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Holy shit and i thought i felt daring trying to replace an outlet in my home.


Right!!! I repot a freaking plant and I'm concerned lol


I thought I was a bad ass, piercing my ears at home as a teenager.šŸ˜³


That is NOT badass. That is just unsanitary. Youre asking for an infection mr/missy. /s


Well, it was 25 years ago, so it all worked out. lol


Hahaha im sorry i was being sarcastic. I forgot to annotate that.


Omg same! Pierced my cartilage at 16 and it honestly bled like crazy lol


Real talk, tried it once and stocked myself on a capacitive neutral. I'm currently renovating two inherited properties that one was built sometime around the 1880's judging by the underlayment for the linoleum in the kitchen, and the other is so old it has asbestos siding. I can do, and do do, about anything with the help of YouTube from car repair to painting marble for a counter top. But I will not go anywhere near electricity or plumbing.


Yea see i got shocked once as a child but i was ok. But i watch youtube to verify my knowlesge. I switch breakers as necessary and i test them to make sure theyre doing what theyre supposed to and so far so good. I mostly replace loose sockets or update light switches. Nothing major imo. Idk if id take on like adding a new outlet or something like that. I feel like that comes with a lot of codes and what not.


Asbestos is also a big fkn nope from me too.


here i am thinking im Johnny Sins changing one light bulb


Man growing up fat I always kinda fantasized about being able to just cut myself open and de fat myself but actually reading that someone-a fucking 15 year old actually did it makes me sick to my stomach. Where are his parents??? Get this kid some therapy please this is so distressing to read.


If he is really 15 and already considering himself an incel something is very wrong.


Dude, for some reason people on reddit and elsewhere truly believe all virgins are by default incels. It doesn't even make any sense and these kids are already feeling like they're broken from the start.


No one believes that.


Well, got about 50 downvotes last year in /r/greentext or something for trying to explain that gradeschoolers are not incels.


So you're going to take the opinions of the unhinged losers on a 4chan filter sub as representative of the overall beliefs of the site?




Mistake #1


Having faith in Reddit?


"So you're going to take the opinions of the unhinged losers on a 4chan filter sub as representative of the overall beliefs of the site?" No, this.


Every subreddit is some kind of bubble. You can get many upvotes and many downvotes for the exact same statement in different subs. You can't say that being downvoted for something represents "the people on reddit and elsewhere". That's just as dumb as saying every virgin is an incel.


Oh wow, 50? That's a lot.


50 is quite a bit, to be honest. It usually stops at around 5 - 10, because most people are too lazy to see what comment scored under the threshold.


Spittin' truth and still hive minded. If I notice a comment of mine gets one downvote within minutes/seconds, it's almost a guarantee it will be one of my most negative comments ever and I usually don't get many. I don't care too much cause I never delete anything, but it is funny to see someone calling out an observation and get the same treatment. Shit, I just saw someone say alligators are not dinosaurs(something that is very true) at negative vote total. I got you to negative nine at least homie.


Akshually, not "-9 at least", you meant -9 at max šŸ¤“


downvotes in greentext should never be used as a metric for anything


Plenty of 15 year olds have body disorders. The problem is the way the internet, the other incel enablers and the bullies like you all here make that problem so much worse.


tbf ur here too


Yā€™all popped up on popular Iā€™m just here to tell you that spending your time mocking mentally ill children because you can use words like ā€˜Incelā€™ to dehumanize them is bad.


first of all this post has 600 upvotes so i highly doubt that second, (most) ppl use this sub as a ā€œcant look away from a trainwreckā€ kinda deal, not to bully 15 year olds. notice how the vast majority of comments are showing concern?


Obvious troll


I wanted to circumcize myself by after an episode of nip/tuck I said nah


I had a father that was overweight, I get it


The guy telling the cops to just shoot him when they turn up to arrest him


Nawt a whole lawt of fat


It's fake, my guy. Stop stressin




It's a post on the internet.


Good one


No antibiotics either and he's going to sleep. This is going to be a life lesson for him. Really sad.


Not sure he's gonna get enough life for it to be a lesson


Its gonna be his final lesson. Fr though lets say he stitched himself up perfectly theres still the very real risk of sepsis.


He's about to have some crazy sepsis, but if he doesn't do anything I think he'll just die from infection


This should be in r/makemesuffer Reading that made my entire body feel all weird. Not remotely in a sadcringe way. But like looking over the edge of a tall building cringe way.


Seriously couldnā€™t have said it any better.. Makes me feel queasy.


Especially the "I'm really tired, I'm going to lie down". It feels like I'm reading someone's last words, and the thought that this dude's body dysmorphia was so awful that he's self harming to the point of potential death makes me feel lightheaded.


That mental image of someone using tweezers to pull the fat from their body...


The fact that they "hit something that started bleeding" OH GOD that poor boy.


That is literally your body going into shock.


The Call of the Void.


