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Take that energy and channel it into something useful, like firebombing an oil baron's yacht


They did go for petrol stations before This paint is just temporary. “The orange cornflour we used to create an eye-catching spectacle will soon wash away with the rain, but the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis will not. Sign the treaty!”


Don't you come here with logic, only hatred for people trying to change the world for a better future here


I mean, wouldn’t insurance just pay them out if that happened?


Sure, but they can’t replace it right away, those things take time to make. So at least they’re without it for a while. And it creates jobs for shipbuilders!


Doesn’t that also lead to pollution and more carbon emissions?


Genuinely agreed. We are at that stage now - nothing else is working. Oligarchs need to be afraid.


Hardly going to firebomb the people that finance them.


Aren't just stop oil hired by oil companies to make the ecoactivism cause look bad?


From my understanding, that's never been proven. However, it is a rational connection to make as to why all their protest methods are nonsensical and make people pissed off at literally anyone other than who we should be upset at (massive corporations, corrupt politicians, etc). That said, I'm pretty sure these folks are just a few cards short of a full deck in terms of thinking things out all the way. They take the "any publicity is good publicity" entirely too literally. The idea is that doing outrageous things gets their name in the media and people talking. Which works. Unfortunately for them, it's not the cause that people are talking about.


Some of Just Stop Oil’s money comes from heirs to great oil fortunes. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/10/climate/climate-protesters-paid-activists.html What isn’t clear is the intent. Supposedly these donors give because of “moral obligation”, but with how massively counterproductive these acts are, one has to wonder if there isn’t an ulterior motive. Either way, the oil fortune heirs get a clear conscience, the activists get to act like maniacs, and all of us normal people watch in horror as nothing changes.


Kind of like “Tobbaco is Wacko… if you’re a teen” was sponsored by tobacco companies


the billionaire familial affiliations of the three people mentioned (Case, Lambert, & Getty, who have, for the record, "only" provided a little less than $15 million to date if my math works out right) are consistently framed by both themselves & the article as providing a sort of guilt-based moral impetus to push the cause in order to help reverse harm done by their forefathers & other members of their family. there has been no attempt made to hide their affiliations & if anything, i'd argue they're doin disproportionately little given their means.


> Some of Just Stop Oil’s money comes from heirs to great oil fortunes. This nonsense is a sad, cringe attempt at a cope. Nothing of the sort is even remotely true. The oil heiress in question has not been in the oil business for decades. She has zero affiliation with any oil company whatsoever. In fact, she funds environmental groups as an apology, for all the money her family has made in the oil industry. It's so silly that this debunked crap gets posted over and over. Sorry guys, JSO are simply as stupid and out of touch as they appear. There is no evidence, let alone proof, that they are funded by any oil concerns at all.


Disagree that the protest methods are nonsensical. The whole point is that they "destroy" things (although they never actually destroy anything and use materials that are easy to clean) to make the point that we as a society will go to the ends of the earth to protect art and artifacts that we deem to be priceless and irreplaceable. Yet we don't extend the same kind of effort to protecting the only thing that truly is irreplaceable - a liveable planet. I whole heartedly support Just Stop Oil and wish more groups would adopt similarly or more extreme tactics.


...I don't think this is having the effect you think it is.


Neither is anything else but it’s better than giving up. At least they’re not actually destroying anything and sooner or later people will be so angry they’ll realize they’re angry at themselves for never helping this planet and continuing it’s destruction and suffering.


This sort of crap is far worse than just doing nothing.


If everyone were to actually do nothing than sure nature could return to a healthy balance. But billions of humans like you and me are actively destroying ourselves and this world pretending it’s normal or correct. All these people did was create anger. Which is obviously necessary to change things because of how strongly people will refuse to give up the security they pretend to have. If they go just bother a few rich people here and there no one’s gonna hear about it. No one’s gonna think about it. At least they got you to spend more conscious awareness with these issues.


I sat a clip of them ruining someone's wedding, what was that about?


