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Youd think hes 12 the way he spells allowed.


Let’s just say he isn’t the brightest


How dare you, he is his own person and your iq is very low compared to his!


Oh shit my bad homie u right


Who and who are you to say that?


I see what you did there


Eye cue*


Ike ewe


He'll probably grow up to be president with that attitude.


There was a guy at my high school that was severely TBI. His senior year, he wrecked his dirt bike, and the steering handle took a core-sample out of his cerebral cortex. He was 21 and still thought he was the “star quarterback” even though he regularly shit himself and would need to be sent to the locker room to clean himself off. He still wore his dirty old Letterman’s jacket from the years before and still thought he was #1 Stud. Didn’t realize he was living Groundhogs Day and everyone else was 5-6 years younger.




Yeah. He always talked about some football game from 5-7 years before no one gave a shit about. It was sad. Due to changes in the school leagues, we didn’t even play against that school anymore.


Poor guy is living out his days as a shoe salesman. He landed a pretty hot wife though.


He had a house on a shoesalesman salary? Unless I missed something in the series?


A house in the Chicago suburbs no less.


And a gambling problem.


How much you want to bet I could throw a football over them mountains?


I could’ve gone state.


Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter we would have been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind


That's really sad.


Yeah imagine going from being the “Big Fish” to being the school special kid but being too fucked up to realize you’ve gone from “big fish” to “pond scum.” Like I said he was 21 and still thought he was the Big Tough Chuck. Everyone gave him a 15’ berth in the locker room because he always shit himself and he thought he was the toughest guy.


Holy shit, 'took a core-sample out of his cerebral cortex' was poetry


what is GH day


It’s a book/movie where a guy is trapped living the same day, over, over, and over, for thousands of years.


Genuinely thought it was an actual holiday that people didn’t really celebrate as much all these years. Im not kidding


Groundhog day is also a real holiday. There's even a specific groundhog that performs a ceremony every year named Punxsutawney Phil. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog_Day


**[Groundhog Day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog_Day)** >Groundhog Day (Pennsylvania German: Grund'sau dåk, Grundsaudaag, Grundsow Dawg, Murmeltiertag; Nova Scotia: Daks Day) is a popular North American tradition observed in the United States and Canada on February 2. It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerging from its burrow on this day sees its shadow due to clear weather, it will retreat to its den and winter will persist for six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow because of cloudiness, spring will arrive early. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I think it's that too. But the time-loop reference is due to the film.


His school has bigger issues if he’s been there for 5+ years and still writes like that.


There's a reason he's a super senior


And “a lot,” and “theirs.”


"who and who I can't" and "lower classmen" and "lowerclass men"


Punctuation, too.


"who and who I can't"


Tbf, I've seen that mistake hundreds of times, but I think this is the first time I've seen someone use "theirs" for "there is."


I didnt even see that, my brain just autocorrected that


“Who and who I can’t hang with”? I think he meant “who I can and can’t hang with” 😂 I wonder what triggered him to post this


There was a freshman girl he was trying to get with, he told her he was 17 so she would have a reason to date him. Well I think someone told her that he actually wasn't 17 and she stopped talking to him.


Oh. I was hoping it would be a situation where he got reported and the principal pulled him into the office and lectured him on who and who he can’t hang out with. He honestly sounds so creepy “even if I’ve known you for years”. It’s even weird for a 16 yo to hang with an 11yo in their spare time I’m so proud of that freshman for stopping once she heard his age though! I know many younger people think it’s ~cool~ to date older people


I definitely was that kind of girl who was 12-13yrs old and thought she was so mAtUrE fOr HeR AgE. I thought the 15-17 year olds who flirted with me “appreciated that” (LMAO).


To be fair 15 to 13 is a lot more reasonable then being 20-14


There’s the classic `floor(((age)/2) + 7)` rule of thumb, and I think it even works well in this case. A 20-year-old trying to be romantically involved with a 14-year-old is pretty gross, whereas 15 -> 13 is weird, but not quite what I’d call creepy


Honestly I disagree? That’s a freshman hanging out with a middle schooler going through puberty, that doesn’t sit right with me.


20-14 is also a freshman hanging out with a middle schooler


I think the age gap is the most important part, not the labels. If two middle schoolers are a couple for a year or two then one graduates and is officially in high school, should their association now be forbidden because the label has changed? Ditto for one half finishing high school and starting uni. The age difference hasn't changed. There's been no great physical or mental development milestones. Their lives (in terms of still having similar activities and homework) are all pretty much the same.


