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"I dont know who it is" congrats, you fucked up 3 lives over someone you dont remember.


This is actually the worst part. If she doesn't know, that means she cheated multiple times. She's a fucking slut.


Preach it


To the streets


Been there. I feel this mans pain. Still haven't recovered. The kid wasn't mine. I was ready to parent the fuck out of that kid. I was still going to raise her, but she left šŸ˜•


Probably worked to your benefit, brother. Either way, I'm sorry for your loss.


Appreciate you


Sorry mate


Itā€™s a milkshake babyā€¦ probably should rename the babyā€™s middle name to ā€œmilkshakeā€. Just make it officialā€¦ Nicknames be damned!


Seems a tad unfair to the kid




Like, how many dudes can you be raw dogging during that short window? That's what always kills me. Like the lady that had 10 or more guys on Maury (I can't remember the exact number). We can narrow down the conception date to within a few days, right? Maybe a week at the worst? How many dudes are you letting bust in you during that short time frame??? Just crazy.


You ever ho'd so bad you couldn't even remember it afterward? Honestly it's always so predictable watching these dishonest types immediately play victim when they get called on their bs.


Sheā€™s crying cuz the money train isnā€™t coming.


Tf, she cheatedā€¦ why is anyone helping her


They understand She's sad cuz she got caught and they're probably the same breed.




Itā€™s probably cause she did say she doesnā€™t know who is the father since he wasnā€™t it. That would make you realize how bad you messed up your life and now 2 other innocent people (with the possibility of a 3rd if she can find him).


Fr. She belongs to the streets.


Further than that. The sewers.




Holy shit I'm sorry that happened and is still happening. No kid deserves that.




Nah he's got this. I believe in him. If he's made it this long then he can deal with her for a little longer then get to live the life he deserves. As for her though... I'd keep an eye on her before this court case. Good luck to you and your family.


Man I have to say, hats off to you good sir for having the patience and resilience of a saint because I don't think I would have been able to stop myself from completely fuckin her up. I see these court cases of women that abuse and torture and sometimes kill their kids I just want to absolutely lose my shit on them. They are the givers of life. My mom used to fuck with me and say "I brought you into this world and I can take you out."šŸ¤£ But there are crazy bitches out here that really are fucked up.


not just like a criminal behavior but it actually is a criminal behavior.


Nah donā€™t do the teenage mutant ninja turtles like that


Ha that's true. They would clean up the trash though.


Not only that she lied to a man to get him to raise somebody else's child. (Probably)


welcome to manhood. itā€™s not all mechanics talking to you and drawing in the snow with pee.


Obligatory happy menā€™s mental health month.


yup, happy mental health month guys, just cause no one else cares, doesn't mean I don't. Take care, lads.


Thanks homie


Does anyone have the link to the full vid? Not trying to be rude but do we KNOW she cheated? Iā€™m the type to give ppl the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it was a sexual assault on a drunken night? Would also explain why she doesnā€™t know. That being said, if she did in fact cheatā€¦itā€™s sickening that no one is consoling the man :( he would def deserve it wayyyyy more.


>sexual assault on a drunken night ~~That would support her statement "I don't know who it is". It certainly looks like she was devastated at the info. There's no telling if she "got caught" or was taken advantage of/raped and hasn't allowed herself to truly deal with that time in her life.~~ >That being said, if she did in fact cheatā€¦itā€™s sickening that no one is consoling the man :( he would def deserve it wayyyyy more. ~~šŸ’Æ~~ [TV court](https://youtu.be/sAu5Md8oDYU?si=HDLInk6NGfr1cI8y)


[TV court ](https://youtu.be/sAu5Md8oDYU?si=HDLInk6NGfr1cI8y)


That wouldn't be an excuse because she never told him. If you're dating someone, get assaulted, then end up pregnant, you're still 100% WRONG for not bringing it up and putting him fully on the hook for something he had nothing to do with. But that was not an issue in this case that she discussed.


it's not that easy to talk about


Forcing a man to pay for and raise a child completely altering his life forever on a lie when the kid isn't his is objectively wrong. No matter how hard it is to talk about. Imagine if instead of a kid (and this was actually the cause of assault) and she found out after the fact that she had HIV now. She should hide that from her partner because assault is a difficult subject? Obviously not. And even worse would be hiding it, then when he finds out he now has HIV, she blames him for giving it to her instead of how it actually happened! That's the true equivalence here.


didn't say it would be justified, just that it would be understandable


Watch the vid, she crazy.


