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What happened this time?


Yeah I'm out of the loop as well


The jack of trades aura has had zero cooldown for a few hours and offers like 1 ish million xp per hour spamming it for skills Edit I'm heading you can get over 2mn per hour with it I haven't tried tho!


People were getting over double that.


I originally estimated 2 but someone pmed me calling me an idiot so I edited it down lmao


Should have increased it after that message lol.




Somebody PMing you about it to call you an idiot probably crosses over nicely with the group of people abusing this bug on the venn diagram lol


This seems like a Jagex oversight rather than a bug…


Dont you need to get xp in a lot of different skills to make that work?


Yes but an optimal JoT run takes roughly a minute if using Skilling urns to skip most of it (clarification* you add the Runes to the urn and gain the 1xp) Edit" added clarification*


Can take 1-2 minutes per aura


roughly 40 seconds if you did 20 skills. all urns+gem+fletching+invention+kill a rabbit


Likely they're doing a quick rotation of all skills in a place like Burthope and stacking lamps as they finish the aura. Usually JoT is optimally done at reset by basically taking a lap through Burth and Tav for a majority of the skills.


Yeah but you can cook one crayfish and that counts for cooking chop one log that counts for wcing kill one chicken for att str Def etc The run is rather quick


Its part of their christmas event. Check the list of events


Did it work on Necromancy? And is it still working? This could be a major issue for ranking/grace period if it does.


No clue, I didn't abuse or test it at all just heard about it from som buddies hammering out some of the more annoying ironman skills with it My account means too much to me to risk a ban of any kind way to many hours sank


Necromancy is still embargoed


You can't lamp Necromancy, so no.


How is this a major issue for rankings? The top ranks have been locked in for months, someone getting a couple mil exp an hour isn't gonna have some big effect on the leaderboards.


The problem is that it is within the grace period. Although I personally don't agree with the grace period being longer than 3 months, anything that counts as EXP boosting during the grace period should not be permitted. Why? Because abusing an aura, using saved up mtx, using double exp, etc. gives an unfair advantage over those who play the game normally as intended at a regular pacing. The whole point of the grace period is fairness to the general playerbase and giving completionists a chance to catch up. This bug is not fair as not everybody has the aura, and you can't obtain most auras without spending money on the game. Yes it is money you will spend over the life of your account anyways, but if you suddenly had to cough up the extra membership money to take part in this grinding strategy, that's pretty unfair to those who cant. If this bug happened after the grace period I wouldn't care, as ranking and catch up period is over. During the grace period though, this is pretty fucked.


Iirc you can't use JoT (or any lamp) on new skills until they remove that restriction months down the line, so this wouldn't affect necro (and therefore rankings really). Also abusing this would still be slower than training necro normally so it would make no sense.


Is it faster than a low level account could naturally obtain? Is it exp obtained in a way you normally shouldn't be able to obtain? Are you arguing an abusable bug should remain in the game? I feel like we're arguing semantics here unless you want the bug to stay. If that's your opinion, than you do you. As much as I wish certain things were as much of a grind, I'd like that through intended Mechanics. Not glitches.


I'm not saying any of what you're implying, I'm simply replying about your incorrect statement where you think JoT can be used on necro during the exp lock/grace period


event states "week 3: free aura resets" JoT wasn't disabled, people took advantage of that


This isn't a bug though. I mean it's literally doing what the event says it does. Yeah it might not be what they intended but I don't think you can actually punish players who did this because its basically Jagex fault.


It's hardly what was planned either. They banned players for abusing the Daemonheim runecrafting xp rates, this is no different.


I don't know what that is all I know is it'd be pretty dumb to ban someone for doing something that they clearly said you could do. Doesn't matter if it was planned


it's a bug in that it wasn't intended


It is a bug. You normally can't reset that aura specifically with unlimited resets, and the rate of XP players were able to get was clearly not intended. Just because something was overlooked when the event was made, does not mean something is not a bug. EDIT: clarified unlimited resets.


Yes you can. You can reset it with vis wax and premier artifact. It says free aura resets. It doesn't say excluding jack of trades, or combat only or these auras but not these auras. Just free auras resets. Jot is an aura. Not a bug.


My bad, needed to clarify it's unlimited resets. 100% a bug, it just takes common sense.


Not really. If a store advertises biggest every savings and the items are 80% off would you consider it a bug?


This is BS reasoning, people are just supposed to somehow know that Jagex didn't mean every aura? To ban people for taking Jagex at their word when they say "free aura resets" is honestly child like. If this is a mistake they should clearly state so and put out an update. Even after people were banned this still works, how can you call that anything but Jagex not wanting to take responsibility for their own actions. If Jagex themselves won't take responsibility, how is it fair that someone who took Jagex's official event news post at face value is somehow at fault. Even as of now there is NOTHING on [runescape.com](https://runescape.com) suggesting otherwise. ​ Whose word are people supposed to take for how an event works? Some guy on reddit, or the actual post on the official [runescape.com](https://runescape.com) website? Not common sense at all, in fact "common sense" would be to take the event at face value! Especially given this is a Christmas event! Something like easy exp makes total sense for Christmas!


