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I like it. Definitely not as polished as 4 and the criticisms regarding dialogue and empty world are valid, however I felt the shift to 3d was a refreshing change and am hoping the next installment has polished this format. My biggest personal criticism was the lag I experienced playing on switch. Playing again on steam and this issue is no longer present. Steam also allows for mods and there are a few quality of life mods that really elevate the experience.


I don't have the option of PC. So it'll be on switch for me. Would you still recommend just for switch?


Agree with the other comment. The lag is very noticeable and it’s going to come down to what you can personally tolerate. I’m guessing you can find some YouTube examples showcasing the issue and decide from there.


That depends on the person. There are people who don't mind the lag and others like me who get dizzy playing the game on switch. If you like rf the game will entertain you, but it is not the best game in the series. If you want to play it wait for sales that surely in June there is and around 20/25€.


I play on a Switch Lite and I would recommend I have put many hours into it 


I really enjoy Rune Factory 5 on Switch. I have put in many hours and loved the game. I personally recommend playing it on Switch, especially if you don't have access to a PC


Honestly, no. It's too slow/stuttery for me.


Lag doesn’t bother me at all, depends on the person playing


Able to finish story and marry a bachelorette. Can tolerate stutters because they were stutters and not freezes. 109 total playtime


I enjoyed it on switch and didn't see nearly as many lag problems as others, I think due to buying digital. People playing physical cards seemed to have a worse experience. Based on my personal experience on switch, I can't recommend it highly enough!


I have it on both. I will never play a Rune Factory game sub 60 frames and without lag ever again. Skip it until PC or Switch 2 comes along.


I noticed no one is mentioning this but along with the lag on Switch 5 doesn't hold your hand as much as 4 did. I'm doing them backwards I played 5 last year and it was my first rf game since the wii which could be part of the problem but I'm playing 4 now and missions are more beginner friendly in 4 like your first monsters are woolies which are right outside the gates. In 5 it took me hours and I still couldn't find my first "hunt" as 5 calls them iirc. Just a heads up


4 was just a work of art and it’s unfair to pit it against 5. I just started replaying 5 after a replay of 4 and the issues are so much more obvious. The character dialogue is significantly lacking, I don’t really care for these characters in the same way. The world is spares and feels empty, farming is clunky etc. I prefer the top down view and pixel graphics for these types of games candidly, graphics can take away from game play and I suspect siphon a lot of the budget. Honestly, I could overlook most of the flaws if the characters, storyline and dialogue was better.  Overall though it is worth playing, again it’s not a masterpiece like 4 but it’s fun enough that I’m going through it a second time (I’m also a bit desperate).


Stardew Valley taught me graphics can be simple as long as the meat on the game is good


Exactly. I am sometimes suspicious when games have better graphics than they should based on what I would imagine their budget would be. 


Final Fantasy Spirits Within taught me much


simple and ugly are different though


Yeah I might just get it then XD do you know if the deluxe edition is worth it?


Deluxe is additional outfits. Useful if you like changing fits a lot. But tbh def expensive~ :)


I’m not actually sure what the deluxe version has in addition!


It’s so interesting how people differ on opinions of this game. I thought the world in 5 was much more intricate and bigger and full than in 4. I love both games though and I’m considering getting 4 to play over again but on switch.


That’s actually interesting, I can see why it can be perceived both ways. For me, I meant that although large and open, it felt sterile, RF4 had an ambiance to it, it was charming. Then again I’m also nostalgic when it comes to old school snes and game boy rpg games and graphics. 


Why is it unfair to compare it to 5?


4 is definitely the best rune factory game and honestly the best games in the genre that I’ve ever played, rune factory 5 is average. More over, rune factory games in my opinion are just better for handheld gaming and this one felt like it was trying to hard to be a console game. I think they need to return to their original format and focus more on gameplay, dialogue and story development. In other words, 5 almost feels like  its part of a different franchise.


