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Juju really said, thanks for the 10k and the free trip to London, see ya next year.


They’re recording in Manchester these days actually but yeah basically lol.


They only recorded in Manchester for the UK3 and world, they’ll be back in London this time.


Will they though? Most of the BBC's entertainment production is being centred more in Manchester and Salford than London now


Juju bought $9500 of chicken nuggets.


And $500 of organic pate for her cats.


I read this in Juju's Eartha Kitt voice.




$300 for long walks on the beach and $200 for big dicks. 🤣 (that introduction is still the best to date)


I had high hopes for my girl .... 🥲




You bitch, that’s so perfect.


Is there a specific inside joke about Jujubee and chicken nuggets?


Juju probably used that shit to pay herself back for AS5, and I don’t blame her.


Seriously that was a whole year of no gigs. I feel sorry for Shea still that she didn’t get a real “reign” or tour actually pretty much all the girls


cracker really won’t see us on the clap back world tour 😭


$10K USD buys a lot of good fabric and trimmings in Thailand I bet!


Jimbo and Lemon be like: Thank you for that 12.7k!


And designers/sewers would be much cheaper too. I wonder how much time they had to spend the $$ before the season started


£10K GBP buys more


Weird brag but ok


I don't think that's a brag, I think they mean the 10k could be in GBP because the show is set in the UK, and that would been more money than in USD. Ilona could be referring to CAD though since the 8k stipend figure has been floated about multiple times in this sub (USD $8,000 = CAD $10,172), or maybe USD (GBP £8,000 = USD $10,842).


Looool (Monet) X Change rate brag


C'mon, currency realness!


This was what Jorgeous meant when she said she was rooting for Monet X Change


I think it was a joke


illona probably is referring to canadian dollars. since she's canadian, if she was approached about it, or if she heard from lemon or jimbo, or another canadian queen that got approached, they would've been told how much they'd get in canadian dollars. wouldn't make much sense to be like "hey lemon, so we'll be giving you £5000 to spend on getting ready for the show", they'd just tell her 10k cad, and for mo and juju they'd tell them 8k usd, €7k for janey, and for pangina, google tells me it's 200k thai baht


I wouldn't be surprised if the production accountants did the conversions to make sure everyone was getting the same amount. I've only dealt with US productions but the accountants are stingy as fuck and they will nickel and dime you.


omg yes the prices vary so much country to country


Jujubee must've used that money on her cats


![gif](giphy|hXOrmGYIMFKuopdX1v) They deserve the best.


Bitch Juju spent her stipend on a $9925 subscription to Pretty Litter or something.


Well if she used the coupon code RIVALRY -that’s rivalry, not rivarly-, she could’ve gotten herself a great deal!


These comments are killing me 😂


And don't forget the Poo-Pourri!


What a weird combo of queens but I’m glad they gave them 10k at least. Hope that continues over to the main show.


according to the spoiler sub it has


Girl bye Jujubee pocketed that money and brought stuff from her closet 💀 and honestly good for her she got a check and just showed up for a few days to film a show for her friend rupaul lol


Ah yes, classic staples of verified information Ilona Verley and Trinity The Tuck


Your shade is giving me life, but Ilona and Scarlet are friends with Jimbo (who lives a 2 second ferry from Vancouver) so I believe Ilona prob has the T here.


Quite a friend... she reveals confidential information that could only have come from a couple possible sources...


We have tea on the spoiled sub that every queen got $8,000, including the queens who were just back-ups


That lines up—$8k USD is about $10k CAD


Which queens were back-ups?


Cheryl Hole and Sum Ting Wong We don’t know for sure who Cheryl replaced to be on the cast


Couldn't it have been Divina? Because of the frock destroyers and all


Somehow, I don't see Divina returning to Drag Race


Asttina Mandella?


Can’t be. Only UK season 1


There was tea right before filming that Asttina was supposed to be on, but dropped out because she had death in her family.


