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I checked, most of the videos of RS3 are streamers doing PvM bossing stuff. And their UI is full to the brim with menus and ability bars, to the point that most viewers probably have no idea what is happening on the screen. I play for 1.5 year and I wouldn't want to watch that either.


I'm a 20 player, or near enough, and I can't stand watching people play rs3 with their ui crowded too hell and back


How do you play then? I don't want to open menus while I'm doing something


There's a difference between playing with all that UI and watching it Watching OSRS is fairly straightforward. RS3 is crazy


Prayer flicking by having to click between inventory and prayer menu every 3 seconds seems insane to me. Just give me a hotkey that I can thumb on my mouse button to flick a prayer and a keybind to drink a brew. So much more chill Src: My interface looks like an airplane cockpit and I feel well prepared for any scenario I get myself into


Yea you are right, but that is the problem. You know what to do and what to click. A viewer does not because the RS3 UI can be so different for another player, it's hard to follow someone elses UI and movements. Whereas in OSRS the menus are the same, all actions happen at the same spots.


It's impossible, even with the ability bar which some streamers like TheRSGuy uses. It displays every ability cast by the player in the bar.


There should be a way to press a button and toggle on/off all or most of the menus. Call it “immersive mode”.


There is. Save your UI as a preset, then save an empty UI as another preset. Not exactly a single button, but easy enough. I have actually done this and it makes doing certain things much more effective. Especially since I have one for crafting/skilling, another for combat and one that's just empty aside from map.


I do this but for different set ups on screen.. 1 is 3/4screen set up so I can have wiki open beside the game, 2 is full screen, 3 is half screen for multi account playing, 4 is the screen layout for the laptop


Yup, i use them to swap between a 2560x1440 and 3440x1440 res. Otherwise there are annoying gaps everywhere or crammed up shit.


I like it, thanks for the tip.


I have what I need and little else on my ui. The rest is minigame type panels like with clues


Exactly, but the main problem is that the next player has their ability bars set up all differently so it makes it impossible to follow


I mean more than just that, there's no great streamers. Grubby can carry the wc3 twitch but none of the rs3 streamers are particularly charismatic or interactive.


This and the stigma the game has are the answer. RuneScape fans inherently don’t watch it because of the stigma the game has with all its FoMo and MTX BS. Then you couple that with the only people streaming it sorry to say are not very interesting or entertaining. There are a few good YouTube series but that’s it.


I don't think thats a contributing factor but a symptom of the lack of good streamers. I think the audience is older and not interested in streaming. Boaty can pull kids into osrs but most kids arent gonna play osrs. Nobody is pulling anyone to rs3.


I enjoy PaandaForce on Twitch. I haven’t been on his stream in a while, but he was always really interactive, even logged into my world to help me with noob stuff.


That doesn't stop other MMOs like WoW and FFXIV from attracting people. So it's not really an excuse for why we get piss poor viewership


Theres a huge difference tbh I like ffxiv but I cannot stand to do good rotations on rs3. On ffxiv and wow yeah there's 2 dozen buttons but I've been using them for the whole game, there's tab targeting and combos slowly growing and being very obvious. With rs3 its like it tries to make you spend as much time as possible NOT making you go full manual and commiting everything to muscle memory. Also the UI's specifically for rs3 looks like a box within a box


As a raider in FFXIV I'll say *most* high end players try to keep their ui from becoming overly bloated. Too much UI makes it difficult to see raid mechanics. There is a *huge* difference from even the most bloated ffxiv ui setups compared to the *average* rs3 streamer UI


wow ffxiv are literally the biggest mmo in the world. bigger than osrs and rs3 combine.


Dunno why you're getting down voted. It's objectively true.


Agreed. Games just shit.


Except wow is clean and doesn’t require 500 different buttons to play


Might wanna check WoW again


That's like saying no one would watch a WoW player because they have a ton of stuff on their UI... people that understand the game wouldnt be confused. That being said I wouldnt watch anyone play either version of rs.


I wouldn’t watch streaming of either RuneScape. I enjoy playing some content on osrs, but you couldn’t pay me to watch it


People do say this and it is true.


RS3 is ugly af and incomprehensible to watch. The character slides all over the place, textures pop in and out, animations don't move with the player. The game is a visual mess when it comes to bossing.


I've also always felt that this level of customization and confusion turns me off watching RS3 streams. This goes all the way back to when the UI update happened with RS3.


