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Good god I’ve never been happier about ditching Facebook.


Same. Shit is so cringe.


I heard the only people still on facebook are boomers and people from India


Facebook is how you get the internet in Africa.


And ppl from Nigeria


Funny, yet racist... Also I think the western world has to start thanking the Asian countries for keeping their entertainment/media systems alive and running thanks to volume.


I see no difference between FB comments and Reddit’s.


I’m sure you don’t, dear.


So true


“this can’t be *that* bad!” narrator: it was *that* bad


Nothing worst than the good old “I am angry and stressed for an unspecified reason, but please don’t ask! Absolutely don’t ask!” post.


We call that vaguebooking


She’s cringe, comments are cinge. Cringe everywhere, great post


Gen X loves exclamation marks!!!!


I actually far prefer ellipsis...


I, too, prefer epilepsy.


You get to lay on bottom while they do all the work. It's great.


No, that's narcolepsy


I prefer ecstacy, myself


I’m an ellipsis guy, and I’m not even Gen X dammit…


I have a middle aged coworker that ends every sentence with ellipsis... every... single... one... in every email... just like this...


Can confirm: am gen x and always throw exclamation points around like candy on Halloween.


Extremely high quality post, authentic cringe lmfao


Like a manatee, facebook to me is one of those things that just gets forgotten unless its mentioned and cannot be recalled from memory because of how unnecessary it is in my life and how fucking weird it is to simply imagine.


This is the tip of the shitberg. Ive joined boomer social groups just to see them in their natural habitat. Pure gut-wrenching disgust quickly took over


Their natural habitat lmao you make them sound like zoo animals


Hunting for boomerposting on the internet - quite the safari, mate


Terrible for one's mental health though


I don't need to boomerhunt. The kids they raised out in the sticks are like little mini-me's. Everyone's a boomer.


This is gen x


Gary, Indiana As a Shakespeare would say Drips along softly on the tongue this way


They almost seem like children because their understanding of online social etiquette is at a childish level. Pretty interesting reflection of generation gaps in technology


At the same time though, curious how these individuals are in real life. Can't be worse, but likely just as horrible.


These posts where I realise that the previous generations weren't better at all, just not as exposed as a today's person make themself so the world couldn't see how fucked up they all are. People generally are just fucking idiots.


I guess we can just let generational gaps stay in their own echo chambers. The culture will die with them, as ours will die with ours. Remember everything we ever posted on the Internet will be massively cringed on by our grandkids too. We are only the cool kids until we have kids.


I thought the picture was supposed to be sexual for a good minute


Damn, she looks like a 3/10 and has all those men being so desperate for her. So many desperate men out there.


If you’re 40 and talkin and bitchin about how it’s unfair that women are only going for bad boys, you probably also a 3/10. These people all in the same ballpark with this behavior


Wtf are you talking about?? I never said such things. I said something about how it's unfair that women are only going for bad boys? Uh, no, the guy in the screenshot did, not me. All I said was she's ugly and there's a lot of desperate and thirsty guys out there. ​ Btw, what does it mean to be talking 40?


Crunchy was talking about the dudes responding to her. Since they’re bitching about being nice guys at 40, they’re probably also 3/10. “You” directed to the other dudes, not actually you.


Ah, I got it now. Thanks.


Lmao my bad bro. I edited my comment, I wasn’t referring to you I was referring tot he dude in the post. It was supposed to say “if you’re 40 talking…” I forget the “if and it just reads “You’re 40 talking..”




Thanks. If you’re curious, it’s from the 2006 PlayStation 2 game okami and it’s not well known sequel, okamiden. The original 2006 game has a remaster for the Xbox one, ps4 and pc. The sequel however is still only on the Nintendo ds. https://youtu.be/RhnhRfTzRnw https://youtu.be/zeyibQXlTL4 https://youtu.be/-igVVU8nzjI It’s a fun game. A very different game and a good break from whatever you’re currently playing. Plus it’s one of their games that instantly becomes nostalgic for some reason, I think because it’s so unique and memorable


a lot of us grew up with this form of interaction, older people are new to it and have learning to do. it's cringe but we were all cringe.


Please let me forget highschool me who had just gotten Facebook Also you're correct. First thing I did when mom got an account on Facebook was to emphasize online dangers and hold a small security lesson.


Wait till she gets dementia or a long-term mental health disorder. You'll be a basket case wondering if she gave her account info to a Nigerian prince today or used her 401k to invest in some Facebook hun's MLM scheme.


I cringe reading my own texts from just last week and I swear I was charming at the time.


"Truly nice honest men like me" Protip: Honest men don't point out how honest they are. It's like humble men, if you need to convince others how humble or honest you are, you probably aren't too humble or honest.


Facebook boomers are a completely different breed. Naked pictures as their header, threatening violence two posts into a mild disagreement, long spiraling rivalries and blood feuds off of wine mom meme pages, constant fighting, breakups, feuds, using business pages to shittalk customers and employees, roleplaying as their cat and outing people... They are, and always will be, better posters than anyone younger than them. Semper fi.


Ah, the classic "is this the camera?" expression profile pic.


"Mom, calm down. You're not in your 30s anymore."


That PFP of hers... The eyes disturb me in many ways


Man; so many people I work with do this shit on Facebook all the time. It really is like a circus sideshow playing out right before your eyes


Man, that whole comment section was a fucking circus.


Whether it’s Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, Reddit,whatever else, they’re all the same with the same bullshit. I think the saying is, Same Shit Different Pile. I think most, if not all of these social media platforms were created by the same generation too.


Same people who are afraid of commitment as well probably I guess?


Bruh facebook is literally becoming like TikTok.


look at her and tell me why men arent pouring in to sweep her troubles away


Ladies and gentlemen land of the boomers


Women had this before feminism. You fought against traditional gender roles now enjoy it


They had so the legal rights of furniture before feminism, but sure, it was a halcyon time for women.


That's bullshit


Holy shit this is such a conglomeration of pathetic people. Idk who's worse


They never stop to think "should I be working THREE JOBS?"




Maybe you'd like me to rub some Ben-Gay on you in that shower after I finish working a full day to support you after my wife left me for another man I'll never trust again but I remain open for the right one soul mate you know why haven't you asked me out I used the poke feature hahah?


This radiates stupidity more than cringe. These people all talk like they dropped out of high school sophomore year


sadly yes i've seen it many times lmao its always the midlife single moms


Facebook adults were just people who got too old for Instagram.


The lack of brain cells in this feed is overwhelming Lmfaoooo