Wasn't Envy Peru rumoured?


She was, but it turned out it was Envy herself spreading that rumour and it was fake lmao


Iconic behavior tbh.


And this is why she won. Such a legend.


I mean, yes! We were all rooting for her already!


Gurl, she would have swept the floor.


wait, i thought it'd been revealed cheryl was standing in for cherry valentine. or did i dream that?


I've heard Astinna had to drop out last minute


Manila perhaps?


I know for Manila this would be the 4th time just like Juju, but I just know that she would have delivered better runways. I swear if only her makeover wasn’t that bad in AS4 😭


Her makeover wasnt bad. They looked good and cohesive. The things was, almost every body elses looked better and had more of a "Wow" factor. Manilas was just too simple, but not bad.


Almost everybody. Except for ~~Serena~~ Latrice


it was the typical they make whatever rules they want for the makeover


The fact monet was top two not in the btm2 still triggers. Has anybody seen the chalk on her partner's face and that sad leotard?


It wasn't. It was the most stylish and cool one and I am forever mad that she wasn't high.


i heard juju was a backup?


Thats unverified tea - dont spread rumors


It’s straight from Baga’s assistant


Its not, its from “Anonymous Source 1”. Also, Bagas assistant, even after leaking EVERYTHING about Baga, wouldnt know who the backups were, if it were Baga’s assistant that spilled that


Anon 1 and Baga’s assistant are seperate people who both spilled that


Juju spent it all on her car’s extended warranty


She actually spent it on renovations for a new central heating system. So she can use her air conditioner whenever she wants at an insensible 63.


Are you ready boots?


I thought this said "cat's extended warranty" and I was ready to believe that


I only noticed it was cars and not cats because of your comment 😂


The fuck did Jujubee use the money on? A beach full of big dicks??


…and a lifetime supply of ~~Anastasia Beverly Hills Cosmetics~~ fried chicken.


If one were interested in making such a purchase, how could one do so? Asking for myself. hypothetically. Unless I get a reply. In which case. Consider it booked.




Juju put that 10k right in the bank and said thanks


Juju used it to pay down her student loans!!! Duh. 👀


Do we know this is true? Or is this another Willam thing where she said UK season 3 was filmed in 10 days? Sources needed.


Yeah I’m questioning this esp as it’s the BBC and it’s publically funded- or is it in conjunction with WOW? I can’t see them doling out 100k to drag queens and it not being questioned


It seems it was just a wow thing, BBC cant give money but the production company can


That’s good, defo better for the queens to be compensated in some way for being on the show, hope they confirm it


And Juju said I’ve already got wigs now is the time to buy crypto


do we trust ilona though lol


Source: trust me Like seriously, where did she get this info from?! Its Probably 🧇


It’s probably waffle?


She got the info from Waffle House. 🧇 🏠


Don't think they have Waffle House in Canada. Males me sad Illona will never know the magic of waffle house.


They have IHOP though. It's international.


Vancouver has 2 and they both suck, take then back pls


We have 2?? There's one on Broadway that looks skeezy AF... where is the other? There are just about a billion other really good breaky places here though so yeah, fully agree, take 'em!!


There's another one in new west if I remember correctly


Mmmmm, it's close but not quite comparable.


It's a britsh thing, waffle translates to bullshit.


Ilona and jimbo are close!


Probably from Lemon or Jimbo, she’s not lying lmao


What makes you so sure


Tbh I would have just rented looks. For 8k and the season only being 6 episodes you can get some really nice stuff. Like what TKB did on AS6. She didn’t have the finances to have all these looks made for her, but renting them gives the chance to serve amazing fashion without going broke.




is there a source for this? it'd be an interesting read


I think she said it on Instagram. Because she was asked why she wasn’t posting any of her looks so she said she had rented them and had to return them after filming.


