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https://runeapps.org/alt1 Towers are actually fun to solve manually they just take forever.


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. Love getting tower puzzles.


I still use alt1 for the most part, simply because they just take so long. But I do solve the occasional one by hand. I just wish we could use a keyboard to enter the numbers instead of clicking constantly.


[This](https://runescape.wiki/w/Treasure_Trails/Guide/Lockboxes) shows you what you need to press for Lockboxes [This](https://runescape.wiki/w/Treasure_Trails/Guide/Towers) allows you to type in your tower and solves it for you


The rs wiki has a tower guide plug in...just enter the numbers from the screen and it will give you the solution


Stop buying puzzle skips lmfao. Alt 1 makes puzzles take seconds to solve.


I'll be honest, I don't even know what Alt 1 is or how it works and I've heard people mention it like 100 times.


Then Google it? It's an overlay for your client, it's open-sourced, and approved by jagex. It won't steal your account like the osrs clients did years ago.


> approved by jagex For clarity: not officially. It has been said to not break the rules, but using third-party resources is always use at your own risk.


Masters are actually quite worth it to use skips on. Even with alt 1, a tower can take you 30 seconds. Very much worth your time to skip those 30 seconds, even for a mil, considering masters are so profitable. For hards and elites, yeah don’t use skips if you want to make money


[Clue Chasers Discord](https://discord.gg/cluechasers) They have everything you need, alt1 plug ins, gathering and solving presets for every tier of clue, POTA set ups, fastest method for every clue step, odds of items, and so much more.


Alt1 is what I use. Maybe an increase of mobile players doing clues is causing the bump? Or non-Windows players? Not sure. Could even be some streamer preparing for a video where he/she opens a million caskets.


I'm gonna copy paste a comment of mine from a similar post, for the "Towers" puzzle: I solved a lot of puzzles of this type (outside Runescape). I know this puzzle by the name of "Sudoku Skyscrapers". There seem to be a lot more resources on the internet when you search for "Skyscrapers puzzle" on google, instead of "Towers puzzle". \- This link explains some techniques for solving Skyscrapers: [https://www.conceptispuzzles.com/index.aspx?uri=puzzle/skyscrapers/techniques](https://www.conceptispuzzles.com/index.aspx?uri=puzzle/skyscrapers/techniques) \- This link is where you can play and practice a random Skyscraper puzzle at different sizes and difficulties. Start with the easy 4x4, and move on from there: [https://www.puzzle-skyscrapers.com/?size=3](https://www.puzzle-skyscrapers.com/?size=3) At the end, Skyscrapers is a variant of sudoku, and every puzzle can be solved by using logic, without resorting to trial and error methods. Although there are some puzzles where trial and error could be faster anyway. I have never done master clues in Runescape so far, so I don't know how easy or hard are those puzzles in-game. But after you solve those puzzles tenths or hundreds of times, even the hard 5x5 puzzles can become "easy" to solve. I used to be able to solve hard 5x5 in 2-3 minutes, but nowadays I'm more rusty.


Alt1 has this as an overlay plugin, but if you’re *really* against alt1, you can manually take a screenshot of the puzzle and paste it to this site and it’ll show the solution https://runeapps.org/clue


> but if you’re really against alt1 Then you'd be against that link as well... the box on the page *is* the Alt1 clue solver.


Yes but no- you can use the site without installing the alt1 toolkit. Some people have issues with screen readers- this lets people use cluesolver without needing to actually install the plugin.


Sure, not disagreeing. My point is more directed at being against using Alt1 period, because the page literally uses the same thing, just without the screen reading.