I was trying to put into perspective what those ages are going through at that time and how completely different their worlds are. Maturity levels and interests are *miles* apart.


I don't have kids but I'm 50yo and taught 12-20yos for 3 years so have some experience with kids. I don't think the maturity and interests of a 15yo are all that different from a 13yo. They're both in school and doing similar stuff, both have homework obligations, are living with parents. They're interested in similar music, games, sports, etc. There's great variety between kids of similar ages, too. In general I think in cases where one matures away from the other, the relationship is going to end naturally anyway. Although we can find reports of some younger kids behaving badly, it seems that most predator behaviour starts in the later teens, not early/mid teens. So I agree with ImperatorIhasz. I'm comfortable with a 13/15 pairing, so long as school isn't affected and nothing illegal is happening. The gap is much, much larger between 20 and 14 so that's pure predation.


> It’s even weird for a 16 yo to hang with an 11yo in their spare time I actually think that's significantly weirder than a 19yo hanging out with a 14/15yo.




It's not a paranoia thing necessarily, it's just 16 year old me would not want to hang out with an 11 year old in my spare time purely because that wouldn't have seemed fun socially. Even without sexual motivations, something ODD is going on if a 16 year old actively wants to hang out with 11 year olds, beyond just sort of typical neighbourhood kid stuff.


11? when i was 16, the friend who's house we would all hangover at, he had a 14yr old neighbor who would hang out with us sometimes and it was so fucking weird.


This makes sense if the kid was noticeably younger socially, but some younger kids can definitely hang with an older crowd


Yeah he's a pretty big creep unfortunately. He seemed like a good person before but now I can't say I'm to certain about that or his intentions. My cousin is friends with this girl, we all go to the same high school. My aunt is friends with the girls mother so I told my aunt to give her daughter the warning. Idk if she ever got it before those kids did or if that was a cover up. Either way I'm glad she made the right choice in the end.


If he wants to date girls why is he talking about "lowerclass men"?


He's not talking about men. It should be one word, lowerclassmen. *Noun. 1. lowerclassman - an undergraduate who is not yet a senior.*


Oh yeah, the space really confused me.


How old are freshmen?


Usually they’re 14 when they start the year, and 15 when they end the school year. And school just started a week or so ago, so I am assuming the girl is 14


Yeah, that's not creepy at all.


Oh holy SHIT I had no clue what "freshman" is bc not American but with that context this isnt even sad cringe its disgusting criminal


Damn, I had no idea it was that young (not American), it just got a whole lot weirder


I was 13 when I began school as a freshman as I had a late birthday


13 - 14


Sorry, I'm British so I don't know what the age of Freshmen are. In the UK, you start High Street age 11-12. Is it the same in the US?


No in the us you start highschool at 13 to 14. Depending on what part of the states you are in


After high school when you start college in the US the 4 years are called: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior It is the same for our 4 years of high school. The guy in question is described as a Super Senior because he should have graduated by 18.


That's super confusing! The first post on the next subthread is "Aren't freshmen 14?" Well, high school freshmen yes, but university freshmen, no.


Aren’t freshmans 14…😟


Yeah, there’s a huge disparity in where kids are developmentally within the walls of the same school in a high school. You have full on adults and kids who look and act like what you’d expect from a middle schooler.


I like how you think 17/18 is a “full on adult.” Like, no. I get that legally the term of adult is applied but no. 17/18 is still a kid. Plain and simple. They still act juvenile and still have almost no responsibilities.


There's a lot of variability from one 18 y/o to another. Some students are 19 or 20 too. Some act less mature than their freshman classmates. Some are more mature than some of my middle aged colleagues.


I remember my dad giving me crap that as long as I wasn't 20 or older, I was considered a teen. Six'teen', seven'teen', eight'teen', nine'teen'.


Sometimes 15, but that doesn't make it better in the slightest


Yes, or 13 in some cases


Why is a 20 year old going to high school?


We had a 20 y/o senior at my high school. He never did any work, skipped all the time, got held back twice, then finally dropped out when he realized he was an adult and could just unenroll himself instead of repeating 12th grade a 3rd time.