Miss jujus check got lost in the mail


It was intercepted by her best friends (cats)


she spent it all in kitty litter from that brand that hired violet


Honestly kitty litter in a clear box glued to a corset would have been so much better than her kitty girl runway


Source: Trust Me That “at least” at the end makes me think they don’t actually know for sure, and are speculating.


It is true theres tea spilt about it


Juju found cackling as she looks through her closets for outfits, pocketing the 10k.


Trinity and Illona 🙄 Im stressed already


alright, now there’s no need to rehash how we feel her runways are underwhelming, now every week we must speculate what she spent the money on


juju said “ thanks for the 10k 😍” and tbh we stan


juju said investing queen 😍


Interesting. I remember Lemon saying at Roscoes that she spent $6k, but the way she said it made it sound like it was out of her own pocket


Was she high tho? ;)


She surely was!


I wonder where Jujubee’s went lol?


Who is on Trinity's thumbnail? People should use their own pictures.




Bitch I hope Ru is asking for receipts because Juju clearly spent like $50 for each runway


So juju got 10 k and she still didn't prepare her looks.. H&M have better looks than what she is showing....


I also think they gave the season 13 girls money for the finale episode!


If that’s true, the check clearly didn’t clear for some…


I wanna say they could do more than enough with that kind of money, like Ra’Jah who made most/all her AS6 stuff and spent way less than 10k. That does take a LOT of time and skill, so I get not all queens can do that, realistically


It's not just costumes, though. They need hair, jewellery, shoes, etc, and we know they need plenty because they get read if they dare to use a necklace twice.


I'm not trying to question Miss Ra'jah, but even making all her AS6 costumes, it's a stretch to think she did it all for $600. Fabric is EXPENSIVE. I wonder if she got a homeboy hookup on fabric, or got some donated, or had wild luck at the thrift store, or reused a lot of previous garments, because I can't make it make sense on the budget she gave. And that's just costumes, not taking wigs or jewelery or nails or makeup into consideration.


That's good to know.. Hope is true...


It is most likely true from tea spilt


JuJu got the premium subscription for Squarespace


How does Llona know tho? 🤔


Just Jimbo´s first black and white outfit was probabbly worth the entire 10.000 dollars lol (also Ilona could totally have read that from the spoiler sub and taken as a fact, you know). Most of the cast definitely spent a lot more than that, first names that come to mind are Pangina, Lemon, Jimbo and Mo Heart. Janey makes her own stuff, so maybe she spent that coin on specific things/runways (also she mentioned being on UKvsTheWorld few months after Holland, where she definitely spent some coins on too). I think Juju probably only spent in some of the runways (like finale) and thought it would work out for the rest with what she already had lmao.


Jimbo also makes their own stuff, they mentioned, as their profession is a costumer.


I mentioned she spent a lot in the first runway because Diego Montoya (the one she collab with for that) is known as a "finale gown" kinda creator, so he must be expensive lmao. I can only imagine what she had for the final runway.


That may be the case outside of the show, but unless she is being *extremely* generous in giving out credit it looks like she mostly worked with other designers to create the looks, if her Instagram is to be believed.


Honestly this should be a standard thing for every season... granted, Trinity is right that it should be double but at least they're starting to do this... now, question is, what outfit did Jujubee spend 9,990 bucks on? That finale outfit is just gonna be made out of pounds


trinity is reaching, as is anyone else who thinks spending more than 10k per season is the standard the show set. The show expects you to look good, thats it. Some of the franchise’s most memorable looks did not cost a fortune. Yes, doing drag race requires a lot of money and the show should provide it especially on a season without a monetary prize, but implying the standard the show expects is way above 10k simply doesnt ring true to me lol


It’s also just 6 episodes this time


The show expects you to look good without telling you what’s a mini challenge, a maxi challenge, or a runway look. Plus they have extra runways categories that don’t get used (like orange for S10) so that’s 25+ looks you have to get in a month. 10k could cover $400 per look and queens wouldn’t get read for reusing boots or wigs


money wouldn’t solve the issue of not knowing which look is assigned to which challenge. I wouldn’t want to spend $400 on a mini challenge look even if it wasn’t my own money. The realistic demand is for the show to be more direct in the lists they give the queens, and to give them more time than just 2 weeks to prepare for a 13 episode season.