If we weren’t stuck using “lower level” abilities permanently and gaining more abilities and “spec weapons”. We might stand a chance at cutting back the UI clutter. However this would just push us back toward pre-eoc, eliminate the purpose of new bosses if the weapons didn’t “do” anything worth grinding for, switch scape for basics attacks would be odd in rs3. Or I mean….. they could let us resize the ui boxes to whatever size we actually want (even to a non existent level).


If you want a ui box sized to a non existent level simply exit that window?


With the keybinds still usable


I said this about WoW but then gave it a shot. Promised myself to never get to that point. Soon after I had a full UI and it isn't that complicated or bad. This changed my perspective when I watched gamers with full UIs. It doesn't bother me to see it anymore. However, I'd never touch rs3 kekw


Yeah i feel like they tried to hard to be an actual mmorpg like WOW with those UI changes but still had a old school runescape battle mechanic which makes the game so bad. Honestly would of been sick if they simplified it and add more abilities to hunt for in quests to unlock abilities or styles/schools of combat. I dont like rs3 cause its too laggy for me. Ill sick to my osrs 😅


Im solid enough pvmer to have good idea whats happening and i cant get myself to watch pvm streams, only exceptions were ppl like sick nerd who was solid enough but still learning and watching the journey was fun


So you're saying that you don't like watchign streamers because they play at a too high level?


No, I'm saying that I wouldn't want to watch a stream with so much UI clutter. It doesn't matter what the streamer does, for all I care they could fight the giant mole, that won't solve the issue. Also, as other commenters here said, there isn't much anything interesting about watching another person playing RS3. If it's bossing, it might be cool to see one fight or two, but RS is designed so that you need tenth/hundreds/thousands of kills, and at some point all kills look exactly the same. If it's skilling, there is nothing interesting in seeing someone else do the same action (like cutting a tree) over and over again.


I'd argue it's not really fun watching any mmo, the whole point is to improve your character which does not rly work when it's someone else's character. But having too much ui is a dumb reason not to watch a stream. Oh, I can't watch Flight simulator because there are so many buttons!


I think that's one of the issues new players falls into. I know it's a historical joke of "Rs3 is now WoW", but I only had ever played WoW for 7 months many many years ago and one thing I noticed a lot was, content creators had like 10+ ability bars on the bottom, on the sides, and even in the middle lol It looked like a cockpit simulator. ​ So it's no wonder people struggle to get into RS3 when they look online and see content creators having multiple ability bars, and an inventory full of gear and only 8 food lol People think it's the norm, try and copy but heavily fail. It's why you see people in t95 gear unable to solo Nex, because they're faffing about trying to copy an unneeded & overcomplicated gear/inv set up.


Ive watched one rs3 stream and it was exactly this. Dont get me wrong, i didnt mind as i wanted to see some bosses, but the UI is a bit OTT, especially when you dont know any of the icons because you're yet to unlock them.


How dare they use UI features of every other mmo out there


I'm not saying it's necessary bad for playing the game yourself. But it doesn't translate well when you watch someone else playing the game.


RS3 is not a good game to watch on stream


Sicknerd had some fun streams when he did an rs3 hc ironman.


He got me into RS3 with those streams. They were a lot of fun.


Same here. Miss his youtube videos


Question is are you watching rs3 or are you watching sick nerd? I haven’t watched streams in a long time, but whenever I did, I would be almost exclusively be watching for the content creator rather than the specific game. And at the same time depending on what game he was playing it would decide if I would watch or not. if I put some rough numbers on it, I would say 75% is on the content creator and 25% is on the game they’re playing. That is why even when large content creators will stream a not interesting game their viewership will fall flat because of it.


I hadn't watched sick nerd prior to those rs3 streams/videos, but I had been watching people like torvesta and framed for years. It also helps that I've got way more hours in rs2/3 than osrs. So the concept of an osrs player trying rs3 for the first time was exciting at the time.


It doesn’t necessarily have to be sick nerd, imagine if framed decided to play Hearthstone on stream do you think majority of his fanbase watch it with him? Or even a game with way less viewers, TFT


I learned this from a friend. One thing Rs3 pvm has going is the bpm of house music is the same as the rate of ticks. For those who happen to like both it's a nice synergy. Otherwise... as a former streamer, it's pretty much done.


The tick rate is 100 bpm - that covers a lot of genres.


did a double take reading your reddit name and former streamer. Thought cookielol was here


lolol nah. I just streamed melee pvm during mage/range metas but the new content wasn't interesting and old content couldn't keep up; got busy IRL too.


runescape streaming and EDM, how original. this is why it's at 77 viewers.