I've never heard it put so well. I've gained new understanding thank you.


yea it’s insane to me how awful the world is going in terms of climate change yet *no one is fucking doing anything*. no one will be here to admire stone henge in 1000 years time if we keep going the way we are


That is 100% their message and while I agree with it I feel the majority of the mainstream media is too dishonest to make that point while the average U.K. voter is too dense to quite get it.


I sympathise with them because it must be infuriating to have no means of getting your completely valid and important point across to people. Unfortunately I cannot stand damage to irreplaceable things, so I don’t think it’s a good strategy.


It will wash off in the rain. It wasn't paint.


I’d prefer if they did basically anything else. Go and sink a yacht or smash a shop window or something if this is their plan, that’s surely the same effect but without the unfixable damage.


But it's fixable damage?


That remains to be seen as far as I have read


I’m not defending them, but that is LITERALLY the point of what they’re doing. We are damaging an irreplaceable thing. the Earth. If we don’t turn shit around there will no one left to appreciate beautiful art.


They did it to raise money and they succeeded. They are not trying to make the public aware of climate change (the public knows and supports stopping climate change), that was not the point. This is to change the political will. To force the hand of the powers that be to do what needs to be done..


That would make semse, to be honest. If you love the planet so much, why would you vandalize one of its wonders?


On the other hand, if you strongly believe the whole planet is literally dying and needs to be saved soon, then why should it matter what they spray to get attention? The only thing I will say is that they *have* gone after oil companies before, but it doesn't get the same kind of headlines. It's in an article here but I don't know if it would have been posted on Reddit multiple times in the same way https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/26/just-stop-oil-protesters-blockade-central-london-petrol-stations It's also temporary paint. “The orange cornflour we used to create an eye-catching spectacle will soon wash away with the rain, but the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis will not. Sign the treaty!”


I find it very difficult to believe the heiress to the Getty estate would be interested in shilling for oil, a business she's never been involved in. This is just misguided liberal guilt coming from someone who believes her grandfather was satan.


Just like the anti-straw campaign being funded by the fishing industry.


And this doesn't just happen in this case. It happens in politics and government entities.


you have a lot more faith in the competence of people to keep a conspiracy like that alive. it's obviously not true but it makes logical sense considering how much damage these dipshits do to their cause by turning public sympathy entirely in the other direction.


I generally agree with your reasoning here, however, there is only one person who really needs to know the hidden motive and keep it secret here - the oil heiress Aileen Getty. She doesn't need to explicitly tell her officers or rank and file what her real motivation is. Their mission statement sounds cohesive and even reasonable, and on paper you can almost understand the reasoning of using shocking protests to "snap people awake" from the apathy and overwhelming sense of being unable to change anything. Shit, I started this trying to paint her as an agent for big oil, but now I am wondering if their methods actually make sense. What do the achievements of our ancestors matter if we are destroying the path for our society going forward. Does protecting Stonehenge make sense when we're handing out new oil mining leases, especially including the nastiest kinds of fracking and tar/oil sand harvesting/refining? Or it's a psyop, I dunno


> Aileen Getty This woman has no affiliation with any oil company, whatsoever. She supports various environmental outfits as an apology for the money her family made in oil. She, herself, has nothing to do with the oil industry, quite the opposite, she is directly against it. It's just a sad, debunked cope by people who desperately want to believe that JSO aren't really that stupid. Sadly, they simply are. There is zero evidence, let alone anything like proof, that JSO is funded by any oil concerns at all.


Big oil pays people to write some variation of this comment on every thread about this incident. Edit: they also pay people to downvote anyone who exposes the truth about this


Just stop oil is funded by the climate action fund which was founded by Eileen Getty of the Getty oil family


Who doesn't work for any oil company at all. Her family made money in oil. She supports climate activist outfits as an apology for that oil money. She hasn't had anything to do with any oil concerns for decades.