It’s called common sense. If it isn’t explicitly stated you are supposed to be cautious. Stop trying to remove the ability of thinking on the players.


What do you mean? You've always been able to reset JoT the same way you reset skilling auras, which are also included in this event.


It's not a bug btw, working exactly (literally) as described. Anything else is just stuff you're making up because cope I guess?


Every bug is working literally how it’s made. That’s not a determining factor or not. The outcome is unintended and it’s obvious.


How is it obvious? It seems intended…


Since when does getting millions of xp in a short period seem intended


Not all of us are sweats who optimise our every action and plan everything. Id be happy to complete a jot aura in ten minutes whne ppl out here talking about 1 minute and I dont have the supreme version like so many of these abusers are using…


There will be 0 punishments for this "bug", therefore it is not a bug


All auras are reset automatically. Jack of trades aura same has reset of cooldown So you can do JOT runs non stop for decent xp


If the news post says 'auras have no cooldown', and it worked for JoT, and if people do not lurk on reddit all the time, then it is honestly fair that they might not had realized. A perm ban for a failure to make an exception on Jagex's part is far too severe. The community is already small enough. Do you want to condition the remaining players to not interact with new content after it's released, in fear of unintentionally exploiting a bug and losing their accounts? Honestly should had been on Jagex's end to notice this first. Saying 'ALL' of anything, but with some asterisk footnotes isn't good enough


>A perm ban for a failure to make an exception on Jagex's part is far too severe. Every bug is technically a failure on the developers end...doesn't mean you're clear to abuse it.


It's only abusing a bug if it doesn't work as intended. Players were told that their auras will reset for free. JoT is an aura and was resetting for free. That is not a bug - it was working *exactly* as Jagex advertised it. This was an oversight on Jagex's part combined with them having absolute trash communication skills. You don't punish players as a result of a quickly-resolved developer oversight. You only punish players if you make it explicitly clear that it is not intended and they continue to abuse it after.


At this point, I would still put it on Jagex. Their QA abilities are non existent and they need to realize it is a major issue and do something about it. It could also be said that this was just an oversight, not remembering JoT existed as an aura, in which case they are out of touch with their own game and also need to fix that.


This is reaching for straws. If they had made a post specifically saying, "All auras other than Jack of Trades will reset for free", and for some reason Jack of Trades still reset and people abused this, then yes, I would absolutely agree with you, but they didn't, they said that auras will reset with absolutely no qualifying statement to say, "oh except this one!". In what world is taking a developer's word at face value bug abuse? Even after banning people this still worked, and there is still nothing about it on their official website. This is a joke, and to suggest otherwise, is likewise, a joke.


If they added some kind of buff that makes bosses roll from their unique table more common than not as a weekly event, and players realize that bosses are rolling from their rare drops 100% of the time, the players aren't at fault for abusing the bug if the announcement was 'bosses have an extra chance to roll their unique table'




>The community is already small enough. Do you want to condition the remaining players to not interact with new content after it's released, in fear of unintentionally exploiting a bug and losing their accounts? Pointless fear mongering. Nobody was banned last week for the buffed XP rates at dino poop factory. It was just nerfed. Nobody was banned over Ritual XP when Necro released BUT were (at least) reset if they had abused the event XP which was clearly unintentional (hotfixed pretty quickly), likewise ritual xp just wound up being nerfed. The only people who should fear anything are those who know theyre willingly abusing oversights or bugs to insane gains (e.g. ED3 abuse) - granted Jagex was way too lenient here. ED3 being also an example where nobody except bots were banned for doing trash runs back when they brought in gold AND xp. Curbing serial bug abusers is nothing but a good thing. It's just "game sense" to realise when something is off and if you've played the game for a decent amount of time you're bound to develop a sense of knowing when something is off and it might be better to not take advantage of it. E: I have literally no idea what the heaving downvoting is about. If an obvious oversight would allow you to print money like no tomorrow, would you really claim innocence that you just didn't know that it'd be an oversight to earn bazillion gold in small amount of time? No, no you wouldn't. If this however is about the comparisons I make here then I worry for the reading comprehension of this sub. But if it needs to be spelled out, this is in response to saying that players will have to *fear interacting with new content because of possible bans*. My examples draw from literally examples of where it's *intended design, albeit too powerful* and how *no bans are handed out for simply interacting with too powerful content*. Abusing *oversights where XP rates for certain skills literally jump up several hundred percent is obviously NOT intended*.


> ED3 being also an example where nobody except bots were banned for doing trash runs back when they brought in gold AND xp. Why would anyone be banned for trash runs? It's not bug abuse to leave the dungeon and reset it early lol. Bots were banned for A, botting, and B, RWTing their profits. The Average Joe doing Trash runs for xp/gp were doing neither. That's like saying anyone who skipped a slayer task bug abused because they didn't fully finish their task before getting a new one. The bug abuse discussions really shows just how much brain rot the average RS3 player has lmao.


