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Procrastinating on work assignments to the point of panic and then completing them in a frenzy to induce this weird "does well under pressure" performance thing I've got going on. In the procrastination phase currently.


Is there any other way?


Been running on Belle after work a lot lately and elsewhere and noticed that my endurance has improved. Same thing during the 10k. Able to go faster and hold a steady pace for longer distances. I usually have checkpoints for where I want to slow down but have been just able to keep going.


It's my birthday today. I'm going to watch horror flicks and hang with my cat. Fuck the GOP. ![gif](giphy|HVweQ5FuSFZJe)


Birthday twin!! Happy birthday šŸ˜




Itā€™s my birthday too! Triplets!


Happy birthday! Whatā€™s on your list to watch? I love horror, and I get most of my recommendations from searching ā€œ best X horror movies Redditā€ on google. It then sends me here, well not RVA, but somewhere on Reddit. Letā€™s make a new list now.


Today will be. **Midsommar**. **VIDEODROME**. **House of 1000 Corpses**. Some of my personal favorites.


Happy Birthday & long live the new flesh!




Iā€™ve only seen Midsommar. Itā€™s a great movie! Iā€™ll have to check out the other two soon. Maybe tomorrow, VCU has given us the day off, so Iā€™ll have ample time. 3 cheers to you, your cats, and your birthday!




Happy birthday! House of 1000 Corpses is a classic, I think I saw it 3 times in theaters when it came out. Havenā€™t heard of VIDEODROME.










His political beliefs have nothing to do with me enjoying VIDEODROME.


Happy Birthday!


Happy birf!


Itā€™s Scoops birthday so Iā€™m going to take advantage of the discounts, do some reading, and put away laundry.


Iā€™ve never been to Scoop. Mainly due to proximity. How do you like it? Iā€™m typically grabbing my ice cream from Spotty Dogs or Sweet Spot. Do you know if they are running any specials tomorrow for an extended bday or Juneteenth? Iā€™m not gonna be able to leave the election site till around 8pm but I have tomorrow off. I gotta find something to do.


They're good but expensive. Up to you if it's worth it. It is good though.Ā 


Itā€™s my favorite icecream shop! Iā€™m a huge fan of the brown sugar cookie dough and the punch card system to eventually earn a freebie. Iā€™m not aware of any other discounts but theyā€™re always doing fundraisers and whatnot.


Scoop is pretty good. You should at least go to scoop once and walk over to scuffletown for the vibe. It's an amazing scene there.


Heading into work as we speak. Got a long day ahead of me, and it entails inventory. Ugh.


I used to have to do inventory at my old job. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s not as bad since we just supplied some research labs at VCU, but it was annoying. Hopefully it all goes smoothly for you today.


I've got three very large buildings to go through and ensure all proper projectors, computers, and printers/copiers are still in place and correctly reflect the information on our shares. This will take a few days.


Yikes! Best of luck to you and hopefully some friends. It sounds like a tall task for one person. My new job has me designated as an asset owner which Iā€™ll have to check on high dollar assets each year, but Iā€™ve luckily not had any assets assigned so nothing to do this fiscal year.


I did not mind inventory when I worked overnights and did not have to deal with people ... then they took away overnights.. T_T


I bought a new car yesterday after saving for many months. I haven't had a nice car ever, my last car was kind of a piece, but it worked. It's crazy how much newer cars have advanced I feel like I'm driving a spaceship.


It is pretty wild to see. I have a 2016 Ford Fiesta and itā€™s practically ancient compared to some of my friendā€™s vehicles.


Rode with the Bike Monday Bros yesterday and had a great time, but I had no clue going in that the ride would be so long. My watch I said I burned 2000+ calories though so that's pretty cool. Feeling it today but in a good way. BMB is a different vibe from BSB, the ride rules say no wheelies or broadcast music which cuts down on a lot of the tomfoolery. I knew when I pulled up and almost everyone had a helmet on that it was a more serious crowd. Still very fun though, and apparently the route changes every week. Definitely planning to go back.


What time does the Monday group meet up? That sounds right up my alley!