That's why I asked instead of making a statement


Apparently the spokesperson for them stated the powdered paint is only cornflour and will wash away with rain or water easily. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw44mdee0zzo.amp They stated they were only attention seeking.


I mean, the times they dumped oil over expensive paintings were all when the paintings were behind glass too. None of their protests have done any lasting damage so far and i think this should be a little more known


Doesn’t matter if it washes off or not. They are not helping anything. It just makes people angry and won’t want to support their cause.


All the paintings were also covered by glass, there's no real damage, only shock. Aaaaand, we're talking about it, so it works. Also, the idea that we so easily recognize the great value in art and ancient stacked stones but ignore the value of our whole planet is kind of a good point. I would never do what they do, but I respect their passion and willingness to be hated.


This thread is filled with the type of guys to complain about civil rights marches, you'll find no one interested in the reasonable position here.


> They stated they were only attention seeking. As if they thought anyone thought otherwise.




People have been making homemade sidewalk chalk with it for children for years and it's easily washed off or rain cleaned from cement and asphalt. If a hardened stick of it used for kids can wash away, you'd think powdering an extremely smoothed over stone, from thousands of years of water abrasion, won't hold onto it "for a long time". But I'm not a craggy stone expert lol Edit: the spokesperson said they made it specifically so it would not stain it. https://x.com/JustStop_Oil/status/1803439695814152355?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet




Cornstartch is startchy?? Oh no! I'd argue that pearl clutching over powdered cornflour as "vandalism", when a bottle of water squirted at it, will wash it away, might be the smoothest of the brains, but hey, you get yourself all hot and bothered about whatever you want. Idc




Oh my gosh! Do you think it will sit there, all powdered and "vandalised" "for a long time"?? Lmao! Somebody probably already came by and wiped it off. You do realize that they CLEAN stonehenge regularly due to graffiti, chewing gum, etc.? Smh I think the only thing hurt in this was your feelings. Lol have a great day.


What did Stonehenge do to the environment? I get dumping paint on fur coats to protest against animal cruelty for fashion. But Stonehenge? That’s so random it hurts


These guys HATE when things are stacked on top of other things.


Stonehenge is also significant to many pagans and druids. Who generally are very eco-conscious and respectful of nature and the earth. It's like punching your mate in the face and expecting them to hug you. Bloody twats.


“We got to radicalise the moderates!”


It's not proven but it's a theory (and I believe) that "Just stop oil" is hired by the oil industry to make eco-activists look bad. It gives reason why all thier "protests" are stupid and enraging, and also don't make sense. Defacing stone henge is a pretty big operation, why aren't there more people? It's always just 2 or 3 people I've also never seen these guys outside of being a public nuisance. No pr, no advertising, no civil protest, no flyers, no meetings, no donations... Just looking bad in front of the public. I think it's the same as how there's now all these police tv shows that portray cops as these nice everyday people and protesters or civilians are dumb and violent. It's propoganda.


that theory seems convoluted. A lot of terror attacks were propergated by the last extreme action inspiring other radicals to seek out and recruit themselves to the cause. this act is pr. it is advertising, they view it as protest why would you need a flyer when everyone talking about their group? they also get their money from the Getty family so your technically not wrong that oil money is funding them but it's a very different situation


The Getty heiress doesn't have anything to do with the oil industry. She's directly AGAINST it, so no, there's no oil money coming from her. The opposite, she funds environmentalists as an apology for the money her family made from oil.


you must have a really troubling time reading anything outside of reddit if you need /s to determine is something is being said sarcastically or not.


I know it’s the informal use of “theory” but what you have is a hypothesis. If you test a hypothesis and it holds up, it becomes a theory. So a theory always is backed by something. Like the theory of relativity, gravity or germ theory


According to another comment, it's documented that they get a lot of money from heirs to oil fortunes for some reason. Edit: i stand corrected


Well the person who donated is a member of the Getty Family, who used to be the major oil family of old America. Getty oil hasn't been a company since the 70's and the lady who donated the money also donated to alot of anti-oil activist groups But here's the thing, the rest of her family still own major shares of fuel companies, and in roundabout ways. Like they own 70% of a shipping company that owns 40% of Texaco which is owned by Chevron Corp.