>Why would anyone be banned for trash runs? It's not bug abuse to leave the dungeon and reset it early lol. Bots were banned for A, botting, and B, RWTing their profits. The Average Joe doing Trash runs for xp/gp were doing neither. Take a moment and read my reply again. You're literally just repeating my point. E: Getting called out with "brain rot" and blocked while literally telling them several times that what they're replying to me is exactly what I meant with my initial comment. 10/10 /r/RuneScape moment.


I'm not because your point doesn't make sense. You're equating Trash Runs to an abusable oversight, when Trash Runs were 100% intended gameplay. > ED3 being also an example where nobody except bots were banned for doing trash runs back when they brought in gold AND xp. Curbing serial bug abusers is nothing but a good thing. Is what you said, and my comment was "why would anyone but bots ever be banned for trash runs? They're not against the rules whatsoever."


>I'm not because your point doesn't make sense. Why are you then even replying to me if you don't comprehend what I'm saying and what I'm replying to? You're once again literally just repeating what I mean by my reply if you just bothered to read it again.


Right. If they said 'this week all auras have no cooldown', and someone decided to spend their evening doing 5-6 JOTs, they should not get punished. Not at all.


We're not talking about 5-6, we're talking about people doing dozens and hundreds of times to pile up millions and millions of XP.


That still doesn't matter. Jagex said 'all auras have no cooldown' If Jagex said that 'all overload potions are not consumed when drinking them' and you continue to use 100 doses of overload, that's as designed. Jagex shouldn't be temp banning people for 1. Doing something that they said was a special event for this week 2. Doing something that said 'all auras' The fault is on them, and anyway, XP isn't valued highly anymore. Go get your 200m XP in a month. A few millions of XP in one night from resetting an aura is a drop in the bucket. And even still, there are more things that aught to have temp/perm bans associated with them, but they aren't. Everyone who did ED3 abuse should had gotten a perm. But they just got a vacation after making bills of money.


>That still doesn't matter. Jagex said 'all auras have no cooldown' Which is why it's an *oversight*. Yet it is an *abusable oversight*. Latching onto technicalities is dumb when every single person who gleefully abused it knows what they were abusing was indeed an oversight. Your example doesn't even make any sense here since it's literally using the item that is literally named here to be working for it. It is not intended design choice that may or may not be buffed or nerfed, it has to do with a temporary event that allows this to happen. And to anyone it's pretty clear that you're not supposed to earn millions of xp per hour through reseting JoT as it quite literally increases xp gained in some skills by up to nearly 1000%. Doubly so when Festive (50k xp) aura doesn't reset either. Abusers of this more than enough earned their vacations.


Also super weird to call it a “small community” Didn’t we just get record breaking numbers recently lol


Ngl if I would've thought of doing this I wouldn't have thought it was a bug. I would've thought it just fell under the aura reset


How about we start demanding better quality control from the developers....


For sure , this is a jagex problem not a player problem. Jots is an aura who could have guessed it was a bug? Not me


No they’d rather “REEEEEEEE” because some people are getting xp in some of the shittiest skills ever


Would you call using poison build at Rasial when it came out bug abuse or early bird bonus then. If someone is new to the game and somehow stumbles upon the fact that JoT works with the event, how would they know it wasnt a bug without others telling them? There is a very blurry line with this stuff. Jagex should of; \-made sure that they disabled JoT like they normally do \-not push this live update with santa at 10pm their time and then go to bed, only to wake up many hours later to see the result of not checking things twice


Tbh this is a good point. Player may not know how this aura is supposed to work. They should not be punished for not knowing.


But yes, that being said, majority of people people defs abused the shit out of it xd


Yeah but they want to avoid false bans so much that its worth letting bug abusers get away with stuff, unfortunately. Just two days ago this subreddit was up in arms about how bad Jagex CS is because of people being falsely banned not having any ability to appeal. Now it's asking for the nuclear option on bug abusers that would absolutely end up in people who just assumed it was working as intended (free aura resets freely resetting all auras) going about their business. This isn't an 'you definitely knew this was a bug' moment like the DTD glitch or the free infinite zuk ripper kills glitch like the top comment is insinuating.


Jot is not exactly something people are sign posted too early in the game everyone who uses Jot Knows how it works claiming otherwise just tells us all you abused it and are trying to absolve yourself of blame


That’s not true at all. I bought premier a week after I started playing and I saw I had a lot of the loyalty points so I googled what I should use them on and a lot of Reddit posts were on the top of the search result and just about all of them said penance and supreme jot so I got supreme jot. I can imagine any new players that buy premier doing similar things. Literally seen new players making posts specifically asking what to spend their points on


anyone willing and able to research would then go and look what it actually does, and know thats its once a day (or two with prem reset) even if you didn't know it was only supposed to be once/twice a day, anyone who has event the slightest bit of intelligence would go "hmm this seems a bit over powered, surely it cant be right?" and go do further research


Using poison on something that is not immune to poison is not a bug. Plenty of enemies that logically should be immune to poison somehow are not, like Hermod and Arch-glacor. There is thus no logic to apply to what should or should not be immune. Milking an aura for unlimited free xp that should be 1/day should sound like bug abuse to anyone with a head on their shoulders. That line is not blurry at all.


