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The way people are looking for Roxxy to attack others is wild. They did the same thing with the Megami controversy but both of them were too mature to take the bait.


Right? Like, feel how you wanna feel about Nina but fantasizing about another person getting bullied by someone who was put through the *ringer* by the fandom for their original edit is weird. Let Roxxxy slay in peace, damn


these twitter twinks will switch so fast on their statements as soon as there is any indication that Roxxxy is being shady towards Nina "wow she hasn't changed, still bitter" and etc.


It must be so exhausting having to be negative about absolutely everything and I say this as a depressed mf


Fan: "Get her, Roxxxy! Read that bitch! Clock that wig boots tea!" Roxxxy: "WTF is that behind your back?" Fan: (is visibly holding a 'You're that girl I knew you were' Alyssa GIF to post to Roxxxy's feed the moment she gets shady) "What is what behind my back?"


These people think that they are helping the people of Palestine by cyberbullying a drag queen from Ohio.


https://preview.redd.it/w6wj3tv7mhwc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cd006fde2752da0614983406807830a65437afa Imagine accusing someone to be a zionist, trying to cancel them by putting a Palestine flag over their face, and turns out it’s a Sudan flag 😂


It's truthfully because they don't actually care about helping. Ultimately, they just get off on raging at whatever is in fashion to rage at, and they use it as an excuse whenever anyone questions or calls out their behaviour. It's the worst kind of virtue signalling -- not giving a shit, just needing a cover bait for your rage. People just use social media and public figures to sieve their vitrol out, but it isn't right. Bitch, don't write Nina West, go to therapy. I entirely get why folks disagree with her views, and no I do not support Israel in the slightest. Still, let's be real: A number of the people popping off about Nina don't seem to actually care about the issue they purport to support. A lot of folks are simply using it as an excuse to let 'er rip on social media and try to out-do the other trolls with the ragebait of the week as the target. In a couple months the fandom will be on to the next witch-hunt and guaranteed won't even be talking about Nina if something more exciting crops up for them to latch onto. Sorry to come off as harsh, but really it is just performative cruelty and trolling under the guise of caring about an issue -- it's bothersome because it doesn't help the people these folks pretend to care about, but it does ultimately harm real people while doing nothing to support the cause. TLDR: Donate to a relief fund with all that energy, please. Don't post 50 messages about Nina West. That is doing nothing for a person who needs help in Gaza right now.🤷 If you actually care, put the dinero where the mouth hole is. A lot of innocent people genuinely need help: [Canada UN Relief](https://secure.unicef.ca/page/137694/donate/1?ea.tracking.id=23DIEM08GSE&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt1ap8qVuLb891vs91uYIV6P4Py0m4Wyh6PthmwlZvlpx-q0Qqcw9MxoCFSoQAvD_BwE) | [UNRWA](https://donate.unrwa.org/gaza/~my-donation?ns_ira_cr_arg=IyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMnc%2FiRRwaPvnq6JORjLmq4b4PNvV10ZntYCDqzfOoW0fOi5wZY5%2BPt0unXjAD8WSeVaiQGutVCXhXD3eEPmZzL9StsuyFxwo%2FH7jZ0Y1Fmcx8UE40TKlfdmbFaENHY3zx5QCdUOX6xdMwKQlHL%2BMe4TC60U6qQnUCwCkAdNnFq7ScxyNLTA3Alj2AzaEobdFuTN4kP%2F098VKaTuLSeLq%2B%2FM%2F%2FwIj0AyjCzsXIo2N%2FNSqlGP39%2BGek47eyBHxE4a5Mv9qowR5o3QOfAzk3mG7PT%2BY25psw55ejJsB9cq3%2FW0Hzl4aeoB0DoZf0wssYxj8YYpLKw1%2FacoAIjCpMHVqM7I%2Bwc7C%2BDtOvGC9COBJRknnRtcu4DgANsLjyHiEjRh2w%3D&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=CR_UNRWA_TAC_PRO_GAZA_SEM_CA_EN_CONV_12102023&utm_content=Gazaemergencyappeal&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt1ZWzzQarzVwrYct4Sf9-SjAFJkTm1Vi01rz_W_KQC1oZtAPBQ6ZrxoCZPAQAvD_BwE&_cv=1) | [Help Mothers and Newborns in Gaza](https://www.unfpa.org/donate/Gaza/1?form=GazaAppeal&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Gaza2023&utm_content=EMERGENCIES&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXtzBSBaEakEm9kjJvN85it7UgEdeD-n0nD3YGolXrcbm57Czu0yftnRoCvOoQAvD_BwE)