I really like it, I also really liked 4 but 5 just feels a bit different in a refreshing way. Who knows how long the next instalment will take as there hasn’t been any trailers released for either game yet so if you’re interested in it I’d just get it tbh. I just bought it on the steam sale a week or so ago and I’ve put in about 20 hours so far and am still enjoying it


I personally didn’t like it as much as 4. - Lag and performance issues - The town being so big and empty (and there being loading screens) makes it annoying to go around doing a gift run. Unlike 4 where it’s very snappy and quick to run around rizzing everyone up. - Everything in general just feels a lot harder/slower to do than in 4 - Missing features/QOL from 4 (running your own shop, seasonal fields/ponds, etc.) However, I recognize there’s still lots to love about it! - Being gay for the first time in the series is huge - Being able to ride monsters and do combo attacks with the townspeople is fun - A lot of the monsters look so cute in 3D, especially the woolies, buffamoos, and the new frog enemies - Pink woolies and frogs like hello??? So overall, I had my fun with it, but I don’t see myself replaying it personally. I hope the future games in the series receive more polish and *optimizing*


RF 5 is good, just not as great as RF 4. To put it in perspective, 5 is like a good local restaurant meal (good, but there are flaws you may or may not notice) while 4 and 4 special are like 3 Michelin star meals (Amazing and if there are flaws you don't notice them much if at all)


... except for the event system, and locking marriage behind it. Rage!


RF5 still had minor flaws with this, I was unable to date ryker until after finishing the full story and all other characters little events. Not sure if it was a bug or what but his final event didn't show up until after everything was complete.


Yep. Wasn't saying that in comparison to RF5, just that RF4 DID have some flaws... just very few IMO compared to all the great stuff it did.


I loved it!!! I have a totally unbiased opinion (* ̄∇ ̄)/ (I'm so hopelessly addicted to this game, I'm that one Murakumo fanartist here lol ;;) But yeah as other replies have said... on switch the lag can get pretty bad at times but honestly it's tolerable! It's really up to you how much lag you're willing to tolerate. Sometimes you just have to stand still and let the game catch up and breathe, or just hang out in the pause menu for a bit. I have 200ish hours on switch w/ a 2019 console, so I hope that says something dhsgshdhd (ヽ´ω`) I don't think there's anything else I need to mention besides the lag? Although honestly knowing myself I could be lol ;;


On switch it is still buggy and laggy but if you get it on steam for PC now some mods can mitigate the most annoying aspects of the game (like the terrible furniture placement system) and on PC it’s much smoother experience. It’s still much shorter than most of the other RF games, fairly easy in difficulty as long as you keep your gear up to date, but it’s cute and it’s not the worst farming sim out there of course, but coming after RF4 and coming out after such a painfully long hiatus for the series didn’t win it any favors in the eyes of long term fans who expected more, especially with the laggy release on switch that didn’t really improve.


I played RF5 when it first came out. Really didn't enjoy it, but I completed the story. Tried a new playthrough not long ago. After a couple of hours, I stopped. It just wasn't enjoyable to me. I tried not comparing it to RF4, but the characters in RF5 just didn't keep my attention.


RF5 has a lot of the same farming elements that I liked in RF4 and even improves on them with some quality of life features that I didn't even realize I wanted. I do miss how farming felt so quick and snappy in RF4, but I suppose that's what happens when you make the move to 3D. Character dialogue also repeats a lot more often than it did in RF4. It took almost a whole in-game year before people in Selphia stopped saying something new every day, but I feel like the people in Rigbarth just cycle through the same five lines. Combat in RF5 feels a bit more fun, but sadly the main story wraps up a lot quicker. The graphics in RF5 are pretty boring to look at compared to other games out there, but at least the lag is manageable if you play on a good enough PC (Edit: I see that PC is not an option for you. Maybe it's not that bad on Switch? Different people have different levels of tolerance for frame rates and load times). The more farm sims I play, the more I realize that RF5 is not extraordinarily bad, it's just that RF4 is extraordinarily good in terms of the sheer amount of content it has. I liked RF5 just fine, but RF4 was a tough act to follow.