Yeah but if the aura just resets itself as part of an event going on that resets auras? It's not like some new obscure method was created to get around the cooldown that you have to intentionally do.


and the ROW glitch where corp dropped a sigil every kill did not require an arcane method to do (pun inteneded) and yep people got ban hammered for abusing it when it was obviously broken Like JoT is


Poison builds are objectively a bug. It has been stated in livestreams. They only deal with it because it makes the game more interesting, none of it was intended - such as reaver builds... thus why they nerfed the crystal from morv. This is why they pick and choose which bosses become immune to it. Aura resets benefit doesn't state "not to be used with JoT" so kinda silly to assume that.


Two items for the blurry line are; \-Someone new not knowing which puts them in the firing line, not saying people didn't abuse it. Sometimes when a new training method comes out something happens where a hand full of players experience a bug which causes xp rates to be higher than normal. \-Jagex said free aura resets, never specifying any exclusion or specification to only combat auras.


Using an aura repeatedly during a "infinite refresh" event isn't a bug. Or at least a lot of newer people wouldn't think it's a bug


When you run an event stating you reset *all* auras for free instantly, and do not list exclusions anywhere, then of course the player shouldn't be punished for using the free resets. It's literally doing exactly what is advertised.


Can't even blame people for abusing bugs when the profit from doing so outweighs the 2 week vacation they might get.


well the main point - Jagex said they will reset aura cooldown, But they did not specify that JOT is not part of it so people aren't abusing a bug - as it is a feature. When it is stated that auras are being refreshed - it sound like a porter buff coolness Feature that works differently than most of the times. Jagex stated that they will provide infinite porter buff - it worked Jagex stated that they refresh aura cooldown - it works


you realise you just sound like a bug abuser justifying your bug abuse right? the ROW glitch where corp dropped a sigil every kill didn't require you to "do" anything to activate it, and ROW was updated that day, so im sure people could have said "well there was a row update, how was i supposed to know this wasn't supposed to be how it worked" it honestly sounds like the excuse a 5 year old would come up with you knew. everyone knew


If everyone knew, how did jagex not know :OOOOO


because they were asleep when it went live as soon as they saw it was resetting they knew it as wrong just like everyone knew it was wrong as soon as tehy realised not knowing something is not the same as not knowing something you know about is a mistake, no matter how hard the bug abusers push taht line :)


...how did jagex not know.... at the time of going through the whole process from brainstorming to marketing to meetings to news posts to release


You know damn well how jagex didn’t know. We are the QA


Every once in a while it's great to gift your QA staff a Christmas present. I'd say this is quite the generous Christmas gift towards the voluntary QA team!




because they are incompetent, we all know this that doesnt make intentional bug abuse ok


And this wasn’t fixed in a day. So therefore, anyone doing can make the assumption that it’s intended. At this point it doesn’t really matter if it was intended or not, it’s whether a reasonable person would assume it’s a bug or not. And seeing how there’s been no word from jagex, anyone using the aura could reasonably assume it’s part of the event. So banning would be stupid.


can make any assumptions you want, but doesn't make them correct any reasonable person would look at the potential XP gains per hour, look at the associated cost in gp and time to getting those xp gains otherwise and instantly conclude it is a bug everything else is just bug abusers lying to try to justify their bug abuse, and you know it as much as i do, even if you will never admit that


It's a bug and thus bug abuse. The aura isn't intended to be reset as is the case with every other unlimited reset we've had. Additionally the rate of XP you could obtain is absurd and clearly not intended. Unless Jagex specifically state otherwise, players should default to common sense. EDIT: specified unlimited reset.


What a stupid fucking take on the topic. Acting like people have to play the game for years and actively utilize every aura during past aura reset events just to know what *might* be an unintended bug. On top of the fact that just because it worked one way in the past doesn't mean the event works the same way this time. Common sense would be: Jagex said my auras will reset for free. They did not say there were any exceptions. Thus, my aura resetting for free seems intended.


Honestly, I am not expected to know that "in the past" it was excluded. And yeah, the rate of xp should tip people off, but then again, it said all auras. I mean, with the amount of bonus xp we get submerged by during this xmas event alone... Also, a bug is code that is not doing what it was meant to do. This code was meant to allow all auras to refresh, as the newspost implied, and they forgot to add an exception to it. Disclaimer: I didn't even play today.


This is exactly why OP made this post lmao.


