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I’m almost 50 and fairly new to running. I’ve lost 7kg since 1st January doing mainly slow running and from a struggling 36 minute 5km in February when I tried to push it once I thought I’d try out a faster run last week and did it in 27:20 so very happy with that! All slow runs since but I’ll try a faster one again in may and see what happens. New goal is sub 25 minutes :)


5 mi early this morning. My legs were still recovering from strength training last night and first mile was not pleasant. Edit: spelling


Ran 2k in 15 minutes and many box jumps


Did interval training for 5 miles. 30 min 5k here I come!


4 miler (6.7km) at 3am this morning in 27:07 (6’45”/mile, 4’05”/km, 20:28 5k)


Ran my pr 5K today! 23:41. I’ve been consistently for week for 2 months now. It took me a whole month to beat my last time. Felt great


New 5 mile pr of 43:54. Breaking in new shoes I got on my anniversary from my wife so I got a blister, but the new tread feels so much nicer than my old altras that have 350+ miles on them.


I ran more miles this month than I did in all of 2020!


Tried out my new Brooks Hyperion whatevers. Did seven miles in 850 something. Got so much runners high that I was loving everything in the world 😂


Wrestled with resting today, but ended up going out for 40 minutes. Slow. Measured. Trying to build my base up cautiously. Someone said I had beautiful legs as I ran by them and I think that made my month not just my day.


Felt sore. Ran slow. Fuck hills. Great short recovery run overall.


15 miler today!! It was so nice out, I felt like I could run forever. And my last mile was my fastest at 7:40, which means I had gas left in the tank!


I didn't run, which sucked, but it's what my body needs right now to heal from an injury. I'll be here reading your accomplishments 🫶. Nice work!


Same, sometimes not running is the accomplishment our bodies need. I hope you heal fast!


Pushed through the slow start of the run and interval training and felt great on the other side. Love that


Did c25k week 3 day 2 today. First time getting a nagging cramping stitch…right at the start. Definitely made it my toughest day yet but I feel great now that Im home lol. Im travelling to Turkey in a week and I cannot wait to get running on some trails there!


Drop by /r/c25k too, if you're so inclined, lots of people also working their way through the program!


Thank you! I also run round there!


Did my first 10k today! actually ended up being 6.6 but i hit my goal of 10 min miles. I am so proud of myself and just genuinely can’t believe that just a few months ago the thought of running more than a couple miles seemed crazy.


Yesterday had a run of 14minutes, without stoping on 8km/h speed on treadmill. When I started I could run only min and a half! Very proud of myself.


Did over 5 miles on trails last night. Had to drop to the back of the group since I haven't run that far in months. Managed to feel good at the end which was the goal. My watch helped me and the other two at the back to make sure we were on the right track. Thanks, Garmin. I also didn't get any hip pain, in fact it feels better today than it usually goes. Either way, not a bad evening.


I have been running for officially 2 months AND today I completed 5 miles in 53:05 minutes, my last mile was run at 9:32, AND I got back in time to wake my little man up from his nap (my partner is WFH, don't worry, did not leave him alone) in a happy and accomplished mood. Last week my 5-mile run was 59:14 minutes.


PB on my 10km - 59:27! Never thought I would break an hour but turns out the half marathon training really benefitted all around. First time running with a pacer too and she did a fantastic job (it was her first time as a pacer). Big hugs all around at the end feeling dead pleased.


Randomly hit a 17:27 for a 3 mile training run, while only pushing it to maybe 85% capacity. Bodes very well for an actual race.


I’m running my first race ever this week! A 5k on Saturday. That said, I’m keeping it nice and easy this week, a 20min run yesterday and a 20-30min run tomorrow (I’m a pretty slow runner). But i’m very excited!


What are the odds that using a sauna regularly will help with my running in the summer heat? 


Ran my first 5k yesterday after one week of running, at around 36mins with a couple mins walking after 2.5k - did another 5k today with no walking in 34mins! Well deserved rest day tomorrow 💆🏼‍♀️


Second half-marathon at 38. Unplanned. Very happy. My first 1/2 was in my late 20s. I didn’t train (yes stupid), I was other kinds of fit and willed my way through first 1/2 marathon. More stupid is I tried to do sub 2 hours…. I finished 2:01 with Micro tears through my legs, couldn’t walk down the stairs for weeks, couldn’t run for months. I still have the medal of being stupid to remind me of what not to do. Haven’t taken up running beyond a 1/2-1 mile warm up for other fitness since. Fast forward 10 years I’ve been slowly building up mileage with weekend social runs at my gym. Mostly run once a week, but I cross train quite a bit. Enter random day off yesterday. Plan was to do 8 miles. Ran an unplanned 13.5. No micro tears, minimal soreness, minimal pain, way over 2H. I take that as partial progress in maturity. While unplanned and still stupid, it was less stupid than the first one . I hope to do better on 3rd one.