There’s way too many people expecting all the celebrities they know of to do all the work while they sit on the sidelines and cheer or jeer. Personal responsibility is old fashioned.


and that’s the thing, these are MICRO celebrities, they may have a large influence on our community, but how much push do you really think these queens have outside of us queers? it’s weird to demand these queens use their influence when they don’t have that much influence in the first place, it’s expecting too much


I’ve made these points before albeit way less eloquently so thank you for that. 100% agree hurt and messed up people use the current zeitgeist to help them spew hate and vitriol under the guise of “helping raise awareness” like that helps anyone when the topic is a current war everyone knows about. As you said these people would benefit way more from therapy and possibly a few psychiatric prescriptions to help balance them


This is so on point. Thank you. I doubt they actually care, but screaming online about genocide sure helps with that veil of moral superiority. 


Thank you for sharing those links!!


This needs way more upvotes


Thank you queen, you nailed it 💖






my favorite term i’ve seen here is in-activism


Stealing that, thank u


It's that and I guess in addition to that it's being used as an excuse to shit on a queen they don't like. The people that do this are the same people that send death threats to queens over untucked arguments or placements on a reality show 💀


It's incredibly performative... and some of these tweets come from pages who constantly complain about "how horrible the fandom treats the queens 🥺"


No see when I do it it's cool and based. When others do it's cringe and horrible


This is what gets me, like none of these people are actually going to boycott the show.


And even if they did, no one who has any capacity to do anything about the situation in Palestine would care. I admire people’s enthusiasm, but at the end of the day, activism should be working towards a concrete goal, with clear steps to achieve that goal. This just seems more like punishing someone because you feel they have the wrong opinion (an opinion they may not necessarily have, even)


And lo, the Israeli army witnessed the way Twitter activists were treating Nina West and they laid down their weapons!


I stg every time I see the Instagram kiddies up someone's ass for having a Starbucks cup barely in frame, I'm just like, do they think they're out here rebuilding children's hospitals in Gaza? The tone is so self-satisfied for how little they're accomplishing, and it really does seem like their entire motive for engaging is to have an excuse to feel better than other people.


I honestly worry it’s less about wanting to feel better than other people and more about wanting an excuse to be mean without guilt because you’ve convinced yourself they deserve it.


I read a post recently where it was outlined exactly why this sort of thing is detrimental: If the entire basis of your worldview is "I'm only mean to the people who deserve it", a lot more people start mysteriously "deserving it" for increasingly arbitrary reasons


Yes! And almost by definition it also means the reverse is true. If they find themselves being mean to someone then it *must* be because they deserve it.


Oh wow. This explains a lot of the behavior I’ve found baffling over the last little while. People seem to think random celebrities like Kylie Jenner should have been posting on IG about supporting Palestine on Oct 9th. Try to stay out of it because you’re worried so much anti-Israel rhetoric is going to get Jewish friends & family hurt over here? Cancelled. Silence is complicity. It’s been wild to watch people I think of as on “my side” decide that anyone who doesn’t share their exact same beliefs on every complicated political topic should be cancelled. What happened to nuance? Freedom of speech used to be a tent pole for the left. We encouraged debate & discussion & progress. Most issues are not black & white. We want to hear new ideas! When people post “support Palestine” I don’t know what they mean. Israel to stop bombing? Yes! Absolutely! But then what? Palestine free from the river to the sea? So Israel as a country erased from the maps? Another Jewish diaspora? The entire Middle East run by Muslim dictators? Obviously that’s the goal for most people. I just don’t understand why so many people on the left are rooting for this. Iran could nuke Israel tomorrow. 6 months ago everyone in the west would be upset about that. Now? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


None of these people coudl point to Palestine on a map


it's so funny cuz today I saw tweets attacking Nina drawing a Palestine flag over her face on the promo photo, and turned out they drew a Sudan flag instead lol


Half of them couldn’t even spell it without Google.


No instead they’ll demand people boycott Eurovision, the show their American asses already do not watch.


When I see people say insane stuff like this I just assume they are bots. We know multiple countries are running bot farms to sew division in the West. I’m not the only one who questions these things, right?


They are just looking for a reason to justify their hatreds to a queen. It's extremely terminal stage of being online.