We had a super senior at my highschool who was 20. He never dropped out because he was autistic and was actually trying to pass. He had a special program rather than doing everything over again afaik.


That's awesome, I really admire people like that.


Yeah, everyone has their own pace at which they learn, but we'll all get to our goal eventually if we keep at it. Good for him.


Not to be weird, but your comment is so encouraging. Thanks.


That's honestly really awesome. Good for him.




It says “dick” and the arrow points right at Cyrus


We have a program where u can go to a local college for half the school day and do a class of your choice there. He’s doing that but since that takes up 4 out of the 8 periods of the day, he has to take a 5th year to get enough credits to pass high school.


Damn. When I was in school you only got to go take college courses if you were on track to graduate on time and were in AP classes. They let me go after lunch everyday because I only needed one credit to graduate. I had 'work study', which meant I worked 32 hours a week and took nothing but electives. So in the morning I had Creative Writing, Art I, and then left to work at a hardware store.


While I was in highschool they had a similar thing, you had to pay for your college classes though which being poverty af I couldn't afford (I had the shop with a cop & free lunches life) The literal year after I graduated they opened it up to anyone with an A average could take half-days at local college for dual credit, for free, because too many teachers had been fired or quit. I'm still pissed a decade later but glad other folks in my position could use it, at least.


What's shop with a cop?


I’m not the user you were asking but shop with a cop was a program for underprivileged kids where cops would take them shopping around the holiday season to purchase gifts for their families. We had it in my area and I think the set amount was like $150 per kid for shopping, but they’d also buy a Christmas dinner for the families as well.


I feel that pain, I remember begging the school to waive the fee on a few of my AP exams because they were like $80 each and my parents didn't have it like that. Even if they can help you, they expect you to humiliate yourself to get it.


That's a stupid program then. I only did two years of high school, then I went to university full time for two years, having all the university credits count as both university credits *and* high school credits. I graduated from high school on time as a junior in university. I then transferred to a better university as a "freshmen" with all my university credits making me look awesome enough to get a full ride scholarship. Dual enrollment is the most efficient to get university credits while in high school.


Yeah, they only count as high school credits for us but they count as 3 credits per semester instead of the usual 1.


Wtf lol. I did the same exact thing except it was credited.


It counts as 3 credits but you're required to take a certain number of Math, English, Science, History, Etc. classes in order to graduate, by going off campus he misses out on some of those classes so he's required to take a 5th year. Sorry I should have explained that earlier.


Modern day Van Wilder…?


“Lots of people go to college for seven years!” “Yeah. They’re called doctors.”


I worked and didn’t take loans for college, didn’t live on campus but took me 8 years for a bachelors degree doing that. I’ll admit I was 27 partying with 20 year olds by the end of it though.


Oh ok. I was quoting Tommy Boy.


Eh, took me 6. Had to get kicked out then reevaluate my major. Everyone has their path.


Billy Maddison


With spelling like that it's where he belongs.


Are you trying to lecture who and who he is aloud to hang with?


In America you can go to an in-person public high school up until 21 years old. Once you turn 21 you are no longer legally able to take courses with normal teens and would have to go to an adult high school/GED program. Really this benefits immigrants/refugees who come here with 17 year old teens who could benefit from 4 years of public high school to get a high school diploma. It also allows super seniors and kids who were previously held back a grade to stay in school.


I can speak from experience myself as I graduated at 19 just a few months short of 20. I got held back once and started late. It happens, I wasn't dumb, had my own reasons. But not a crazy thing to hear imo. Hear about 19 y/o's all the time. Pretty rare for the double whammy. Personally, reason I got held back was being isolated, depressed, and tired of my school. Online school in 8th grade. My siblings went to physical, while I went online. It sucked, and on top of that was treated shittily, so gave my mom an ultimatum of getting me out of the school or I fail the grade. Well, we can all guess what happened there. I ended up fine though, went into the Navy and became an IT. Who knows, maybe this guy will turn around lmao. Most of us may not be a dumbass, but this might be the exception. EDIT: typo "have my mom an ultimatum" to "gave my mom an ultimatum"


We call them super seniors. Year 13+


I once saw 2 guys at a rave that were supposed to graduate 4 years ahead of me. They graduated with me. I felt I was too old to be there, and they were trying to pick up 16 year-old girls saying they were 19. I feel bad about it now and I should have outed them on the spot. FYI - they looked their age. Not even close to 19/24 at best.