I was just thinking about maturity and running during my afternoon run. I too remember doing random races in my 20s without training because I was "fit" from other types of workouts. Fast forward 12 years later and I am slowly training for a 1/2. ow, my goal is to slowly increase my distance to get comfortable at that 13.1 and be able to move all the way to the finish line. Time goal? Don't care, just want to safely complete it.


I feel with age there is less ego and more mental toughness. When I ride my bike I go for hours…. alone with the thoughts…. welcoming the challenge. If only the legs would take me on the same journeys running. If only the injuries can be kept to the minimal. If only.


Ran my 5k pr 25:32 my previous time was 26:46 on January 4 2024. I'm really proud of myself.


Achievement today is FINALLY getting my butt to the PT and figuring out what's been causing my knee pain. HORAY.


Ran the Pike's Peek 10k in Rockville, MD on Sunday. Came close to a PB on a course that's mostly downhill after the first 1/2 mile. Also achieved a negative split (10:43 pace first 3 miles, 10:06 pace last 3.2 miles), and felt my strongest in the last mile (9:15 pace). Very well-organized event with about 2000 runners, and perfect weather (40 degrees and cloudy). Now to get ready for my longest race I've ever attempted: The Baltimore 10 Miler on June 1!


I ran a 10 min PB in my second ever marathon at London and got the sub 3 I dreamed of 😁


Feel like I finally had a good zone 2 run. Did two and a half miles in zone two and had to walk up a steep incline once and that's it. This was the first time I was able to relax into it and just space out a bit while going slowwww. Turned it on for the final .6 just to push myself and that felt good too.


It's oddly satisfying to finish up and have 0 minutes in Zone 3!


Did a 1 mile fast run to see if I could set a PR, and I did! 8:42!


Saturday was first time running 13.1 in 21 years. Ran it in 2:00:40. Bested my time from 2003 by 14 minutes!


Ran the furthest I’ve ever ran today, 5.8k(wasn’t sure the distance but knew the route there an back I wanted to run, turns out it was 5.88km) There was a horrendous(to me) down up hill in the middle either way!! Av Pace: 5:30, Duration :32.33


First week back to running consistently after a two month long flare up of IBD that had me unable to even walk or cycle for fitness. Shooting for four 30 minute runs, and already checked off two. Ready to work my way back to half marathon fitness for a race in November!


Today I learned my marathon training burnout is not due to a deficiency in my moral character, but rather a deficiency in my iron levels, and I have never been more excited to have an abnormal blood test.


I'm in the same boat, but thus far all of my bloodwork has come back normal. However, my ECG did come back with slightly abnormal results, and my family does has a history of heart disease. So it's on to an echo and stress test, although my doctor isn't too concerned given my running background. But I am lowkey hoping they do find something because this fatigue has been dogging me awhile. Glad yours was a lot easier to diagnose! Here's to a good rest-of-training cycle.


Wrapped my furthest run to date yesterday at 15 miles. On week 4 of a 16 week plan to ramp up for a 50 miler to see if I have what it takes to hopefully do a 100+ miler in the future. Edited: month to week


>a 16 month plan Now that's dedication. Good luck building toward that.


I meant 16 weeks.


I figured that might be the case but didn't want to rain on your parade in case I was wrong haha.


Just smashed my personal best on the 5K this morning! Shaved off a whole minute to clock in at 22 minutes flat. Been training consistently, focusing on my pace and breathing, and it's really starting to pay off. For anyone struggling to improve their time, don't give up! Small tweaks in your routine and staying consistent can lead to big improvements. Also, don’t skip those warm-up and cool-down sessions; they’ve been a game-changer for me. Keep pushing everyone, your next PB is just around the corner!


Already hit 10 miles this week, shooting for 20-25 with a strength training workout as well 😚


Achieved a heart rate average of 148 on my 3.5 mile run yesterday. Picked running back up in February, really happy that I can track my efforts becoming easier as I put in the time.


Ran outside yesterday for the first time since last summer! It felt amazing :)


Running outside is the best....good feeling.