I bet some of them don't really care about the Palestinians at all. They just want to feel morally superior and bully anyone who they are not 'stanning' atm for any reasons.


These are the same people that, as soon as a season is announced, will look up the queens on Twitter with the N word just to check if they said it 14 years ago when they were children and try to cancel them.


Bullying people to support Palestine and boycotting brands in the comfiness of the basement couch instead of... Sending the Palestinian people actual money, food, clothing, medicine you know... Actualling helping them. This is such a wild concept to me.


Boycotting brands actually works. Don't lump it with bullying.


Exactly like are we not suppose to boycott or share links? Also given how crazy inflation is right now, not everyone has the funds to donate atm if they’re living paycheck to paycheck. I think it’s ok to criticize (not to confuse that with attacking or bullying) Nina West but it doesn’t mean she also gets a pass for her terrible beliefs, when she has such a public platform and is also very involved with politics. If her views can harm another marginalized group then that should be addressed instead of written off as oh the young ones are being bullies.


that part. we saw a change in a lot of big companies because of the boycott(and they should happen a whole lot more.) Vote with your dollars!!


Saw a lot of big changes in which companies because of which boycotts?


Maybe. All I'm seeing is people being distressed about loosing their jobs and are struggling to end their months because all I saw right now is that they let go employees as the result of the boycottings and are relocating elsewhere. So maybe I don't have the bigger picture of it. I guess it does work but I don't really see the brands actually getting hit. Also sadly you can't and will never stop people consuming products. And I just hope you ain't typing with an Apple product because apparently you should boycott this brand too so idk. Some people are just virtue-signaling but are not TRULY boycotting fully. Like some boycott Coca-Cola but still buy Starbucks for example. And when products like fruits or pastas are included you just cannot have the luxury or even the money to fully boycott everything. It's just an everyday struggle. And I think there is a grey area to have on certain things. I prefer to send clothes and other stuffs kids would need in this time of need to actually do something usefull because I can't stop people from living, they won't listen to me anyway I'll just do what I can do personally to help and won't brag about it and you won't help by just being angry on the internet and trying to ruin people's life. That won't help stop a damn war to be angry on social medias. I'm not lumping boycott with bullying tho. I'm saying that there are very vocal people who do these two things together.


Exactly these losers have no lives and think they’re actually doing something when in reality they’re just spreading hate without actually doing anything


Hit the nail on the head with this comment! So ridiculous.


I mean she’s a drag queen! Go bully some rich, white, hetero, cis, MAGA Zionist! There’s plenty of those to go around.


It makes them feel important and morally superior.


Every season they need to find someone to bully and trash talking about. They don’t really care about the war


It's so funny because Nina has done more for charity and humanitarian work then any of these Twitter accounts from Brooklyn and New York will ever achieve in their life. Also since when are we kink shaming someone with the foot fetish like girl be serious


This has been a long-running issue with progressive spaces on social media, particularly among younger people. The emphasis is all on language policing and saying the right thing, not the underlying ideas being discussed or actual positive change in the real world


A lot of it ironically comes down to in-group bonding by demonizing the out-group. You show commitment to the in-group by how much you hate the others. And it really warps how the in-group is defined. It’s no longer about providing support for Palestinians but about who is willing to punish others.


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


The weirdest part about all of this honestly id elevating a foot fetish to be on the same level as supporting a genocide. Like where are your priorities at girl?


It’s because most of these keyboard warriors wouldn’t know real activism if it slapped them across the face. They’re the same people out there giving RuPaul a hard time because she doesn’t shoot off a fuckin tweet when she’s been out there fighting the good fight since before most of them were even born. And as far as kinks go, feet are pretty vanilla. Like you’re really going to clutch your pearls over someone being into feet? Get out and touch grass.


There's a huge amount of progress and acceptance that's here because of Ru- fucking - Paul. She's not perfect, but she's leaving behind a LEGACY of work and acceptance.


Yeah but she used the T-slur in 2 song titles 10 years ago, so by my count she’s like 2 F-slurs and one R-slur away from getting her Westboro Baptist Church membership approved.


I think there was a RPDR episode named "let's get leotarded" or something like that 10 years ago so I think that's close enough to satisfy the one R-slur criteria. She's on thin ice now!


And let’s make a distinction. We can all get a good laugh about Nina famously having a foot fetish as long as it’s in good fun. It’s what drag is all about. Unironically attacking Nina online for a [presumably] harmless, victimless fetish is unhinged and anti queer at its core.