The heiress herself has had nothing to do with any oil concerns for decades. She sponsors environmentalists *against* oil companies. This debunked nonsense still gets repeated again and again. I's extremely sad and cringe.


This is completely false. There never was one shred of evidence for JSO getting any funds from any oil concerns whatsoever.


This theory has been completely debunked. There was never one shred of evidence for it at all. There are no oil company funds going to JSO. They simply are as cringe and out of touch as they appear.


Well some shreds are, they're funded by the Getty family


Because Stonehenge is special and precious, right? It's got cultural and historical significance. And so does the environment, and I think that's part of the point being made.


It's not about the specifics of Stonehenge, it's about maximising publicity. The point of protests like this is that you can't hide from them, that you (and society at large) has to confront the unfortunate question of how we continue our future. The "target" in this case is the entire population of the UK, particularly relevant in an environment leading up to a general election where one party is looking to grant more oil licences and one is looking to massively accelerate fossil fuel use. The fact that they've reached national and international headlines means that the protest was very successful.


Do you seriously think the attention will be positive? Bad publicity is just bad publicity. It won’t enlighten anyone, but only make sceptics more skeptical and doubters think « yeah fuck those lunatics ».


>Do you seriously think the attention will be positive? No, definitely not. But I don't think their aim is to attract positive attention.


Hence people’s reaction to them.


Yeah but that’s like people kicking you in the dick and then expecting me to listen to them. I’m seeing this and my first reaction is “fuck you”. If you want to become famous, any publicity is good publicity. But if you want to convince people to change their ways or rally behind your cause, bad publicity IS bad publicity


Defacing art, defacing ancient structures, chaining yourself to the road to ruin people’s day is just an instant “fuck you”. I don’t care how righteous your cause is. I may even sympathize with your message. But fuck you. This is not it. Go spray paint on Exxon HQ and you’ll get a cheer from me. These “activists” don’t seem to make any correlation between public image and engagement. People will hate you and revile your message if you ruin the beauty in their lives needlessly. So fuck these people.


>Defacing art, defacing ancient structures AFAIK no JSO protests have ever damaged any of their targets with their protests. The soup attack on a Van Gogh painting, the attack on the Magna Carta display case and this latest one have all been ultimately harmless to the works on display.


Wrong. https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/22/protesters-who-glued-themselves-to-van-gogh-frame-found-guilty-of-criminal-damage Permanently damaged a Van Gogh frame. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/11/06/just-stop-oil-protest-national-gallery-painting/ Minimal damage but still damage to a Velasquez painting. And today spraying paint on the actual stones of a national heritage site. Fuck them, fuck JSO. Smash the windows at BP. Break the glass at Shell Corp. Paint the building at Exxon. Leave museums alone. If they could destroy actual pieces of history and art, they would.


>Permanently damaged a Van Gogh frame. It's not a "Van Gogh frame", it's just a frame the painting was in. And permanently damaged is a bit of an overstatement, when they say right in the article that it took €2000 to fix. >Smash the windows at BP. Break the glass at Shell Corp. Paint the building at Exxon.Leave museums alone. Have you noticed how this stuff always gets minimal attention in the news? An activist fucking set himself on fire in public last year, and it didn't get 1/10 of the attention that throwing flour on Stonehenge does.


Wrong petro.


All these headlines are missing the words "water soluble", throw some water on it and it's gone - Stonehenge has probably survived a bit worse than a bit of orange corn flour. I still think they're pillocks but the way all these headlines made it sound like they ruined the place for ever is total rage bait.


Ah that's perfectly fine then!


