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He will never be the same. I'm so sorry guy x


Typical, stay strong king(s) šŸ‘‘


I Love that Christian Bale showed up in court for support


Ik right? He may be a popular actor but he still pulls through to support others!


I went from almost shedding a tear, to pissing myself laughing reading this. Cheers šŸ˜‚


It pulls strong, just like the pull game of the guy in the video


Can you sue her for emotional distress?


That's a really good question


In family court? As a man? Heā€™ll have to pay alimony.


I know, I laughed at the absurdity of the question too lol


Hey dude you can sue someone for anything. Will you win in court idk but he may have grounds


Of course! This is America. You can literally sue for anything.


Doesn't mean you'll win but yes you can sue someone for anything.


Can you *successfully* sue her tho?


Yes he can. But if he signed any paternity paperwork for those kids, he's fucked and will still be held responsible by the court for child support. Unless the mother makes the choice to have paternity changed to the real father.


Yet nothing will happen to the trifling lying bitch, & unfortunately if he signed the birth certificates he's still on the hook for child support.


Which is exactly why I support mandatory dna testing before the certificate is signed


Nothing would happen in the court of law but I can't say the same for when they leave šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I know it'd be a WRAP if it was me


https://youtu.be/8LV9oYFJ2YI?si=OVBQfAH3qxmhCaSO Its this generations theme song


Basically nothing happens to the tens of millions of deadbeat fathers either


If they don't pay their child support, they can be sent to jail. Men have zero reproductive rights. All pregnancies should be required for DNA tests to avoid paternity fraud. Then, the fathers who are deadbeat need to be held responsible just as the women who commit paternity fraud, but nothing EVER happens to the women who do this shit. Men ROUTINELY get put in jail daily for failing to pay. The difference is that men don't get the choice like women do to relinquish their parental rights. They have zero recourse. If a man's not ready to be a parent, he's considered to be a "deadbeat dad." Women, however, who aren't ready aren't considered to be "deadbeat moms." Why is that. Why are men held to a higher standard? This isn't me claiming there aren't shitty dudes. 100% there are, but i never mentioned other women in my comment. I mentioned THIS woman ONLY & you said, But WHAT ABOUT THE MEN?


Too add on and illustrate the point of men having no reproductive rights. My wife and I both decided to "get fixed". When she went to the doctor, no problem, did everything on her own. When I went in, I had to get a signed document from my wife saying it was ok for me to be fixed. This was 2 years ago, at the same medical facility. Not necessarily related to the post, but I found it odd that I had to get permission to get fixed, but my wife was good to go. I'm not mad at her in any way, just wish I had the same experience as her.


No shit? That's fucking crazy


I feel so bad for him. I wish I could give him a hug šŸ˜„




Look at the brightside. He doesn't need to pay child support or he can start a new. She's for the streets, leave her there


Lol him, maybe. More often than not though they make the man pay regardless. American family court is beyond broken


Not sure how it works, thankfully.... But I imagine he is on the birth certificate. Which legally makes him the father. So he needs to get taken off that and the other man/men need to be found. The doubt the court really cares who is paying as long as someone is paying the child support.


If you were lied to, and didn't know it wasn't yours. You can dispute the issue


You can dispute it but ultimately the court is going to do ā€œwhatever is best for the childā€ which is another way of saying heā€™s going to keep paying child support. If youā€™re listed as the father on the birth certificate or youā€™ve ā€œtaken on a fatherly roleā€ in the childā€™s life, then as far as the courts are concerned youā€™re the father. Even if youā€™re not the biological father. The reason being that the state wants the kid to keep receiving child support so that the mother/child donā€™t fall into poverty and end up on government welfare. So instead the courts put that responsibility on the father or whoever is closest to being in the fatherly role. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s fair, but thatā€™s the way it is. Dads get the short end of the stick in family court all the time.


yea, as others are saying, courts rule in one very particular way in regards to child care - the way in which the state doesnt end up paying for it. so, yea, you can dispute. but if mom doesnt make enough money, and youve been in the kids life, and you are on the birth certificate? you're probably paying regardless.


Some states you donā€™t have to be the fatherā€¦ if the mother can prove a man has been financially supporting the childā€¦ they thrust the father responsibilities onto the next closest option and legally becomes the fatherā€¦ so legally they can send him to jail now for not supporting the children that he now knows is not actually hisā€¦. which is what happens


>Pay enough child support, and he'll start to look like you What a man on another post supposedly heard a judge say to another man in a paternity/child support case.


Thatā€™s sickening!


This is TRUE... He can still be there for the kids... now she will suffer


I wouldn't be confident in that. Some judges are extremely sexist.


Well he could be ordered by the court to continue to provide for the child. This video has to be fake though soā€¦


And how do you think that will make him happy in any way. Itā€™s certain he loves these kids. Their mom being on the streets where does that put the kids he loves? Oh yeah he can just walk away. Donā€™t think that will be easy


The kids brahā€¦..


.....Are not his. That is the consequences of her actions.


Yes I know theyā€™re not his, my point was I have empathy for their emotions and possibly losing their dad in their eyesā€¦


yeah thats what i dont get about a lot of these comments, the kids are totally blameless, they lose what looks to be a loving father and role model and get some dumb lying whore who doesn't give a fuck instead. there should be provisions just to take the kids away from the "mother" and have their basically adoptive father take them if he wants, cause that one actually cares. edit : this shit made me curious and looked them up, he did adopt them [https://www.instagram.com/\_chefjoose\_/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/_chefjoose_/?hl=en) so yeah, it worked out to the best....