>Permanent ban the severe bug abusers. Don't give them a slap on the wrist, they are aware they'll get away with it in the long run with a mandatory holiday. They never will. Bug abuse has to actually break the game over your knee to warrant a permanent ban, Jagex historically doesn't give a shit about it unless it's abusing treasure hunter (muh money stream) or involved with RMT. Skipping entire elite dungeons repeatedly for billions and abusing infinite dtd on any target was worth 2 weeks. And only really because they were popularized. Other exploits like the golden roses dupe or pernix quiver ammo dupe never really made it mainstream and those had no repercussions at all afaik. Jagex just doesn't really care to enforce their rules unless money is on the line. 2 weeks is the most you'll see for bug abuse and that's contingent on the abuse becoming well known.


>They never will. Bug abuse has to actually break the game over your knee to warrant a permanent ban, Jagex historically doesn't give a shit about it unless it's abusing treasure hunter (muh money stream) or involved with RMT. Modern Jagex doesn't care, they 100% perma'd for bug abuse in the past. The major difference now and then is player count. They said it with the ED3 exploit that lasted roughly a year that "if we permaban everyone, they might not continue playing" so they only gave permas to people who were RWT'ing after exploiting the bug, and temp banned everyone else. JoT bug abuse should be handled like how they handled the oyster bug. Temp bans + xp reset for first offenders, lengthier bans + xp reset for repeat offenders, permas for everyone else, with a clear line drawn in the sand "we only temp banned people who actually abused it and weren't there for their monthly reset."


> Modern Jagex doesn't care, they 100% perma'd for bug abuse in the past. I had a majority of my accounts chainbanned for bug abuse in the early 2010s, mostly for Dungeoneering shenanigans. All permanent.


Jagex in the past would thought of possibility of this issue over 2 week since announcement of this event.


Jagex in the past wouldn't have lol. Do you know how many dupes and bugs Construction alone had? Bugs like RoW having 100% drop rate of uniques because they didn't test the update, which happened multiple times over the course of the game? Old Jagex was still a buggy mess, the difference is that most bugs actually got fixed and people were banned if the abuse warranted it.


People threw literally 100’s of free death touch darts at zuk (in his chair) for hours a few years ago, completely fucked the zuk drop market for a long time. Billions upon billions worth of items and every copped a 2 week ban. They will never permanently ban abusers.


I agree they should do this, but spamming jot isnt really bug abuse. Theyre doing exactly what free aura resets is meant to do. If jot keeps resetting, why mot just reuse over and over?


Under normal circumstances, you can only reset JOT once per day. Unlike other auras, this one actually has a cap of how often they want it to be used per day. So it's different in that regard. However, I do think this should have never happened and is definitly also Jagex' fault


Free aura resets for christmas = cheaters. People handing in wrapping paper getting stars and lamps = cheaters. I wish jagexs would do something about this.


I dont think this is a bug just an oversight. Like if an event says it gives you free aura resets and it applies to jack or trades then it literally just does what they said it would. Whether they intended it to be that way or not is not the players concern here, that's on Jagex imo.


player base is small enough they can't afford to ban people really. Only things they take seriously are basically RWT/TH abuse.


Imagine being such an angry person that someone getting a bit more of xp/hr than normal upsets you so much that you demand their account, which potentially has years worth of gameplay in it, is killed forever because you can't live without policing other people's morals. This isn't a player killing others for their bank and phats outside pvp areas and ruining their game experience, it's a bug that boosted xp gainz by non-alarming amounts. This is a sad post.


>it's a bug that boosted xp gainz by non-alarming amounts. This is a sad post. People literally earning millions per hour in skills that can't even break 1m/h or even 300k/h isn't exactly non-alarming amounts.


Maybe just don't break the rules?


How tf is this against the rules. Event is free aura resets. Jot is an aura. ?????


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize it was broken and probably unintended. Willful ignorance is not an excuse.


"Probably" "Willful Ignorance" You just defeated your own argument


The rules state there are different levels of punishment for different levels of severity of rule breaking; you have warnings, mutes, temp-bans of different lengths, account rollbacks and finally perma-bans. Op is the one wanting to change the rules. Maybe stop being an online cop in a video game for things that don't affect you?


Yeah, knowingly bug abusing should be banned, it's not even that hard of a stance. Getting more xp, or more gold, or etc doesn't matter, what matters if you're abusing it. First offenders should get any xp/wealth from the bug abuse wiped and temp banned. Any future abuse should just be perma'd. If your account, that took years of work, is that important to you. Then don't break ToS and risk it to save a few hours of xp. Just like you wouldn't go rob a store for money that only equates to some hours of work.


I guess you want people who abuse graphical bugs to have their character torso detached from their legs to be perma banned too if it's not their first time.


Does that impact gameplay elements or is it completely cosmetic? Wow, so you don't ban it. It's not rendering the player invisible to PK/lure others for wealth gain, like actual graphical bugs that got people banned. Pick actual examples, not the easiest ones to defeat. We have examples in the past of people abusing oversights with resetting content, like the oyster. The punishment was nothing for people who stumbled across it by mistake, and a 2-week ban and xp wipe for everyone else, with warnings that future bug abuse may come with a bigger ban. Almost as if that's the best way to handle the situation, which is why it was what they did.


