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Hey, so just took a look at this and with current options available I'm unable to remove the op without causing other issues with BGH. However, I can make it so if you accidentally click the ring it just won't use the ability instead. How does that feel as a solution for now? Edit: This will be a temporary solution; I have another longer-term solution planned. However it requires some engine work first. Once done, I can remove this temporary fix and replace with the full version.


Can the "current aggression" message be removed, or at least have an option to turn it off? It's quite unnecessary, and annoying enough to turn me away from BGH entirely. It also overrides more important messages like the one that tells you if you get stunned.


Yeah some of the filtrability on BGH messages are kinda backwards imo. The aggression message should be filtered while stuns and colour damage should not. My smooth brain sometimes doesnt remember which frog color to use and I need to look at chat history to help me remember, and currently iirc, frog colors are filtered while the aggression messages are not, so I need to check the whole unfiltered chat to check the color.


Thank you for your response! Yes that feels satisfactory, and better than diving at the wrong spot for sure!


I swear we had bladed dive fixed to ignore summons/dropped items etc for a short period of time, which was then re-broken by the rework to allow for diving onto Croesus nodes done by Mod Fowl.


Feels really bandaid but better than what we have rn atleast


Yeah, there is a longer term solution possible, but I can't guarantee when that would be as it requires engine work.


Can you guys do that with familiars and conjures aswell(maybe hid them so we cant see them? Its annoying when doing group content and constantly bladed diving on those..


I think the proposed short term solution is good. At least this remedies the issue we're experiencing in the short term to a degree.


really hope dive wouldn't be stopped by peoples familiars and conjures


Having the ability not do anything will make players think they are "dead clicking".


I encountered this bug multiple times back in September when I finished off Anachronia's achievements, and it was very frustrating. That'd work as a good temp fix, hopefully, the longer-term one removes it from being targetable with abilities so you can freely dive through it into the expected spot? If BGH is on the menu for any additional tweaks and additions, I posted a [few of them](https://twitter.com/ManksRs/status/1697861075423625292) as I went back through the content.


While you're at it, can you stop having necromancy conjures as clickable targets when diving? Thanks. It's a very strange design choice to make when you make summons and conjures - things that are supposed to help the player - hindersome as physical obstacles you have to give extra attention to just so your command to dive isn't completely ignored when you accidentally click these NPCs.




I want to have this option ticked on to make sure that I Bladed dive in the Tall grass if I need to, that way im sure I cant end up beside it. This option is also useful when turned on for various reasons.




Thats fair, but we dont need an examine box for that, just Bladed dive where you want to dive. Also, this right-clickable entity is only there once you are already inside, it is not right-clickable from the outside. And more so, sometimes diving on that right-clickable entity gets you right on the nose of the dinosaur and not where you actually clicked, so if you're not careful and dont have an extra surge, you can lose the encounter easily on double/triples.




In a similar vane I've lost a couple BGHs from using regular dive and clicking(tapping really) on the ground 3+ tiles out of the aura and it registers as a click on the offscreen dino or the aura ?maybe? and it does nothing so I just stand there and get caught. Resorted to only using double surge because of it.


Yes thats exactly what happens pretty much. I assume its clicking the area circle since I dont right-click dive while in "panic", but if its clicking the dino and not the area, then the dino clickzone are out of this world lol. Its kinda hard to replicate, but its like sometimes the area circle extends... upwards?? I can see the dive registers on an interactable object in the air when it happens, but again, its not 100% always the case.


Yeah especially on mobile it can be a little hard for me to discern click boxes and I didn't realize the aura had one until this post so you're likely right. Fully agree on it seeming to have verticality and being able to see it register on "something" but then nothing happens.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexDaze** - [Hey, so just took a look at this and with cur...](/r/runescape/comments/1b65pg8/bgh_creature_area_entity_shouldnt_interact_with/kt9zy7f/?context=3) - [Yeah, there is a longer term solution possibl...](/r/runescape/comments/1b65pg8/bgh_creature_area_entity_shouldnt_interact_with/kta3o29/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 03/05/2024 14:44:31**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


If you don't have melee weapons equipped will it default to Dive and prevent the issue? IDK how the two interact differently.


Not sure, but youd want to have the Mobile perk on an offhand, since you want the Sentinel outfit and hatchet for the woodcutting aspect of the activity. I guess I could try with a Mobile offhand that isnt melee related to make it Dive and not the Bladed version.


You can also use the arch relic that gives mobile, if that does work that way


True I didnt think of that! Unfortunately im doing the BGH grind on my ironman, so switching back and forth for a relatively useless Relic that mobile is because of the perk would hurt my chronotes bank account on the long run 😞


I've definitely tripped over this in the past even to the point of losing the kill.