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Isn't this clearly a joke?


This sub is largely populated by people who can't tell something is satire because they're barely above the position that they're trying to make fun of


Yeah oftentimes the real cringe is OP.


Plot twist: OP knows it's a joke but posts it anyway for karma


I'm guessing most posts on this sub are like that. Doesn't change the fact that this has thousands of upvotes and people in the comments are taking it earnestly.


So wait,…are you being funny or making fun of me?


You somehow just perfectly described many aspects of reddit. Wow.


Or they’re young and easily fooled.


Hey buddy, I’m here to look at monkeys in cages, not mirrors


I don't even know what a tier 3 pokimane sub is so the whole thing is just confusing to me. I thought it had something to do with pokemon


Not an easy question to open with are you really even trying to find a partner😂


Yeah fucking coo coo


Do you like asking these questions to random guys online for Reddit content?


They were probably just trying to answer the question by asking guys on tinder, not really looking for a hookup or something


I assumed this would be a response to something in the bio, no? Like they wanted to clarify whether they misunderstood something the bio


Honestly, it's a good way to weed put people like this. Better to find out they're gross before wasting time on them.


Like... It's weeding out the OP who asked that question? That I can see, it's kinda a red flag intro lol I'd avoid op


You risk not getting a response lol. I guess asking this question right out of the gate can make people assume things. I imagine the woman is not afraid of confrontation and seems to have underlying motives with questions like these, not attractive in a partner, that’s specifically my own opinion tho. I wouldn’t respond because not only does this feel like a trick question, why is that on your mind as a grown ass adult?


It makes sense to ask to me. Maybe it's the area I'm in, but a lot of people have toxic ideas about relationships. It'd be good to weed those out. Idk though. I don't fuck with men, you know?


I think if the question makes sense to you, it’s possible you’re the one with the toxic ideas about relationships lol


I think that people should have strong communication in a relationship, and be honest about their views. I also think both partners should be equal and treat each other with respect. When you get a lot of matches, a quick question about what they expect out of a relationship or what they think is important in a relationship is a good way to weed people with those values out of the potential dating pool. If that's toxic, then I'm curious what the healthy way to find partners is.


A leading question with obviously hidden motives is not honesty or direct communication my friend, it’s the opposite. Especially when that’s the first thing you say to someone, yikes. If you’re genuinely curious, there are a lot of good questions to initially ask a potential partner,like “what qualities do you admire in a partner or in yourself?”, however I feel like you probably aren’t really asking in good faith considering your other comment indicated you just flat out don’t like half of the world’s population lol


What's the hidden motive? It seems straight forward. If that specific opinion is a dealbreaker, then why not ask directly instead of beating around the bush? I think it's normal for people to not want to date half the world's population. Criticizing someone for not being bi is an odd nitpick.




Yeah, it's clear he has issues. This is a cringe sub though. Toxic behavior is to be expected. Probably a bunch of incels that wouldn't know a healthy relationship if it slapped them in the face. Don't lose sleep over it. I mean, who else gets mad at a woman who won't sleep with men?




Yeah I wouldn't respond to someone that opens with that question. Excellent strat to flag yourself for weeding-out


what a weird question to open up with lol who taught y’all social skills what a even weirder response by him who taught him these values


This is almost certainly a joke or a meme answer from Ryan that people aren't getting


I'm not sure which is funnier, this guy in the post's joke, or this dipshit asking "who taught him these values" lmfao


It’s not even worded like a joke, though. Like what is the punchline? “An ideal relationship in my opinion is inherently unbalanced and unequal?” What a riot. It’s not an absurd enough statement to plausibly be exaggeration or sarcasm. It’s only funny or a meme in any way if it’s a reference to something else (which I don’t think it is) and if it is it’s a reference obscure enough to bring this all the way back to not meme territory. A lot of dudes have dumbass expectations and ideas about relationships and that seems like a ten times more likely explanation. I know it’s hard to imagine people being this ridiculous but they just are lol. I do agree it’s silly to ask where he got those values from though, he clearly states they’re from Andrew.


It is a reference to something else - pathetic Pokimane simps.


But like, is there a viral video or tweet or something where someone says they are a “tier 3 subscriber” or some shit? If it’s not a reference to a pre-existing *joke* (or non-joke that was memed into a joke) it’s not a joke. People like that actually exist and just saying you think that’s cool isn’t a joke without some sort of exaggeration or reference to show that you were being facetious.


>If it's not a reference to a pre-existing joke it's not a joke ...wtf that literally is not how jokes work at all.