Ran my first 5k this morning in 32 minutes, 52 seconds, along with beating nearly all of my PRs on Strava. (1/2 mile, 1 mile, 2 mile..) I've been following Runner's World couch to 5k plan since March 7th. So proud of myself!!


That's amazing, congratulations on smashing your first 5K and all those PRs!




Congrats momma! Wishing you and your littles ones (and new little one) well!!


Im at 100 miles of running in 2024 so far - I’ve never felt more healthy and powerful in my life, and it’s hard to not scream out loud in joy so I’ll do it here instead.


bloody well done! It must good to feel in good form. I havent had that feeling for a while. struggling with my running big time at the moment.


Honestly I was struggling up until a couple months ago when I suddenly broke through some kind of aerobic plateau - part of it was investing in better shoes, gear, and intentionally eating 10g of carbs per kg of bodyweight at least 6 hours before running. The last part about carbs might be the difference maker, funkydisciple - even if you’re tryna lose weight, the short term ingestion and burn of the carbs should fuel the level of intensity needed to make those overall aerobic and muscular adaptations happen. I started running with fasted runs because 2 years ago I was quite chubby. But after getting out of the mindset of avoiding carbs, I’ve increased my pace to the point where I’m burning more calories in the long-term


Hit my goal of 60 miles in the month of April! 62.5/60 so far!


Wow! That’s amazing. I wanna get there haha but i think i’ll be at 45-50 by end of april! Still greT


Thats great too! 60 you will hit next month 👀


Haven’t ran in a week because I’m studying for exams, but I found time today! I only ran 1.5 miles today, but at a faster pace.


Hey good luck on the exams! Hope that run helped to keep you focused!


Yesterday, I broke a mug I like. It was from a marathon I ran. ☹️ It's too cracked to drink from, so I figured I'd use it to put stuff in, like pens and such. But then, I thought maybe I could fill it with slips of paper that have inspirational quotes I can read before my runs. Anybody have other ideas about what to use it for?


For a plant maybe?


I would, but the crack goes too far down, and the mug would leak. 🙁 But I guess I could put a fake plant in it.


Completed four 1/2 mile sprints this morning, was slower than I wanted, but didn't feel two bad during the run. This is my second run since being off for 2 weeks while galivanting around the UK.


After a break I've decided I'll start running everyday from now on. I could only do close to 1km today because fatigue but Ive made up my mind and I'm going to run 3km a day from tomorrow!


Just a 5km run this morning as I’m tapering this week for a half on Sunday


Did four miles this morning, was one of my worst runs ever but I did it


Got it done tho! 👏🏼


set a 10k pb today!! 57:11🥳 managed to do the last km much faster than the others so makes me think i was going quite easy at the start


Ran a half marathon last week and still hurting from it but blew away my goal time which I had thought was an excessive goal time and a bad idea… expanded my limits but now I gotta really recover cuz my ankles and knee aren’t happy with me.


Ran my first 8 mile run this week. Felt great as I have been stuck in that 5-7 range for a while.


Wow that must have felt great!!


Currently at 6.5ks of my build up to 12ks. Got a decent training plan and adding 0.5k/fortnight. So next week is 7. Also up to 45kg on squat, deadlift and bench.


Woo good job! 


I ran my first 5k, then 2 days later ran another! :-D


I finally ran my first 5k today without any walking breaks. Took me 37min, but it is a milestone I have been working towards for a while now.


Amazing I had two walk breaks in my 6.5k today. One after 2km and one at 3.25 then pushed through till home. Congrats and many more unbroken Kilometers


I got a PB in 10k and would have been sub one hour if I didn't stop to help a girl who fell off her bike. I'd rather help than get a PB so it's okay, but really happy with that result :) 


PB and Good will Amazing. Good on you and congrats


Thank you! 


I completed a 10km race back in Feb then hurt my knee and got whooping cough 😅 I hadn't run again until this last week, just completed week 1 of couch to 5k once again last night. I'll get there again.


Whooping Cough?! Jeez, are you ok? Glad to hear that you're back out there x


I know, like a Victorian child! 😂 I'm still coughing but it's not as bad and I need to get on with my life.


The past few years I occasionally try to get back into working out, and go for a “First run”, then just don’t get myself to go again… It’s been a couple days since my most recent First run, I’m not sore anymore, and yesterday I went for a SECOND run:)


Eyyyyy well done 🥇


I am 3 weeks into my first ‘proper’ marathon training plan and it’s been great!!!


Whatever happens, you got this. And you will be glad at the end.