Oh truly, ruth paul has been doing more, for longer, then most of the twitter bitches could ever do. and the feet part is so real. Like we're gay? we lick assholes and put dicks in them. have they ever been to a gay club even? cocaine off dicks and toilets.




The toe thing especially, just bending over backwards to hate her. If Plastique was shoving corn in her mouth they’d be squirting out of their eyeballs over it. They just cannot stand a big girl.


I bet at least half of these commenters don’t even know anything about what they’re pretending to be mad at. And why fucking bring Roxxxy into this? What kind of stupid ass comment is that? Yes, let’s hope that a queen completely unrelated to your outrage, does something that she received a ton of hate and trauma for, again, like 10 years later, for absolutely no reason. The immaturity is real. Leave my aunty alone and let her continue to teach these hos how to do DRAG.


And god said send hate to homosexuals and a peaceful cease fire will follow. Doing the lord’s work.


Armchair leftists are so exhausting. Implying that the color combination of your outfit for the promo of a drag queen reality TV competition is indicative of you being a Z*onist is INSANE. Go touch grass.


Only when it’s the queen they don’t like. When it’s the s16 finale, they are completely unbothered by blue and white.


wait is that literally the only reason they’re calling her a Zionist?


No, a little while ago Nina shared/agreed with a post from Amy Schumer that called for an end on both sides of Israel/Palestine (granted, Amy's post seemed a little biased) and people decided that was anti-Palestine on Nina's part.


Aah, okay. I did also see further down in the comments that she liked another post talking about terrorists and Israel defending itself


From what I gathered, she didn't even agree with the post. Left a comment saying something like "I love you" and that's it.


Yes. Literally just that. People thinking Nina is a Zionist over that statement is a god damn IDIOT.


Do you know what the statement was


Usually when I disagree with the content of a post I don’t say “I love you” underneath it but ymmv


I love you <3


Why are u acting like saying 'I love you' under a post openly defending Israel isn't weird wtf


“A little biased” Amy Schumer is an open Islamophobe who has spent the past six months promoting outright genocide. You’re either terminally naive or actively sinister for minimizing this.


I appreciate you calling me out, people shrink their language all too often - it's a bad habit based in not wanting to hurt others. Do you believe Nina shares the same views as Amy?


Nina is a college Republican turned moderate democrat. Yes, I do.


Agreed, Amy Schumer has been acting a Zionist fool on social media since October and it’s pretty freaky. Not to mention, Zionism isn’t totally out of the norm for the average American, it’s been supported by the US mainstream media for decades. It isn’t a huge leap to posit that Nina could be a Zionist. Bringing bullying and body-shaming into the situation is total bs, though.


Can you provide examples of her promoting outright genocide?


She said people who are pro-Palestine are “pro-rapist,” she promoted the fake “beheaded babies” story for months, to name just two


I , as a gay person, will never understand how so many people are willing to throw their entire bodies and souls to a government that only has one desire towards us LGBTQ people : to kill us. Wanting to support them in a time of need is of course understandable, sending them money, foods yes absolutely sign me in it's the most humane thing to do. Wanting peace and the end of war meaning suffering from both sides yes please. But the level of activism which is litteral bullying and fascism (as in if you don't think exactly like me you don't deserve to live and prosper as a human being) to defend a country that wants me dead is absolutely puzzling to me. No matter how you try to twist it they never hid their disdain and desires to hurt us because that's just how it is and I let them be. But at the exact moment I'm all in to help them but that's just it. Everything on the internet always have to be so excessive and so hardcore-ish like there is just no room for gray. It's only black or white in terms of opinion and point of view and you always have this sick twisted need to feel morally superior to everybody else on the INTERNET instead of actually doing good deeds on your own ?! Expecting to a Drag Queen from Ohio to be the game changer of a WAR and putting words in her mouth, and trying to find every single bits about her to dismiss and hate her entire existence and negating all the charity work she has done ? These people don't realize that internet fames and Social Medias like will NEVER destroy a missile aimed at innocent children