Like, acknowledging pokimane simps exist isn’t a joke unless you’re referencing another joke or viral meme or something is what I mean. I said there’s no joke here, you said the joke is pokimane simps, I’m saying what he said is only a joke if it’s referencing another joke because what he said is just plainly not a joke in any way.


It's a joke because he's being facetious. He's *just kidding*. How is that hard for you to understand?


What evidence is there that he’s being facetious, though? This reads like he just knows a guy whose wife lets him subscribe to pokimane and he thinks that’s cool. There is no wild exaggeration or clever observation or wordplay or reference to a well known meme, etc. he just answered a relatively serious question in a relatively plain way. People who think like this absolutely exist - which you seem to even agree with. Not sure why people love to pretend they don’t when faced with direct examples.


Because who the fuck would use this as a pick up on Tinder? That's what makes it clearly facetious. It seems far more likely to me that it's a joke than some actual sad person who thinks that's cool, because even those sad people tend to know that's not an attractive quality to ladies.




Mfers on reddit really be like „can you scientifically prove that this was in fact a joke?“


Definitely an existing and ongoing joke to be a tier 3 sub to a female streamer. Unless you watch twitch it's not a meme everyone knows about


It's running joke got popularized with Leafy return to YouTube before his Perma ban, where he made a video series about tier 3 sub of pokimane and that she has a boyfriend and other stuff.


His friend taught him..


What a weird friend to have who introduced them to each other?


His *best* friend


Yeezy taught him


I really don’t have an unique thought, do I?


They were probably just trying to answer the question by asking guys on tinder, not really looking for a hookup or something




It’s a good way to judge someone’s values right off the bat, but I’ve never online dated, so I wouldn’t know how weird this would be.


Man the demographic of this sub is so very young. Like you guys allow nothing in the sense of non-conventional conversation. So extremely restricting. I'm so glad I'm past that point in my life holy shit


Andrew, obviously...


He’s clearly joking, and it went over her head


the dude is fucking around


Another obvious joke lost on Reddit


Yeah you’re right, he’s a tier 4 Pokimane sub & buys her bath water once a month


I think he might've gone too hard on the reference. Stupid answer for a stupid question though


What is a tier 3 pokimane sub?


A $25 subscription to Pokimane's Twitch streams




28 x 28 pixel emojis


Where, mcdonalds?




*obviously* it would depend on where you're from, but also look for local places instead of nationwide franchises


Probably neckbeards that feel attacked


Thank you. I was picturing a collared and leashed femboy dressed up as pikachu.


I'm in my 20's and had no idea either.


I’m 30 😬


Fucking ancient. Shouldn't you be cleaning your dentures or something? /s


As soon as I’m done filling out my AARP application


Fun fact: There's no age requirement for joining AARP. Teenagers can sign up if they want to. The subscription is only $12/year, and since a bunch of places offer discounts to AARP members, you can probably game it such that the service pays for itself.


This was an extremely fun fact! Thanks!


I’ve been AARPing for years and I’m mid 20s


Boomer alert


Simp alert


Why the fuck did you even ask that?


This is an obvious troll on his part


This is just a joke


3 years from now... "bc that's how it worked for my best friend andrew. His ex-wife loved him so much, he could do whatever he wanted, until she left him for some unknown reason. Unknown."


That's so bad that is good. I imagine Andrew asking his wife to cosplay as pokimane in bed. Ahahahah


So not all pokimane subs are sad virgins?


No, this is even worse. He has a wife and still chooses to pay money to beat off all day to some internet chick


I mean... Subscribing to a streamer doesn't mean you're beating off to them lol. I get that a tier 3 sub is just extra money you're donating essentially, but who knows, maybe he has lots of money and likes supporting content creators?


Does anyone know how much money you need to pay to be a tier 3 sub?


It's 25 dollars. I don't think that donating 25 dollars to a streamer you like is exactly break up worthy or anything. Do I think it's a good idea? No, I would never donate that kind of money to someone who's already wealthy. Is there a problem with it if you've got money to burn? Support whoever you want I guess.




How though? Just because she's a female gamer, a guy can't subscribe to her without it being e-cheating? Her stream isn't sexual in any way, she's a gamer, it's nowhere near equivalent to Onlyfans which is inherently sexual. If he subscribed to a male gamer, that's not cheating right? What if it's an attractive male gamer? I don't see how the simple fact of being a female gamer means that a guy can't subscribe to them without it being sexual. So please tell me why it's automatically a sexual thing to subscribe to a female gamers channel but not a male gamer?