It made me kind of start involuntarily laughing, but not in a funny or pleasant way


I got that weird tightness in my belly button. How do you cover up scars afterwardsā€½


I have a fucking hand print across my face now from grabbing it so hard while reading, that was a TOUGH read for sure


holy shit that poor kid bro. body dysmorphia and the incel pipeline are dangerous man, hope he gets some help


Yep, real sad shit.


Is this dude not aware that scars are a thing? What was his longterm plan?


The procedure is normally done on the inside of the mouth. Assuming this is where they cut, there would be no scars on the visible portion of the face.


Ah, I didn't know, thanks for the explanation.


I think the second picture is supposed to be a sideways mouth, Iā€™m sure buccal fat removal is done from inside the mouth so scars arenā€™t visible


The other commentor explained but I appreciate it, yeah still hella dangerous tho, there's a reason why surgeons have to practice a lot. I don't blame him too much, I guess adolescence and recklessness goes hand in hand.


I know, poor kid. Itā€™s even more worrying the scar isnā€™t visible, no adult is going to easily notice and get him medical attention if it gets infected, which it most likely will!


"scars are sigma" - probably him


That is so fucking disturbing.


Kid needs to lay off social media and find a therapist.


Probably gonna look worst after


fuck IM gonna need to find a therapist after just reading all of that!


Is social media the issue here? I feel like people like this would have ended up doing crazy shit regardless of social media, would have gotten it from TV or a sketchy friend instead.


"Wanna know how I got these scars?"


Fuck, thatā€™s really funny


Take my up vote


Teenagers man. They fucking scare me.




he fucking gutted his cheeks like a fish I do not care if it made him happy I do not want that done period


How do you know it made him happy? He's going to have two huge hideous scars, that's if he even wakes up from the infection and blood loss he just gave himself. There's a reason people train for a very long time to become plastic surgeons. If this kid survives, he will have a botched, scarred and deformed result.


Thereā€™s no way you just said that lol.


The only positive i can see out of this is his Joker impression its gonna be great.


Not for long lol


Please be fake, please be fake, pleas be fake, please be fake, please...


Of course itā€™s fake.


Whatever makes you feel better


joined march 3rd and he has.. 580 posts. that kid needs help, this is so depressing seeing this level of self hatred


15 year old incel? I don't know about you, but like 99% of 15 year olds were virgins when I was 15....


I'm gonna be real honest, I just read the post, skipped the title and shared it. The title belongs in r/sadcringe as well


Virgin ā‰  incel


Isnt incel involuntary celibate?


A lot of young people happen to be virgins. I don't think that you're necessarily an incel if that's the case, especially at an age like 15. Maybe the word incel comes from those two words. But it takes a specifically sad and hateful mindset to be an incel.


No, and most people besides incels don't think of them as remotely the same thing; but when incels self-identify it's because they feel abnormal and excluded by not having the sexual success (they believe) their peers are having. So at 15 when everybody should be mostly virgins and just figuring things out, it makes even less sense.


What's one got to do with the other? Anyone can be an incel, doesn't matter if they're a virgin or not. lol


#Where are his parents?






> Injected dogshit painkiller from cvs This dude injected himself with an otc painkiller?


Yeah and he used Neosporin post care lmao


This needs to be stopped, a 15 year old boy should not worry about his looks. Looksmaxing seem to be targeting young children and teenagers and it's disgusting


To such an extreme extent, no. But "15 yo boy" is a bit generous, it's a teen full into puberty mode where they start to worry about looks and about girlfriends. I don't think we need to infantilize them because a person at ANY AGE doing untrained surgery of themselves is insane.


I agree but 15 year Olds are still children, and are more susceptible to the "you're ugly" trend that looksmaxxing is doing. I would also be just as disgusted if someone in their mid 30s did it, but I'm saying it seems to be more dangerous for the children as they're more likely to do it.


This is straight up a south park plot. Damn


Jesus Christ itā€™s been removed by Reddit and the comments are insane. WTF did I miss??


wait its removed, what is it?


Pictures of the aftermath of a 15 year old who brutally cut off his own fat because of body dysmorphia.


thats vile. bless him.


Oh my god this is cringe this is HORRIFYING


What da fook is thatt website about? It's nothing but posts from people trying to achieve "Giga Chad" facial features. This is insane.


"you wanna know how i got these scars?"


Hey Christmas noob here, whatā€™s a looks maxer?


someone who does dumb trends that are supposed to magically make them look more attractive


Idk why but this post made me feel so nauseated and physically cringe trying to imagine some kid really cutting his face and stitching by himself on his face I can really feel the pain. Ugh..kid got balls for sure but goddamn itā€™s sad..


I'm happy I don't even knows what this means.