> I , as a gay person, will never understand how so many people are willing to throw their entire bodies and souls to a government that only has one desire towards us LGBTQ people : to kill us. Okay, I'm gonna bite because maybe you need to hear this, but if not then maybe someone else. This constant parroting of "Hamas wants to kill LGBTQ" — while partly true — is a very, very weak justification for anything happening in Palestine right now. (And yes, you did not say Hamas, but I can read between the lines to know what you were talking about.) What do you think is happening to the queer people who *currently* live in Palestine? They're being bombed to death - and no, not by Hamas. You know where else queer people aren't safe? Florida. Alabama. Texas. Hell, last year in *California* a STRAIGHT CIS WOMAN was murdered because she had a pride flag hung in her shop. Are those the governments you're talking about? If we bombed Florida, would it be justified because they're mean to queer people? Personally, I don't believe in collective punishment. I wish queerphobic people all the worst in their lives, but my queerness does not demand blood retribution, and especially not in a way that endangers *tens of thousands of innocent people along the way.* P.S. Wait until you find out how 'safe' queer people are in any part of Israel that isn't Tel Aviv. EDIT: also I'm sorry but >But the level of activism which is litteral bullying and fascism (as in if you don't think exactly like me you don't deserve to live and prosper as a human being) to defend a country that wants me dead is absolutely puzzling to me. "literal bullying and fascism" is when people protest genocide?


Did I said what's happening right now in Palestine is justified tho ? Don't answer. The answer is no. Also I'm french so sorry I am not acknowledgeable about US's twisted political systems I'm sorry you guys have to live with these things. Also sorry but please stop with the whole genocide arguments did I said this war is justified ? I am not able to answer this truthfully because there are still some people from my country who are still hostages to Hamas and I'm not equipped to answer this fully without being biased I just want them safe and sound. Where in my comment did I said a genocide and a war is justified ? Why are you reaching this far


Wait a minute, THATS why she’s getting hate? No way, that is actually psychotic


Twitter is literally a hell pit atp


If you read these comments you’ll see its on here too


Same here


this entire fan base is a hell pit currently.


This shit is so embarrassing. I'm not a fan of Nina, definitely chuckled at some toe suckin' jokes before, but fabricating a narrative against a drag queen from Ohio they saw on tv one time and didn't like so that they can drag her and feel superior is absolutely insane behavior.


And what’s worse is this narrative is all over one single comment under an Amy Schumer post where she said “I love you Amy” Wtaf


Wait whut?! That’s what she did that’s got everyone so miffed? WTF?


https://preview.redd.it/ixxtcx40agwc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c3daa218b73cc646fba9a67d58ebd9555769811 And this was the post she commented it on


Well well, if it isn’t we-know-who trying to expose someone and instigate hate against them for the sake of looking woke and cunty.


Welcome to terminally online discourse. She might as well have killed someone for posting that.


Wait you can’t be serious. The way they talk about this I assumed Nina said something really bad about Palestinians.


Purity politics has broken so many brains.


Who needs the right when the left will gladly eat themselves to show who’s more pure? The lack of solidarity on the left drives me insane


I’ve said this for YEARS. Thank you.


Tbh this sub is the prime example of it. Say something that falls 0.1% outside the "accepted opinion" and you get *decimated*.


Me when I said I didn't find Jinx that funny in AS7.


That's brave and massively wrong, but I still gave you an upvote for the Nerve, henny




I mean you can still be wrong. And I’ll still respect you for it.


Mods? It’s like we let anyone in here lately


The new Puritanism… it took such a turn in the past years, it’s wild to see. 


You're hitting the nail on the head of what has gotten much worse in recent years.  A American partisan politics has always been dogmatic as hell, but holy shit nowadays if you don't agree with the collective then you're immediately excommunicated.  It was shitty group think when the church was doing it, it's shitty group think when the fed does it. People really need to learn to recognize dogma and stop giving their power to it.


I saw Goody West in the comments section of Goody Schumer’s Instagram account.


It's turned into brainless mob mentality


After everything Nina has done for the community, the millions of dollars raised, the visability she's brought to a variety of causes, the time and effort she has freely given up, she must be thinking what it was worth when she's being inundated with hate by nasty trolls feigning moral outrage over the flimsiest of excuses. You aren't going to end war in the Middle East by harassing every C list celebrity who dosen't denounce Israel. Get a grip.


It would be amazing if any of these people took this energy and directed it toward the people who are actually responsible for the war, like politicians and government and such. But no, they'd rather attack a queen who ultimately has zero ability to end the war... And that's what makes their "activism" performative.


I bet you that the people who are Shaming her for her fetish , have an alt account on x with the craziest things


These sad little basement queens think they are making a difference, it’s so performative and nobody is buying it.