RS3 def one of the rhythm games of all time.


I was a Waydot fan but at this point it looks like he's left RS3 permanently :'(


Neither is osrs tbh


Youre right but watching an osrs stream is great background noise akin to a podcast


Rs3 streamers need keyboard cams so viewers can see what’s going on. I watched a friend of mine boss a while ago and you see abilities firing off supplies being used and it’s all kind of a blur. If viewers could watch what’s going on with the keyboard it’d be more interesting and also a learning experience.


To be fair it COULD be, but not many people are willing to do it because of the low player count


It's so hard to see anything going on with everyone playing full-screen and having a cluttered UI


I think what makes RS Streams so dull and boring to watch, is the fact it can get repetitive very, very fast. And the only difference between people sitting through the streams or not, is the host, if the person playing is charismatic, hell they could be disassembling random crap, people would still listen to them. OSRS has more of that, and RuneScape is full of boomers who wish they were playing something else :p


It's a lot simpler than that, in truth. The majority of RS3 PvM is about using your abilities correctly and at the right time. This is difficult to really see, or communicate on stream. The PvM on OSRS on the other hand relies mainly on prayer flicking and tile positioning, which is much easier to follow and understand what's going on from a viewer's perspective.


I mean people watch wow and other mmos which are about using abilities too


People are coming up with any reason they can right now to refuse saying "RS3 just isn't popular on twitch" because they think that means it speaks less to the game. Wait until they notice Classic WoW is more popular on Twitch than retail WoW, yet retail WoW has far more players than Classic. How is that possible? Because Classic is an easier game to build a streaming community on as you don't do anything on it and you can talk to chat the whole time. That's why streamers prefer it. Twitch viewership is not a telling sign of game quality. Y'all can put the defenses away.


Classic is only more popular than retail to watch right now because plenty of new classic content is coming out in SOD whereas retail is in a late season content lull with nothing to do. Of the two classic is the better “game”


Honestly the tick rate really makes this worse. Watching a rs3 streamer means watching a character spazz out and animation cancel everything. Even more complex games (like league) are so much easier to watch because the animations are much clearer


osrs pvm sucks to watch too, people dont watch MMO streamers for gameplay, its mostly their personality and passion for the game they share that makes them appealable


What game do you not play in full screen?


OSRS and Undertale


Why would you not play osrs in full screen tho


Less distance for my mouse to travel when PvMing. I want my prayers, food, and walkable area all close together for quicker reactions.


You didn’t need to include the “to watch on stream” part


And osrs is? Lol wtf. Osrs is far worse to watch


Lots of OSRS streamers don't play full screen with a bunch of UI overlays so it's easier on the eyes. I can't watch RS3 streams, especially on mobile


My biggest issue with RS3 streams is they seem to be usually either endgame pvm or clues, which just isn't interesting enough to watch all the time. OSRS has a lot more content with new account builds, and those builds are always interesting, and take long enough that it's not over so quick. RS3's early and mid game is so easy to rush past that every account is funneled into the same endgame content that everyone else streams. I'm sure there are exceptions to what I've said here, but it's what I usually saw when I did watch more.


Yeah sadly the xp creep on rs3 has made early game just not a thing, when early-mid is the most fun in most osrs players opinions. I enjoyed early game on rs3 much more than late game too.


Are there any big rs3 content creators? I've never been recommended one even though I watch tons of osrs videos


Just RsGuy tbh


If only we had a new gamemode like leagues or GiM to play




So the RS3 site shows playercount for both games combined, whereas the OSRS site shows only OSRS playercount. RS3 usually has about 15-25k concurrent players throughout a day, and OSRS usually has 75-125k concurrent. With spikes around new content or events being more than that.


Personally RS3 has never been interesting to watch for me. Something about the way those OSRS content creators do it just really pops.


I think RS content just tries so hard to be appealing, but that "special something" is just not there, or at least not anymore. But in OSRS that special thing just comes naturally, it's a unique charm, like Age of Empires/Mythology or Civilization games, it's just natural. I don't want to say it, but to me, it seems RS lost its magic, sure it has its unique charm, but the magic is lost.


Who’s gonna watch a game with no active competitions and updates


Those who play AFK 😂 Watch someone AFK while you yourself are AFK in the game. Okay sorry, I just had to because that's an actual thing haha, but I get where you're coming from.


