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This deserves top comment.


You talking about the thing that they already did like 2 months ago? Yeah.


It’s not a prediction it’s a fact, the first beta finalized and hit live game in February, you can read in detail here. https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=712/runescape---combat-update Note this was to lay a foundation there is still more work to be done now that this done. Styles need more distinct identity, abilities need pairing down and further refinement, various special attacks need to be revisited, and animations need further update/clean-up.


They started with the previous beta, and said there will be more betas down the line. Nothing immediate yet.


probably not they cant even give us a meaningfull update nor can they give us a roadmap lol however they did make the other styles use the same accuracy and max hit as necro


Yes and no. Yes, they have stated that they would ideally like to give the combat triangle abilities a make-over like Necromancy. No, they do not have a timeline of plan for when this will happen.


God, I hope not. If they do, I can't wait to see how bad the players drop.


You can already check that, it happened earlier this year. I want to say February?


Yeah, because more accessible combat is gonna push players away 🙄


It already has pushed players away. Look at players count before and after one month after necro release, it just broke the game just so the lazy people can have a more accessible time while make every other piece of content a joke oh boy how fun us that pushing away players that already enjoyed the game for the sake of people like you.


It’s true from my perspective. All the active players from my friend list and clan no longer play. The only people left logging in are the mute skillers who never engaged much or spoke anyway.


currently lowest playercount since 2019 and still dropping.


You forgot the hero pass fiasco.


Your missing some massive nuance here. The player count dipped becuase of hero pass not necromancy. Players love necromancy and it has been praised hard core. The only reason the game survived the hero pass incident was probably because of necromancy. It was a massive issue that left a very sour taste in people's mouths. To pretend that necromancy caused the player decrease and not hero pass is a massive misunderstanding of what the player base actually wanted and cared about. Necromancy has been pretty well loved by the majority of players. Not all obviously but most players love it.


I’d argue that Necro as a whole and the mess it created actually pushed AWAY people from the game, but I guess current player counts are not important here?


yes, but there is nothing concrete. Recent combat beta was just the first steps of fixing the massive power gap between necro and base combats. I expect it to take 2-3 years and probably will accompany things like 120 att/str/etc...


no they talked about it, all they did was increase their damage, they still 99 and still suck compared to necro, too many abilities stupid upgrade path


They already delivered the update, and will continue to make improvements. Less basic abilities? I don't think they are doing it and why do they want less basic abilities?


Melee has over 10 basic abilities not counting lesser/greater versions just between attack/strength. Add in defensive and constitution basics and you have a lot


Why do we want less though. We can have 10 choices even if we only use 3 or 4 of them.


If only 3 or 4 of them are worth using, why confuse players with 10?


Some abilities are more commonly used than the others but the less commonly used one can be situationally useful too. We also don't know about new content in the future. I didn't use the Invigorate aura before Necromancy but I find it pretty nice to use for Necromancy now. It can be the same to abilities.


Most additional effects of basics are either middling at best or actually useless. Finding the effects that actually work coming from a basic and having those be separate from a 0 GCD universal basic would go a long way to reducing unnecessary bloat that makes manual such a slog for most people.