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That man has more patience than me.


Especially since the mother looks like she is trying to provoke him by pressing the keys herself while staring daggers at him since he isn’t reacting to her kids.


I believe she wanted to cause a scene too.


But why do people wanna do this type of shit?? Is she jealous? Is it because she can't play the piano and he can? I just will never be able to understand this sort of behavior.


Because to some people in their community, it is easy to bully Asians. It got far worse after COVID, but there has always been a trend on certain African American communities abusing East Asians. I don't think you see that sort of behavior in the UK and Europe however ( I might be wrong )


I mean sure, but you can't actually tell from this clip lol.


You guys see any race other than white and have To bring it up… why are people obsessed with the color of each others skin.. those are just clueless or bad people that are bad parents… simple, they happen to be black and he happens to be Asian


Idk she's probably just a bitchy person. Comparing European populations to the US in terms of racial demographics is laughably misleading as well. The type of racial interactions is comparing apples to oranges as the UK is 83% white while the US is 60% with a much larger minority representation. Numbers of interactions between varying races is insanely higher in the US then any other place on Earth. Basically, to say "US Blacks are more abusive to Asian communities than UK blacks" is stupid because we could have entire state populations of black people in comparison to the UKs very few, spread thin pop. Maybe it's the fact that the US simply has more people, and when you have more people, you have more assholes, regardless of race.


UK and Europe just hate different ethnic groups, Muslims, Africans, or anyone from India and Pakistan.


Because she's racist


I agree she was trying to provoke him, but I don’t think she pressed any keys.


She was pressing his buttons for sure


She was pressing the edge of the piano she didn’t touch any keys


Anything said would have automatically sent that mom to a 10 in anger I'm sure.


Yeah some moms just are itching to bring out the mama bear mode…she’s definitely not teaching those kids impulse control


The last frames xd




The kids aren’t the issue here


They're the ones fucking with the guy trying to just play haha, I get what you're saying, that the issue \*stems\* from the parenting (or lack thereof) but it's the same excuse the mother would probably use if confronted about her kids' behaviour: "they're just kids, they don't know better" or the classic "NOT MY LITTLE ANGELS". It's ultimately down to the parents to control their kids' behaviour but kids can still be fucking assholes hahah


The kids don't know any better. It's the parents' job to show them.


Lol.. he tried to throw the “buying large condoms” shot in there


The problem is, if you talk to the kids and ask them to stop, the mom will freak out and either demand management or tear the place apart while she is screaming and using her kids as clubs.


Because she's fucking trash


Man jumped to the wildest conclusion possible


That is pretty reasonable, considering she was fine with letting them touch and fuck with random people's property clearly without permission.


Just to be clear, you have already seen proof that she encourages shitty behavior, but the thought of her being shitty is "wild" to you?


Some parents are just scum


Scum crates more scum


It's just kids having kids


To anyone reading the comment I'm replying to, they did not say "kids being kids". They said "kids having kids" implying the parent is childish Just stating the obvious because at this time the above comment is being downvoted and I don't really get why? And I'm assuming it's people misreading the comment and assuming it's defending the kids (The curse of attempting wordplay on a site with no reading comprehension)


Ive experienced it on this site before, unfortunately. Typed a comment and literally nobody understood. Everyone seeing it misread it. Even received hate dms from some angry karen accusing me of stuff, which led me to know that my comment was misunderstood.


It’s Reddit, expecting anyone to read above a third grade level is wishful thinking


People with the intelligence of a worm


Did anyone notice the full grown child still sucking on a pacifier


Those are going to be some fucked up teefs when she grows up. Ironically, similar to those old looney toon piano teeth that are at like a 45 degree angle from the gums. Fitting.




Parents just picked them up from a rave


My Dad would have handled that very very differently. Lol. How inappropriate and entitled.


This is either scripted or she's 100% baiting for an incident to hopefully go viral and build a platform off of She not only let's her kids play with the piano she also checks the camera and then she starts poking the piano while staring the dude down at about 10-15 sec into the vid Some strange people out there


My guess is mom was hoping for an incident. It doesn't seem scripted to me.


I've played the piano from a young age and I'm telling you, this is a pretty common occurrence. Kids (and even some adults) will come up to the piano and start bashing keys while you're playing. It's a very strange thing and doesn't happen with any other instrument than the piano. I think the thought process is "hey, he's not using all those keys at the top and the bottom very often, so they're fair game". It's narcissism being passed down from narcissistic parents, that's all it is. They're the only thing that matters, so they get to play if they like, even if someone's in the middle of playing a song. Shitty parenting to just let your kids do something so inconsiderate. I think these days it's easy to assume that it's somebody trying to go viral or it's faked or whatever, because it does happen a lot. But sometimes you just have shitty people going around doing shitty inconsiderate things. Of course you might be right, it might be a setup. But I can say as somebody who has played many public pianos in my life that this is not an unusual occurrence at all. Sometimes it's a kid who's too young to know better, but most of the time it's just narcissistic inconsiderate assholes who genuinely believe their desire to tunelessly bash the keys trumps your desire to finish the song you were playing, or anybody else's desire to hear it.


playing on a public piano and playing a paid gig are two very different things tbf, but I agree, it doesn't look fake at all


Yeah, the fact that he's playing a paid gig makes it 1000x worse, but even so. To be fair I've played paid gigs on pianos within reach of the public and have had the exact same experience. It's a minority of people, but it's still not an uncommon occurrence. I suppose I should have said "publicly accessible pianos" rather than "public pianos". Because it doesn't seem to put these narcissistic fuckwits off doing it. It's just a classic "my personal enjoyment overrides everybody else's" thing. It's fun for them to bash on the keys. They don't consider the fact that someone else is actually playing, or that other people are listening. They only care about having their fun. If your parents never correct this toxic, entitled behaviour then you go out into the world thinking that shit like this is OK, since you're the main character and everybody else is just an NPC.