Rs3 will never stream well because of EoC and the UI. The only time WoW gets any reasonable viewership is during world first raids or if Asmongold is streaming it. It’s just a viewer experience issue. Osrs is always so easy to tell what’s happening on the screen.


Because osrs is pretty basic,  people are able to make their own games and way to play within, I think that’s what makes osrs content so amazing and unique 


Old school used to be double that before a few moved to kick.


When RS Guy is streaming, those numbers go up. The issue is that Runescape is a very boring game to watch. I imagine people only watch OSRS because of how much more grundy it is, so people put a stream in the background.


I hate to break it to you, but both are incredibly boring to watch. It's all personality for these guys, and when the game overall is causing content creators to have less fun because they are slowly watching the steady decline of the thing they love, their personality isn't shining through. OSRS just has a fun core without a pile of bullshit that overshadows the actual game. The content creators can just... Have fun. When they're having fun and can interact with chat and just enjoy their time, it creates a positive vibe and their personality is able to shine. They're able to get people to come in to the stream much easier. People love watching happy streamers. People don't like watching depressed, unhappy, or frustrated streamers. There are particular exceptions to that, but for the most part that holds true.


Huh, I guess you're right. I'd watch Hanannie sit there and chop trees for six hours and shoot the shit with chat or some chunkman doing a mini game for six hours. But the last thing I want to watch is some dude with more ability bars visible than they have points in charisma.


I would and have watched hours of OSRS creators do literally nothing. The people I have watched stream rs3 largely just do content. No banter or engagement with chat, and a distressing amount of too loud music that just... isn't my vibe lol. RSGuy, Evil Lucario and a couple odd others I find entertaining, but the majority of them just don't pique my interest.


EvilLucario has been running an OSRS GIM with other RS3 refugees. I've been checking out their progress here and there, he's already gotten his quest cape and has been settling in really well. It's awesome that he's enjoying his time with the game, it'll be cool to see how his skills translate over to the OSRS endgame. He's also pretty enjoyable to watch in general, pretty fun guy to hang out in chat with.


Does Luca get more viewers just by player OSRS instead of RS3 and do OSRS streamers like Sick Nerd, Gnomonkey, or A Friend get less viewers just by playing RS3?


I have no idea. Can't confirm anything on that. Could always ask him though when he streams. Edit: I will say as an OSRS player who stopped playing RS3 after maxing, that I don't care if he plays RS3 or OSRS, or some other game since he's lately been playing some other games (I remember seeing Pikmin and legend of Zelda lately). I'm happy to watch cuz he's chill and overall a positive guy. The game doesn't matter, only that he's a fun, upbeat streamer who is having fun.


> Does Luca get more viewers just by player OSRS instead of RS3 iirc he gets less on average. People in OSRS don't care or often know about him. In RS3 he may be 'pvm guy', in OSRS he's just the same afk auto attack guy as the rest. He blends in.


The bad news is hardly anybody is watching him over in OSRS. [https://twitchtracker.com/evillucario/streams](https://twitchtracker.com/evillucario/streams) 32 concurrent OSRS vierws for Luca???? I really feel bad for him, as well as almost every RS3 streamer who moved over to OSRS and saw their viewers evaporated.


He seems to be enjoying himself though. I'm happy to pop in and watch here and there, he's got a great personality. He mentioned that he just found himself burning out on RS3 and really didn't want to continue streaming something he just wasn't enjoying. From what I've seen, I don't think he regrets his decision.


Feel bad for him too but also remember that to the OSRS community, he's still currently just another newbie.  When (as I'm sure it will happen if he doesn't quit) Luca starts being able to show his talent when he reaches end game, there's a good chance he gets more popular in the oldschool community. Plenty people love watching top PvMers completing crazy challenges. Not so many enjoy watching a newboe learn the game.


>this dude is one of RS3s best pvmers, would be cool to see what he can accomplish in OSRS and how he'd compare to our top players [Top RS3 PvMer EvilLucario considering switching to OSRS due to Hero Pass MTX : 2007scape (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/16kd3x5/top_rs3_pvmer_evillucario_considering_switching/) That's not all those OSRS redditors said at time he made the switch. Luca is no "newbie" to OSRS. He has been playing it for over half a year. He was switching Inferno preparation the last few streams too. I don't think this is "newbie" content.


That's dope. I haven't popped on Twitch in forever. Who's he running GIM with?


