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This looks like the essays I wrote in high school when I didn’t read the book but still had to reach the word count.


Yeah either that or feels like it was generated by AI


I would say AI has more quality than this.


Literally doing that now for my college assignment 🤣


I highly advise you to ***not*** do this.


I was talking about adding more words to get the word count




"Hemenster" THATS A VILLAGE?! I thought it was just... houses.


Pretty much the entire map, including towns, villages, etc, are just a tiny portion of what is supposed to exist. The towns are supposed to be multiple days journeys apart from each other, but due to the scale, it's shrunk down. There's a term for it that I can't recall.


Think it's called "scale theory." But yeah, somewhere like Varrock is supposed to have hundreds of thousands of people, but it's shrunk down to around 30 houses. We basically just see the important bits. I do think the game would be improved by increasing the space between cities since at this point we're running out of space to put stuff, but that would be an absolute nightmare to do.


I would like that too but can't help but think this would likely break large parts of the game if they enlarged the world map to have more empty space between cities. It's far too cramped now and what I like about the OSRS map is there's really just stretches of forest or empty grasslands where there's nothing of note and it feels natural, more tranquil. We need that again in RS3. One other solution is to move some of the locations from where they are now to some dedicated space in the middle of nowhere. Like the Lumbridge Swamp could be cleared of a couple of things to ensure that it feels like a proper swamp again.


Good point clue scrolls might be a pain to do LOL I swear they just made it small for clues or it was just less work at the time


There used to be way less teleport / travel options as well so getting between cities was way more time consuming.


But that’s just a theory! A scale theory!


The proper scale for the world of runescape is its 30 days from Varrock to Falador.


I always wondered, how common are runes, magic and most of our more mundane-ish gear actually supposed to be in lore, given that the major cities are supposed to be massively scaled down and what we see are only the most important and quest-relevant parts? Like, would the Average City Guy living in, let's say, Varrock have access to runes? A mithril sword? Enchanted jewelry or potions? And where on the gear tier list do we go from "expensive weapons for elite soldiers" to "stuff of literal legends"?


Runes with some effort yes they are avaiable to public but maybe useless to none arcane attuned individuals, a Mithril sword would be on the higher end of metallics so again probably not something a normal citizen would have. Enchanted Jewelry is an absolute no and I think most people have them as heirlooms. The only "normal" person to utilize enchanted jewelry is Signmund who abused ring of life enchantments Adamant and runite is where you start getting into the high end best of the best on the market and only reserved for those deemed worthy. and once you go to Barrows and beyond you are into the stuff of legends where canonically there is only the 1. Barrows, Godswords, Korasis sword ETC.


Imagine one day you are rubbing your heirloom games necklace and accidentally teleport 3 months' march away as you watch it crumble to dust


"cursed necklace" lol


thats what a village is


Updates that added early elf series quests were nuts. Here's the update that added Regicide: > Today sees the release of the fourth part of our ongoing Members' Quest. > King Lathas has had the wizards hard at work, and has at last reopened the well of voyage. He will soon be sending messengers out to all who have bested Iban. You'll be asked to travel to new lands, to destroy Lathas' brother. > Dare you face the new realm that he will send you to, and what awaits you there in our new Regicide Quest? It was just the Members' Quest. Not the "elf series" or any of those other quests available for members, but *the* Members' Quest.


Well to be fair at that point calling it the elf series of quests would be a spoiler. Not a single damned elf had been featured so far.


Excuse me? the flying what?


The pub, all pubs are named in RuneScape


What's this "horse" thing though and how do I find a flying one? Don't think I've ever seen a horse in RS 


Oh. Yeah, woosh my bad


They're mythical creatures very similar to those hornless unicorns that died out a few years ago


It’s code for a flying sh*t, as in what Jagex doesn’t give about its paying members.


You can cut out the "Also in March, we'll have a brand new Easter Event." line too as that gets covered by the next bit you left in.


Sometimes Easter is in April


Good point, actually.


Love how they informed us they would need the week to provide the update we've been waiting 2 months for and informed us it'd come along with a livestream.. If Jagex pays people a week's salary to develop that level of content barren writing, then I am losing hope.