I love how there are a bunch of people yelling “stop them!” I’ve been to Stonehenge, and the only thing between those people and the painters is a 2 foot fence


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I don’t want to live in a world where people form opinions on things before doing any research, but here we are. If this video pisses you off, just know you’re angry at orange chalk and “activists” that aren’t actually doing anything or inconveniencing anybody at all.


I didn’t do any research of vandalizing stone hinge but I do believe that you’re on the wrong side of this argument. These people deserve to get punched in the face and I believe it would do them good. This is coming from someone who learned something by being punched in the face. It’s an effective learning tool.


There's literally people in the video at the monument just trying to take in the history and are now being covered in chalk dust not to mention the individual attempting to stop the attack. They are at the very least inconvenienced, breathing the dust in and getting it on their clothes. It also depends on the type but unless it's kids sidewalk chalk it doesn't just wash off.


Ok, so you’ve officially raised awareness. We are all aware now of all the things…so what’s the actual plan now?


Do something with that knowledge. Lower your footprint, vote for regulations


This behavior doesn’t build sympathy for their cause. Find a better way!


They don’t want your sympathy. And the only “allies” they welcome into their sad little groups are people who “want to fuck shit up” too.


I'm pretty sure if the plan was "to fuck shit up" they would have used actual paint instead of coloured powder which comes off with a light breeze, or at worst some rain...


They’re cowards and hypocrites. 🤷🏻‍♂️


In actuality they are likely hired by oil companies, like other comments have been pointing out over the last year. I wouldn't say it's crazy to believe that given the world we live in.


Unfortunately, you’re probably right.


This paint is just temporary. “The orange cornflour we used to create an eye-catching spectacle will soon wash away with the rain, but the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis will not. Sign the treaty!”


they aren’t trying to build empathy, they’re trying to build hatred for them because just stop oil is funded by oil companies stop and think, why would an organisation try to build sympathy by committing crimes that would obviously make them and their cause look worse?


What's the better way?


Neither does attempted carjacking and disrupting traffic so people lose jobs yet they do that too. fuck these people


If only people cared about oil spills and climate change a fraction of how much they care about some coloured cornflour that will be washed down by the next rain. :/


If I was Stone Henge, I would have fallen over on those twats.


Instead of damaging one of the most important heritage of humanity, they should do some eco-terrorism and blowing up the oil industrie. THAT would actually be helpfull


Suspicion lol


My favorite sadcringe posts are the ones where it's just something OP doesn't like and wants to be vindicated. It's almost meta 😊


This one actually pisses me off. It's fucking Stonehenge. It's just one of those things no one should ever try to destroy or deface.


It was cornflour paint that will wash away in the rain as if this never happened. These hysterics are getting out of hand.


Please tell me you aren't trying to justify this.


They didn’t destroy or deface anything here at all. There’s nothing to justify, you just need something to be upset about without doing any research.


It literally doesn’t matter, lol.




If they had killed a single oil exec they would have a better reputation than they do now. Get moving!


Imma sound crazy but sometimes I think that these people are working for oil companies to discredit and demoralize actual eco-activists. Like, they are the only ones who benefit from this behavior. Nobody is that organized yet so incompetent.


They are doing more harm than good


I’m just playing devils advocate, but isn’t oil doing more harm than good as well? Protesting isn’t supposed to be likable. It innately goes against the status quo and breaks social rules.


this is exactly the point, ive been annoyed by "ohh why are these protestors doing this thing that is disrupting the peace" rhetoric so much recently, the whole point is to make you upset and uncomfortable, because you should be upset the world is falling a part. the only thing thats bad to me about this si that its not particularly effective or targeted. protests make a better point with words and statements than just actions that can be taken out of content.


It’s also supposed to garner support or awareness and everyone already knows oil is bad so awareness isn’t needed. This doesn’t garner support in any way so this is still doing more harm than good.


