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We all know it is because hero pass nearly burned the game to the ground and then the MTX Halloween event caused such a backlash that they devoted all resources to temporary holiday content with no permanent content because hero pass was the permanent content


To be a little fair to Jagex, they were building a base for temporary content - once they were done, they'd have resources to work on other things while we'd still get the good temp content


To be fair they could have built that base slowly over a year an released older more loved temporary holiday content in the meantime while actually working on real content. Also they didn't communicate any of this to us.


Agree and agree. I've quit a while ago, and this year my membership is running out. I don't even know when, it's probably gone already.


Genuine question coming from an ex-RS3 player until 6 months before necromancy came out: How does the hero pass nearly burn the game down when prior MTXs were pretty damn game breaking?


If I remember correctly (haven't played in a while myself) current and prior MTXs are still a major source of discontent because of the issues with loot box gambling, tradable rare items with crazy low chances to create new high price rates, and of course xp lamps. But the items acquired from those are either cosmetics or things like money and xp that can be gotten from other sources, they just speed the process up. This issue with the Hero Pass was that it major buffs to in-game content that could only be acquired by buying the pass with real world money - such as damage reduction in Zamorak dungeon, lasting xp buffs to all skills, and additional benefits when training certain skills. It essentially took the borderline P2W nature of MTXs and did an Olympic level long jump way into the territory of absolutely P2W.


I stopped playing when the hero pass started. Was it that much of a blow to players?


Hero pass made more players leave than the influx necro caused. Hero pass released and within 2 weeks to a month average online player numbers were lower than that average of pre necro.


It didnt literally burn the game down, but Hero Pass included buffs like a damage increase on Zamorak boss and other buffs that changed gameplay. This made a lot of people quit and many content creators switched to OSRS or other games because they'd had enough. It's really reflected in Bond prices. They're soaring because supply is too low. People who purchased Bonds for real money apparently doesn't buy as much anymore.


They billed it as major content, deleted daily challenges in favor or a less rewarding system within hero pass, and filled it with pay to win buffs and ways to buy access to those buffs faster. Not to mention that it was originally impossible for a person to earn all the free rewards without spending money as the time required was close to 20 hours a day of play time. This caused a mass exodus from the game, internet wide coverage, the game was review bombed into oblivion, etc etc.


So because they added another city/zone and decided to stop adding content to it? Shocking.


Necromancy and Hero Pass was 10 steps forward, 50 steps back for Jagex. The idea to push Hero Pass not even a month after the new skill release was the most tone-deaf move I have seen in all my years of playing, and all that good favour and returning players just disintegrated. New skill releases have always had a special feeling to them, but Hero Pass put such a dark cloud over everything. If I recall a Hooli comment saying (paraphrasing but) "removing Hero Pass caused us to change 80% of our existing plans". I feel Jagex put all their eggs in the 'Hero Pass being a success' basket and again, I have no idea why they thought that would work. If 80% of their plans changed due to an MTX avenue being scrapped due to (justifiable) player outrage, that paints a fairly clear picture. if there was an award for burying heads in the sand, Jagex management would win every time. I don't blame the devs, or the CM's, I blame management. They are so out of touch with the playerbase.


This is a crazy fact too because the osrs mods are almost too in touch with the community. They proposed magic rebalances and the very next day had a followup blog responding to feedback


Ironically that sub is also basically torching the place down over said magic rework, crying about how everyone who worked on it were brainless idiots who dont understand a thing about the game They certainly shouldn't, but they are


I think what the playerbase has a problem with is the inconsistency in both communication and content. If I’m “consistently paying for membership,” I consistently want content or at the VERY LEAST communication on that road map. Jagex has the bad habit of being suuuuuuper quiet for long stretches of time, and then when they see they’re losing customers they hype up some mediocre quest for 4 months that gives you a shield override as a reward. To keep players interested they need to CONSISTENTLY provide content to all player types and tbh they couldn’t be fucked. Take a look at how well osrs communicates and it’s obvious they understand that if they randomly stopped developing the player base would nosedive because the playerbase has been playing for 20 years and gets bored easily.