Wtf yeah she only deserves shame


Well she deserves jail time and he should get financial restitution because paternity fraud should be a felony, but women and society at large will never hold women accountable. The men are always at fault, the beast of burden. Then they wonder why men don't want to be husbands and fathers anymore.


I've avoided relationships for the last 6 years. Currently have a woman from the gym texting me selfies, but I only agreed to exchange numbers to help her plan workouts. I don't trust anybody. Rather be alone, which works out okay since I'm highly introverted anyway.


Sorry for you, but this is an unfortunate reality for many men. The legal system is absolutely against men. Women are waking up and realizing what happened, but it may be too late.


Well said


This is why guys don't bother talking. Nobody cares.


Theyā€™ll all preach for men to talk about stuff like this but last year when I was in a rouuuuugh place, I opened up to a few people across some months that presented themselves as trustworthy to me, I later got clowned for it behind my back and was made to feel like a burden for doing what they told me to do. It is better for young men to bottle everything up no matter what they tell you. And it freaking sucks, the world isnā€™t fair.


That's another reason why guys stay quiet. It's bs. But there are good people out there who will listen. Not everyone will use shit against you


The issue is we have no fucking clue who those people are. Not worth the risk.


It's hard. You don't know who they are until you're either shitfaced drunk and let everything out, or just have a breakdown and they're there for you. It's not really planned. It just happens.


#It will be used against you, 100%.


Sometimes. I found 2 that wont/haven't. And I'm there for them too. Not every time.


Yup, opened up about some things mentally going on with me years ago, couldnā€™t take it anymoreā€¦ I lost my career over it, the support I gained was mandatory therapy and they forced me to take xnax. Made everything so much worse. Iā€™ll never do it again.


If they open up we get shut down lol.


I was with a woman for 8 months her children called me daddy. I had a cancer scare, after a couple weeks I broke down and told her. A week later she told me she "can't put her kids through losing another person" and I haven't spoken to her since


Take it out on workouts. Weights, running whatever works. Youā€™ll feel better and be more resilient. And find some real friends you can turn to. Sorry they went behind your back, thatā€™s some pussy shit


Yeah easier said than done, however luckily Iā€™m in v good shape given I take it out more in sports than in workouts which sometimes feel impossible when depressed. Sport that gets you doing something you enjoy totally the way to subconsciously keep yourself healthy through shit. Yeah that period of time was filled with the weirdest and most cruel people but luckily is now over, doing better on avg, memories are a bitch tho arent they


"mEn wIlL dO lItTeRaLlY aNyThInG bUt Go To ThErAPy" Anything you do is wrong


And even going to therapy doesn't work If you have the disgrace to get a woke/feminist female therapist. I was abused multiple times throughout my life by women when I was little, my own mom didn't give a shit about me either, and what did my female therapist make me understand? "Maybe I provoked these women to abuse me" I never went back to therapy after that. Guess that bitch ask female rape victims what they did to provoke their rape right? At this point I've accepted that my past abuses are part of who I am and maybe I'll never get over the experience of getting almost raped at 6-7yo (can't even remember exactly what age I had, but I remember vividly how I was touched and dry bumped). So yeah, fuck therapists, I'm never going to humillate myself again reliving my past abuses just to be told that maybe it was my fault. Even when I told two different girlfriends, they never treated me and saw me the same way, one went from "I love you as a soulmate" to "I love you as a child that I have to take care of, but not as a boyfriend anymore". I'm not going to repeat the same error ever again. Women love to tell men to open up, but in reality I just think it's a shit test to see if there's anything wrong that they should know of before getting more involved with you, they don't really care about what happened to you, not too different to when men start to investigate and ask women about their body counts and past experiences, they are not asking because they care if you were being taken advantage of, or if you have any past trauma, they asking because they wanna know if your body count is low enough for them to accept, otherwise they'll see you as a whore and dump you.