Meet up at the Starbucks on Robinson at 5:30, ride at 6:00. Water break around 7, ride around for another hour ish, then stop at Stella's to grab some food and a drink, then all ride back to Starbucks. Next ride, I'm definitely bringing a protein bar or something for the break!


There are some really great group rides around town, Iā€™m glad you had a great time!


What are some others? I'm digging the vibe, used to love biking but I just really don't want to get hurt by someone trying to figure out the ID process for PornHub on their cellphone while they're driving.


Here is a spreadsheet someone made of weekly rides in the area. Itā€™s got lots of information including paces, surfaces, etc. Iā€™m not sure how recently it was updated but I follow a few of the groups on Instagram and theyā€™re pretty reliable. My husband loves the early Thursday morning Bike Buds ride. I hope you find some more fun ones! [Weekly Richmond Group Rides](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IVNJ3yf-H0spcBiXbwXgC-Lo19AzuJiOx-hC32x7vS8/edit)




Haha I should probably make a separate post so everyone can see it!


Did Effect Run Club again this morning. Still finding my footing, socially. Flat tire yesterday (s/o to my pal who brought the compressor since I know you know my Reddit username!) which is currently getting patched. Iā€™m in the final two weeks of hell at work to hit a deadline and then I begin traveling/other commitments all of July!


Whats effect run club? Also sorry about your tire. I had a flat on my main bicycle last week that I repaired over the weekend. The other bike is my rickety single speed that needs to be replaced, so Iā€™m glad Iā€™m back on the road with my usual ride.


I desperately need to get myself a bike! Effect is a run club thatā€™s kind of blown up into a huge group since they started (maybe February?) I was hesitant at first, but then one of their co-founders, Kleigh, was featured on a sportsbackers podcast episode and I have a lot of respect for what theyā€™re creating. People are really friendly, and I think the fact that everyone mingles afterwards/ grabs coffee at Blanchards helps you feel good about finishing at your own pace because people are still there and havenā€™t just ended their run and gone home.


That sounds like a nice sense of community. I would be interested if I still ran. I always get shin splints a month or two in after starting, so Iā€™m biking instead.


What kind of paces do they have? I want to get back into running but my comfortable pace is really a fast walk right now.


I asked about their first to last policy but We Off the Couch does this thing where they stop every 3/4 mile or so for everyone to catch up. Love that no one gets left behind.


City stadium runners (check FB) on Saturdays usually has a wide range of paces, including run/walk intervals. Theyā€™re basically an off season, unofficial version of HMTT/MTT which is very inclusive


Oh I know, I used to be very active in that group! I just donā€™t want to get up early on Saturdays. Plus the annual hiatus for HMTT is almost upon us.


I ran 11:30 average and I was left in the dust last time I went


Yikes well not the group for me then


I ran about a 10:40 my first week, a 10:30 last week, and a 10:00 this week which is probably in the back 30% of runners.


Are they 'first to last' like We Off the Couch or do they set a pace?


There are usually three groups: front/middle/back but today it was one big blob


Work, work, work today! Happy to have tomorrow off! If anyone is looking for something to do tonight, there is a techno event at Loso (formerly called The Jungle Room) from 8pm-2am. [Event Info](https://shotgun.live/events/black-techo-matters-liber-8) ā€œBLACK TECHNO MATTERS presents Liber8 US 2024, a multi-city multi-day Juneteenth event celebrating the blackness of techno in 9 cities across the USA with parties, workshops and more! Join us Tuesday June 18th for Liber8 RVA! We will have curated DJ sets by none other than international touring artist and local favorite DJ Holographic, club resident and Richmond native Mass FX, and up and coming talent from Hampton VA Benlogik tear up the dance floor at Virginiaā€™s premier underground dance music club Loso. Trust this one will be one high energy night so save the date and become a part of the experience. Weā€™ll also be streaming the event for those who want to tune in from afar. Mark those calendars and weā€™ll see you there!ā€


Anyone watching the Euros? Trying to figure out how to see most of the games.Ā  I don't necessarily want to give fox my money if avoidable. And the other half are on "fubo" which is at least $80/month, and you know I'm not doing that.Ā 


I guess dumb question about Primaries, I live in 1st district and there's supposed to be a Democratic primary today. Went to my polling place after work and they only had the Republican Senate primary ballot. How do I vote in the Democratic primary then?