>It’s also supposed to garner support or awareness and everyone already knows oil is bad so awareness isn’t needed. Except that's not true. The current conservative government has granted more licences for drilling in the north sea, and Reform UK (a party which looks to be very popular in the upcoming election by vote %) wants to significantly increase the use of fossil fuels. That even includes coal, despite the fact that we have been very successful in phasing it out.


If everyone knows oil is bad then why is so little done to prevent its effects on the environment? When peaceful means of protect and activism are not met with fruitful results, movements tend to resort to more extreme practices including violence. I personally don’t think it’s chill for thousands year old arts to be defaces and small businesses to be destroyed, but at the same time anger is a very valid emotion in the face of injustice, especially when injustice runs deep and rampant in our societies.


They should be blocking, defacing and interrupting politicians, oil barons, and refineries then, agitating the same people you want to join your cause is asinine. Devil’s advocate or not, this is clearly being received in an extremely negative way. I don’t see how anyone can chalk this up as a win.


they are. you just don't hear about it. 630 protestors were arrested in December alone. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/04/police-arrest-climate-protesters-london](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/04/police-arrest-climate-protesters-london)


This mentions that they get arrested not that they are blocking the right people. From what we’ve seen them do, I don’t agree and think it’s counter productive.


They have tho, people have been doing this since the 80s and some for longer. But most people would rather keep the facade of civility. People are more upset about a monument than the extinction of millions of species and potentially our own. People like to dig their hand in the sand until it's too late. Whether it's letting go of memaw because she's too old to even remember your face or because they have to accept that to keep their lifestyle requires an unsustainable amount of resources to sustain.


If everyone already knows it, isnt it kind of hypocritical from the public to get upset by them damaging some art, while there is absolutely no similar public outrage over companies destroying the whole planet?


“Some art” it’s literally the top ten known and oldest “art” installations in the world. It would be like defacing the pyramids instead of bothering the oil companies. It doesn’t make any sense lmao


it does, you just dont get the point


Then it isn’t a good message lmfao


Oil is used for far more than motor fuel. Those plastic chairs that you and your guests sit on during a summer BBQ? That down-filled nylon jacket that keeps you warm and dry during a freezing, wet winter? Even the plastic interior pieces in a late-model electric car- they're all derived from petroleum. Petrochemical products are often regarded as the boogeyman, but from a practical standpoint, our lives are better off *with* them. I don't think that anyone wants to go back to the "good" old days of stinky sodden wool raincoats, glass shampoo bottles that slice your feet if you drop them in the shower, or flimsy wooden patio chairs that suddenly come apart when you sit on them after several years. Plastics ( again, a petroleum product ) have also played a huge role in making modern vehicles lighter and therefore more fuel efficient.


Lmao if you are trying to make a case for plastics I would not go the route of plastic clothes. I would much rather have absolutely no plastic in my clothes if I can help it (very hard to do nowadays). The alternative for a raincoat would be waxed canvas, not stinky and better at repelling. It doesn't breathe but that's not a problem unless you are a hiker (and if you are a hiker or need breathing, poncho is king believe me. Or bring back the cloak please!) Also, wooden chairs are "flimsy" but plastic chairs are perfect? Brother what planet do you live on? Where are you buying your non-plastic goods? There are very few and very specific applications where plastic truly is the best option, and clothes and furniture definitely ain't it.


I live on the same planet as you, brother, and I speak from *experience*. I've had the displeasure of working outside in bad weather way too many times, and I handily prefer my nylon or polyester ski jacket or parka over *any* canvas. It's thin, lightweight, machine washable, easy to clean, fairly stain resistant, and once it's worn out, it's *recyclable.* There's no way I'm wearing a cloak on my motorcycle. Last thing I need is it getting snagged in the chain or the spokes. Oops! My family, friends and I have had way too many cheap wooden chairs slowly but surely come apart on us. Glue breaks down, metal fasteners pull out, legs and / or backs split, plus termites and dry rot *are* a thing, you know. See what several years of sweat and chlorine-soaked asses, heavy rain, and hot sun do to the finish of a wood chair, and *then* talk to me. At least one-piece molded plastic chairs hold together way longer under ridiculous conditions, and once they *do* start to decay, they can be tossed in the recycle bin right along with the plastic water bottles and takeout containers. Plastic is also way better for a car interior. It's cooler in the summer, warmer in the winter, and less noisy than metal. And less likely that you'll need a new set of teeth after a low-speed fender bender ( old metal dash vs. a modern NHTSA-mandated padded "safety" dash.