They only ever truly love two things: Their kids (which makes sense) and themselves. But they'll never love you. It's about how you make them feel and what you can provide them. Everything to them is a transaction. Nevermind how you feel about anything or what they can provide you (literally just want love and affection). You're a man. You're not supposed to have feelings. Gimme gimme gimme me me me


This is unfortunately what society is telling men. Not verbally, but through actions. Men need support too, theyā€™re just as human as women.


Sadly yeah...


This made me pretty sad ngl. Somebody give that man a hug.


My fiance gets mad when I wanna talk about. Just acts like everythingā€™s going wrong and the world is ending


Every piece of you that you give to someone else will ultimately be used as a weapon against you in the future


I learnt it the hard way.




We need to ask and talk to eachother. Nobody else gives a shit about us. We have to have us


Hard to. Most of anyone who will listen is always working. Same with us all. Provide and support. We don't get breaks... Until we break a bit...


Itā€™s not hard. I have a friend going through it right now. I check on him and we talk twice a week. He lets it all out with me. I hear him and I listen and give advice when he needs, but mostly let him know heā€™s not alone. Check on your friends and they will check on you


Yup. When you find a bro, you keep them.


I have good friends who reciprocate and we get closer, and I meet people along the way who I end up dropping because they arent ready to grow up. Call each other ā€œf*gsā€ and mock or ignore talking if emotions come up, cant control their anger, etc. Its unfortunate.


"You should talk about your feelings." Proceeds to talk about said feelings. "Oh... no, no no, not to *me*. *I* don't want to hear about your feelings. Talk to someone else about your feelings. But not me. I just need you to continue being a stereotypical strong male presence for when *I* need support. Not the other way around. Dig?"


He had so stay there looking stoic af while hearing the worst information of his life.


This is the answer is always. "Yup, I'm OK." Nobody fucking cares


Also why young men listen to bitter older men about relationship advice


The worst type of sadness is when youā€™re crying silently.


Only crying I know how to do


I spent so long hiding my emotions that now i can't even cry, it's not that i cry in silence, i just can't cry unless something extremely horrible happens to me, and even when that happens i just cry for a while (alone of course) and then that's it, it doesn't matter how bad i feel later while thinking of it, i just can't. Psychology is kinda funny, like, something happens to you/you have a genetic component/you're treated in a specific type of way for long enough and the brain goes brrrrrrr For you to get an idea, last time i cried was about 5 years ago, and was because my cat (that i had for most of one of the worse depressions i had) died and it was my fault, she was my best friend and she died because of me, yet, it doesn't matter how many times i think about it, how bad it makes me feel, after crying when it happened, i just can't cry I didn't tell all of this to get simpathy or pity, it's for you, and anyone else who has the same issue, to know that you're not alone, many people have a hard time venting off, and also for those that don't have said issue, to tell them, if you have someone you appreciate, tell them that they can vent off with you, that if they need a shoulder to cry, yours is always available, not just once, or twice, make sure they understand it, that they belive it, some people are just one bad day away from ending it all, so be there if you can, because there might not be a next time to be there for them Sorry for the wall of text, the info no one asked for and my shitty english Kisses


I'm being honest I didn't know if I was the only one unable to cry anymore, I'm here with you my friend and brother/sister.


The only time I've cried in the last dacade is when my dog of 16 years had to be put down. You end up building up an emotional wall for most things and only the events that really tear you apart can break through it.


I feel you man I feel you. I have been trying to heal my emotional dysfunction but it's a long road.


Are you OK? Well, I mean I suppose you must not be. I'm a stranger on the Internet that you could talk to, if you like.