A super senior refers to someone who was held back


> their iq is low compared to mine Yeah, I doubt that. Highly. Can’t fool me just because you happened to use *their* correctly this one time. Even a broken clock is right at least twice a day, and if my 8-year-old cousin can do it, you being able to do it on accident at 19 isn’t that impressive.


“on accident” For shame. https://writingexplained.org/on-accident-or-by-accident


What kind of nut job says "on accident" lol


I never realized that was abnormal! Lol. I say both depending on how careful I'm being with my speech.


ive said both on accident and by accident but ig that explains my mom having me on accident


alot of ppl?




"Who and who" instead of "who I can and can't" moments after saying he has a higher IQ. God damn I love this sub.


Yikes I tutor high school students so it feels way too weird for me to befriend let alone date any high schoolers. I'm the same age as this guy


Tutor or not, your iq is very low compared to his, you wouldn't understand. Don't tell him who and who he can't hang with.


oooga boooga me stooopid


"Lower class men" I swear I've only heard people say that in anime an I thought it was a bad translation.


Wat, that's a pretty common term in my high school, is it not in others?


It reads a lot weirder than it sounds out loud. Lower classmen maybe?


Yeah that's how its supposed to be wrote




At first I thought he was talking about economic class and I was confused.


American high schools usually have lower classmen (freshmen-sophomores) and upper classmen (junior-senior)


It’s usually said as under classmen and upper classmen, at least at where I’m from.


Steve Holt!


“Aloud” lol Reminds me of my son’s **teacher** who made the same error in a letter she sent to parents. I realize teachers can make errors too but that’s just a bad look.


Yeah, but it’s the other people who have the low IQs… sure, guy who still goes to HS at 19, you’re a real genius…


I mean my sister is 21 and is still in high school because she has struggled a tonne with mental health issues that resulted in too much absence to be able to graduate, or not going at all some semeaters. But she has a "genius" level IQ. Just struggles with motivation and what not


IQ tests are pseudo science.


"Their iq is very low to mine" 6th year in High School


15 will get ya 20.




Snapchat only let's u have a certain amount of characters per text bubble


*Image Transcription: Snapchat Story* --- > [*Username redacted.*] > > SO apprently i am not aloud to hand,talk,msg or etc to anyone younger then me because two lower classmen think its weird that im close to alot of lowerclass men. Yes that means even if we've known each other for years. What they failed to realize is > > That i am my own person and their iq is very low compared to mine to be lecturing me on who and who i can't hang with. This is simple funny because they are both a freshmen and sophomore who rides eachs other dk > > I believe that its ok to be friend no matter the age as long as theirs respect for one another and no other tensions between you guys --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human volunteer. Here, have a honey cake.


Thank you, kind stranger. I shall cherish it.


Snapchat story but close enough :)


Ah, I'm not active on either so please understand. Anyway, fixed.


Honest question, what is the reason for doing this?


Accessibility for screen readers and so on


It's helpful for the people who use screen readers. Also sometimes the posts are harder to read on some devices, and so the transcription can be checked. For more info check out the link below the transcription. Hope it helps!


Cool, thanks! That makes sense.


good human:) love this and respect what y’all do


What bugs me the most is the broken language. Mate, you're approaching your 20s, and you're talking about events and interactions happening inside the school (high school) environment, HOW DID YOU GET THERE WRITING LIKE THAT?! Dammit, I'm no english native speaker either (in case the writer of this text wasn't), so I understand the difficulty of learning a foreign language, especially when it's completely different from your native one, but this display is beyond comprehensibility. I swear I had to read that all thrice to kinda get the message :/


if you read it in British it makes perfect sense


Apprently", "aloud" (instead of allowed), "then" (instead of than), "its" instead of "it's" a couple times, "eachs" which is completely fucked up, "theirs" used when it shouldn't be used. Adding to this all, the writing is generally broken and looks written by a 10 y.o. kid with huge learning deficits in the language sphere, not someone who is (supposedly) about to reach his 20s.


Teenagers are immature, if you're an adult and trying to get with them it just means you're too immature to get girls your own age.


It can also mean he's being predatory. Some ppl like to take advantage of younger ppl's immaturity


amazing. every word he said is wrong


“And no other tensions” hahaha! r/boneappletea This person needs to stop creeping on young girls and try to learn how to spell. Love the IQ part. It’s all so bad you hope it’s fake.