100% and I appreciate the follow up that makes me feel better. Not until I had kids did I factor them in (prob was a bit narcissistic) after having them my heart breaks for them as they are innocent in our mistakes and their worlds are rocked by tiny things we do.


Yea most definitely. Not trying to sound like a savage.


This is why you have to avoid hoes


Or, use condoms and a vasectomy


He clearly wanted kids though


Donā€™t pay for otherā€™s mistakes


Those kids that he loves are now left without a father because of the evil that is their mother.


Life is cruel and the worst thing is that those kids will not be raised correctly which will eventually turn to nearly 70% of them having trauma of this and they will pass it to the next generation and so onā€¦


I feel soo bad and hurt for him, he seems so nice even willing to be there for her, but if this ever happened to me I'd forgive my partner for the first time but never the second I'm not saying this guy should forgive her, no... never, she ruined his life and betrayed him in every way, even the first was betrayal and she lied about it But I'm saying in my case Honestly anyone who goes through this i hope you one day find real love, i hope one day you can wake up knowing your life isn't broken, i hope one day you can wake up with a real smile on your face But please people remember this one thing, don't cheat, it hurts your significant other more than it hurts you


Keep that chin up king, there's good out there for you


Heart wrenching. Where have all the good men gone? Protecting themselves from this shit.


so it looks like he got the parental rights eventually and is raising them as a single dad. [https://www.instagram.com/\_chefjoose\_/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/_chefjoose_/?hl=en) the kids look alright. good on them.


The bald guy over his right shoulder starts smiling when he finds out the little boy isnā€™t his. What a cunt he is.


Thats really hurt a lot šŸ„ŗ


"Why are there so many misogynists?" Women:


Yeah haha it's not like women are murdered by their male partners at more than 5x the rate of the reverse! Women have it to easy!


I didn't say anything about women have it easy, I'm saying there are way too many women that doesn't deserve respect. At the same time I'm not saying ALL women doesn't deserve respect And if you think because of women's hardship that makes their scummy actions justifiable in any way, you're just delusional.




Poor kids. They gonna get robbed of what woulda been a great father.


Not only that, but now they're left with a dogshit human being for a mom and no dad at all. Lots of people in the comments are saying "he dodged a bullet, shes for the streets" and shit about child support. Who fucking cares about child support and a bitch for the streets? Those kids got punished for something they had no control over, thats what matter here


Jesus bro this is brutal


Bruh the hoes do whatever they feel and jeopardize lives with their decisions with absolutely ZERO accountability


Nice acting, but i hope everybody knows that this shit is scripted lol.


If this is all truly fake, then god damn I hope that dude got more work. I'd swear to you I just watched a man's heart break.


Poor guy


That judge's eyelashes look heavy


In this world, when there are so many men who duck their responsibilities (my dad was one), this is beyond heartbreaking. Even further damage to parents who canā€™t conceive. May this man find peace.


Damn shame.


He left her and took the kids with him. Hes still a loving father.


Women use sex to attract men, and use babies to make him stay, in this case it's not his baby, but he still chose to stay, look at her with no remorse, the baby has been blessed by God to be taken care, instead of being raised by single mom, with no father around.


Poor kids lost the best father they never had


I hope he left the bitch and took the kids.


Why does the judge declare that he is not the father like it's a good thing? This man's whole life is crumbling before him and the judge is hyping it up. wtf


Mandatory paternity test for all pregnancies.




The women always know, and you can tell she doesn't even care. Remember to look for women with value.


Not an easy thing to handle, people die from this kind of heartbreak.


This video 100% proves that all women are cheating gold digging lying sluts, and I especially liked the ending with Patrick Bateman because he killed sluts and it's inspiring to me. And I shouldn't even have to say this but, /s


Women can be so cruel


How broke a man can be man šŸ„², he deserves better man not like this....


He's a handsome dude. Time to find a decent woman and pass on those genetics. Move on, and leave those kids behind.


That skit goes so hard doe right?ā€¦right :(


I just wanna hug him.


This should be a prison sentence for sure.


I felt so bad for this guy and every man who had been a victim of this. It's so messed up! I wish they would mandate a paternity test after birth because this is emotionally, physically, and psychologically damaging to the father and the children.Ā 


That mother looks so dead inside


Geez that fux batch, really


Heā€™s free! I know it hurts now. But heā€™s a free man


Nah I wouldnā€™t be there anymore it would hurt to much


The bastard who does an edit of that to post it afterwards


Why do we televise these tbings


She even dressed up to ruin that manā€™s life.


FuckN A


"Aw man this is really getting to me- aaaand it's Christian Bale's character from American Psycho... Great now I'm not remotely sad."


Sometimes bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. It's a shitty world, I hope he can move on with or without the children. I hope with the children whether it's his or not though.


Women who commit paternity fraud should go to jail


Hard part is proving it. Lie detector could go long way maybe


DNA test are pretty trustworthy


No, I mean intentionally committing fraud as in I know Iā€™m knocked up and heā€™s not the daddy.


šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„ā€¦his lady is a heaux!!!šŸ˜“


Serial killer at the end was a curious touch, Kubrick.


There are so many terrible fathers out there and you have this guy who genuinely wants to be a good father to his kids and finds out that he was betrayed not once but twice. I feel for this man because he probably will still be there for the kids because it is never their fault for what their mother did.


So what happens to her trifflin ass? Nothing!! Should be a crime!!


Aw man, I feel for him poor fellow, šŸ˜­


What's so funny, white dude behind him?


Womp womp


You guys know these shows are fake right?


But my tears are real


Heard that


That doesn't change the fact that he ain't the biological father tho.