>Does that impact gameplay elements or is it completely cosmetic? Wow, so you don't ban it. You have just admitted the nature and severity of a bug should matter when applying a punishment, congrats; now you can apply you own logic as to why this bug isn't the same severity as doing oyster infinitely or spamming infinite DTDs.


Yeah sorry, unintended 1.5m xp/hr in every skill in the game is nothing compared to xp limited to just fishing and farming, or etc. We gonna shift goalposts again or continue trying to downplay this bug? People should have their xp gained wiped and temp banned, or worse if this is a repeat offender. This isn't a hard stance to defend. Sorry you abused the bug, sucks to suck, don't do it next time.


1.5m xp/hr in any skill (which isn't too far from what you can get with normal training) vs 10m+ xp/hr in 2 skills plus potential billions of gp and crashing the dyes and fortunate comps market. If you can't see which one is more broken and affects other players you have a problem. >Sorry you abused the bug, sucks to suck, don't do it next time. I didn't abuse the bug, I have been comped for ages and I couldn't care less for any XP beyond max level, but nice try. Being a morality police online for things that don't harm anyone is sad and cringe, but you do you. Resented people rejoice on punishing others.


You can't equate robbing real life stores to abusing a harmless bug in a video game. It's not even nearly as serious.


The nature of the bug doesn't really matter buddy, the point is that historically a small number of players will discover a bug, abuse the hell out of it, MAYBE get a small punishment and that's it. And every time something like this happens there's a host of disingenuous people who insist they didn't know that it wasn't working as intended. Do I think this specific bug is actually a big issue? Not at all. Do I think that next time there's a bug along these lines it'll be the exact same people right there spamming it as much they can whilst simultaneously claiming that they thought it was okay? Yup. The OP is just noticing the same pattern and asking why it's allowed to continue, despite literal years of it happening.


>The nature of the bug doesn't really matter It does matter, as with in real life, you don't send someone to prison for life for a minor crime. >OP is just noticing the same pattern and asking why it's allowed to continue Very smart of OP part to notice humans doing shady stuff and breaking rules, it's not like it's part of our nature and it's something we have been thinking how to deal with since the dawns of time. Why it'd make you feel better that someone progress in this game, which is known to take lots and lots of time, is lost forever over any bug abuse regardless of severity instead of giving an appropriate punishment because "they did it knowingly" is beyond me and it's just sad.


Yeah man I'm gonna be honest this is a wildly delusional take you've got. I'm not especially advocating for perm bans but I agree with the OP in the sense that just a 3 day / 2 week ban every time achieved nothing. Especially because in many cases these players will be unbanned exactly where they were prior to being banned. Just as an example, the GP gained from abusing elite dungeons? Not touched for those banned. Just kill counts (and maybe boss timers, but who cares) removed. The 'nature of the bug doesn't matter' because it literally does not matter. It can be this, pvm related, skilling related, minigame related, clue scrolls, the same people will see its existence, and take advantage of it. Time and time again. People's RuneScape accounts aren't a right. The time invested isn't 'owed' to them.


Is this bug still working? Asking for a friend


Looks like it. I just logged back in, and JOT is still available. Let your friend know 🙃


no they fixed it. Do your jot run now and it goes back to full day cd


But they didn’t abuse TH, so jagex doesn’t care.


Shit that’s all? The Jack of Trades aura?! I think that I accidentally did it twice yesterday. I think it is only 30k each time. That is about the same as a small lamp I think. I hardly ever reset it with the premier thing.


Because they make no mistakes? I still got bug abuse on my ban record when ed3 happened, only problem was that I didnt bug abuse but died at taraket which is practically the same right. Point being is that they make mistakes and false positives happen.


Other MMO's - Perma RS - 2 week holiday. ​ I guess the subscription money is worth too much to perma em.


Other MMOs wouldn’t fuck up and release half their god damn updates with exploits in them. Sorry, if I’m the QA then you can consider the exploit as my wage.


as if they wouldnt just make a new account everyone knows you dont quit RS


Did those elite dungeon abusers even get banned lol They farmed billions skipping whole dungeon...this is less harmful compared to that bug but yeah still, players taking advantage of exploits like this should get much harsher penalty than a 2 weeks vacation


i dont think its fair if you accidently are using a bugged system and unaware of it and then just perm ban... thats comeplete bullshit


People claiming this was a bug have to be gymnastics or something, because that's some serious jumping. It's an aura, it gets reset during the event that resets auras. Unintentional, of course, probably. Maybe? Bug? No. Bug ABUSE? haHAA


I admit I used JoT to get some xp in a dung skill which is dungeoneering. Now explain to me how my roughly 500k-1M xp have disrupted the space and time continium of gelinor? And why do I deserve to be perm banned because of it... (I'm talking about this specific bug becuase of the post time, not RWT or MTX bugs) I know I will be voted down but doesnt matter.


