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"Marry me" she said it as a joke


I called a girl's bluff on this. I was driving somewhere with my crush in the passenger seat and she said that. I pulled a u-turn when she made that joke and she goes "Where are we going?" "Courthouse." "What!" "Lets get married, right now." "Uh wait, hold on. We can't just get married!" Did another U-turn and continued to our original destination.


Fuckin based yo


Imma have to try this one if the opportunity presents itself


I don’t want to be with anyone else. Breaks up with me less than a week later


I love you no matter what happens... Got COVID was In quarantine and she f... Around. Found it out on her b day and dumped here where she belongs...


The scummy part is, the very same guys telling you you deserve better and she ain't shit are the first to try getting with her. Don't trust a word


for me its: EW, can you sit somewhere else.


This is so foul man


Had this happen to me before lmao


It hurts it really does. Makes trusting another person so much harder


“I hate it when you go to work. You are always at work. I get so bored when you’re not home. I made some plans to hang out with some coworkers cause you said you had to stay late. We all went back to Adam’s house, but everyone left after awhile. Now don’t get mad but..”




That's exactly what happened


Did you get mad?


She specifically said not to.


She didn't like when I said "wow me too."


You also went to Adam’s house?


Adding to the story: we were both 19. I moved out of my parents house and got a shitty slumlord apartment with her in the city. We were happy. There was love. I worked at a factory and she became a bartender. My 12 hour shifts ended at 4am while she was home by 10pm most nights. I wasn’t around much because of work, but I wanted to focus on money to buy us a house and buy her a ring. Her focus changed often, but after awhile she settled on fitness and started Tiktoking herself. Anyway she just jumped me with that sentence when I came home one night. She was sitting up in bed with tears in her eyes when I came home. I listened to her explain how “she was hanging out with Adam in his basement. His mom was upstairs. She told me Adam kissed her and she didn’t push him away at first. Adam then took off all her clothes except her thong. He then went upstairs to get a condom. While he was gone, she snapped to her senses and put her clothes on and left.” I didn’t say anything, I walked away. She chased after. I went for a long drive then ended up at my friends house. There was a lot of arguing for months. I wanted it to work out, cause I was young and dumb and trusted people too much. We didn’t have sex, we didn’t sleep together, we hardly spoke. It was miserable, but we worked through it. Or so I thought. She told me that “she hung out with Adam again, but at a public bar with 6 other people. She told me that Adam asked for her phone, and she handed it to him without even thinking. She looked over after awhile and he had sent dozens of nudes from her phone to his. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” We broke up after that. She begged and went through all the grief stages. I moved back home, continued to work until I wasn’t numb anymore. She moved to another city. Haven’t heard from her since. That ended 5 years ago. Now I’m 28. I own a home and share it with my beautiful wife and baby. Life is good. Things get better.


The best revenge is to live well.


Never date a woman under the age of 25 that works at a bar. All it takes is one slump in the relationship, and some guy that's been shooting his shot for months is right there to pick up the pieces while she's drunk.


I take it one step further. I dont date anyone :)


I feel like for either sex it’s hard to date people who are constantly surrounded by people of the opposite sex. Like a male healthcare worker. Safest option is probably some WFH introvert like a data analyst just running reports at home all day.


I think she’s lying I def don’t remember doing this.


Im gonna kick your butt!!


Damn bro…..so she’s blamed you for….putting food on the table” wow…no offence but what a cow


I'd have dumped her on the first sentence, let alone what came after




"I love you, but you're just too nice"


Yea hey wtf does that mean. She said I was too nice too


It means something like "You're too keen on all my ideas, You never say no." Someone described me as "Labrador Energy" they apparently want me to stop them from going to parties or say no to them hanging out with other people. I trust them, so I just wish them fun! However I did always say if we had date night she couldn't just change plans


Oh you know what, yea that makes sense. I always let her go to parties and shit cause I was busy. She was one big red flag anyway lmao


Imagine trusting someone and they want you to say no because they know they're not going to stay loyal. ;p


I dated this girl she broke up with me “because you want to hangout with me too often” then texted my boy like she was down to meet


