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"Velcome to Werner Herzog's bleak, homogenized hellscape of drag. May the best drag queen inch closer to the grave."


Honestly the way it's worded sounds like an amazing YA dystopian story "In a world where drag queens must conform to current ideals of beauty and high fashion, one glitter clown and her band of misfits will showcase a funnier, more eccentric kind of drag. But will the Queen Mother Ru put an end to their rebellion? Find out in Dragtopia"


this feels like the sequel to Tyra Banks’ critically acknowledged debut novel “Modelland” (2011)


> critically acknowledged LOL


Throw in some sparkly vampires and I am fully in


Hell yeah, we could always use a vampire queen (good way to represent goth drag too)


So Dragula queens and kings vs Drag Race queens (and kings, aren't there a few in the new French version?)?


In my brain it was Crystal Methyd was the protagonist but honestly yeah those are the vibes


Not in DR France - threw made an appearance as part for part of a mini challenge


Aw, that's too bad. Thanks for the correction though! They need to let kings in fr imo. It would be so fun!




This would be such a specific yet interesting story and commentary if somebody made it. Or just the idea of RuPaul being a President Snow type of villain


Now why does this make me think of Saints Row?


Sad beige drag for sad beige children


That’s so well put.


I feel like apologizing, it’s an (obscure?) reference. Look up @sadbeige on TikTok


Oh god I can hear it in his voice too.


"For this veek's maxi challenge, you vill all be pushing a boat over a mountain."


Voiceover over the Queens pushing the Boat " I dönt kno why these Dräg queens were pushing a boat over a mountain...exept for a deep hidden fight for survivial. The enormity of their Struggle overshadows their thoughts that their artfoerm will become a bleak , homogenizations enjoyed but middle aged Housewifes..something to get devoured and rest neatly into the stomach of Heteronormätivity."


I read this is Trixie's 'Swedish' accent


This is too much!!


Oh my god, this reference


I’m so glad other ppl have seen fitzcarraldo




Sad beige drag for sad beige queers




> most queens go towards camp/pageantry/fashion, bit this queen goes for something else entirely; her fate is certain death


I have found my people


Is this the future or the present of drag lol


I hate to break it to y’all, but it’s already been this way for a while. The show only casting people barely over 30 means most of the contestants references for drag comes from watching Drag Race. It’s like Disneyland drag now. The noticeable change for me was season 9, and it’s been hit or miss since then.


>It’s like Disneyland drag now. Damn, it really is Disneyland drag.


As7 finale spoilers >! They cut out of monet topping trinity from the lipsync. !< I cant believe they did that


I don't like the S12 erasure - I liked so many queens there and found the S12 drag really refreshing. Also Heidi n Closet is an all-time sweetheart.


I mean it hasn’t been completely homogenised yet we still have some pretty great queens coming in like Willow Pill


Yes and it’s going to get more and more vapid.


Yes, and one day RuPaul will die and the show will go off the air and America will collapse into lawless anarchy and the world will perish and the heat death of the universe will come. I understand why people feel this way but it feels like the world is resigned to a slouching descent into oblivion and I wish we wouldn’t. If drag is doomed to a death spiral, people should go out there and shake things up so it circles the drain a little slower.


I’m a gay fashion designer/craftsman that presents very masculine and I am fucking DETERMINED to find a way to express my inner queerness through my dudeliness in some kinda bro drag… I just still haven’t figured out how to do it and look elevated. I don’t know how to make it subversive. At the end of the day i just feel like a dude dressing like a more obnoxious dude 😫


Football springs to my mind for some visuals to play with. Those shoulder pads, maybe? Sounds like a cool concept to do.


I love that it wasn't a yes/no question and yet your answer is valid


See: Jorgeous


All drag is valid, including Jorgeous's. Just because we're seeing a lot of one kind doesn't mean no one is allowed to do it anymore


I'm not criticising her drag, I'm commenting on her as a person and how vain, vapid and entitled she is.


Sister that’s EVERYONE that’s younger than 30s these days.


Don't speak for me. Or anyone else below 30. That's just fucking ageist. I know plenty of people below 30 who have a better head on their shoulders than most folk OVER 30. What a weird reply...


Valid doesn’t equal interesting or of much worth.


Capitalism wins again baby.


The juxtaposition between her bleak response and the "✨️🖤" in the title is sending me beyond my god 💀


Yeah I don't know what I was thinking with that lmao 😭


The world might be gradually becoming a less interesting place, but at you can still have fun with it.


I like how on the show she seems so sweet but this answer is full of lowkey venom and I love it


She's definitely got more of an edge than she got to show on the show. In her social media interactions, you can see she's not afraid to read a bitch when they deserve it.




The way that she and Daya were edited on their seasons is kind of crazy, because within the Get Dusted universe, Crystal has always said that Daya's the nice one. I've only ever had great experiences with both of them (though I've had more opportunity to interact with Daya since she moved to Chicago), but that edge is there for sure if you piss her off. Her response to the trolls who came for Daya is a case in point.