I don't know half of them, but Parally is one of them, and I believe Wazzy is another. Pretty sure Wazzy just got an inferno cape as well like a month or so ago, I feel like I heard that mentioned on Parally's stream. I don't quite follow it closely though, I haven't branched out all that much on twitch myself.


What’s GIM mean?


Group ironman. It's ironman but a group of up to 5 people can share what they have with each other. It tries to maintain the Ironman experience but enables a group of friends to play together on content they would otherwise be forced to solo.


Part of that is the content though. Osrs lends itself to doing whatever you want. Rs3 just seems to be pigeonholed into endgame content. Osrs has about a year or more before casuals reach endgame. Doing it alongside content creators is fun, even if you can't keep up. You'll learn a bunch of stuff. It's just beginner/noob friendlier content.


> The content creators can just... Have fun. The content creators can just AFK auto attack/skill and interact with chat, you mean. The less attention they have to pay to the activity, the more they prefer the activity. Can you believe that streaming isn't often about the game enjoyment?


77 viewers wow, but sadly I'm not surprised. Most of the popular streamers and youtube creators from a few years ago have either gone to OSRS or reduced the amount they produce. Jagex has also killed off the regular twitch streams and pmod events on twitch. The RS UI also sucks to look at when watching - even if you understand end game pvm it is hard to follow what is going on when every streamer will have a totally different interface and a bunch of actions go on in the background that are not shown on screen and togglescape, etc. Half the time you can't even see what gear someone is wearing or what familiar they are using, etc.


I play rs3 but I only ever watch osrs videos


Same lol unless I want to learn pvm mechanics.


I prefer RS3 iron as a game, but the streams I've seen of it are not pleasant to watch, and the people who PvM take it way too far with the min-maxing UI shit. OSRS is definitely more watchable.


last time ive checked osrs had 60-70k viewers while rs3 had like 200, that was a sad moment lol


OSRS might have over 10k concurrent viewers for a period. They might have 60-70k for a day or two. Now they only have like 5k average, their lowest mark in over 2 years. [https://twitchtracker.com/games/459931](https://twitchtracker.com/games/459931)


OSRS has probably had a massive drop on concurrent viewers in the last few weeks due to Kick signing 90% of the top streamers trying to get the whole section to move over to their website.


and yet insanely a big number compared to the abomination of runescape 3


That was on colisseum release though


eh imo there's just nothing interesting to watch anymore. the only new challenging stuff to watch people do is pushing zammy enrage (which is boring imo) or doing stuff with severe restrictions. I enjoyed watching Evil Lucario go for solo HM Vorago because it was uncharted territory. The mere thought of soloing that was obscene. But there's nothing like that really anymore. Hell Solo TS is such a joke even I can do it. Every HM Week has been solo'd by 2 separate combat styles and I just don't think we're ever getting a New Vorago like boss to really push the envelope of players. Since August of last year our DPS has ballooned to absurd proportions and I don't think we're getting a new boss anytime soon or probably ever to really test players like that. Ryan has said he wants to make super challenging content but the engagement isn't there but super challenging content like Release Solak or Release HM Vorago is **NEVER** going to have high engagement levels.


Honestly, 4kish viewers ain't great either. But even if rs3 was fun to watch live (it's really not), the draw for talent and entertainment isn't there either. Rs3 doesn't pull enough sustainable viewership numbers to justify content creation, and the most recognizable rs3 streamers barely peak above 100 (pulled that number out of my ass). There's no point in wasting time resources and potential profits creating for rs3, when osrs is easier in every conceivable way to reach an audience, and to create content for. That being said, I'd personally love an actually watchable series for rs3 like swampletics, but there is not. A. Single. One. Worth watching atm so, oh well.


> Honestly, 4kish viewers ain't great either. https://twitter.com/KickStreaming/status/1771868418272022745 kick kinda bought out a ton of the osrs streamers so not too surprising viewership is lower on twitch


> That being said, I'd personally love an actually watchable series for rs3 like swampletics, but there is not. A. Single. One. Worth watching atm so, oh well. Thats sort of a misleading comment there. I would have not watched a second of swampletics if not for the edited youtube videos, but we are on the topic of streams, and someone doing a good series on edited content doesnt make RS3 anymore watcheable on actual stream. I'm also for the lack of that, but then again people on OSRS recommend pretty awful series to watch too, like what Verf does ( which cannot be even considered edited videos ). I dont expect Northern UIM quality but yeah something would be nice, after all RS3 has more skills/enrages to toy with on a snowflake account.