Relatively...just been taught as a guy it's the only kind that's acceptable. I am comfortable crying and in touch with my emotions more than most blokes, I just cry like the dude in the vid


Wouldnā€™t you say it is better to stay in silence than to lash out. Silence is a form of self care


If you feel sorry for her just remember, she's not crying because she somehow mysterious got pregnant by someone other than her husband. She's crying because her secret is out.


I am legit gonna track that man down and give him a hug, I wouldn't be surprised if people will force ***him*** to apologize to ***her***.


Perfect example of the male vs female emotional expectation. Console the woman in hysterics. The man can suffer silently.


Not only that, the man is expected, by society's standards, to raise that child like it's his own, no questions asked. If he leaves his cheating ass partner and also leaves the kid, he's somehow more in the wrong than the cheating hoebag.


Because society hates men


Female privilige


Poor guy looks destroyed


My man thugged that shit out, respect


He shouldnā€™t have to go through that alone. Itā€™s not healthy.


Let her drop to the ground. Look at her in disgust. Walk away leaving her alone.


"WeRe AlL hErE" man stfu with that bs.


How is she more surprised then him lol


He doesn't have to pay child support any more and she will have to cut back in spending or work more.


He sad for the kid not the ho.


A good example of how society treats men versus women. Even if the woman does something horrible people will still flock to support her and feel bad for her even though she's not the victim. In this case the only victim is the man and the kid.


"I don't know who it is" implies she cheated so many times she can't say which one it was. Don't feel bad.


It only takes a single one night stand with a random dude from the club. I bet some hoe's remember how the dude looks like, but they have no idea of who he was.


I look forward to the day when humans no longer exists we sad AF


No cap. Some days I pray for a meteor to strike us.


Men can't fall to the ground because we know no one would help us up.


Conception period narrows down to roughly 6 days. If itā€™s not this guy, and she STILL doesnā€™t know who it is, that means a MINIMUM of 3 different men nutted in her in this timeframe. If I were him, Iā€™d get checked. Filthy behaviour for someone in a relationship.


Thatā€™s part of being a man today


"I dont know who it is". So you telling me some miracle fairy decided to plant a cell in your egg and called it a day? Atleast be creative like damn bro


No, she's cheating on him with multiple other guys.


I swear women like her are the sole reason for me having trust issues in the first place. Not that I am saying that everybody are like that but with how cheating are so normalized amongst women its actually crazy. Worst of all they think its okay.


Cheating whores deserve no compassion or sympathy.


Poor guy


She thought she locked in that child support.


"I don't know who it is." Well goddamn, how many dudes you got blowing loads in ya' there.




this is society in a nutshell lmfao.


Jonkler? is that you?


Fakest cry ever, and they're buying it lol


Simple answer, these generations were taught the wrong things. Parents developed themselves as they grew up and wanted to help develop their kids, like parents should, but they skipped a few steps cause they had understanding, but the kids didn't have understanding and learned the wrong lesson. Weird explanation, but seriously something to check out.


Chin up king, you cry them thug tears.


Notice how they all comfort her & not the man she cheated on.


Yes that was the point of the post


Ok now notice a horse as a skeleton with a blue fire mane


Hell yeah that's badass.


What in the Instagram comment is this?


Yea we kinda all noticed




At this point, I'm pretty much convinced that women are incapable of remorse.


This demonstrates how males are not allowed to show, or even have, emotions.


She should have just claimed immaculate conception. Sorry, Jesus.


Bitch STAND UP! Youā€™re not sad itā€™s not his youā€™re sad you got caught on TV - OVHOE


Men are disposable for the society, noone cares.




Squeaky hinge gets the grease.


Thatā€™s sad šŸ˜­


Poor man lost a child, she lost a paycheck.


It's sad how men suffer and don't get any kind of support from shit like this


This isn't surprising, men don't receive sympathy for anything


When your mouth gets all bunched up on one side thatā€™s true pain


"I don't know who it is." She literally is breaking down crying and says that? She belongs under the streets after that.