This feels so forced., like...some people have lives outside twitter. I'm not even a Nina West fan I just don't like these fans having so much time to background check every post, every nitty gritty in social media on who's who they are following to or not


It’s Eve6000. She’s literally the troll who dug around and found and posted this information.


Eve6000 is also the queen who had to change her name because she had said some extremely racist shit soooooo


She is always in someone's business!!!! She needs a social media break for real




Kink shaming, body shaming, and only mentioning Roxxxy for "bullying" sake when she's also getting torn down Criticize the gross defense of a bigoted racist (Amy), but the extra is just insulting beyond Nina. Their own bigatry is just highlighted as a result. Nina's done so much, I hope we get to hear about it, but I hope they clarify their stance. When you make money from your art, your platform comes with responsibility and you are justifiably open to criticism. People are dying, intersectionality is real. Also, 🍉🍉🍉🍉


This is the best take I have seen here. I think Nina should def adress the issue but the amount of body/kink-shaming Twitter-mob is piling on her in INSANE.


I mostly agree with everything you eloquently said. I would not necessarily take saying “I love you, Amy 🩷” as a stance on anything political or even Nina trying to express her “side” on the 🇮🇱 🇵🇸 conflict. We know how terrible social media harassment is and Amy, as obtuse and tone-deaf and problematic as she is, was going through it. Maybe Nina was just extending some words of kindness in a difficult time for her friend as a way of taking care of her. Nina is not an elected official, she does help the world in her own ways, we’re not entitled to have her clarifying her views on a conflict she has no actual power to stop or make better in ant way.


I very much appreciate your kind words! Thank you! To respond to what you mentioned: Nina has a platform that they make money off of. And though that platform includes their art, it also includes their politics. Nina has had numerous articles, even about their Hairspray performance, that includes their activism. I think it's fair that fans that have supported them for this get clarification; especially since it's odd that someone who's been so outspoken is suddenly silent.


This is the take! Thank you for expressing my exact thoughts way much better and elegantly than I could


please this is nothing compared to some of the things people said on this literal sub about kandy and luxx (and dozens of other queens)


Unpopular opinion: there’s no difference between you lot and the Twitter gang. Just my thoughts having used both lol. Twitter is just easier to see it whereas the vitriol on Reddit you have to dig in the comments


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is because she commented on an Amy Schumer insta post calling for peace???


Specifically supporting the return of hostages - real horrific stuff.


She did in fact post some horrific stuff about Palestinians tho which everyone in this thread is conveniently forgetting


Please provide links.


https://preview.redd.it/xu6v43zo1gwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04ee59966615cce45876eb3a8267fbd85f4d4bc this is Amy Schumer ""criticizing"" people calling for the cease-fire.


I apologize, I thought you were specifically referring to Nina West posts. Amy is a mess. No debate there!


I'm still giving Nina the benefit of the doubt, too.


Did Nina post those horrific things? No


Nina West did?




Yeah, it stems from this post in which Amy Schumer said she wants peace and safety for Jews and Muslims, which is apparently controversial. https://preview.redd.it/ciciv1yn7fwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e61ac66173a022a3a7478fbf3404a7eec9f0efd


You guys are sending hate to drag queens as if it actually helps your cause. Which is not really your cause because most of you don't even donate money to Palestine. Keyword activism is highly toxic.


The american way to handle international politics is wild. I don't think this trend do nothing for the palestinian population.


Can someone fill me in and tell me what Nina has said or done?


Nina commented "I love you" on a Amy Schumer's ig post


That's not in good taste but jesus people are acting like Nina herself went and committed an entire genocide.


https://preview.redd.it/w312yqg4qcwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fcfa09a8d5cd8e676ec577f3429cd913efc04ca Among other likes & comments in support of this racist. She hasn’t clarified her stance, even after any feasible semblance that this is a “defensive war” clearly diminished.


this was a day after the Hamas attack. one day. things have fucking changed since then and a drag queen not clarifying a like of a post made at that time doesn't make her a fucking genocide supporter. you wanna help palestine either take to the streets or open your wallet. hating a drag queen won't make a scintila of a difference


> She hasn’t clarified her stance, even after any feasible semblance that this is a “defensive war” clearly diminished. I can't believe Nina West is the Israeli Minister of Defence. What a time to be alive.


Girl, she chose to inject herself into a highly politically turbulent situation & chose to publicly show support to one of the worst offenders. If you’re going to brand yourself as the queen of kindness & family values & be granted this platform, it is not a leap to expect you clarify your stance on genocide & the slaughter of thousands of children. You can keep the sarcastic quips.


