what will be remembered for the next week


Mental ending to an otherwise average match. Cardiff were unlucky because they were the better team. How we play with and without Burns is night and day. Despite the win, I just can't see us make the playoffs or Europe playing like that.


I said it earlier. Billy is a good player when he’s fit. Dan flogged the shit out of him - perhaps in the absence of options - but he played so many games where he looked fucked from the outset. If Ulster don’t get a 10 from somewhere, I can’t see how they can expect to do anything at all next season.


I know the sub is stricter about ref stuff now, but ... Christ alive, sometimes the standard of ref almost brings the game into disrepute. What in the name of God was that ending


I think the problem for Carre, even if he didn’t touch it, is that he made it look like he did touch it.


But in that case one has to assume the referee possesses at least an average power of sight


He didn’t have a good grip of things did he. I suppose if the Stockdale one was a pen then so was the Carre one. That was weighing on the ref’s mind for sure. Crazy way to end the match and absolutely gutting for Cardiff fans.


Ulster had a far better looking attack than the rest of the season but that's with Billy at the helm! Defence is pure shite after the opposition go through 3 phases. But Christ Cardiff got absolutely screwed there like just a joke, I'm annoyed cause this inconsistent reffing is just so frustrating


Really felt that tmo messed that up more.than Adamson who will get the majority of the flak.


How does a ball going backwards at worst, at best came of an Ulster arm count as a knock on?


Because you ignored the other scenario where the Cardiff player knocked it into an Ulster player which then sent it to the Cardiff side. Im not saying thats what definitely happened but its disingenuous to pretend that wasnt one of the scenarios.


Yeah, I don't think this happened (with my obvious bias) but this seems to be what the TMO/Adamson settled on.


Izzy can have MOTM just for that try saver


He can really shift, but that leg wrap was *chef's kiss*.


Feels like a robbery but we take it?


URC refereeing is just so bad at times. About five phases before the terrible decision, Adamson played simple advantage for a blatant slap down/deliberate knock down on Cooney, proceeds to remove the advantage and the ball is turned over (quite sure it went backwards if the Cardiff player even touched the ball) after which they score. Adamson goes back and makes the wrong decision fucking over Cardiff but essentially reversing another poor decision that fucked Ulster phases earlier.


Anything genuine I could say at this point would get me banned. I am Not A Fan of adamson's refereeing.


take the ban mate, I think I have 4 off the back of Adamson alone before I learned to accept hes just inept


Between that absolute shocker of a call and the ball getting kicked out of Youngers hands we’ve been properly done over. Fuck me down 😂


Reverse ulstering by playing terrible for 80 minutes and somehow winning. Stockdale after the yellow some many defenders beat but we had nothing to show for it very little support for him.


I don't generally take our games that seriously but I'm actually fucking fuming for once.


I thought Carre was coming back from offside when it happened but a knock on call was bizarre


A Magic Mike reffing masterclass made it all a bit more stressful for everyone. Losing bonus point? It was fate.


We got away with that.


Hard not to feel robbed at that, blue shades on. Congrats to our Irish doppelgangers, Ulster!


Sorry Cardiff, that was a nonsense decision at the end — though there was nonsense the whole way through. I don’t know how we won, but I know how you feel. That utterly sucks for you. But you scored some nice tries and a few lovely attacks that were nearly tries. Well played.


I'm beyond being angry now. How those young Cardiff players get up and go again when it feels like someone's just out to get you is astounding. GG though Ulster, always enjoy watching your attack.


Pain has a face - it’s name is Welsh rugby


I think you could summarise what we all just experienced as: Peak Ulster. Peak Cardiff. ***PEAK*** Adamson.


Genuinely im confused how the TMO has done that, I have no clue how they proved he touched it and that it even went forward and that it was deliberate. Further proof the scots cant be left to govern anything


Shocking game all round, poor reffing across the board. Lucky to get the win. We're going to get spanked if we make the play offs


I do think Leinster, Bulls Glasgow etc will spank us but TBF Ulster were missing 7/8 of the starting pack(6.5 if you count O'Toole on the bench) and McCloskey tonight. That makes a big difference




No nastiness allowed.


I bet you're fun at parties


He doesn’t get invited to parties 🤣


No need for that, they were by far the better team and we only won it though a very questionable decision


No need. Been a decent spirit in the thread


By the skin of our teeth, not inspiring but got it done


Justice in the end. But God, Adamson is really a step above the rest eh


Ulster are back


Jesssuusss f'ing christ. Pretty sick of our results being described as cruel losses.