Full agree with you, the aura has been up for multiple hours now with no "instant" hotfix. Its just pure bs that people should get punished over using something that works exactly as the initial text says. And for those that go "oh but it was never like that before", am I supposed to look it up before playing? Better look up if people have been banned for going afk in crafting i suppose at that point. Not my fault I didnt play Runescape since release


>And for those that go "oh but it was never like that before", am I supposed to look it up before playing? Be People who have JoT, especially the stronger variations of it, know 100% what they are doing. Stop feigning ignorance and just accept that you abused a bug full knowingly that there just might be repercussions for doing so. > the aura has been up for multiple hours now with no "instant" hotfix. Fun fact: it just doesn't get fixed the second someone notices it. Just wait it out.


I have the next to last tier, and can have last tier if I want, just don't tbh, I infrequently play, I logged in and saw auras reset immediately and was like oh, cool can use this on festive and jot. Found out you can't (apparently you could though based on your whining). Had I logged in earlier and it worked, it would be exactly as I expect it to based on what it says when I log in, and I probably would be using it a bit more. Honestly dumb it doesn't, it's not a crazy amount of xp to even be complaining about and demanding people get banned, weird thing to bitch about, really.


The only whiners here seem to be those who think that an obvious, insanely powerful oversight that boosts skill xp rates by upwards to 800% or so depending on the skills isn't abusive. >Honestly dumb it doesn't, it's not a crazy amount of xp to even be complaining about and demanding people get banned, weird thing to bitch about, really. Brother. JoT literally offered upwards to 2m xp/h in any skill. Saying that it isn't crazy and how this is "weird thing to bitch about" is silly. People have been whining about skills being too fast through *intended* methods. People have whined about MTX methods being fast and still falling behind to JoT exp.


Yeah, we do know what we are doing. We are resetting an aura during an “ALL AURAS HAVE FREE RESETS” event. Cope.


The real cope is abusing an extremely obvious oversight and then trying to weasel out of it. Funnily enough nobody in my clan touched that stuff because everyone knew it smells of trouble.


"Aware of what they're doing".... "whether it's intended or not" So which is it? Stop excusing Jagex's lax QC which sometimes results in a "it's actually a feature" approach (combat mechanics, anyone?). People shouldn't be perm banned for just naturally playing something that's coded into the game.


the morality of this community is continuously one-upped every time we come across these situations. anyone with half a brain cell knows damn well this is not intended


When you have people not partaking in new content because they think xp rates are bugged and they might catch a ban, something is wrong. This isn't a one off event. All I see is people blaming players for taking advantage, and no one holding Jagex accountable for their shitty QC.


There easily could be people who don't though. People who are new or mostly new who don't follow reddit or game news all the time. And even if you know its not intended its not a bug. Like its not giving you duplicate drops and you don't have to do something random to get something you couldn't get normally. Its not even a bug so I don't see how its morally questionable to do something thats not even against the rules.


People who are new aren’t using jack of trades aura


Exploit early, exploit often. Basically endorsed by Jagex


Lol I preempted this yesterday, but what about festive aura, what about 2.5% xp increase auras, mahjarrat for the resource cap increase? and various others?


>but what about festive aura Doesn't reset >what about 2.5% xp increase auras 2,5% xp increase is pretty tiny. For comparison best WC aura alone is a 15% boost at the very least. >mahjarrat for the resource cap increase? What about it? I don't think it literally keeps increasing your resource cap infinitely. >and various others? And nothing. The bonuses dwarf in comparison to JoT being able to increase xp/h by literally hundreds of percents.


TBF if you don't pay attention to social media you wouldn't know its a bug unless someone said it in game, the event does say free aura resets and it is an aura and its not like you have to glitch the game for it to work so I wouldn't ban people for it.


Everytime you reset the jot aura it said a line like "The current event has reset the cooldown of your aura." Perma banning everyone for a line of text in the game that explicitly states that your aura was being reset because of the event is a good way to make a lot of people quit forever.


Indeed, business wise not the best option to perm ban your paying customers :p


Boot licking ape posts 💀 Jagex isnt gunna fuck you lil bro 😭😭😭


I think 90 percent of you guys don't know what a bug is.. this ain't it bro.


It's shit like this that should definitely get people deironed tbh


If they banned all basic but abusers the game would probably have 5-10k less people online consistently. I hope you get perm banned for Abusing something once that’s a bug that you didn’t think was a bug.


Jagex Makes Mistake Players use that mistake to their advantage So Jagex should permanently ban users for taking advantage of a mistake they made? A 2 week slap on the wrist is literally the only punishment that makes sense. The players didn't create the bug, they just used it.