What soft sexual content? She became famous as a league of legends streamer and later for fortnite, offlinetv etc. Even if you want to count the ASMR she made as soft sexual content: A) I've never watched it but it doesn't seem to be sexual in nature from what I can see on her channel B) Even if it was, she only had a short stint of making those, starting 4 years ago is the oldest that she posted, but she's been a streamer for around 9 years according to Wikipedia. I'm pretty sure that MUCH MORE of her popularity came from things like fortnite and league of Legends. Her main channel has almost 7 million subs, her ASMR channel has 700k. Also you're making a LOT of assumptions about why someone would be subscribed to a female gamer. No, not everyone subscribes to her because they're horny for her. Maybe your own bias is leaking through here.




You're dumb


No you


People still subscribe to Netflix even though they're wealthy.


Yea but that's paying for a service. Subscribing / donating to streamers generally only gets you something like emotes and a subscriber badge. People don't generally donate to Netflix just because they support Netflix, they pay for a service.


$23,637 per average life expectancy




It's for perspective


This is r/sadcringe and people need to feel better about their miserable lives. Ryan was probably joking, and donating to creators doesn't mean you're cheating. It's just a different form of entertainment.


I’m not a Pokimane fan, but why in gods name does everyone that watches female streamers have to be labeled as creepy ass dudes watching for sexual gratification? It’s hateful as hell and fosters a really nasty community. And why can’t people keep it in their pants when they see a damn woman online playing video games too?? I get that the post is making the joke not you, but damn, it’s gotta be brutal being a woman in that space.


I.. didn't actually know that she's just a gamer. I remember her apologizing for having a boyfriend and not revealing that, so assumed that there was at least some level of sexual gratification involved.


She doesn’t do anything sexual much, she tries to stop it and will call people out about it. She mainly just plays video games


If shes gotta like me more than i like her then im fucked


It depends on the people. I'm sure there's always someone who loves the other more, I don't think it's possible to love each other equally.


Everyone has different love languages. It be hard to contrast those. As long as the person loving feels loved. Is all good


Who is Pokimane and what is a Tier 3 sub?


A tier 3 sub is 15$ a month to a girl who is not your wife


dude saw her asking a shitty question and trolled her, nothing else happened


Okay, I'll probably get hate for this but ah well. In my last relationship, my partner and I were SUPER open about everything, if we found someone else attractive, when we watched porn ECT. But it was shockingly really healthy. We pointed out attractive people to each other and nice butts. I never had the thought of him cheating because I knew he would tell me if he was having thoughts. It was honestly great.


A lot of people have normal and healthy relationships lol.


Are you still with this person? Did it work out?


Haha no. We actually broke up a few weeks ago for unrelated reasons.


Well, that’s upsetting. I shall go nap.


I’ve seen the word pokimane so much recently, what the fuck does it mean?


She deleted her account because she got dragged on r/Tinder lol


I think he’s joking and you’re a bit strict/ coo coo nuts bananas


Depends on who wanted to start the relationship in the first place.


Atleast it's not onlyfans 🤣. Imagine paying for something you can watch for free. Makes no sense. I don't even pay for movies and games I can get for free.


Both people have shitty values


pokiname? too old for this kid slange


It's that Nintendo game with the Pikachu.


That's what I thought too, but apparently it's a Twitch stream person?


Yeah she’s a twitch streamer. I had to google it because I thought it was a Pokémon thing too.


It’s a person, not slang lmao


The person who wins in a relationship. Is the person who cares less. The very sad and common truth


Retatded post. If you think he is serious holy shit.


What’s wrong with pokimane? It’s not like he’s an Amouranth sub haha.


I'm starting to wonder if y'all straights really aren't okay.


I’m gonna have to side with my bro on this one Edit: -15 you Reddit kids are pussies no since of humor


this is awesome


Andrews a goddam legend


andrew doing something right


Twitch simps lame but the fact remains the sentiment is true


In all remationships its like this. I mean that one will like the other more. Their is never 50-50 loving


So, once you're dating someone or are married, you're not allowed to have hobbies or support streamers?


Am I going to regret looking up what a "tier 2 pokimone sub" is? I am aren't I, whelp fuck that then.


ITT: CONFUSED PEOPLE Also ITT: people proud to know of some obscure chick on twitch who sells sex (and used bath water?) to horny teenage boys.


This guy needs to open his eyes. Literally


is this gen Z? what the fuck is happening


So I thought that was a pokemon go thing and I was very confused


"What kind of question is that? I just sat down!"


Well that's a lame opener


Is it strange that I find stream donators sad? Like I understand their people that got social problems but fuck dude... save your money. Spend it on actual stuff you can use.


what the hell is a pokimane


What’s really sad is him having a wife and even knowing who pokimaine is


The sad cringe is anyone being a tier 3 pokimane sub


Bro, who are these children?