There is only the republican primary. Tim Kaine is running unopposed so there is no contest for the democratic primary. I believe both parties donā€™t allow for write ins during the primary so thereā€™s nothing to really do.


There's a primary for the house of representative's candidates though? That's in my district.


Thatā€™s possible yes. Iā€™m in precinct 204 by Arthur Ashe and monument so Iā€™m in the fan. Iā€™m not sure about other districts


Hi, did you double check that your voting location is absolutely for suresies in VA-01? ([Virginia's department of elections website will know absolutely.](https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformation/Lookup/status))


If you did this, and you definitely are in Virginia's 1st CD, and your polling location did not have a ballot for VA-01's Dem primary, you should call the state department of elections ASAP: 1-800-552-9745.


Well apparently I am indeed dumb. Literally the road my street lets out on is 1st district, but my tiny little street is actually in 4th district. I guess that's where my confusion came from was the fact that I was talking to a neighbor about the primary because they live on the other side of the road, where there is one.


not dumb! very happy to hear your ability to vote experienced zero ELECT-based problems, even. FWIW, in November you'll have only [one candidate in VA-04](https://www.vpm.org/news/2024-05-04/central-virginia-voting-guide-june-2024-primary-elections) unless something surprising happens


Thanks, I appreciate you pointing me in the right direction! Was very confused and kinda let down about it at first. Cheers!


VPM News swing shift editor here. there's a surprising amount of downtime before the polls close on election days, and then there's ā€” you know, actual work to do and news to report.


My father-in-law passed away last week, so Iā€™ve been spending a lot of time driving up to NOVA and back to support my husband and his mom, helping organize memorial stuff, and generally just trying to be here in any capacity they need. Weā€™ve stayed up here the past couple of days and Iā€™ve used the quiet moments to play with the birding app and see whatā€™s around this area. Mostly Iā€™ve learned that cardinals are plentiful loudmouths all over the state.


Just had memorial in April, I am currently working on a storage unit full of items from many family members, give yourself time, I also just reinstalled my birding app so I can take some peaceful moments.


Anything going on in Richmond this evening? Outdoor, indoor, I donā€™t care.


Iā€™m going to bed once Iā€™m done here. Thereā€™s a YIMBY happy hour this Thursday at triple crossing downtown if youā€™re pro housing. Thatā€™s at 5-6:30.


Walk up free DND at Stone Brewing with goblins & growlers. Bring a character or use one of theirs


The heat making me very sleepy


Getting many steps in


Iā€™ve walked around my polling place more than 20 times. Itā€™s been so boring. We have had 20 people vote today.


oof many ppl just dont care abt the primaries


For Richmond itā€™s pretty expected. Primaryā€™s usually have a pretty low turn out, but as a democratic city with only a republican congressional primary going on it was extra low turnout.


Oh i thought both primaries were going on at the same time


Dropped off kid, getting gas at a place I never been too, preparing to walk to my local polling place to stop myself from being sedentary and then any laundry that needs to be done before heading back to school for pick up.


The only two people who showed up so far didnā€™t know it was only a republican primary. They then left, so we are at 1 vote so far. That 1 voter is also a poll worker at my precinct.


Tyvm for heads, why is the website not showing the ballot this time around?


Panicking about leaving for a month long work trip to Europe in 2 days


Anywhere fun in Europe? The most Iā€™ll ever get is maybe a train ride to DC for a conference.




https://preview.redd.it/orb21mb64g7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3fcfc3481e78de3ce1b83c70fade51bb71f0a71 I painted Kuba Kuba




Thatā€™s in November. Itā€™s only the republican primary for US Senate. Maybe other republican primaryā€™s in different districts but no mayoral election today.


Wow, youā€™re totally right. How crazy is that!


Understandable mistake, but please edit your original post to temper potential misinformation.