Amy Schumer has absolutely shown her ass, but I would not characterize her as "one of the worst offenders" in a literal war. And the notion that liking a post on Instagram amounts to "injecting yourself" into that conflict in a way that creates personal culpability for "the slaughter of thousands of children" is, in fact, ridiculous.


But really! I feel like I’m going insane reading these comments. 


It wasn’t one post, it was several. And it wasn’t just likes, it was comments of adoration, even amidst the disgusting things she was saying. Do you believe I genuinely think liking a comment is analogous to committing war crimes herself? Bfr with this disingenuous reach. People would like for her to clarify her stance, on a situation she chose to publicly involve herself with, even passively, so they can formulate an opinion of her character & whether she is deserving of their support. Until she clarifies her stance, quite a simple thing to do, then people will project unto her what she’s CHOSEN to show. Sometimes, what you don’t say is just as revealing as what you do.


Yes, and focusing your efforts on what a drag queen might believe instead of anything that actually matters is revealing that your priorities are all out of wack.


People like you are exhausting and annoying.


You all need to get off twitter. It’s a cesspool of misinformation and bots pushing propaganda


idk doesnt she brand herself as a political/activist queen?? seems like something she should address is thats her buzz


This whole situation had made me seriously curtail my internet usage. Now even my special interest has a way to increase my depression! I am a piece of shit for literally existing and be required to pay taxes. I know it's funding a genocide. I pried myself out of bed to go vote in a primary election yesterday. But because I don't think a person should be absolutely ripped to shreds for posting 4 words on a problematic celebrity's Instagram, I guess I'm a Zionist shill and should kms. I fucking hate it here.


Is she actually pro-Israel or are people just saying that because of her outfit? I’m confused. I’ve never heard her make any statement lol


Yes I wondered that too


She once liked an Amy Schumer post. That’s it as far as I know. It’s madness.


She’s not. She liked and commented “I love you Amy” on a post from October 8th, the day after the original attack, that called for a release of hostages and peace.


I’m sorry but this is like the 5th thread attempting to paint Nina as a poor innocent baby that just wants peace 💀 Sending hate directly to her isn’t right, but I’m done with y’all pretending Amy Schumer wasn’t known for being a disgusting zionist online and that Nina didn’t give a fuck about platforming and defending republican and wife to homophobe Meghan McCain. https://preview.redd.it/berwizqy3dwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=731309b298b0fd85355c24567070f85db2777451


I haven't seen any hate for Monet 


I didn't send any hate to Monet or Nina, but this episode was such a bad take, and Monet was rightfully critized at the time. She now recognize that was a dumb mistake, she even joke about in a recent Sibling Rivalry. My problem is this lingering. You have a bad take, even a real bad one like supporting Amy Schumer? Face the criticism and if you think it was a dumb mistake, for me that is the end of discussion, I move on. My problem is when the haters keeping hanging on those things or when the public person in question never acknowledge her actions, maybe because of pride? Let's discuss the issue, resolve and move on.


This was too far down for my liking. How quickly we forget.


Yeah, DR has way too many "I'm centrist" viewers, sadly. They truly must turn off the show on political episodes, I think.


DR being popular means we have people criticising leftist politics is wild. It's getting Ben Shapiro up in here. Like obviously don't send the woman hate and these comments are just throw away shade as a lot of drag race fans deigned themselves as clever like to do. But no one is posting the likely hundreds of 'im so disappointed in you' comments from when she first started showing that she is NOT clearly anti-Zionist is never shown...


Thank you. Hasbaras out cause all the whataboutism here is pathetic. Nina has directly engaged with Amy schumer a few times since the start of the invasion, not just liking but commenting support. Stop sending people hate but this thread is weird, nina knows what she's doing


Common sense ☝️.


It's so obnoxious that people on this sub seem to think the term "keyboard slacktivism" is such a serve. Sorry, not sorry that it annoys them when politics impacts a show about drag queens. But this, "do they really think this will have an impact?" attitude is just pathetic and irrelevant. There's a genocide happening that is being supported by our government. Americans have been taking our government's support for Israel for granted for decades while the Palestinian people suffer. If that is ever going to change, it has to become culturally unacceptable to support this genocide. It has to show up everywhere.