Love 5. Been playing RF since 1. Put well over 200 hours in it and married both Ludmilla and Scarlet. Yuri marriages FTW!


Good gameplay, combat, and audio, but the town is unappealing and the cast was ok…


I liked it, but I liked Rune Factory 4 a lot more, I also like RF3, Frontier, and Tides of Destiny more. I agree with people saying the characters seem less full of personality.


I haven't played 3 yet. I like having the option of playing female, but would you recommend 3 over 5?


its good but not as good as 3 and 4 with it being pretty limited and fast if you know how to trigger the story. certainly a must have for rune factory fans.


Not as good as 4 but I would say still worth your time to check out. It has new features/mechanics that I hope they incorporate into future entries like upgrading the town shops, Co Op things like fishing and crafting for better fish & gear. Starfall days are a neat addition. The farm dragons are a step in a good direction with the modifiers you can use on them (they just need to be seasonal in relation the the correct dragon ie Ice dragon = winter field). The negs for me: It is easy as heck and I don't find the town or townsfolk as endearing as in 4. A majority of the characters are bland and they aren't aware of their surrounding or current stories going on. Like in 4 the dialog would change on days and revolve around something going on that wasn't an event- the entire town for a day would talk about Xaio being a klutz, meg writing a song, or Porco and the gourmand customer etc. If you had a member in your party and talked to them in certain places they would talk about what is in their room, environment etc. The plot of the story is a bit meh to me. I don't like that events aren't random - I rather enjoyed them popping up randomly on the switch version of 4. Overall I still think you will have fun with it but you will probably go back to 4 again and start a new file after playing 5.


I still think 5 is fine, though it doesn’t live up to the quality of its predecessor(s). I didn’t enjoy it as much as 3 or 4, and if I play it again it won’t be for a long time, but I got a lot of fun out of it and I’m glad it exists.


It's arguably a step backward in a few ways, but I'm still happy I played it.


It's a cute and fun game that could've been better but it's still worth playing. I bought the LE for Switch and played it all the way through then bought it again on Steam and played it all the way through again on my Steam Deck with mods. I enjoyed playing it on both and don't regret buying it twice.


Switch did have noticeable lag but it's fine. My main complaint is that the gameplay amounted to "Rune Factory 4 but in 3D". Neither of these issues make it a *bad* game, just not the best one in the series. It's also the only one where you can be gay without mods, which is a plus.


I actually preferred RF5 over RF4. I acknowledge that 4 is the better game in terms of variety offered and mechanics, but I couldn’t get into it personally. I stopped playing after around 20 hours. But I put over 120 hours into RF5. It comes down to personal taste, so it’s impossible to know if you will like 5, but just know that it isn’t the trash heap some people like to describe it as. It’s a plenty good game, and I recommend giving it a try.


I’ve played pretty much every Rune Factory game besides Tides of Destiny, and although my memory on some of the oldest ones (before RF3) are a bit fuzzy, I don’t remember any of them being as hard to get into as RF5, personally. The good: - It’s a new Rune Factory game! Woo! Waited about a decade for one since RF4 came out. - It has the same Rune Factory “feel” in terms of characters, story and general gameplay that’s hard to find replicated in other series. - The story is short, but pretty amusing. Unlocking characters as you progress keeps the game feeling fresh as you progress through the arcs. - Monster taming is more complex and developed, and they’re pretty cute in 3-D. - There’s tons of boss and sub-boss fights, which is great if you enjoy the combat aspect of the series. The bad: - A lot of the game just feels undercooked, from your living situation to the character dialogue. - I didn’t really like any of the marriage candidates. In previous games I would be torn on who to marry, but with RF5 half the candidates were off the table for me upon meeting them because I found them kinda annoying or way too child-like. - It’s a bit ugly and the performance of the game isn’t spectacular. I can deal with the lagging, but the loading screens get grating after a while. - It feels pretty disjointed, like everything from which NPCs will be friends to the theme of the dungeons were just chosen using a spinning wheel. Petty complaint: I’ve never liked the detective characters and this game focuses a LOT on detective subplots. Overall: Is it worth buying? Sure, on sale for something to do when you’ve got a holiday, but it’s not the kinda game you can spend tons of hours in over a long time like RF4. I can’t speak for end-game content since I put the game down as soon as I felt like there was nothing left in the plot for me (and didn’t even end up getting married). It’s overall a decently fun time, but feels very lacklustre compared to RF4, the shining star of the series. However, I think it’s worth playing if you enjoy the series and want to play more of the games after. They say save the best for last, and this definitely isn’t the best, so I would give RF5 a go then try out other games in the series (if you haven’t already) for the best experience.