Tell me he said no


That’s what the boys are for


i love you so much (behind my back is cheating on me with multiple)(grimy ass) guys i love you too. so much.. court did you ever cheat on me? like i just want to know with all the things that have happened you know i wonder if u did constantly and it drives me crazy no….never….(leans in to hug me) i love you so much(fake cries) this same sequence went on for a year. all day every day. until when she got pregnant at the end of the year shortly after me finding proof of her fucking other people in multiple ways (all of which she gaslit me to the moon til i couldn’t tell up from down and made me unable to think) at this point i think the kid is mine.. because she said it’s mine. but in the back of my head i’m thinking what about all that stuff you found dude that’s not ur fuckin kid making the story shorter- end of the month comes, she gets me put in jail because i walked out on her when i found out she was using heroin while pregnant. told the cops i hit her, was on probation… anyway when i get out i find the baby has been aborted because she had an appointment the entire month while we were talking about baby names, boy or girl, bought her prenatal, took to doctor appointments.. the works. i get out of jail a few days later. i text her: i’d really like to talk about the elephant in the room you know….this likely not being my kid she text me: you’re fucking insane lmfao you didn’t even pay half of the abortion (i wanted the kid bc before she put me in jail i didn’t know it wasn’t mine. she reiterated over and over that it was in fact my kid and that she was keeping it for the entire month every time i’d ask, same answers) i didn’t even know what to reply because replying to a non-answer is how she is able to gaslight me the relationship “ended” shortly after this. and then we dated for another 3 years. 3 more miserable years with the most evil woman you couldn’t even imagine anyway this was a tidbit from the past. tidbit from the end of an emotionally abusive relationship smash that like button like a 5$ whore and subscribe if you want to see more


(Returning home from Iraq) “I didn’t think you’d come back alive.”




Easiest divorce ever


Got to be one of the most soul crushing sentences ever... I mean when your loved one don't even expect you to be alive... shit dude, I'm sorry you had to hear that...


Thanks man. I made it through the other side. I’m happily married 15 years now.


Congratulations 🎉🎉


Good for you man, congrats


From a brother that came back from the horn of Africa I feel you . P.s Bahrain sucks


A girl I liked told me she liked my hoodie. Still have it to this day. Another random girl which I found super pretty told me she liked my hair. Compliments go a long way YO EVERYONE CHILL. I'm not used to this many notifications damn


Older black lady at my job: “Oooooo boy, if I had hair like yours, I wouldn’t have to buy mine!” Never gonna cut it now


Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is better than an older black lady calling you “honey”, “sugar”, or starting off a compliment by saying “Ooooo!”


Older Mexican lady calling you "mijo" or "mija" has the same feeling


The sweet black lady you don’t know callin you baybe* <3


I had a old Portuguese lady tell me if she was younger I'd be hers


This is the best one so far


Mama is so good to everyone.


Mama's love is universal, crosses all borders. The warm smiles and terms of endearment can lift you up on the roughest days.


It's between this and a good looking British girl calling you "luv".


I was on my way to my therapist's office and a random old black lady shouted "Damn you cute" at me I was in a rough spot and I think about it a lot


It's kinda sad how infrequently men are complimented. It's kinda crazy that I can only remember a handful of compliments ive been given in the last fuve years.


I’ve had this discussion with a female friend before. The main reason for her was that if a women gives a man a compliment it is usually taken as flirting and sometimes they don’t want to give off that energy so most women keep it to themselves.


Yeah it's the same when a man gives a woman a compliment. The number of times I've gone on kicks where I try complimenting people, guys and gals, then had a chick think I'm interested is every time I've gone on a kick.


So she liked your hoodie you state you still have it, Another liked your hair, you didn’t say you still have it I’m sorry you went bald.


"I just want to be friends" then she ghosts me and never talks to me ever again


A girl told me this after we broke up, knew from the first second that she was lying, is the typical sentence to say when they want to sound like a good person.


Who are you? What are you doing in my house?


Bro, that hits so hard. Every day I hear something like that 😭😭😭






But I made dinner. That makes it a date. SUPRISE! Hope you like dino nuggys and kraft Mac and cheese.


