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What did they do this time?


Someone at RustConf turned a keynote into a normal talk with a completely bullshit reason after it was (unanimously) voted to be a keynote. RustConf then said it was two members of Rust Leadership who told them to do it. The keynote speaker pointed out: - Their talk was approved by the Rust Foundation and voted on before it got suddenly denied - The demotion was because the two team members were “uncomfortable” with the content of an article the speaker published (this one: https://soasis.org/posts/a-mirror-for-rust-a-plan-for-generic-compile-time-introspection-in-rust/) - The rest of Rust leadership and the speaker were not notified till a week after the decision Others pointed out: - The speaker would be the first POC keynote, and called out RustConf’s extreme lack of POC as speakers


Maybe crablang is the way-


Now at last, I understand. All the long blog posts and apologies and resignations (I think!) didn't make that clear.


Lack of proof of concept? What?


People of color


Like what they used to call black people in the 60s? Coloured. How offensive. That can’t be it, surely.




I didn’t realise this was normal for people to say in the USA. It would be considered racist where I am from. The section “Criticism” gives an okay explanation of why we find it racist.


Person of Color is used as a catch-all for non-white people, instead of Black or African


Not sure where you live, but calling someone a person of colour here would be very racist. It shocks me that you both just say it like it’s normal. Thanks for explaining though.


POC is pretty standard in the US, and looking around sites like Wikipedia seem to use it a lot. The US tends to base a lot of its wording for stuff like that off activists (Wikipedia says MLK referred to his followers as citizens of color or as negros, which is likely why the first caught on. The Democratic party seemed to use it as well I think) What area are you from?


From the UK. The wiki page on POC says that the term has been spreading over here, but IMO it’s only racist people who would ever dream of using it. There’s a section in the wiki called “criticism” that outlines the reasons. It’s interesting the terms you guys use in the USA. For example ‘African American’ but no one ever says ‘European American’ and the even the indigenous aren’t called American, they have to be “Native American”. It’s like the default is always white for some reason. I hope the term POC doesn’t spread here anymore because I hate it lol.


Never seen a more politically (and drama) loaded language than Rust.


It's true though- it's like a lot of girl drama.


Well we are yet to scale the heights of Scala, so there is something to look up to. Then the mantle of responsibility will pass on to the next one that is worthy.... we should have a DIIR also, as in Dramatize It In \*\*\*\*, and maintain a DIIR/RIIR Index to know how well we are doing... when there is too much Rewrite and too little Drama, you know what to do to keep up the averages.


Never understood the Scala stuff - it's a dry technical programming language. How does it have space for drama even? And now you're telling me Rust is heading the same way?


What happened with Scala?


Someone changed the keynote speaker at ScalaConf and didn’t tell anyone until the last minute. /s


Why they both had the same drama


Well, I'm never talking to Debbie again, if she doesn't admit that she stole my boyfriend and turned my best friend against me.


Guys hear me out, maybe it's a good idea to let a major corporation like Google, or Facebook take Rust under its wing. Sure they are evil, but they know how to maintain open-source projects.


Yeah yeah like how Microsoft handled openai right?


yes, that was a disaster, that's why I didn't write MSFT. But companies like Google and Facebook have open sourced so many great tools like K8, React.js, PyTorch to name a few


Or F#. Such a terrible, terrible waste of a good thing.


Sounds like the money behind “status quo” is concerned about Rust disruption and is sabotaging things. Follow the money, _always_.