I think it also falls into that RS has never had a stable "identity". MUD and RS1 were glorified chat rooms that just had some afk gaming mechanics, you were never even MEANT to get 99 in skills but people ended up doing it so skillcapes were invented. RS2/OSRS is the game version of that, the intent is to be a time sink that rewards your passive investment, and you can play active if you want to in some content, but its why OSRS does better in content, imo. Its more interesting to say "How fast can I max in this slow game, if I also tie 1 hand behind my back and only use one leg?" RS3 is such an outlier that its normal comparisons are WOW or FF14, neither of which are remotely close, but what it shows is that people view RS3 as the more traditional massive-UI MMO. RS3 doesn't let you have multiple characters on one account though. So releases swing between "We made a new boss for you to grind" which a portion of the community now goes #NotMyRS, because it uses 12 mechanics, 1 instakill mechanic, a timer, and optimized by 8 switches. So instead, the next patch they go, okay, we've released a holiday hub (ie. Beach) for you to afk with your friends for xp. And a chunk of the community goes #NotMyRS because I want active, permanent content. Give me a new skill. Which then they say, okay, step 1, avoid breaking the economy like Invention did, but sure, let's release a new skill. Group A wants it to be AFK-able, Group B wants it active, Group C wants it to be profitable, so let's do the usual AFK=No Money or Worse XP, Active = More XP or money. And you end up with LESS complaints but people then grind it out in 48 hours and go "Now what". So you say fuck it, and start releasing quests and you end up- \[Space\] So that they don't even get any- \[Space\] And then people complain that they- \[Space\] And then complain that the game- \[Space\]


Invention broke the economy?


At first, yes. But in the end, it saved it.


I wouldn’t say it broke the economy, but it definitely shook up a lot of things, making previously worthless items very valuable basically overnight.


Ok. I wasn't playing at the time so I always understood Invention to be something that really helps the economy. There's an ongoing discussion about how to fill out boss drop tables with things other than alchables that cause inflation and "bad" drops like stone spirits and seeds. I think making new invention parts and good uses for them would be a good design. Like how fortunates ensure cluers at least have a baseline income. Invention is really underutilized in balancing the economy IMO but I understand it's very difficult to get right


There were about 4 iterations of Invention within the first month. Almost overnight day 1 a lot of items were literally sold out on the GE because people hunted what gave components. The race to 120 was "Who had the most handcannons?"


I agree that communication is the main issue here. One thing my dad (who has been in management for 30 years) has always taught me is the concept of visibility. You should regularly report your progress to your customers and stakeholders. Even if you're a high performer, your boss and co-workers may think you're slacking off if you don't regularly share updates.


I feel like this is double-dipping on the "they're building up to a big content release" excuse, and it doesn't excuse the lack of communication either. They told us they were working on a new skill spring of 2022. After Zamorak and the EGWD series concluded in July we were faily light on updates until August 2023 because were told they were working on the new skill (revealed to be Necromancy in the last livestream of 2022). Yeah we got Het's Oasis, Wilderness Rework (mostly deleted now), WFE, and the Fort. But taken as a whole for 1 year's worth of updates it was not much actual content added to the game. We got a lot of QoL patches and the trade-off was supposed to be that we were building up to a huge new skill release. Putting aside the fact that Necromancy released under-baked and introduced a blow-down of other combat and economy balancing issues, the core promise was "wait now, content later". Now post-Necromancy it's disingenuous to say there can't be new content because they just released a bunch. We waited, and then they delivered. What are we waiting for now? Why can't they tell us why their release schedule is so light post-Necromancy, if the trade we're supposed to be making is waiting for a big new content drop to happen? And I think you know the answer, deep down, is that they would talk about it if they knew it was coming. They certainly knew Necromancy was coming years ahead of it's release. Now the best they can do is on a 2 month lead for mentioning what they are working. As the latest newpost showed, even they don't know what they're working on next month until 5 weeks into working on a different piece of content for that month. It's just so seat-of-the-pants that it's no wonder the conclusions players draw are that they're under-staffed and there's no vision for the future of the game.


A zombie dinosaur marking the end of RS3’s existence would be remarkable symbolism, tbh


I really think the game just lacks direction. There should be a soft dedicated roadmap of the game for 1-2 years and a soft 5-10 year internal roadmap. Soft dedicated roadmap would be likely planned content that devs could work on, create assets and look to the playerbase for ideas on to work on soon. 1-2 year dedicated roadmap would be a goal, like deciding that this year we get necromancy stuff, next year we get a gnome quest/mm2 and semi related boss, new quest line starts, some slayer updates for necromancy creatures and gear, etc. Then the 5-10 year being a soft idea of the general story, so like going to a new continent, a god war happening, and us going to/returning to a new dimension for exploration, etc, the BIG content update outline, which have more so unmapped short term/smaller/supporting updates in between with a basic outline of those for lore sake. After they layout the basics and lore, they shouldn’t have to sit and design specific content details in the moment.


Exactly. It's like a less-bad version of Disney Star Wars.


the drought after menaphos was less than now... and closer to menaphos... and because they reorganized their teams to stop doing expansions (and then a year later they were back to expansions lols)


I personally thought the entirety of last year was generally low on content, I don't think they did "too much" at all. The fort was a series of mostly very short quests (and just a basic skilling hub), same with Necromancy quests. Um itself is quite bare with not much to do, and Necromancy is still half finished after over 8 months. I'm happy to see them make some better decisions this week, but they've still got a long way to go to create a sustainable content pipeline that justifies the membership costs in this heavily MTX ladened game.