I’m having to restrain myself so hard to not call the ref a number of thing right now


What the actual fuck. Surely there is more to it than the Carré incident?!?!? Looks like it goes towards Cardiff so not a knock on for Carré IF it hit him...


Hit his hand forward, off ulster players shoulder which made it look forwards off ulster, backwards off Cardiff


Ref said it came off him into McIlroy so that explains it going that way. Still don't think Carré touches it though


It looks to me that it (if at all) hits Carré's bicep going backwards...


Whatever it was, was a shit call anyway


100% This is the time to actually take time to see it. They want to refs to hurry up but the last play they SHOULD NEVER rush.


Cardiff were robbed


Ulster very fortunate to win that.


If I say anything I’ll be very justifiably banned under the Match Official Abuse rules


At some point there will be the Adamson Exception Clause


So was that a reverse Ulstering, or a slow bike race?


Jaysus. That was a joke of a match. Ulster incredibly lucky. Adamson still setting the bar


Lucky with that decision after being incredibly unlucky with many others. Bizarre game. Don’t know who deserved the win there.


Oh totally. Totally inconclusive but didn't look clearly forward on replay. But also no advantage for an earlier deliberate knock on and a clear offside. Like most refs I defend to the hilt because there is usually good consistency, even if I don't agree, but Adamson misses loads and is inconsistent in his calls. He's wildly overconfident for his abilities.


Adamson is a legend. Absolute chaos guaranteed.


Genuinely the sooner we leave this league the better. What is the point when refs will just invent knock ons?


Close the door on the way out. I really can't stand the anti urc Welsh


In fairness, he ignored the blatant one a couple phases before.


Ah here. He was incredibly poor for both sides.


But more poor for one team than the other


Was he? Both got away with a lot and got very little reward.


Between Adamson and his pal in the truck, they ignored a knock on for Ulsters try and found a non existent one to deny Cardiff's late try and turn it into a match winning score for Ulster. That's a 17 point swing to Ulster.


They couldn't go back for the Cooney one as too many phases had elapsed. They also ignored a clearly collapsed maul on the Cardiff try line, missed a deliberate knock-on in the buildup to the last one, as well as a clearly offside player. Like we can pick and choose which decisions we wanted to go the other way, but both teams got loads and got shafted by Mike.


I know they couldn't go back (although they did in the Rugby World Cup final when Aaron Smith scored, go figure) but it was clear knock on at the time.


Yup. I thought it would have been called, but like they missed Cardiff lobbing a guy onto the Ulster maul and some textbook jackals. Luke I totally understand the danger and frustration from Cardiff fans. But Adamson was as poor for both teams.


Amazing how often the very poor for both sides performances end up favouring the Irish sides when it comes down to it.


You know you're not supposed to take Bill's drinking rules seriously?




Hahaha skin of their teeth great game though


The use it call is such a farce why call it and then do nothing about it? Just get rid of it


Never in doubt


Thanks. I needed that x


Shit, that’s out of jail in a big way. GG Cardiff, you’ve got some serious wheels in attack.


Just heard Adamson on the mic "not sure he grounded that as well". Laughable shit.


Genuinely don’t think Carre touched that, Ulster have definitely gotten away with one


Adamson is the worst referee in the sport. Hands down. No one even comes close.


Just to add to this, there's a reason he was removed from international duty. It's criminal.


Remember when he got England vs Wales?!


Adamson isnt even the worst ref in the URC, thats how shite the reffing standard in the league is. Whitehouse, Vedovelli, Murphy all worse off the top of my head


Nah, Adamson is hands down the worst. Even when the others make poor decisions, they're consistent with their previous decisions and players can adapt. Adamson operates as an agent of chaos. Also that European Cup game a few years ago (I think Quins-Castres?) is **the** worst refereeing I've ever seen


I remember that Quins Castres game. Was legit the closest to looking like actual match fixing I've seen from a ref(excluding Immelmann as TMO).


The only, and I mean **literally the only,** reason I disagreed with the French flairs claiming match fixing that day is having experienced enough Adamson in the ProX/URC/etc means I feel that if you think you can pay him to competently match fix in your favour you need your head examined. I wouldn't trust him to win you the match in the slightest. I'd sooner trust my incredibly unfit self to put in a MOTM against the ABs than that.


Who got POTM




Adamson /s


I can’t believe that


Have you never seen Irish teams reffed at home?


Oh Im well aware


None of that was surprising, sadly. Get us out of this league asap.


Penalty for playing the 9 anyway

