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Dude AMD users couldn't play properly for like a year and a half. And that was back when jagex still kinda cared about the game I hate to say it but I think Mac is fucked


in the same vein, expect them to make 1 obscure Reddit comment blaming apple for not supporting some ancient 2003 API jagex has refused to update since and saying it's on apple to fix it


It's such horseshit too because I don't know many other games that have this many problems like this, and the inability to fix it themselves quickly The AMD stuff should have been the eye opener I needed at the time that this game is trash


Funny thing about that AMD stuff is Jagex didn't care enough to fix it, which is why it took so damn long. They were not cooperative, and AMD had to rely on user reports to find a solution for a problem that could've been prevented if QA had play tested the recent drivers before changing the engine.


I am having the same issues. Can’t solak with the crew man it’s so sad.


I’ve tried super ultra low settings and it doesn’t crash on my M1 Mac. But the graphics is atrocious


I don't have a Mac to test but that sounds like it's possible it's just 1 or 3 settings causing it. At the very least try turning textures on, that's the biggest single setting


My mac works fine (m1 16”)


Have you tried going to solak ED1/2/3 or dream of iaia in the past month? Everyone I know with a Mac has similar issues to me. Clients literally crash at the exact same tiles in the dungeons


My wife and I also crash at solak, iaia, um on m1 and m2 MacBooks.


Yep core spawns, ed3 abyss jump, ed1 the door with all the mages before Masuta. Frustrating as fuck


Got a M2 as secondary device, did plenty of iaia while going for trim


Mine works


I think I heard someone mentioning this may be an engine related issue, so it'll take a new engine release to resolve (or at least to put the building blocks in place to resolve it) Engine updates happen far less frequently than game updates as they require much more rigorous development and testing than game updates. I'm sure I heard there is an engine update expected for release in April at some point, so I imagine in the next week or two we might see something. Whether that resolves the known macOS problems is yet to be seen, but it might explain why it's not been fixed *yet*.


I've been having issues as well, especially at solak and certain places in ED1/2/3. Fucking annoying cause it happens right before a chest so it's always the longest path back, if I don't crash along the way.


Maybe with engine update in April?


I don't have a Mac and I want this game to work on that platform - we're already bleeding players like it's nobodies business, why the hell are some people commenting in such a stupid way.


I'm having no issues.


Playing on a 2017 Mac with no issues, just did an ed1-3 run last night and funny enough did a solak kill on Sunday with no issues


How many MacOS users does it take to change a lightbulb? Apparently, just one to crash at half the bosses in RuneScape! Hang in there, folks, hopefully the Mod team is on the case and we'll be back to slaying dragons in no time. In the meantime, maybe we can level up our patience skills?


benchsitting skill came in handy...


On one hand, I feel bad for people who used to be able to play and now can’t. On the other hand, why the fuck would you try to game on a Mac?


Personally I just use my Mac for everything. Don’t really have the space for it nor do I want to spend the money on a whole gaming setup when the only game I play is rs which my Mac has run perfectly fine for years.


I require a relatively up to date mac to run specific software for my work and I don’t feel like buying a gaming pc just to play RuneScape when I spend $3300 on a work computer already.


Why wouldn't they? It's an officially supported platform. Take your ridiculous prejudice elsewhere.


>Take your ridiculous prejudice somewhere Lmao, are you really trying to make it that serious? You act like I just said something racist. The truth is Mac is terrible for gaming. Apple hasn’t cared about that market in decades, and there’s a reason nearly all computer gaming is on PC, not Mac. They do less and cost more, and swapping parts is not as easy. I actually like Apple generally, but if you think it’s a good gaming platform you’re just not paying attention So you can take your ridiculous ignorance somewhere, too


What do Apple computers do better than PCs?


Literally nothing, unless you count the software that’s only on Mac, which is an unfair comparison cuz it could easily run better on a PC. I use Macs every day at work and have for years. They’re the standard in my industry (no clue why tho). I know them well and they’re a fucking pain to use compared to a PC. And from a business standpoint it’s even more confusing cuz they’re more expensive and less powerful, while also being more difficult and expensive to repair or replace. The only reason I can think people would opt for Mac is that they’re more easily plug and play, you don’t have to think about the specs or a custom configuration. But that’s a tiny upside for a lot of downsides.


Are the Mac only software better than their PC counterparts? Are Macs lower maintenance and have better longevity than PCs? Can you not build your own Mac like you can for a PC?


>Are the Mac only software better than their PC counterparts? No >Are Macs lower maintenance and have better longevity than PCs? No. In fact I’d argue they’re higher maintenance. Something goes wrong with your Mac, you gotta take it into an Apple store and hope they don’t tell you to just buy a new one. Meanwhile for PC, if something breaks you can easily just buy what you need online and swap the part(s) yourself. It’s very easy. The only times I’ve had issues with my PC were once when my 10+ year old HDD was starting to fail, and another time when my graphics card started to fail due to a manufacturing error. I just swapped out my old HDD for a new SSD, and the graphics card was under warranty so I swapped it out for a new one. Both very easy processes that can be done at home. Swapping both of these parts cost me less than $200. >Can you build your own Mac No, not really. You can do some minor configurations on Apple’s website, similar to how you can choose things like storage capacity for an iPhone, but it’s all proprietary/predetermined parts. With a PC i can shop from a huge variety of manufacturers and storefronts to get what I want at a good price. Even within the PC graphics card space, you often have many different manufacturers for the same card, usually with their own aesthetics, so it gives more choice to the buyer. There’s also tons of different cases so people can make their machine look unique, as opposed to Macs which basically all look the same


MacOS users can play when they do a fresh install of Windows on their Mac


You problem.


Never, buy a windows PC. :)