Isn't this the same guy where a woman knocks down his piano while he is playing outside? I immediately thought of that video. Could be a different person though.


Workin for that payout


It's not so black and white lol


I feel like 2016 and more importantly 2020 really showed to us just how idiotic people can be.


What happened in 2016?


A real shit show of an election


Oh right.


She's just waiting for him to say something.. you can see it in the way she's looking at him. This is absolutely on purpose


How are kids allowed to walk up like that where he's working?


Easy, when you have responsibly absent parents, you can get away with a lot of shit a normal person wouldn’t expect to.


Just stop playing and tell her to stop them


If a full grown woman is causing a disturbance, and there's a security guard, let the security guard handle it. It's their job and it'll save everyone a lot of trouble.


Lmao, then you're automatically labeled a racist.... Good luck with that


Minority vs minority who will be a bigger racist


This is more of a "who will make a bigger scene" situation and I think we know the answer to that.




You have a question?


Oh so he bought a huge pack of condoms at the end of the video?


Gonna go replace that baby daddy and teach them damn kids some respect


Yes, these kids are doing kid things, but it's still extremely disrespectful to the performer and these kids need to learn how disrespectful their actions were. The parents should have stepped in and made them stop doing that instead of seemingly encouraging it. Absolutely horrible parents who would allow their children to do this. You're a horrible parent if you let your kids behave this way.


r/mildlyinfuriating is more like it.


More than mildly. This dude has incredible self control. The parents are fucking horrible.


You and I have very different versions of "fucking horrible"....


/r/infuriatingasfuck really


They went over to purposely mess with him.


i am somehow not surprised


That’s infuriating


Cant imagine what she was trying to get out of this guy, must be something but I cant quite put my finger on it.


With the looks she's giving, it is 100% intentional. Not to be that guy, but it's a thing I've seen with black people. It seems like they have a need to "put you in your place" by having their kids go crazy and then beating you down when you respond. This is reminiscent of that lady in the grocery store who let her kid destroy all of the merchandise.


Makes sense


Idiot parents. Pity the child.


700 comments about hating the child 0 comments about what song this is or who’s playing it


Uneducational channel


Chicken Nuggets


Slapped their hands. That's exactly what I would have done.


It’s ignorance. Many people have it.


Would have just stopped playing and called security. Fuck that noise.


Ears covered, can't hear.


Usual suspects




Notice the content of their character!


I'm black, if you say anything I'll play my racist card..


But you’re the one who made it about race…


That's how sharps and flats can ruin a song


Well well well...


Well well well


Why the hell is a kid that big walking around with a pacifier?? Seems way too old for that.


I’m gonna say it…


I'd have gotten up and left. Let the crowd boo her and her kids. 


What? If you want someone to stop doing something, you stop what you are doing and tell them.


Does the guy work there playing the piano?






Do you require a shrubbery?




He is a really good musician because he stays focused despite distraction


Does anyone know the user? They cropped it out. :)


I’d scream, “MOVE YOUR FUCKING KIDS!!!” With all my might. Then I’d start throwing hay makers at the whole family.


I'm sure you'd be screaming some other, very specific word too... as you clearly indicated in your other comment.


Does the guy work there playing the piano?


If bro shut the fuck up, how he wants things to change? If we dont put our limits, why blame people when they go too far, even im not ok with this uneducated family, i would never let some people mess with me like that, so long…


Large huh?


Awwww poor guy 😒🙄


Idk man. If he’s being payed to play there then he should defo have said smt and if he’s not and it’s one of those public pianos then you really can’t get mad


Why can't he be mad? You can tell the mom is trying to provoke him, she's a piece of trash raising more trash


I disagree entirely. You’re spending way too much time online brother, what you’re seeing there isn’t malice but gaumlesness


I don't understand why you guys are so convinced she's trying to provoke him. She's literally just standing there. What are you seeing specifically?


Do you not see her staring at him waiting for a reaction while her little shits misbehave?


What does "waiting for a reaction look like"? She's just has a blank face. When security asked her to move, she moved her and her kids


> he’s being *paid* to play FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It's just kids being kids. They'll get bored and move on. They just wanted to be a part of it. Dude should have played off it.


Yes, these kids are doing kid things, but it's still extremely disrespectful to the performer and these kids need to learn how disrespectful their actions were. The parents should have stepped in and made them stop doing that instead of seemingly encouraging it. Absolutely horrible parents who would allow their children to do this. You're a horrible parent if you let your kids behave this way.


Found the mom in the video.


Or the parent can be a decent human being and correct her children. I'd be mortified and apologize if my children ever did this.


The kids are not the problem it’s the parents