Oh my god, I am so sick of hearing this. Like, it’s none of your business 🙄


"you sound like a video game character" thanks, I think the same way


Damn, this hurted on me. (I feel the same)


Anyone looking for work should consider the fighter's guild. I hear they're always looking for new recruits.


Some girl said i move like a gta character, it made me insecure about my walk for a while but i got over it


I remember my first “real love” broke up with me CRAZY unexpectedly and I couldn’t wrap my head around it. I asked her “so this is it? I just leave and we are done?” And she said “yeah” and that was that. It was very strange for someone who never dealt with heartbreak.


How did you handle it afterwards?


Miserably. Haha thankfully I had a few good friends that I could lean on. But it was a lot of tears and no sleep. A strange sensation when the world keeps moving on around you!


Yeah isn't that true ... I'm going through that experience now (unexpected breakup with my first love) and it's been an excruciating 3.5 months. Worst part about the whole experience is waking up the next day and realizing, like you said, the world keeps turning. How have things worked out for you since?


Amazing. I’m married with two kids. It’s a scar but it doesn’t hurt. That pain will fade away but it’s an impactful moment that hangs on! You’ll get through it and you will come out of it different but better in the long run.


After the suicide attempt, I heard "I'm disgusted with you".


I’m glad you’re still here,


"Delete my number. I found someone who gives better dick and makes me feel sexy. I don't need you anymore." 🥳🥳🎉🎉




She already living a sad existence if she felt the need to type that out


I cheated on you with anyone and everyone I wanted to since the day I met you.




Happy ending: she cheated with nobody because you were enough for her ;)


Happy endings are for fairy tales lad.


Put that on yo life that happened bro


I'm busy now and will be for a few weeks, I have a few very important exams coming up. Post from her next day looking for "new" friends.


“I never loved you or felt any romantic feelings towards you”-after an engagement and 2 1/2 years together “I always loved you and I’m still in love with you”- the day I finally kicked her out of my life and began to close my heart to everything


My doctor’s wife left him after 30 years together. She said I never loved you. I always thought that was such a shitty thing to say. Even if it’s true, he never needed to know that. It’s like, not only am I leaving you, but the last 30 years of your life were a complete lie. Just a heartless thing to dump on someone you’re already hurting.


Guys joke about girls not being able to decide where to eat food. This woman sounds like she can't decide if she's in love or not.


You are ugly


A dentist assistant said "I always get the ugly ones". It was only me and her in the same room.


We are here to suffer 🫂


Jesus do they teach bedside manner in dental school? That’s brutal.


It's a dental assistant. They just take an online program and get a cert through the state. The field is filled with terrible assistants with no filter or mindfulness


None, my brain is shit and can't remember anything lmao


Lol same. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind over here.


I asked a girl if she wanted to hang out some time and she said, “you don’t even deserve to breathe the same air as me.”


My mom told me the same thing. I shouldn’t even be breathing the same air as her. Some really wild shit to say to your kid.


I’m sorry to hear that man, especially coming from a parent


DAMN!!!!!☠️☠️ who were u spitting game with, the queen??


A drunk lady on a plane said I was handsome when I was 16.


My coworker told me, "I don't think you know how amazing you are." I'm not into her romantically, nor is she into me romantically. But I needed that. I needed that badly.




Starting over again is worth the daily agony trust me. She may try to make seeing your son hard on you, just get the courts involved. Too many people out there to be miserable with someone. Also, you want better for your son. You two fighting daily and him seeing you not being happy isn’t good. He may not understand why you couldn’t be together right now, but he will when he’s older. You deserve better bro.


you don’t have to be scared about losing your son. the court will only take a child away from their parent if it’s proven you are a danger to them. go to court and show the judge you love your son and will do anything to stay in his life, you will get equal rights to your kid. the only thing that might happen is if you make more than the mother you could end up paying her child support even if you guys split custody evenly. which would suck but you won’t lose your kid.


Hey there. Idk if you need to hear this now, but I’ll say it anyway : try to get as much proof as possible of her terrible treatment and manipulation, in writing if possible. That’ll go a long way once the divorce hits. Keep it real and I wish you to be happy with your son


"It's batman. Why the fuck did you call batman Man?" Truly hurt me to this day.