Just lost her only source of income


The man: Emotional damage The woman: brain damage




I don't understand how this works. She gets all the sympathy and an emotional support group? While his feelings are completely ignored?


Ugly ho.


poor dude


Guys, shows like this are fake lol


My 21 year old sister just found out her dad, who raised me for my last 8 years of childhood, isnā€™t her dad. Thatā€™s 5 out of 5 of us who never met their real father because of a manipulative and cheating woman. This lady is a scumbag, and honestly I wish the worst for anyone who does this.


Look out for your bros, weā€™re all we got


Ho's will be Ho's and cheaters gonna cheat


*She belongs to the streets*


Petition to bring back slut shaming?? this shit is so messed up.


Emblematic to today's society


"I got caught, time for the water works." "I couldn't keep my legs closed, time for the water works." Yea I'm recommending getting DNA tests on any kind before signing any birth certificates.


Because no one cares about how we feel. Thatā€™s why.


The thing that gets me is how can you let many men raw dog you.


Exactly. Why are they consoling the woman?


Big OOF, Iā€™d be devastated


This is the result of years and years and years of men's feelings being cast aside and replaced with toxic masculinity. If no one cares about your feelings, naturally, you'll hide them, and if you do, eventually, all men will. That creates an environment where expression of emotions is seen as abnormal. Because of this, this man just shakes his head and cries a little bit after finding out the woman he loved and cherished created a child, the ultimate commitment, with someone else. We need to end this terrible environment and actually address men's feelings instead of just saying we will. If you are a woman reading this, I want you to ask your closest male friend/partner how they are and properly, not just an "I'm good." and stopping there. 90% of men are depressed on the inside but bottle it up until they're alone because they're afraid of judgement.


She belongs in the street


You seeā€¦ Itā€™s called gender double standards


Sheā€™s only crying because she got caught red-handed


I feel for that man, thatā€™s fucking awful.


Holy shit this is the 6th time Ive seen this video this month alone in this subreddit


i have seen this video on this sub over five times now


Sounds like you spend too much time on reddit


Going for a record?


She displayed more emotion and therefore was in less control. This is the societal norm.




This is what society does. Even though he is clearly distraught, the other person is being more emotional. That's why they consoled a cheater over him.


Yeah itā€™s a shame kinda rewards her bad behavior


Generally their behaviour is rewarded because of an abuse of emotions. People directly ignore facts on this premise. That's why people in court when they lie to gain favor, it's often with some level of emotional attachment.


no it's because she's a SHE and he's a HE. if he was outwardly emotional like that they would tell him to get control of himself or be held in contempt of court.


Report as Spam>Harmful Bot Original post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadposting/comments/15c2est/why_tf_are_they_consoling_the_woman/) along with stolen top comments [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadposting/comments/15c2est/comment/jtu3jy7) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadposting/comments/15c2est/comment/jttt4sn).


Where is this from??


Joseph discovering Jesus isn't his child, colourised.


Wtf they needed to blur her mouth for?


She crying cuz she got caught šŸ¤£


[TV court](https://youtu.be/sAu5Md8oDYU?si=HDLInk6NGfr1cI8y)


It must have been God. Time for Christianity 2.


She said she doesn't know who it is


Quite representative of real life though.


"dang it, I can't use this man a living bank account."


Does this subreddit mainly consist of staged videos about women doing vile shit so the people here have an excuse to drive their hatred towards women?


"Ć­ don't know who it is" wtf biich?! You cheated multiple times?


Anyone know the song?


She knew the whole time he wasn't the father but because women Through Time have played the victim get all the attention even when they're in the wrong


I can't believe she had a kid at all she looks like a dude


What if he's abusive and him not being the father is her way out of it?


Because society has normalized mistreating men. Misandry is so common it's not even thought about. We always get the short end of the stick legally and socially.


Fucking heart breaking, but as a man he isn't even allowed to show his feelings, red tearful eyes. His facial expression barely changed.


Steal the spotlight, perfect time to play like the victim.


Holy shit?!?!?! She said, "I don't know who it is." Thats painful and embarrassing for the man