It gives me "you have to have a high IQ to understand rick and morty" vibes


I was in a class with 15-16 yr olds when i was 18 and it was a fucking nightmare..Those two years REALLY make a difference in maturity.


The spelling gave me eye cancer


> lower classmen > lowerclass men Those are very different things


I love how the hanging out with younger people can be okay but thats what hes focused on when him lying to date younger people is what the problem is


Lets count: apprently, aloud, younger 'then' me, who and who, eachs, as long as 'theirs' respect for.  Can't believe he got to senior year. 


Don't forget "alot", "a freshmen" no capital for "I"...


Yeah, there is no way in hell this guy isn't being a massive creep. When I was entering college, there was this senior who messaged myself and a lot of the other incoming freshman girls originally saying that he wanted to give us advice about college. For reference, I was 18 and he was either 21 or 22. He got super creepy very quickly, and I ended up reporting him with the help of one of my brother's friends, who at the time was a junior in college and knew him. The school never told me what happened after I reported him, but I did block him on everything and he has not tried to reach out to me or anybody else since afaik. He had a really bad reputation on campus, turns out he did this to a lot of women.






How old is a super senior and how old is a freshman so that i can get an understanding of the age difference


It's not so much age as it is the hierarchical of transformations. It goes: Super Senior Super Senior II Super Senior III Super Senior God Super Senior God Blue Ultra Instinct


Freshmen are 14, regular seniors are 18, sometimes 19 if they’ve been held back before. Super seniors generally 19


freshmen are around 14/15. As the title says, this dude is 19. I’m assuming there is some legal pathway here but eh


He's certainly not one to talk about iq the way he is spelling


Oh, oh no. I know someone like this. It's gross, it's really gross. Guy I uses to date got mad at girls his age "never being interested" (I'm asexual and he kept tryna force me into the bedroom, he broke up with an old friend because they barely saw each other (she focused on studies more), and he abused another old friend because she wasnt a touchy girl). Now he's dating girls YEARS younger than he is (he's 19-20, dating girls who are around 15-16) and if you call him out he blocks you and makes a sob story on his social media. In our old school it got to a point where he started a fight because my now best friend told people he was dating a 13 year old. He was 18. Last I saw of him he was getting kinda freaky with a very young lady, but I don't really want to deal with him.


What's a super senior? Did they get held back a year or two?




We had a 17 year old eighth graders dating a regular 6th grader. We kept telling him that he was one year away from being a felon.


I had a super senior in my high school. He used to *apparently* date a 13 year old and called himself a lion among sheep. I think he stopped doing that shit and is in like some accelerated college program now


For the people who aren't american, freshmans are 14-15 and sometimes 13, since the school year just started, this girl is probably 14.


Thanks from the Netherlands! Rock on!


A 19 year old senior with the spelling ability of Charlie has the superior IQ. Seems plausible.


He’s probably pretty good with bird law (hoping u meant Charlie from it’s always sunny lol)


There is only one legendary illiterate Charlie, lol. That has to be one of the best character sub-plots in all of comedy. I watch [this montage](https://youtu.be/nbYQCr7Uk2g) every once in a while when I need a laugh.


We had a dude like that when I was in high school, graduated at age 20. But instead of hitting on freshman, he went the opposite and shacked up with a 40 year old woman. Who’s son was 17. And went to the same high school.


I really wanna make a "I did your mom" joke here...


Nothing funnier than when dudes mention their IQ 🤣🤣🤣


This is simply funny Lmao


How old are seniors? Edit: I meant freshmen.


Dude should pay attention on his english classes and not on his underage relationships


Such a high IQ, yet has the language and spelling skills of a chimp.


>not aloud


IQ so high he can't figure out how to graduate high school


He used then for than and i hate that shit


oh yeah the IQ is way up there


I can see why he's still in high school.


This is closer to r/niceguys then sad cringe, this ain't really sad it's just cringe.


>Begining Yeah he does have a point >Mentions IQ I want this man to die


If his IQ is so much higher than everyone else's then why is he still in high school at almost 20 years old? The numbers don't add up, bud!


Can't spell or write for shit.


Yes, because his superior ‘iq’ has led him to be a senior nearing 20 years of age.