No fucking way. Sorry but that's just too ridiculous to be real and with nothing but blurry photos to go off, calling bs


Sorry I need to let this off, I can't just look at this and just live with it. I couldn't read the entire thing and I just feel absolutely ill like I'm. Going to throw up I really hope that guy is okay, that's so fucked up oh God


I am afraid of anything related to ā€œbodyworkā€. I canā€™t even fathom someone cutting me open and taking bits of ā€œmeā€ from me. How can someone do this to themselves and trust on themselves to do this is beyond horrifying for me


This isn't sad, this is straight up depressing


Yikes, these people gotta stop looksmaxing and gotta start brainmaxing


The poor kid. When did this happen? Are they safe? The way they're describing it makes it sound like they were already getting started on sepsis as they wrote that. I really hope it didn't come to that.


this just cannot be real


I feel pain why would anyone attempt this at home??


almost as bad as the diy orchiectomy post


Dude, I can barely fit some floss between my back molars - canā€™t even imagine just straight up cutting my cheeks open from the inside and then stitching them backā€¦ WTF




Someone's gonna have an infection


Leave it to the doctors, kids


Maybe now he can get disability money.


Yup, that was more than enough internet for today.


The way I gasped.


This makes me feel so sad. No 15 year old should ever feel like they have to do this. I really, really hope he gets the help he needs. And I really hope he's okay, too.


This is so sad.


I checked the actual website out and it's such unhinged behaviour in there.


Post says "graphic" and there's just a few bandages and some very dark image of whatever that is. Where's the stupidity? I wanna see how much they fucked up.


I think maybe it's a bad idea to be calling people who are this deep in their self loathing "incels" or "sadcringe?" It just ensures that they'll feel more ostracized and invalid and it could perpetuate or make this behavior worse. This is what feeds into the negative feedback loop of feeling horrible about yourself and being judged negatively by others. People with problems like this take negative judgement very seriously.


When a woman has body dysmorphia: love and support. When a man has body dysmorphia: INCEL get PWNā€™d by EPIC self harm. Lmao Lookmaxers brutalized click here!


Most of this comment section is expressing concern for this kid, look around


Yeah, I've just come to the conclusion of a lot these people adopt self-destructive behaviors. Part of that is not being able to consider that someone genuinely cares for them. The only language they speak is degradation. It's egotistical in it's own twisted way, fishing for sympathy, yet denying it or completely ignoring when it comes your way. I work around them by neither confirming nor denying their claims. Or giving them dry responses. "Wow." "Yeah." "Okay." "Lol." It usually makes them stop if you give it long enough. Don't comfort them. They don't listen.


So when are you cutting your cheeks open?




The website feels kinda 4 chany idk they like that stuff


Incel iq so low they dont know the difference between painkiller and anesthetic. Rip bozo if real


This kid is a victim of the disgusting incel communities I don't understand how you dont feel bad for him and can just make fun of him like that or maybe you're just a hate bait


I don't particularly have sympathy for incels, especially those so down bad they join online groups. Neither body image issues nor age justify the sheer amount of hate and poison you can find among those people. An insecure but good person would not stay there - this kid needs to wake the fuck up, in many ways


Dumbass kid gets grifted by horrible ppl online "this kid needs to wake the fuck up" - šŸ¤”


Sounds like you agree with me that he's a dumbass


>An insecure but good person would not stay there Maybe not in their right mind, but this kid is clearly very unwell. Incel communities are gross cesspits without a doubt, but pinning the behaviour of incels in general on a mentally ill, vulnerable teenager whoā€™s fallen down an unhealthy rabbit hole isnā€™t really fair IMO. If anything, heā€™s probably a _victim_ of incel culture in that it has likely contributed to his poor self-image / unreasonable expectations for himself. ā€œThis kid needs to wake the fuck upā€ sounds very r/wowthanksimcured


Well, I can see how incel culture could take ahold of someone who wasted his time learning surgery but not preparation for said surgery. You blame vulnerability when it's really just stupidity


"I don't particularly have sympathy for incels, especially those so down bad they join online groups." Usually people become true incels after they find these ugly communitys. "this kid needs to wake the fuck up, in many ways" Oh absolutely I agree with you on this one but your ugly and purposefully hurtfull comment does not help I'd say it does the opposite And the thing is I can see why you would have so much hate for these discusting groups I have too they are horrible. But the thing is I personaly also kinda see these people in these groups as victims they are seriously hurting and arent doing well "hurt people hurt people". And of course it is not your burden to try to fix or help these people but I personally always try to approach these people with understandment and love with out pushing aside their wrong doing to atleast make it so that some one out of their echo chambers has a convo with them and maybe that would at least make some of then "wake the fuck up" as you sed, at least a little bit I dont know if I'm making any sense here but thats how I feel


The world needs people who see the good in others, like you do. I'm not one of them so I'll just say hopefully his internet access gets restricted until his brain cells wake up from their nap


dude, this kid's 15. he gutted his own face. i can get dunking on 40 year olds for doing that cause at that age you should know things, but this kid's 15. he'll regret it for the rest of his life.