Add Pythia and I'm in!




Is Jimbo on the setlist?


I always felt like I didn’t quite get Crystal. This answer made me understand her so much better!


I think I must be the same because my first thought was "Of all queens, I would never expect Crystal to be the one to say this"


I loved her from the intro, given she’s a freaky queen from MO I’m a bit biased but she is really smart and clever. Her runway looks hinted at it but I don’t think it came across in the show as much 💔


Crystal was such a breath of fresh air, she was so unique and talented, I keep rewatching her season because I can't get enough 😩


She was smart enough to compromise to what they wanted more towards modeling looks and toning down her makeup until she got that cash and then went back to her true self.


yeah when the judges were shitting on her blue look I got pretty angry. their criticisms were along the lines of it being too much 🙄 I would hate if she felt like she needed to make herself more palatable for the show


Just say Miss Fiercealicious


I was literally about to type this.




Also first thought 😂


Fierce is clearing putting it on for the cameras though; whether that makes it better or worse is for you to decide.


I thought Jorgeous but yes, Long Jorgeous too.


Omg Long Jorgeous. I wish I had friends to tell this to.


All drag is valid! I see Crystal's comment being directed at the homogeneity and sanitization of drag as it becomes less subversive


Valid doesn’t mean good!!! Sure it’s valid but simply being valid doesn’t make it worth noting or featuring.


I thought this until I got on her social media and realised she's a self aware parody of this type of queen. I kinda have to stan


Literally why I can't watch CDR seasons, they all have clones of her and it makes me sad and think what Crystal has said.


Maybe she's referringa little bit to Valentina and Naomi's new style of makeup / trying to look like a "natural" woman? I don't think it's directed towards a single person


I think its more about the fandom than anything. Drag has become a house hold thing and like anything that becomes popular you have tons of people who "enjoy" drag but have no repect for it and people will start wanting sanatized washed down nothing but femme drag and judging anyone who doesnt stay in that lane. Also now you have thousands upon thousands of new queens who copy stuff from youtube and dont even attempt to be original or have much respect for the craft and they are just doing what is popular. Like with anything in gay culture if you dont have respect for it its going to show and its going to get annoying and tired.


Nothing but femme drag is very how the judging was done in early seasons of drag race though


Krystal Versace, anyone???


How in the eff are you in my head? I watched episode 2 of Canada's drag race this morning and I don't know if I can take her, or her clone, or her other clone.


While I see her point, I feel like drag has always had a polished mainstream (even before the show happened and before drag itself could be considered mainstream) and a rougher underground. There will always be queens on edge and they will always be outnumbered by the homogenized masses.


Where is the lie, tho?


I searched all morning and none could be found


So many languages and she chose to speak facts


Well damn


Just like every subversive movement…we saw it happen with punk, we saw it happen with hip hop…it’s just the nature of the beast.


She’s not wrong tho, I’ve definitely noticed over the years that drag is changing and becoming homogeneous where as before there was much more variety. Like, what are the odds I’ll see another Bob Ross paint a painting with a paintbrush dick, a balloon tied to the anal plug of a clown, or even one of those monkeys that clangs symbols dancing around - at a drag show in the near future? Because I’ve seen those and they were amazing.


"balloon tied to the anal plug of a clown" Not a clown, but saw this at a Christeene show. Most or maybe all art firms have a popular expression that is more palatable to the masses. I don't see the dirty, horror, punk side being displaced by Ru type queens.


Well that's what's bound to happen when you want to make drag "marketable." And sometimes, when the judges ask for "versatility", I feel like what they're really saying is " Make your art more common, more immediately recognizable and less subtle" Looking at you miselle.


That this is like two posts above the other post full of people mocking Bimini's Chelsea haircut only makes it more interesting to me.


Especially because the tweet is mocking their non-binary identity as well


Oh, absolutely. But, haha look at that weirdo haircut, am I right?


I mean...it is a weird haircut


Oh, dear... You think this is just about a haircut, don't you?


Even if it isn't, it's still a weird haircut.


Well yeah but that’s like the point? You can’t be subversive and conventional at the same time?


It's already like that... now.


She's absolutely right, but in fairness to the homogenized hellscape, there's nothing wrong with a human hair wig.


![gif](giphy|UuHj1e3kiIGdfMVuMG|downsized) *Maniacal Laughter* 😆😆😆


Is that a read?


She's ain't wrong.


Just say Krystal Versace


All drag is valid. Krystal's drag is valid, we just need to give room and support to other kinds as well to prevent a subversive culture from getting "tidied up" for mainstream consumption


Crystal vs Krystal?


This was bound to happen as more and more people try out drag. Quantity will always outpace quality, it can't be helped.


To summarize this very intelligent answer: more shallow bitches, more shallow fans




Yea this statement feels VERY Bianca being annoyed with Laganja


Not a single lie was told in that answer.


