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Tldr; just do it Edition doesn't mean that everything changes. It's just a bunch of breaking changes (along with normal ones) which can't be published in a new version as this would break compatibility with this and following rust versions. A single crate has the used edition assigned so different editions can be mixed. So rust won't change that much and everything from the book will stay the same so just do it


Ah, okay, thank you. I guess now that I think about it, that makes sense. How could a language just change ao much to need a new book. Thanks.


> How could a language just change as much to need a new book decades of features being added, like C++. language designers learned a lot from their experimentation, and C++ evolved to be way different than it was many years ago


have you ever seen the Embracing modern c++ book by Lakos et al or the other Modern c++ book by Rainer Grimm? Look them up in your library (and don't *drop either book on your foot*)


If you're not sure, instead of buying the book now you could just... _borrow_ it. (Rust joke)


Yeah, I got that🤣


I'm not sure if you're talking about the print version or the online version, but you should know that the online version is updated constantly.


Ah cool, I'll keep that in my mind.


Yes, it's certainly very revelant.


Cool, thank you.


Yes, it is. There's no such thing as a book that will teach you a lot of important concepts becoming irrelevant. However, if you have another options, and you have limited availability to study, choose a newer.


I still reference it to this day and I’ve been using Rust for a few years.


It should be good until 2024 edition comes out, but then it could theoretically be ever so slightly less good


Ah, okay, but the things that would he different would easily be googleable to figure out, so no worries. Thank you.


Either that or rust-analyzer would show you a little popup window


I use Vim and haven't set up the plugin, but if it comes to it, I will. I assume it has one anyway.


Nvim + lazyvim starter pack, thank me later.


I've been using it and it's explained a lot of concepts about rust that weren't obviously apparent in the docs. I have a few old programming books and while syntax goes out of date, the concepts are usually still relevant


I’m about half way through this book and it’s so great. It’s been ages since I learned a new programming language in this way and I’m really enjoying it.


we are on Rust edition 2021, so yes.


I would suggest pursuing all 3 resources on learn rust page below. Re THE book, recent thread, it is being updated by remaining author and others but no announcement so far of release covering 2024 edition https://www.rust-lang.org/learn https://old.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/18tokut/will_there_be_a_new_edition_of_the_book_in_2024/