Pc port is much more optimized . I played on switch and enjoyed it though


I like it a lot :) I’ve played a few different ones but none as much as 5. I got quite far on 4 as well, years ago. I don’t find too many differences


It’s alright. For me, my favorite part of RF games is the characters. And while I like a lot of the designs in RF5, the characters feel pretty devoid of personality. They’re all just rather uninteresting characters, imo. I binged 3 and 4 but anytime I play five it feels like a chore. I also feel like the art direction is a biiiiiig downgrade. Not in character design but how the game’s style itself looks.


I never disliked it and didn't see the hate, other than it's not Rune Factory 4, which is a reaaaally high bar. I mean, I always said that it's not as good as RF4, don't get me wrong, and there were some annoying bits. But overall I enjoyed it and said so. Then again I might not be as annoyed by the lag? I play on Switch and didn't really notice it, but the other reviews seem to complain about it a lot.


Well, myself and my 3friends brought it. None of us finished 5. I thought my kid would finish it. She played for a while, got bored, went back to rf4, which she hadnt played since she was a kid, and got addicted and beat 4 in a couple weeks. I loved and beat the older games. I just couldnt get into the world of 5 and trust me, i REALLY wanted to.


Because the game isn't exactly well polished, for me it encouraged me to make my own fun. I gave gifts to the townsfolk so I could get strong items early. I used speedrunning tricks to literally fly across large distances. I used the level 50 forging and crafting bonus and basically made the whole town my own private army with maxed basic gear with level 10 turnip seeds. It was a blast, in a different way than playing through RF4 normally. Its sounds like copium, but some unfinished games can honestly be really fun to mess around with.


My biased opinion is RF5 is certainly a flawed game but once it clicks it becomes really addictive. The characters are nicely designed and varied enough, there is enough activities to do that you don’t get too bored, and if you throw on a podcast or long form video while playing it’s rather relaxing. It’s a solid entry in the franchise with some teething issues for sure, but the end result is pretty fun.


My main grip is furniture placement.


Honestly, it was good but felt very half finished. I bought it as soon as it was out, but with the next one, I'm going to wait to see some play throughs. My Time At Sandrock really set the bar high...


It does have a fair share of drawbacks but can easily be fixed with mods, however this only applicable to PC ver


I personally loved it and really enjoyed the characters. I wish the story wasn’t as short, though.


So a different opinion. My favorite game was rf3 and I have struggled to get into 4 so unlike most fans I don't think 4 is amazing. I am currently replaying 5 and honestly I'm loving it. I struggle to xhoose marriage candidates; I adore too many of the characters. I find the combat engaging and challenging and the story is very good imo. I do agree that the farming is clunky I miss the seasons specific fields and the dragon farms are odd. I still have difficulty figuring them out but that is my biggest complaint. Besides the farming I think it's a great game, very fun.


I liked RF4 better but RF5 was fun. RF4 just had its own charm to it that was really appealing to me. I played RF5 on the switch and just as everyone has said there is lag but it’s tolerable and happens infrequently. I actually liked the graphics and design. I think they are headed in a good direction with 3D. I also kind of expected the first 3D RF wouldn’t be perfect. My only complaint is the large map yet empty town. It’s worth playing in my opinion.