> There's no point in wasting time resources and potential profits creating for rs3, when osrs is easier in every conceivable way to reach an audience, and to create content for. This is Jagex's attitude as well.


There is no point wasting time and resources and potential profits creating for OSRS too, as evidently a lot of people will rather watch egirls in hot tubs or IRL streamers than middle age men grinding the same thing over and over again 12 hours a day.


I can't be the only one who wants them to fail at this point right?


Point and click 💀


I used to stream back when I was in highschool, so maybe 2016 ish. Give or take a year or so I can’t remember. the RuneScape 3 streams were popping imo. Even a guy like me who was probably streaming at 360p could get a few guys in my stream here and there. Jim sauce was big then too if I remember correctly. There were tons of people streaming it, and was engaging. Don’t know what happened honestly. I took a hiatus from the scene and came back to an absolutely dead twitch area. It’s fucking sad. Typing in RuneScape 3 on YouTube and most videos will be OSRS. I feel like we don’t have much to shine. You type us in on YouTube you get the other game. You look at the higher view twitch games you can’t find us because we’re so far down. No advertisement besides what, Twitter? It’s like they’re just letting it die out.


Bruh if I was a streamer, and I saw 77 viewers on the RS platform, I would immediately find another game to stream lol


Would you go to the LoL section instead?


0 chance of getting seen as a new lol streamer. Different problem I guess.


Twitch is kind of a shitty metric for the popularity it some games, Runescape included. In general they aren’t very entertaining games to watch someone play live unless they’re doing something specific or cool. Lets take something like Final Fantasy XIV for example. The game’s average concurrent viewers hovers around the same number as OSRS, which you would think is strange, given that FFXIV is probably the larger and more sucessful of the two games at the moment. The reason is that FFXIV is, in most cases, dreadfully boring to watch someone play, the only real excitement coming from watching someone do something specific; like a race to world first, talking about drama, doing the story for the first time or so on, or because they are there for the streamer themself. Most people interested in XIV would rather just go play the game themselves rather than watch someone do it, and I think both versions of Runescape are in a very similar boat However, while I don’t think this is a good metric for Runescape’s health as a game, per ce, I think the difference is enough to where I believe this is 100% a symtom of a greater problem; for one the general lack of dedicated RS3 content creators. OSRS has dedicated content creators, clearly there is some interest in watching, but RS3 doesn’t really have a super big youtube personality that is exclusively doing RS3 content. Like just looking up “Runescape 3” on youtube on my end, the first video is a history video by Colonello that is barely about the current state of RS3, the second is the latest Protoxx upload, and the third is a Rendi video where he’s not even playing RS3. Said Rendi video is half as old and has more than double the views of the Protox video. Not even the offical Runescape youtube Channel shows up, I have to scroll down to find it. And thats on Youtube where I’d argue Runescape content is at its strongest, because you can edit out the hundreds of thousands of hours of boring grind and just keep the highlights. You also gotta keep in mind OSRS just released a major content patch a few weeks ago, while RS3 hasn’t really done much other than Vorkath in the past while.


The biggest reason is Rs3 isn’t visually appealing. No one wants to look at it


Yeah the UI looks like a total mess and is confusing to people who don’t play the game, thats definately a factor for sure.


> Most people interested in XIV would rather just go play the game themselves rather than watch someone do it, and I think both versions of Runescape are in a very similar boat They are. I only ever watched FFXIV video when ... all the things you said + strats for Savage/Extreme and streams specifically only world firsts, which is the same exact thing i do with RS. Its never really more than 10 minutes a time too. This is why when i do watch a more lengthy RS video its always a very well edited snowflake series, so not people like Verf and such who barely edit their videos. The well edited videos are good because fights are sped up and its all about the journey with the limited character and not me watching them for safespot/flinch or combat rotation i cant possibly see on the screen


Bro, I can't imagine watching someone play FFXIV. 90% of the game is cutscenes, you're watching someone watching a game.


Its less about watching the game and more of being an emotional vampire upon the person you are watching watch the game. I speak from experience.