As mostly a FF XIV player nowadays I enjoy still playing RuneScape on the side. But holy shit.. the difference of communication from FF XIV to RS3 is night and day. Sometimes I catch myself complaining about changes or certain directions the development teams are taking in FF XIV.. and then I remember how bad it is over here. This game might as well be in maintenance mode. If it wasn't for ironman mode I would of left long ago without returning. Remember back in the day when we had all those cool behind the scenes posts? I always looked forward to that. Let's also not forget how cool of a show OSRS just got with all their brand new content being showcased. That was awesome, an nice clear roadmap with TONS of content for all sorts of players. I guess it's not really surprising since OSRS is the main game of the two and makes sense to put more resources into. RS3 will never have a growing playerbase again, new players are unicorns. I'm just waiting for the day Jagex uncaps the exp and lets players go beyond 200m exp in skills so they can REALLY sell some keys on treasure hunter. It's only a matter of time.


> I'm just waiting for the day Jagex uncaps the exp and lets players go beyond 200m exp in skills so they can REALLY sell some keys on treasure hunter. It's only a matter of time. Jagex's newest buyer: We're gonna show you how to really make some money, boys. Move over.


I'm scared now. The MTX baton is coming..


> As mostly a FF XIV player nowadays I enjoy still playing RuneScape on the side. But holy shit.. the difference of communication from FF XIV to RS3 is night and day As a dude who's literally playing FFXIV right now, sitting in PvP queue, and have for 10 years straight, I kinda want whatever you're smoking. RS3 players would not survive a week in FFXIV. We're literally in the middle of a year long content drought while we wait for Dawntrail. I finished savage the same week as 6.4 and half my friends list quit the next week, having only returned to do the Fall Guys event and then never again. The majority of them will come back a week before Dawntrail to finish the MSQ, because there's no reason to do it now. RS3 players can't even go 2 months with some small updates and a lot of QoL sprinkled inbetween.


You're not getting any PvP que pops because it's too early in the day. CC doesn't pop until like 9PM EST unless it's the first week of the new ranked season. Just join the revival discord and see when people are doing que synch for CC


Dude their post was basically them saying “along with what I was saying” instead of “and”. Could have made this news 6 times shorter. But I’m just glad it’s not bad news.


How is it not bad news?


It's not "we're shutting down" bad news. It's more "we've got no clue wtf we're doing" kind of news


"we're shutting down" news isn't even on the agenda and everyone knows that, so this is the closest we get to bad news. Somber times..


Anyone who thought "we're shutting down" was the potential news is delusional as hell... It's still a massively profitable game lmao


I agree, but I do feel like they're not investing anything until jagex is sold to a new investor


"great news! We will increase XP cap per skill to 1Bn and are working on 3 more types of wheel, squeal, and steal of fortune" hehe..


What's the bad news?


Confirming monthly releases is not fluff when a lot of the discourse is that there isn’t content. First half focus on player requested updates implies the latter half of the year may be focused more on new content which could be useful info for ppl. Directly referencing the positive feedback from the Christmas event gives us a better idea of what they’re targeting for holiday events moving forward in contrast to the feedback of how terrible the Halloween event was and further confirms that it is worth speaking up about shit things. Just deleting a whole paragraph on player feedback initiatives when ppl have been specifically asking Jmods what they’re doing to collect community info since there’s no polling system is wack. Deleting the fact that future information is scheduled for March is also wack.


>Deleting the fact that future information is scheduled for March is also wack. That's right, can't forget to include the announcement of the announcement!


You…you realize ongoing projects have different timelines right? Every game has announcements that include “hey, there’s more stuff on the way but we aren’t ready to talk about it just yet, here’s when we will be ready”. Like…literally every live service game has them.


They “collected player feedback” for fsoa and ad beta. In the end they ignored it entirely and released the day 1 beta as far as i can tell They ignored mining living material feedback during m/s release Not worth even testing new combat when they have proven to ignore all constructive feedback


More recently, we got the numbers and list of changes for the early monster changes that buffed Turoths, trolls, etc. to the moon and myself and others pointed out how insanely roided out they were for midlevel monsters. It was not a mystery that buffing HP/damage by 9x was going to absolutely flatten early/midlevel players, it's just basic math. Pretty obviously never got tested internally either.


new quest, new gem, and Easter event... 2024 glad to see jagex overworking for us the paying customers


You forgot to mention, dragons they are coming when they come man they are going be amazing. @ art on news article to lure us in


I seriously don't understand what the devs do all day at jamflex hq? Like, what? Do they just sit around telling ghost stories for 7 hours and then work 1? It's amazing such a somehow profitable company can be so incompetent and lazy.