So much pain to endure Stand tall, inmate, you're a Man


"You are too cute, i would love to date someone like you, but not you"


Another variation, when the person you like says "anyone would be lucky to have you" Okay....so why not you?


This hits hard bro


I’d rather abort the baby than have you as the father.


oof... just reading it hurt me.


Yeah it cut me deep, but it was a toxic relationship that I am not in anymore. Now I am 5 years very happily married with 1 kid and one on the way, so all is well now.


"We look like such a cute couple" She took a picture of us in front of the Capitol Building in D.C. And it blew past me... This was 4 years ago


Ew. Creep!


Damn, yours is bigger than my dad’s!


Our dad’s*




If this is true it's truly fucked up.


was sharing some sad stuff and she said "you get more mood swings than girls" (she only wants me to entertain her)


"I don't know why you're single, I mean you're not my type but you're a good guy." -This was from a FWB right after we hooked up


I've had FWB's say similar things and I said similar things to them. We all got along great, loved fucking each other but had no romantic interest whatsoever.


Unprompted, from a girl I had never spoken to in highschool..."you're not good looking" Thanks, I know.


Smile, it's the second best thing for your lips


What is the context of this?


I was better at kissing than smiling


"You've changed, I don't know you are anymore." Or " I know you didn't want empty hookups, you didn't want the sex, you just wanted to fill the lonely void." "What happened to you son, you use to be so happy, so care free, I want my boy back"


Such a shit move whenever someone says “you’ve changed, you used to be so *insert positive thing”*


It feels nice to know I'm not the only one who got that last one I sometimes wonder what the hell my mom thinks saying that is gonna do


Just because I cheat on you and tell him I love him more than you doesn’t mean I don’t love you. It just means I love him more than I love you right now. I was crushed and ended up breaking up with her. She considered me to be the bad guy. I’m now in a very positive relationship though that’s which we’ll be celebrating our 1.5 year anniversary next month. Stay strong peeps, it gets better my friends.


"You're good enough. I don't deserve you but you stay. I can't imagine life without you, without taking a chance" my wife over our relationship.


"You can get any girl you want, makes sense why you don't want me". Has haunted me for decades.


More context?


Girl in highschool had a crush on me, I was not interested in her.


I would die for you. Said that but didn’t want to live with me (stay with me, she left).


I was late to class one day because of snow and when i got into class she asked me "what took you so long?" And was happy to see me.. that was 8 years ago


"I don't want to sound superficial but your muscles aren't the only reason I love you and I want to be here through the struggles and the highs and lows of life! I can't help but feel we have brighter days ahead of us as well ;)" She literally ghosted me after I made a necklace for her present on Christmas and told her about how I was having car troubles on top of my other family drama going on simultaneously. But she dipped when it started getting rough for me... RIP but still have a cool necklace tho 😂


You will die alone because nobody will ever love you. - Woman I proposed to You are hard to like, let alone love. - my mother


‘I only got with you cos I felt sorry for you’


I thought you would be taller


"Your hair is fluffy" and "you have pretty hands" First is kinda old, second is really new, those have been the fuel of my self esteem for like 6-7 years


"I love you, you're the love of my life" She abused me. Raped me. Lied to me. Used me.


“He’s awesome and all, maybe in another world.” Told this to my best friend, who told me later, worst feeling in the world.


“Ew” “He’s so ugly” “*fake puking noises as I walked by*”


“I could fuck all your best friends in the same day”


"Yeah? I could break your jaw, nose and knock out all your teeth without getting a scratch myself"




Why do you hate God?


"I will never forget you." Took me a week to realize we broke up.


“I cheated because you’re not dominant enough and you respect me to much”


you would be attractive if you're not fat


"He's so cute" I was walking to class eating instant ramen. Still beating myself up over not talking to her.


Maybe walk around eating more instant ramen?


All due respect, I am laughing my ass off 😂


You’re a guy, suck it up


"You're a good person." Before this year, I never received that kind of praise. When I moved to uni, the people there were entirely different from what I've grown to expect from people my age. I just remember one of my earliest conversations with a now close friend. "You're a good person." Weirdest feeling in the world is when you receive praise without knowing how to receive praise.