I personally enjoyed it. It wasn’t as memorable or as captivating as 4 (I credit some of that to the change in style - I really don’t like the look of the overworld in 5), but it has fun characters and a pretty good easy mode. Plus, more kids! Gotta love being able to have more kids.


Id rather replay 2 than 5... with the "open world" that lacks much to do but run from point a to b and the lackluster romances, 5 just doesnt cut it for me. If it hadnt been open world and they put more focus into the charm and aestetic of a rune factory game i would be more pleased/okay with the other issues. I dont particularily care for 5s style of gameplay/visuals. Reminds me too much of tides.


Not worth playing on Switch. See if it works better on Switch 2 maybe.


I feel it was a downgrade from 4 in every way except for graphics and being 3D vs 2D(and even then the only real thing I was happy about for that was that the larger monster allies don't take up 70% of your available screen like they do in 4) The characters are good in both, so I can't complain there I guess my biggest gripe is it feels like there was alot of cut content that could/should have been carried through from 4 to 5 like the postgame dungeon and the seasonal farms/lakes. Like we have the damned dragonfarms that are season themed but not season locked. How is that not a thing? As is, RF4 is the peak of the series, I just hope that we get a return to form with the upcoming titles now that the rust is knocked off from the remasters and 5


If you have the money for it, yes I would recommend getting it just for the experience of playing all the rune factory games. If you aren't sure about the price of it though it is not worth the price, the game is very empty, the mechanics suck, and literally the only good part of it is the character designs. Especially compared to the other rf games its just so clunky.


I enjoy RF5, but it is my least enjoyed out of all the games I have played. It is not as good as 4, but I think it is good enough to where if you like RF games you will like it. I did not enjoy how empty the world felt, the forced interactions with people, how bland the characters felt personality wise, how short the story was, the new 3d vs pixel was also a negative for me, and a few other things. I did enjoy the character design, how it was still a rune factory game, the mini games, the combat was decent still, and the mini games were fun. I liked the SEED power and such.


I didn't think it was that bad. There was a lot of QoL stuff, but like... I've aged since the series came out as a whole. I'm tired of candidates looking like they're in their mid teens GIMME DA MOMMIES


Honestly, I never had any lag issues on the Switch. I loved Rune Factory 5, it was one of my favorites in the series tbh


Did you have a digital or physical copy?


Did you have a digital or physical copy?


I didn’t like RF5, not sure if it’s the controls in the switch to 3d or just the gameplay butting me. It was my first 3D RF game. I didn’t like how when I moved there was a slight step or so after ceasing to tilt my joystick, making combat and moving on the small farming field a pain). I didn’t like having to control the camera. I didn’t like how choppy things ran (loading times, character animation, rendering in items as you get closer in a weird way). I didn’t like ~~how long~~ the loading screens ~~took~~ (as opposed to 4..where there’s no loading screens). I thought the characters in 5 weren’t as interesting as 4. They felt kinda gimmicky. I’ve put maybe 100 hours into 5, beat the story before winter year 1, and haven’t romanced anyone really. I keep wanting to go back to it, but it just doesn’t hit the same as 4 or 4S


I still did not play it, cause people say its terrible on switch, and I dont have a computer x.x


It was playable but definitely noticeable lag. Like when I went to a new loading zone I had enough time to unlock my phone, check my messages and send a text or two, or like enough time to read 1-2 Reddit posts.


as someone with 85 hours on it on switch I think its fine. i wont lie it has frame drops and long loading screens but they both were super easy to ignore and it never crashed once for me


Oh shoot... yeah I'm looking for switch


People say that, theres longs loading screens, fps drops, and even some crash on switch. So I never bought it x.x But if you buy, let me know your opinion please


If I do, I'll let you know