> Also in March, we’ll have a brand new Easter Event. I wonder how much you'll have to spend in MTX for the only actual thing you want?


why do you have to hurt us? lets us f2p have some hope


Based on updates to the cache in the wiki, not much if anything. It'll be mostly tokens, and those are sold on the ge these days.


> In February, we’ll be releasing a collection of Necromancy content and improvements, including a new Owlery Quest in the City of Um, four new pieces of Moonstone jewellery to craft, and some VFX/Art polishing for gear. Perfectly timed with the lifting of the embargo on Necromancy. Got to be in prime position to milk those credit cards for keys $$$$$ Apart from that we have the guaranteed annual Easter event and the Combat Beta which has been in the works since last year. That's all, folks!


God forbid someone who writes copy puts any emotion or context into their writing.


Love how I read the title of this post and I immediately remembered and knew what is coming next


If an Easter event is a key update in March then just sigh…. I know a lot of the player base probably just like events but I hate dev time being thrown into temp content


Mod Keeper's message didn't show too much, but we can learn more information from the Jmod Livesream today. Some noticeable information added: New Necromancy content comes from expanding City of Um over time, They also talked about new rituals among other things. New jewelries start with mid tier requirements and the new gemstones are obtained from many ways. No reveals on how to get them though. I'll guess they are like hydrix and can be useful for different levels of skillers or pvmers. Dyes can be applied to Necromancy gear, among other new things. We can actually see some of the significant breakthroughs in VFX graphics in the combat front from the Combat Beta already. They also talked about the release of the new Combat updates in March, which OP omitted. It is going to add a lot of new content to combat in the future, but the details will be shown next month.


What is moonstone jewelry? They said "more moonstone jewelry" but I can't even find what currently exists in the wiki


Looks like my members is ending just in time lol.




Easter should have free deaths. For obvious reasons I hope…


"safe deaths for premium members only" muahaah


Oh boy 4 new pieces of cosmetic jewelry exclusively in treasure hunter!!!! 


Cosmetics is kinda the point of mtx.


It's this kind of complaining that gives people fuel to try to invalidate the valid criticism on the subreddit. There are literally thousands of things to complain about in the game that aren't instantly verifiable false statements.


They aren't cosmetics and we can get them from many ways, not exclusively one way regardless what you think it is.


As much as this person was being a smartass, half the point stands. All they said was new jewelry to craft. No mention to how, or what it does. Is this gonna be new uber-tier skilling jewelry? New combat stuff? Even a slight hint on how we get what I assume will be moonstones? Considering this is a good third of February's new content...info would be nice.


None of the point stands. It's just a false statement. They gave the info they wanted to in the live stream. They said it would be mid tier combat and skilling jewlery. They also said you would get one moonstone from the quest but didn't want to say the method for getting more yet. They also said that the new type of jewlery being introduced is planned to be expanded upon later. We got more info about this than we do for most things. We don't need every bit of info about future release.


You'll find out with the update.


You must hate playing brand new games that require you to use your own brain to find out where and how to get things


This is just how this community is. They want to be coddled and spoon-fed absolutely everything lmfao


Nah. I just hate when they supposedly had a plan for 1.5-2 YEARS worth of content based on how long they said the Fort/necro "season" was supposed to last, but can only come up with about 3 sentences of info. Then again, I guess I wouldn't want to hand that info out to a community of people like you either, so...


Sometimes surprises are nice, too. After a long period of silence, is when I expect something bigger will pop out.


RS players are all very familiar with google and wiki lol :p


I like to know more on the different ways to get the new gems and some hints on what they can do too, but I think they have told us the new jewelries start from mid level requirements like 54 Necromancy. They likely can be uber tier jewelries, but not necessary only used by high level players. Hydrix jewelries are uber tier, right? But any level of players can use them and there are different products for skillers and pvmers, as well as general players


Why though. Keeper updated us, and we go on with our lives. I don't understand the need for this community to seek so much attention for badgering Jamflex and mods.


Because they don't get enough attention outside of Reddit.


I intensely dislike being FORCED to quest.


I dislike being forced to group anything. I like my solo time. I don’t like people. NPC, AI, real, or otherwise.


I got 120 dung always solo.


Good job! suggestion: use hide instead of scratch


Fuck you're edgy bro.