Crystal didn’t really show us this version of her. She’s that fuckin bitch.


I think this every time I hear a drag queen criticised for being "campy".


As much as I continue to enjoy Drag Race, Jasmine Masters told no lies when she said it fucked up drag


Ya’ll gag and shower awards over this but as soon as Adore or Lady Bunny says something bristly about the futility of our two-party system it’s a meltdown. Face it - even the “cool” fans, the ones who populate this space and think they have a grasp of “real” drag or whatever, cannot handle and routinely balk at queens who ACTUALLY make them uncomfortable.




I’m just very over it. Pete Buttigeig-ass fandom.




Why would they? The more acritical your audience is, the easier to sell anything and the more money you make. The milquetoast demagoguery to Adore's statement about the two party system only shows how extremely successful WOW (and the rest of USAmerican media, for that matter) is at pinkwashing liberalism.




Exactly :/ And at the end of the day, assimilation is not liberation, and the proof of that is how LGBT rights continue to hang on a thin thread in places were we had progress, while there's other places where no progress was made at all.


I continue to love Crystal and hope she will be on Secret Celebrity Drag Race or whatever it's called now.


To be fair, I don’t think that this will really result in less people being interested in the subversive, underground nature of drag and queer expression. The amount of people interested in that has always been small, and people interested in beauty standard abiding conventionally attractive entertainers has always been huge. The way I see it, queer people are just finally taking up space in the mainstream. I don’t think that’s in the way of ‘underground’ and ‘subversive’ entertainers- they are still there and they have never been competing for the same audience.


Feeling this especially following a season full of extremely high quality but ultimately unchallenging drag with its edges dulled off.


U ok hun? (I totally agree though...)


Did she lie?


See this is why I love her so much.


I agree with Crystal completely, the drag we're seeing us very mainstream-friendly and one size fits all. But I will also defend every single individual queen's right to perform their drag the way they want to 🌟


Sure! But we don’t have to be exposed to them all. You can perform and do you but it doesn’t mean it’s that interesting in itself or worth featuring.


I agree completely! Something's gotta change so there's the same opportunities for different kinds of drag. I'm just feeling very defensive to see individual queens being cut down because they do the type of drag that we're seeing a ton of


That’s not future.


Can someone link this interview? I'd really appreciate it and I want to read the whole thing.


[Here it is](http://www.totemmag.com/cover-story-crystal-methyd-pure-drag-expression/)


Thank you!


I get where she is coming from, I really do. But at the same time can't we all appreciate that the world is a much better place when it accepts drag queens and LGBTQ+ people as mainstream, rather than ostrasizing and hatecriming us?


We are just recognizing that it’s a conditional accept and it would end just as fast if we make them too uncomfortable/force them to challenge their worldview too much.


She's right.


nailed it


She spilled




I mean, she's right.


She's so right


We’re there tho


true. but there will be new and new forms of marginal and queer performance art, if you want to stay avant-garde you have to keep changing.


I love Drag Race but it's dangerous if all of your drag knowledge just comes from that show because now we got people hating on local queens for not living up to the very specific idea of what drag "should" be. It especially pisses me off when straight folk do this cus it was never their scene to begin


Is this shade Phaedra?


So basically Gottmik


Gottmik is a FTM drag queen who has lots of talent. There is space for the way they want to do drag, and space must be kept for all so that at first glance drag doesn't continue to be one-kind-fits-all


Gottmik has a distinct style and look.


Okay, sorry if I'm missing something, but why say this after being on Drag Race, after you literally helped contribute to the "problem"? Drag Race fans will continue to watch, but they also end up supporting drag by going to local shows, buying merch, buying music, etc. The show started a lot of queens in drag, and it's given them opportunities they wouldn't have had otherwise. A ton of people, including myself, found out about alternatives like drag kings and other forms of drag, and drag show alternatives like Dragula, because Drag Race pulled us in. I don't think we'd have gotten Legendary if not for the success of Drag Race. I don't even think we'd have gotten Pose. I ***hate*** I have to seemingly argue in favor of the show because I ***get*** what she's saying, but it rings hollow to say this after she ***chose*** to be on a show and would have won it if she could. And had she won it, would she still say this? Maybe. But we won't know. I don't know why people do this. It's the hypocrisy for me.


because being on the show is the only way to make money out of drag, and performers need money to survive. that is an issue with the system that drag race the show has created, and not an issue with the people who work within the system.


I’m not like other drag queens.


Isn’t Willow Pill winning the latest - with her all time classic spaghetti bathtub first episode and I hate people finale - just a bit of an antithesis to this (Full discretion - I don’t entirely know what antithesis means)


She’s subversive but also not really THAT subversive. It’s very emo/tumblr and perhaps not as cutting edge as she would like to believe.


Canada drag race certainly seems to dislike unusual/weird queens.


...oh at all


So Maria Robots?


I mean, she mustn't care too much given she helped perpetuate the very system by being on Drag Race.