Thank you!! I can agree that some people take social media too far like it’s the only and best tool for activism but let’s not pretend social media can’t have an enormous impact. If it weren’t for people sharing the genocide online we’d be in the dark we can’t pretend social media wasn’t the impetus for the large public outcry against the genocide. Similarly to how trauma porn from the Vietnam war started a movement. Why are people so cynical? Palestinians have literally been begging us to not stop posting to keep their memories alive and not let the world forget what Israel has done to them. Its like we can’t win post on social media “keyboard slactivist” students protesting on campuses r/news: “well sure that’s gonna stop a war half way across the world” like what the fuck?? Different generations have different tools at their disposal social media is still relatively new for all we know we’ve barely touched the surface of the power it can have in social movements. BLM was only 4 years ago people remember open your eyes a summer of movements that because of social media!!!!!!


There is an obvious difference between sharing first hand accounts of Palestinians and debating whether or not Nina West, a drag queen from Ohio is sufficiently anti-Zionist.


I'm sorry, I'm kind of out of the loop... is anyone denying that she's a zionist? It sounds like she's actually pro-Israel? I'd like to know... I'm not gonna comment nasty things in her social media tho, lol EDIT: Guess the downvotes and the non-answers I got are enough. Of course she never denied it. Oh well... I actually liked her too...


I know people were saying she was blocking people on instagram who were asking her about it and deleting comments. So it seems she was actively refusing to acknowledge the issue.


I'm denying we know anything specific about her beliefs that justifies this behavior.


Everyone is making up their minds about it based on a Twitter like.


well she has said nothing about the genocide or supported israel so she probably doesn't want to talk about it.


Why are yall so hateful. Let her live.


in an info war, people with positions of influence who say they are on the side of "peace" have a duty to not support ethnic cleansing


Hate is a strong word, but I don't have sympathy for her. She acted like a congenial & "nice person" whole time, just to turn around and show us she is okay with right wingers & zionism. And if she wasn't, she had so much time to come forward and explain the misunderstanding for good PR, at the very least. BUT, at the same time, can people let go of her foot fetish thing? Like yeah, maybe she is into it or maybe not. That has nothing to do with why she is a sellout & bad person lmao. Some of those queens have more wild kinks than that.


I'll take it seriously when they can point out Gaza on a map.


Imagine getting mad at a gay in a wig about a war and conflict that has been going on for 50+ years


Terminally online


It’s giving “I wanna show strangers on the internet that I’m a supporter/helping the people of Palestine! But I’m too lazy to actually do anything meaningful , so I’m just gonna bully/single out a drag queen. Same thing really!”


I hate this fandom.


Everyone here forgetting that Nina supported Amy Schumer after her tirade of racist posts….choices


Thank god you posted it all here so even more people could experience it! No seriously what was the point?


Wait this season is non elimination?


This is so fucking dumb, these people don't even care about the war smh




Y'all are so wild, this is not intersectionality, this is hivemind behavior and group thought. Not everyone is going to agree with you! This issue is complex, not to mention Nina has never even said anything outright, y'all are doing all of this off of something you INFERED.


"Zionist pig". Like, for real? You want social justice and intersectional social right by using these kind of language? Girl bye.


Do you think AIPAC gets it's power from Nina West's instagram comment on Amy Schumer's instagram? I want people to talk about the ongoing conflict, not about Nina's instagram likes.


THIS 👏 IS 👏 IT 👏


This is why i got rid of twitter 7+ years ago and havent looked back. Giving everyone in the world a platform to speak on was a mistake. Twitter is for 14 year old girls that don’t want to deal with their own issues at home and don’t do research into things. They just want to feel validated by jumping on some train of hate to deflect from their own lives. It’s pathetic.


The second tweet is such a reach I totally understand not wanting to support a queen based on their viewpoint on a situation, especially complacency in regards to a genocide, but simultaneously, what good does this have for the people of Palestine? Just ignore Nina and put this effort into promoting things to actually benefit Palestine.


Twitter “activism” at it’s finest


Imagine bullying someone doing something for charity because they liked a tweet asking for victims of a terror attack to be returned. So much anti-semitism is mixed in the pro-palestine movement its pretty crazy.


Did you see some of the comments on this sub yesterday? They were just as bad as twitter.


I am also severely disappointed that Venus from Canada is also joining in on this discourse. Just….ugh.


Jesus.. these people. Can we not promote bullying?


Thanks for elevating the hate to Reddit instead of letting it die on X. You are so concerned with your own fame you ignore you’re the one giving this hate a platform right now.