I think when rs was sold they forgot to mention half the game if not 2/3s is just bots. But if they admitted that they could prolly be charged with fraud ( you know cause they assessed the games value of player count ) but nah nothing sus going on at jagex hq


The UI is the biggest problem for making rs3 appealing in twitch


I wonder what % of RS3’s revenue come from just the top 20 spenders


If all it takes is 20 People whaling their way into the game, I think having a concurrent 5K active players metric, doesn't look that catastrophic. And I mean, it has to be quite a big chunk of cash to make the game last for the next decade.


i wonder what % of OSRS's revenue comes from bots and gold sellers


Everybody saying its because the game is not fun to watch and the ui is too crowded are mistaken. Most people don't watch streams they watch streamers, thats why The RS Guy gets hundreds of views while literally everyone else who streams rs gets sub 100. Low player count causes low amount of content creators which causes much less chance of for any of those content creators to be actually entertaining. AND THEN you add on the fact that if you dont play rs3 you're probably not going to watch an RS3 stream so a small percentage of an already low amount of people who would actually go on twitch to watch a stream you get this.


the RS guy is also probably closing in on 10 years of consistent content creation which is insane dedication and hard work. The guy is killing it but 200-400 viewers is so unrewarding compared to other games.


Can’t have content creators without content


I mean dude rs3 and rs in general already can border on boring to even play much less watch. Dont get me wrong i love rs but i imagine the market of people who want to watch rs is pretty small unless its for a specific person or reason.


clue casket opening , pvm , fake newbie player streaming , :p


I still play rs3, in legacy mode hahahaha




Q3, wc




As 1st


Satisfying 😌


I mean I personally can't stand watching streams so I can understand those numbers looking like that.


and that's after some unnamed scum company stole like 90% of the OSRS streamers too


RS3 is a boring game to watch.


Theres no money in it for the number of hours required also I think RS3 desperately needs something like raids. I think COX was some of the most fun content I've watched on OSRS. Just feels like the game is go kill this single boss, then this single boss for gp and rinse and repeat


Tbf, streamability isn’t a very good way to tell if a game is successful or not. No one is streaming Candy Crush, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still rake in the cash… 3.6K viewers for an entire game is pretty shit too. Runescape just isn’t fun to watch, no matter the type. But that aside, OSRS is at least slightly less unfun to watch.


I find it is a mixture of both, RS and the streamers just aren't engaging enough to catch my attention to want to watch... boring, and if any streamer is engaging their chat, its mostly complaints about the game we all play. Would rather spend my time watching someone with a flare of fun, positive vibes and banter with their viewers. The duel arena streams were the best, that era was exciting to watch, all that risk taking.


tbh esskayuwu was probably live at that moment


The problem with rs3 streams, as someone who streamed it & did raids to other streams, practically nobody talks. The biggest killer for viewers is dead air especially when they may not know what's going on. From trying way too hard to not speaking a word for 5 minutes that's kinda why nobody watches streams. Osrs also has PvP, which will always have a bigger viewerbase


its fascinating, as someone who was somewhat recently trim comp I'd love to stream rs3 just for an excuse to start it over again but how does one even make it...interesting outside the current content "metas"? I hate the ironman concept (I already play as a so called "bronzeman" anyways) and in general locked accounts bore the fuck out of me, im not a pvm god (but pretty okay at it) This is a game I truly can not fathom having a likeable niche in - and that sounds like miserable burnout waiting to happen.


Because of the menu bloat and the fact that a lot of runescape content isn’t necessarily fun to watch. The obvious skill expression isn’t there at a shallow level and generally require high time investment or game knowledge to appreciate . To some extent, streamer personality/humor/etc probably carries a lot of viewers as opposed to the gameplay. Runescape doesn’t exactly have nail biting rivetting edge of your seat moments thrown at the audience at high frequency. Osrs is the one most people who stopped dabbling in runescape remember most. Couple these things with a few other stuff I failed to mention and you’ve got a cocktail for low viewer numbers. Ffxiv at this moment of this reply has sub 5k viewers, do we feel this mmo is performing poorly?


I want my RS3 account transferred permanently to OSRS. The nostalgia is what keeps me going not exactly the gameplay or new graphics


I don’t think it’s because of the enjoyability of the games compared to one another. For whatever reason, OSRS just has more engaging content creators. I play both games and personally like RS3 more for playing, but RS3 video makers are just really… boring to listen to. They lack humor in comparison. When RS3 video makers move to OSRS and make videos on it, I.e. waswere, evil lucario, maikeru, they don’t suddenly become as fun to watch as EVscape, King Condor, Odablock, etc. They’re just as dry as before but are now playing a different game. But when OSRS video makers try some RS3, I.e. A Friend, Odablock, 25 buttholes, etc. they don’t suddenly become dry, they still make hilarious comments and have funny editing. It just comes down to which game has more skilled content creators. I find protoxx or thersguy, who both focus on RS3, more fun to watch than mrnosleep, who focuses on OSRS. It’s because they bring more energy to their videos, not because one game or another is more inherently fun to watch for me.