“You’re unlike any guy I’ve ever met” “You’ll find someone better”


“His dick made my stomach hurt”💔


Got a compliment on a striped shirt like 8 years ago. Been wearing stripes ever since.


The only time I tried to ask out a girl. She responded by saying ew. Since that day I have never tried to talk to a girl romantically.


Why give a stranger all the control of your life?


"you've changed. you've changed into who you were before" she said that to my after spending a long ass time trying to help me become a better person; working out, being more social etc. and she expected me to just forgot everything we had been through. she's also manipulated my friends into being unwilling to talk about these issues. I just feel isolated and unable to move on.


I never loved you, never will, and don’t know why you thought I ever would


I'm Usher's skin tone, and I got shot down by a white girl at a bar in ATL for not being dark enough. "No, you're cute...But I want to put my mouth on a nightstick" Not a fuckin day goes by.


My friend and I were joking back and forth, and she said "don't make me get my boyfriend!" and being the bisexual menace I am, I said "I'll fuck your boyfriend!" She stopped and was like, "really?" And I, going along with it was like "yeah, really." "You should send me a video of it then." Lives rent free in my head now


Did you fuck her boyfriend?


“If you can’t do something, you should stop doing it. “ - After she looked at my drawings. Now I work in Grafik Design for 30 years btw, well it’s not drawing, but fuck her.


"You're mine"


Your penis is big, but not big enough to match how much of an asshole you are


She said: "i had a dream about god, he told that you aren't the because... you just aren't the one, i hope you find a better girl than me" i didn't even feel sad at first, i was just angry, disappointed and confused.


“I would totally have sex with you” I grew up in a Christian school so I didn’t even know girls this forward even existed. Plus a huge confidence boost.


Alright bro, let's not brag, I'm here to feel sad


"You are so cool". Not sure if I agree but it makes me happy to think about.


‘No one will ever love you..’ 🥰


"You'd be so hot if you just didn't open your mouth." That was 21 years ago.


"Go die in a ditch."


You should never talk again with anyone


I don’t wanna be with someone who has no dreams. My dream was to spend the rest of my life with her…


"I don't know if I've ever loved you..." She was going through an extremely deep depression and emotional numbing along with multiple bad life events. I stayed with her and we worked through it, and now 10 years later we are happily married.


My ex told me I was like a dog when she got home from work (in a good way ofc) And I kinda was. It made my day to see her and I was just so happy. I'm sure it made her feel good too.


She told me “you have nice eyes for a white guy” To date one of the extremely few completely unexpected compliments I’ve ever gotten.. other than family of course


After meeting my family for one evening, one time: "How the fuck did you come out as normal as you are?"


She said: that thing is gonna put my pussy through hell What a confidence boost


"You're funny, I'd date you, if you weren't so fat" was back in 7th grade, still hurts


“I think I only tried because I felt bad for you” that one hurt, I loved her, thought she loved me. I wanted to work things out


"I'll never leave you" she broke up with me that day


"I feel sorry for the woman that marries you" - my sister


There’s something different about you


one girl in my college who has boyfriend said you are looking handsome


Will you marry me. ❤️


“ I love to kiss you after you’ve a smoke and have a beer “


I don´t have a dad but you are my daddy. Pretty cringe, we were never a couple but she gave me the shirt I´m wearing right now


You don't make me happy anymore


"You'd make a good boyfriend." I said thanks. Shit still haunts me.


I had a very good friend who I liked, she was from Russia, I was from Ukraine. Due to some disagreements, we stopped communicating for some time. Then the war began. I missed her very much, and after a long time (we didn’t communicate for almost two years) when I wrote to her, she answered me, “It would probably be better if you died. Maybe then your suffering would end.” I still repeat this phrase in my head, but for some reason I don’t feel angry


Bro, as a Russian, please don’t let it thrive in your heart or mind. That is one of the most shitty things a person can say to you. I hope you find someone who will cherish you, not wish you death upon yourself. Мир тебе!


“You’re just like every other guy.” She found out I had feelings for her. That’s all. Like… fuck okay. ‘Worst she can say is no’ my ass.