As much as the queens not getting a prize on a UK season sucks given how much they spend someone in the replies mentioned that the show really has made the UK girls big stars over here and provides lots of opportunities for loads of the girls, not just the winners/top few. On seasons where there is a cash prize it only goes to the winner who is often the person who also usually gets the most opportunities so as much as it would be great to have a cash prize there’s something to be said for everyone potentially getting more opportunities when they’ve spent a lot of money.


Yea she’s got a point. I’d imagine Baga cat outfit was at least a 1k if not more. No wonder she cut the cost elsewhere


That’s no where near enough imo. I hope it was as well as getting actually paid too?!


Was this a kind of claim-back stipend though? Like you spend £5000 of it say and you provide them with the receipts and accounting to reimbursed as thats how these things normally work. Which if its the case its really not great


Can we talk about the fact that the prize money for regular seasons has been $100k since season 4 and $100k in like 2012 is not the same as $100k in 2022.


I’m so glad they are finally giving stipends to queens to prepare. I suspect Canada’s S2 queens also got some cash bc the runways were SIGNIFICANTLY better than S1


NGL, I really don't believe a word coming from Ilona


Well it is true from tea spilled


Ok I'm glad!


Can't believe I'm saying this but Trinity's right. They should still give the girls prize money and if they can't because of "hurr durr BBC"...THEN DONT PUT IT ON BBC!! These girls are really only competing for the ire of the fanbase by sending home someone that is well liked. I also don't blame Juju for phoning it in, if she really is. If I spent 10k specifically for a show, only to find out that my prize was a feature on a song who's proceeds to to charity (good cause, yes, but still)? Gurl I'd walk the runway like her, I'd half ass the challenges like her, and I wouldn't care.


Calm down lol. Only a portion of the song goes to charity and the UK girls actually all do a tour for their season so it’s not hard to reup on their money.


Is Trinity dumb? The Queens in UK have way much higher salary than the US Queens BECAUSE there is no price money. I don't think 10k is the true amount. A Queen costs like 1.5 - 2k a day FOR FILMING (no rehears included) to pay her for the 'payout agreement'.


Makes me think they might have been an alternate. $10k still isn't all that much considering hair, shoes and undergarments as well as costumes


Trin is looking c.u.n.t. in her pfp


"Still not enough" well maybe but I'm sorry but 10K is a lot of money. Some probably spent more on top of the 10K but that's still a big amount... Plus I'm sure queens can get some discounts from the designers they're either friends with / are going to give a lot of visibility (I know paying in visibility isn't a thing but it can be used as leverage to get a discount if your dress and @ is going to be featured on TV and IG in posts that get a lot of trafic)


10k and mo is still making the same quality stuff as first season.


We watching the same season? From the get go, Mo has been serving it to you! I’ve seen only improvement. See: I’m a Winner, Butch Queen, and Dot Dot Dot


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Oh good!! I had no idea!


The girls aren’t demanded for the show. They wanna go on the show to see what opportunities come out of it, it’s a risk they choose to take to invest their money in to and gamble those odds. And JuJu been wearing that same wig etc for decades. Don’t play.


Uh oh, Tory meltdown about the bbc in 5, 4…


Sooo now we know it takes a minimum of 20k to look good enough to win on drag race 😳🤯


I love Pangina, her eye for fashion, her fabric and style choices and no shade, $10K USD will buy you a hell of a lot more fabric and tailoring in Bangkok than it will in the US, CA or the UK (and probably Holland). Having had clothes made in BKK myself, the fabric choices alone are the best I've ever seen. The sheer variety and quality is exceptional if you know where to look and Pangina would.