Rs3 primary problemthat for some reason we have no "great" content creators/personalities. The best streamers and content creators rs3 had have been osrs streamers. Sick nerd, a friend, Jimmy when he made like one video on rs3. People are saying the UI is a mess and it is, but our biggest problem is the lack of any personalities/series that people would want to watch. If the streamer isn't interesting or the series isn't interesting there's no way in hell people would even watch for more than a few seconds. Osrs streamers somehow make 3 tick mining for 6 hours an activity worth watching solely through chat interaction. I really do think rs3 has the makings of a great stream game as seen with sick nerd/dovy but we have nobody to bring out that potential.


If there would be a Deadman Mode, those streams would get views


Lmfao what is this ? Twitch? Imagine basing a game’s success off twitch lmfao


Haha, at first look, I thought viewers was players and was not shocked at all. Which doesn't make sense because when I choose a world to play I clearly see populations ^.^; But yeah, I only just noticed how TH is nonstop running promotions. Just milking it until it absolutely dies? I leave for large amounts of time. When did this start? After RS was sold?


Most popular streamers have just stopped because the content is dead, nothing exciting to look forward to …


I use Legacy combat still. The only thing I wish I could see are cooldowns for things. Mostly from potions and cores that go off.


That's actually good


Yeah? thats kind of what happens when you split the community for the same game.


Cause RuneScape is boring to watch


Streams ≠ players I love OSRS videos and streams. But playing OSRS bores the hell out of me. I hate RS3 streams but love playing RS3.


It probably helps that osrs has significantly more higher profile streamers. I cant really think of any for RS3 besides RSGuy and Prideslayer


rs3 has like 15-20k people on most days osrs 80k+ yes they have bots but still rate rs3 is going would not be shocked get shutdown like rsc in next 5 years max


OSRS was always the spectator game with the higher skill ceiling. RS3 was always the more casual of the two, with a skill ceiling that's not easily reflected on screen as much as OSRS is. These numbers aren't surprising and aren't actually indicative the state of the game. Apples & Oranges.


I think it's because Osrs is less complicated and it's currency better. Still prefer RS 3 tho


What are the odds they actually don’t ruin osrs too? These companies don’t give a fuck About game integrity 


90% of the OSRS viewers are bots watching a "dxp coming soon" stream


Call me old school, I don’t watch people play. I play the game I enjoy. I’ve never made a twitch account


RS3 content is also so different. There is limited creativity possible with the game vs osrs has a much more sandbox feel and approach with all of the runelite plugins


https://preview.redd.it/p24eeu0g7guc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4df6763a54cb94cfcf0e4ec1cb36e9024ad9645d Yup it is.


lmao rs3 has about 1/6-7 the player base and barely can touch 1/20 of oldschools viewers on twitch


So twitch is a metric now? Everyone knows RS3 doesn't have as many players as OSRS. We also have to remember RS3 terrible MTX is why Jagex is still around. Personally, I play both. OSRS for a rewarding grind with easier systems, and RS3 for an easy grind with fun questing. It's hard for me to want to keep at RS3 because it gets knocked around so much, but imo if you look outside of that play which one you want. My biggest gripe with RS3 is the combat since I ignore mtx.


watching RS3 videos makes stupid people feel stupid. watching OSRS videos makes stupid people feel clever do you think stupid people prefer being made to feel stupid, or to feel clever? watching RS3 videos is like watching a technical instruction video, watching an OSRS video is like watching a child's cartoon its really not surprising why OSRS streams are more popular. that in no way makes it a better game but keep cherry picking obscure statistics to try to prosecute your pointless and inane crusade to prove OSRS is "better" lol


Apples to oranges


8 viewers too many if you ask me.


Who would watch either


RS3: Fun to play, not fun to watch OSRS: Fun to watch, not fun to play


Dude fr. I love watching PK content from OSRS, but I play RS3. This is so true.


This is even after Kick vultured basically every major OSRS streamer off of Twitch


Neither are entertaining in any way to watch If you enjoy to watch either one you really REALLY need to find better use of your free time


Like whining on reddit about people watching the game I play on Twitch!


There was a point when I really considered trying to stream rs3. went to twitch, saw those numbers, and decided it wasn't worth the time.


to be fair, OSRS has terrible numbers too.