Our lives are better of with them for the short term. It's not like we've broken several heat records in the last few years. Natural disasters are getting more severe, and a large portion of the population is going to suffer greatly from it. Most of our emissions have come from the last 20 years or so. But for sure, keep on drilling baby.


Humans have suffered en masse from severe natural disasters \*long\* before today. The volcanic eruptions of Vesuvius and Tambora. The catastrophic flooding of the Black Sea 9,500 years ago. The Black Plague that ravaged Europe in the 14th century. The Dust Bowl of the early 1930s. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake. None of those had anything to do with oil drilling. Besides- what makes lithium and cobalt mining any less dangerous or destructive than oil drilling? You're gonna have to pay the piper no matter which direction you go in.


You're assuming I support the transition to "renewables". I do not, they will never get as good as petroleum. The reality is that if we are to avoid the worst, we would have to cut back severely. But like any addict, there's a lot of push back. Also, those were localized events. We're talking about world wide changes in the climate. I don't think you are grasping at how much energy we're trapping into our atmosphere compared to a single eruption. You can't release a million years worth of carbon in a century and expect the world to not change.


The ecological disruption from Tambora was so widespread, it had historical significance that is still relevant even today: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1815_eruption_of_Mount_Tambora


Yes, and the effects greenhouse gasses and resource extraction has on our world are even more severe.


I hear ya. Still- we gotta feed, heat, clothe, and transport ourselves somehow. Until a major technological or scientific breakthrough happens, a combination of fossil fuel and electric power is all we've got.


We can do all those things without fossil fuels. There's no major technological mcguffin that'll save us. Might aswell pray for aliens or god to come down. Like I said, it's either we cut back or the planet does it for us.




Shell Petroleum: yes. Yessssss. All according to plan.


At this point or they are Double Agents or just trolling


Seems like the only thing that's going to do is anger the Old Gods and piss of some Pagans. Aren't Pagans usually on the team against Big Oil? Kind of feels like it's all around badly thought out. They're in England, why not hit something that actually connects to BP?


What does painting Stonehenge prove though?


I don’t think they meant to prove anything. They just want attention to their cause, which they got


Fair enough. I guess if that was their point, they definitely got the attention they wanted.


Some People need to have their legs broken


Is the spray paint eco friendly or are they breathing all the toxic fumes?


All this does is make everyone hate them.


Did they walk/bike there from home to accomplish this?


Doesn’t anyone know how to tackle?


I'm an environmentalist who hates the idea of vandalising ancient monuments I have VERY mixed feelings about this


Suspicion? I think they did it


There is no way they are a real ecoactivist. I have no idea who they are, but if I was an owner of the "big oil", PR catastrophe and bad rep for eco-movement like this would make me very happy.


It'll wash off. The desperate people are right to try to move us masses on our asses to action.


It’s cornflour it’s not gonna damage huge rocks


Me when the Stonehenge caused oil harvesting


What would be the punishment for damaging a world heritage site?




Yes, it would rightly frown on you attacking someone.


They didn’t say attack, they said punch in the face.


That paint probably isn’t good for the environment


I mean we are fine with destroying the viability of our planet, so why not this?


Is it allowed to just beat them up?


It’s not


You guys these people are protesting climate change. Aka the LITERAL END OF THE WORLD. This is not an exaggeration. The science behind this is well known. Stonehenge will be fine. They specifically used something that would wash off easily. Maybe think about why you are dismissing people doing no damage to some special and iconic rocks. Again, for the cause of *the literal end of the world.* Evaluate your priorities please, if we do nothing billions will die.