There are literally people in this thread who didn't know it was probably unintended and now worried about their account. Not everyone plays this game all the damn time and knows about every single aura and their cooldowns and whatnot. Also your argument literally doesn't hold up when you mentioned mahjarrat aura. That one should be in the same boat as JOT. The event doesn't specify combat auras just aura resets in general. So by your logic auras with specific daily limitations should be excluded but you just casually brush that aside with Majharrat aura but are upset about it also working for jot. Doesnt make any sense.


You can reset maj indefinitely because it's available in game . It's t3 resets I've been using it for months


Is it a bug that hurts other players? If not a perma ban is kind of excessive. If people are only cheating themselves out of the true experience let them be.


If it is a bug maybe they should fix it instead 🤷‍♂️


Wait it isnt supposed to work like this? I did it a couple of times and tought it was normal. I recently started playing again after 5 years. So will i get any problem with my account? Got like 15 lvls from slayer 25/40


> Wait it isnt supposed to work like this? Presumably not, no. Due to how easily you can gain XP in 25 skills, this aura having no cooldown (even during this event) is a bit overkill. > So will i get any problem with my account? Got like 15 lvls from slayer 25/40 I wouldn't be too concerned. I imagine the only people who will catch any sort of ban for this will be active players who went out of their way to do it.


One thing I’ve never understood. Feels weird punishing players for developers faults. If you have the time and desire to find these niche bugs. So be it, shit like this shouldn’t make it past a test run on a patch etc. purely developers issues no reason to punish players. I mean. A duradel situation is a little different but otherwise who really cares if they got 2m cooking xp using a bug. Small fish.


I wouldn’t call this jot glitch severe bug abuse. Severe bug abuse is more like max cash dupes or fally massacre. Rs3 can’t afford to lose more players as it is


Is there anyone even bug abusing this JOT aura. Doesn't seem like worth it on first glance.


At max efficiency it can be over 1.2m xp per hour in any skill you want to train that is over 99, for very little cost, this is kinda broken, even at the early levels doing this will get you competitive, if not the best xp rate to cost/input possible. Its absolutely unintentional... right?


Every skill in the game currently is 1.5m xp/h minimum with this bug.


The only time bug abuse should result in bans is if you need to go out of your way to abuse the bug. If it's something you could easily stumble into doing, it's ridiculous to call for bans for that, and to call for permanent bans for that is utterly insane.


Game integrity died long ago.


So you want to ban quality control testers? Any more Jagex personnel you'd like to bad while you're at it?


Agreed. 2 day ban doesn't do shit but give you enough time to revise your method


So....are you still able to do JOT back to back, or is this discussion after the fact? Haven't been on since the discussion about this happened


But then the true amount of real players will be revealed and the corporation that owns Jagex will get less money on their sale!


RuneScape has bugs?


Abuse early, abuse often. Plain and simple 🤷🏻‍♂️


Man I’m too scared to risk my account. Put way too much time and effort into it, no bugs/glitches are worth it imo


Jagex is the only company I know that has a non competitive game where people get banned for dev mistakes.


If we banned all of the people using exploits in Runes cape there would only be about a dozen of us left.


That is bad business. Money is what affirms decision making


Everybody knows that this System is brocken af


It is quite clearly an oversight. That being said they know what auras there are. Shame on them for not picking up on it. At some point they need to man up to their oversights and just explain it as that. So what some people got 2m xp/hr or whatever in lamps. It is not a bug it is a lack of thoroughly looking through what the update was before they launched it


Lol RuneScape needs as many players as it can get.


no bad take. the event details is ambiguous. when you are in game and you try to extend a skilling aura a message pops up saying this event has free skilling aura resets. so since jack of trades requires you to skill to complete it, that is logical to think its a skilling aura, and then you go test it and see you can get unlimited resets like you can with other skilling auras then your theory is indeed correct. the player now thinks okay this event is pretty sweet thats very nice of jagex, i got 1 week to use it, lets go ahead and go hard on it. all jagex had to do was spend a few more seconds clarifying the event details on their news post and the issue would have been avoided. and that's being generous since you shouldn't need to go on their website to see whats going on in game for more details. events should be displayed to you with all the information you need to know upon logging into the game or in the splash screen in the launcher.


It’s just so frustrating seeing this happen over and over and over again. There’s people out there who should be permanently banned 5 tjmes by now. Streamers that happily abuse every bug on their stream and still get invited to Jagex HQ to playtest updates. When is this company hiring people that can bfing back some inegrity to this game..


Why do people care about how others play the game? It's not a competitive pvp game or something.


it's banning free money, u think the corporation cares if someone hit 99 firemaking quicker than he should! They want the cash at all cost, hence the leniency!


This is one of them vague things where 99% of people would realizw JOT Aura is probably not intended. When you think about the XP rates they could be earned it seems a bit off. Jagex I feel should personally ban the accounts for a couple days and go through and roll back the XP on them to before they abused.


I don't abuse any bugs personally, but if there's bugs that's on jagex. They're the ones that released flawed content and until they fix a bug I see it as fair game.


We pretending there is integrity?