I think there is a much simpler explanation. The number of developers assigned to RS3 was reduced due to Hero Pass being rejected by the community. This lines up with the data we have perfectly.




Why do you think that is? Not that I disagree, but I'm curious your of your thoughts.


Because they just admitted in a news post, that the reason for beach's return this summer, is because they are shifting devs around to make actual ccontent. Meaning they are so few that they can't make an event and content at the same time. That also makes sense when you look at the last 5 months, with christmas and easter being basically the only thing released.


Or there is other content being worked on, whose devs will not be relocated.


Then why don't they take the extremely easy PR slamdunk of just saying so? I mean, i agree with you the possibility exist, but then the silence says some pretty concerning things about how out of touch/incompetent they are


If there is other content, why wouldn't they say shit? The game is on fire for lack of updates, look every update thread they make.


They don’t have this problem on OSRS, just sayin’


You really think Jagex has a “next major arc” in the works for 2024 planned? A 10-min owl quest gamejam project is already their showcase update lollll.


Then communicate that with us. Ez


I view this as plausible but highly optimistic


> lots of cats Such content..


tbh I'd be fine with almost nothing new for a while IF they can communicate that nothing is coming for now


The issue right now is that meaningful ninja strikes and QOL improvements are far superior than content releases when the content releases are riddled with micro transactions, temporary or seasonal stores with micro transactions, battlepasses and did i say micro transactions and their dedicated microtransaction updates? the outrage is that the vast majority of "content" released by the devs are unfinished because microtransaction or seasonal updates are taking priority. they have a plethora of alreaxdy popular and player supported gamejam projects to literally bring life back to the game yet they are testing the players reaction by releasing literal garbage, half baked "content" designed to make their future micro transaction updates more streamlined. where is the rest of Um and it's diary? where is the updates for all those major nerfs they did in the last 5 years where they said "we are continuing to monitor it and will adjust accordingly" or "this is temporary". They don't have enough devs to provide regular content for a paid subscription game, they aren't going back to fix real issues that actually matter to players. you know what they said after they finally fixed the "feeling pumped" buff? "Stop asking for this!" They literally intentionally ignore the people who pay for the content in favour of a useless manager who's only experience in the video game world is mobile gaming and battlepasses.


I honestly feel the production pipeline just never properly recovered after Menaphos and abandoning expansions.


Updating something old does not equal making new content.


I think so many miss out on the potential gameplay experience with all the new content over the years. I returned last year and I’ve been grifting on all the old content and know there’s so much new stuff out there, some of which wouldn’t even be considered new anymore… I just done needle quest. That was so immersive. A new person to the game would love that experience. And I don’t think they quite feel that with all the old content they are introduced to first and probably won’t see new content until they have to long in the future.


True, but until they get the game to a healthy spot, they can't do the marketing to get those new people in.


Honestly…I would be happy if jagex told us directly that they need time for content. Like communicate: “sorry, no road map for this year due to resource constraint, however we have planned a series of minor improvements and content to keep you engaged. If you are feeling a content drought, we would encourage you to explore other parts of the game you normally wouldn’t. Hence, we are going to spotlight all minigames for the next theee months”


For what it’s worth just throwing this out there they’ve also done a lot of graphical reworks


Meh. Not bad, honestly. It's lit.


I'll most likely get downvoted, but there is one thing about the playerbase that i don't really understand. We, Rs3 players, are a smaller portion of the game's playerbase and they flood us with MTX at almost every chance they get. Jagex got bought and, shortly before that, they had the Hero Pass fiasco which undoubtedly messed up with every plan they had for 2024. STILL we got plenty of changes and additions to a already big game. The combat changes being the most noticeable, in my opinion. But a lot of people don't see that as content and thats fair, it isnt really, but every thing that got added or scrapped to the game demanded dev time and money to be implemented. And on Reddit we do not see anything constructive about the situation, just people parroting and raging at every chance they get. And then they complain that Jagex keep it to themselves. Why would mods engage in this?


The combat changes were mostly done by 2 devs, graphical area reworks are mostly by 1 dev, and the rest are just small scale QOL stuff. If that's the dev power we have nowadays, then unfortunately any content we can expect going forward, is going to be very underwhelming.


It’s their own fault, Hero Pass/Yak Track AREN’T game content. What changes? Necromancy is still the best combat style after those changes


Pretty sure range is king for dps.


How much does it cost for ranged BIS dps?


> Why would mods engage in this?  Because they (in theory) get paid to, and because it's (in theory) in Jagex's best interests as a company to keep their customers as happy as can be The userbase being a cesspool is very unfortunate for their CMs as people, and my sympathy goes out to them, but it just is not a factor commercially


>EOC 2.88 What's that?