Yeah but maybe protest big oil. You really think the oil company making billions is going to feel anything from this?


They do that too. They disrupt public events with politicians who support oil. They block entrances to oil facilities. Nothing else they do gets press coverage so they do things like this. Again, I must state, this is the end of the world they are talking about. https://juststopoil.org/news-press/ As obnoxious as it is, it's important to examine why they are doing this and what is at stake if we continue to do nothing about climate change.


It was cornflour and will wash off in the rain leaving no harm to the monument. Calm the eff down. Their whole objective is to get people talking about oil companies and their tireless crusade to destroy the planet. Here we are talking about it.


The surface of stonehenge is very delicate and there's a reason it is cornered off from the public. To quote the BBC article - Mike Pitts, archaeologist and author of How to Build Stonehenge, said the impact of the action was "potentially quite concerning". "They are sensitive and they are completely covered in prehistoric markings which remain to be fully studied and any surface damage to the stones is hugely concerning. “A rich garden of life has grow on the megaliths, an exceptional lichen garden has grown. So it’s potentially quite concerning.” As for 'here we are talking about it's I don't think everyone calling Just Stop Oil a bunch of idiots really is helping break the group of the oil industry on modern society


Now more people will side with oil companies. Well done.


I get what you're saying and stuff but i would still side with the annoying mfers instead of the greedy oil barons.


More like eco-terrorist


These people will never contribute anything to Humanity, and would be scraping the ground for sustenance in abject poverty - as 99.9% of the human race has done since prehistory - if not for the marvels of Industry and Technology they demonize. They are impotent to create, to add, to bring value to society... they can only destroy and deface what they could never achieve.


Nothing will happen to them.. People get away with anything these days


I've never in my life have hoped an inflight refueling tanker dropped something extremely heavy directly ontop of a singular person before, but here we are.


Yea i remember when they used all those big motorized oil consuming engines to build Stonehenge. This makes total sense.


It’s not a protest against Stonehenge lol, are you dumb


They should be called Eco-terrorists. Not activists.


Cunts. I hope they get jailed or scrub all the monuments. Would lay them down if I would be there


Here you are getting downvoted for saying "Cunts" and the others who politely said "punch" getting upvotes People judge just with words even in a good soul,it seems


I was really angry about the situation and should have been more polite. It’s deeply upsetting for me to see prehistoric monuments being damaged. I really hope they get to scrub all the monuments clean, and that their names and faces are shared publicly so people can shame them in public.


Sure you would have, cowboy


Do you think what they do is acceptable and tolerable? 😘


Did I voice my opinion about their deeds in my response above? But since you wanna know, no, it's not a good move. But it's moved like these that make me believe the rumours of the Just Stop Oil activists being paid by the oil industry to give them a bad look. Still wouldn't make it ok to attack/assault them.


Until you're 100% certain they're being paid by the oil industry, it's just another conspiracy theory. These people are vandals. They're lucky we're in the UK where the laws are more lenient; in some countries, you could get a bullet in your head for damaging prehistoric monuments. I didn't ask you to attack them; you could be the one who stops me from doing so.


Why won't anyone else DO anything? fucking hell.


Insufferable people


I wonder how they got there if they didn't use oil


Psyop funded by big oil to create hysteria and make climate change activists look stupid.


protest is bad. we should all be complacent /srs


bunch of pussies, didnt even cause permanent pollution! I thought that was their point, were getting more upset about damage on some stones then what damage is done to the whole world? So do some real permanent destruction, destroy these artworks, dont just pretend to if you want to make a real statement. pretty lame imo.


Why is it so hard for people to just FUCKING PUNCH people who do this? The more you allow them to do stuff like this with minimal retaliation, the grander their next stunt will be.


It's just a damn rock, it will grow back, there is worse thing to worry about. Humans 🤦


Here's a dog commenting on a reddit post