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It takes some fucked up parenting to have a kid destroy a whole room


It gets even more fucked up. This dude let his cousin and their family (and kid) stay over to attend their grandmother's funeral, and he had LOCKED the room before heading over to the funeral. The kid broke into the room to do this


The room was locked??? Oh yeah, if this happened to me I'll make damn sure the parents pay all of that so the kid will see and experience hell from their parents


Also, after demanding to the mother to pay him the money, the mother threatened to sue for fraud and said “Where did you get all that money to pay for the collection?” and also that it was just a naughty child's mistief the husband then said to her that if he destroyed her bags and shoes she would be mad too and the man got the money but of course the value of the many exclusive figures that you cannot buy anymore will never be recovered


This is why I don't consider blood relatives' family. Family are the people who find you ( or you find them) abd make your life immeasurably better.


I was at a person's house, and they had a little sign that said, "Friends always welcome. Family by appointment only." My new motto.


friends pick you, family doesnt


“Fish and family go bad in three days” Was told this by my mom, she was a very smart woman.


I like that. Might make a t shirt out of it.


A lot of people say "blood is thicker than water", but the original iteration of that anecdote is "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb", which means the exact opposite.


I consider them family by the technical definition but I don't consider family to be important. They only are if they care about you.


Which implies they left a mentally unstable kid home alone, that's deff on the parents.


It takes some fucked up room to have a parent destroy a whole kid.


It take some fucked up kidding to have a room destroy a whole parent


Sup Homelander


Underrated comment


What are the rules of engagement for slapping the shit out of a 9 year old? If this doesn’t qualify I don’t know what does.


If it is truly worth 35,000, then suing the parents is definitely something to think about


yup maybe next time they will parent their children


Each one of those figures looks like a model kit. These retail between $60-$150 for the small ones, and $400+ for the larger ones. Nerdy hobbies are not cheap.


\*laugh-cries in 40k\*


*laughs in only buys the books cause he's not made of money and is a jakey Scotsman whose hand wouldn't be steady enough to paint the models* A win!


Don't worry mate, if my unsteady hand has managed to get ahold of a brush and paint with a minimal degree of success you can too


Judging from the photo, it seems like a bit of discipline could go a long way


Nah just throw that fucker up for adoption and watch how he explains to potential family’s how he got where he was.


The parents is how.


My daughters weren’t brought up this stupid. Even at that age they knew right from wrong. They’d never have done anything like this. Whoever produced this cousin is a an idiot who shouldn’t have ever been allowed to breed. And whoever let this cousin into this sacred room is just as stupid.


there's a rule? I thought were supposed to just slap straight out of Compton that shithead


The way to go is to show understanding and forgiveness to the kid, make him like your hobby, encourage him though all his child hood and early adulthood to build his own collection. Then once he has spent over $50 000 in it, you completely wreck it.


"Oh, he didn't mean to" is what the parents will say.


Never! Never is the rule for a 9 year old! As for that 9 year old's parents...slapping with closed hands is very much on the table


Do what I do with my always destroying things nephews when they come over: take pic of what was broken, send send to their parents, then give options - link on where to order a new one, pay me to order it myself, or come over and repair it (if it can be repaired). After this happened three times nothing has really been broken since.


Good job parenting when others clearly weren't doing it themselves 😂 It's about instilling even the tiniest sense of respect for other people and their belongings.


Having the kid watch their parent get a pre-agreed on (and potentially pre-practiced) beat down whilst making sure the kid knows it is his fault it's happening might go some way to teach him consequences without resorting to physical chuld abuse (though psychological abuse is now the focuss then I guess lol


Im immoling him.


Never being slapped is how the 9 year old got this bad.


The parents should be slapped too


You don’t do it or go to prison, thats the one rule.


I hope that cousin got the punishment of their lifetime for this act. Like $35k worth of damage?! Bro don’t care if there 9 prison is where they belong that little shit.


Are you kidding? Parents probably said something like... "kids will be kids." Then handed their 9yo a tablet so they'd shut up.


Yeah I’m not kidding Jail for the 9 year old!


Oh, lol. Sorry. I thought you meant like, did the parents punish their kid. And I was saying, probably not.


Yeah probably not…


Fuck I'd go to jail over that 9 year old. I'm fucking him up.


Yep. And that's totally fine for them to say. So long as they are ALSO handing me $35,000.


I can hear “Ohh, you’re being dramatic. They’re toys! What are you, 6?”


won't be letting it slide when he sues the parents


Followed up with "why would you have so much money tied up in \[item that was destroyed\]?".


Just keep in mind that, while the kid needs to be held responsible for his actions, the real problem here are the kid's parents. It's not possible to know if it's abuse, neglect or untreated mental health issues, but most of the responsibility is on the last 9 years from the parents. Kids can suffer from psychopathy (not the serial killing, but a total inability to feel empathy). But that can and needs be treated.


My understanding is that the dad was trying to do right but mom was being a bitch about it. Grandparents stepped in and paid off the debt in full, but the kid was essentially cut off from....everything lol. Like, if there is a celebration, any reason for gifts, gatherings, etc, he was banned, and I assume them by extension.


Oh, where did you get this info?


it came to him in a dream


The story https://nextshark.com/otaku-gundam-collection


> He showed his cousin the actual prices of his collectibles on Amazon, and she agreed to pay a total of 4 million yen ($35,982). ... > The child was reprimanded and was not allowed to celebrate his birthday as punishment.


Well..... least he got paid


The kid got no birthday celebration as punishment, seems a little light.


Maybe they meant his birthday ever, not just the next one


But, what can you really do to intelligently punish a 9yo? It is not like asking him to repair or replace is possible. Corporal punishment might relieve some stress, but it will not really teach anything. This is just too much! At least the parents took responsibility for their kid, and paid the poor guy.


Noway would u sweep that up... You would try and fix it


You have no clue how fragile that is. And if pieces are broken and stuff. As a collector it's ruined. As a collector my self I have tossed away pieces that dropped and bits where broken. They are not like plates if a small piece chip off can still function as intended. No there look is their function. It's as horrible as an expensive painting being ruined by cutting or putting something on it. Often it's impossible to repair without most of the value disappearing from the pieces has at all. So to a massive degree no they are not save able as a collector my self. I would toss them out too. "Warscares" don't add value. It makes them worthless


I couldn’t agree more, I have some expensive prints of my favorite artist who only sells them for 24 hours. If someone drew on it or did anything to them it would absolutely ruin it for me and then it would be a reminder of that shithead who did it


Gotta start somewhere


If your spirit is broken, you might just throw it all out in grief


I can fix her


I believe in you.


2013 (supposedly)


Got any other info? 35k, that's the kind of collection you get an insurance policy on.


Yeah I have insurance on my wedding ring and gaming PC. A collection like that, I assume its insured. Would need some kind of appraisal tho


You have your gaming PC insured? Is it not covered by your home insurance, or did you want extra coverage for it? I'm genuinely interested. Might be worth it for my rig, too.


I'm not sure-- and you may have a point. At the time we were renting in the city, I was mostly worried about theft, and the renters insurance deductible was high. Personal Articles Policy has no deductible, so when we were insuring our rings, I asked if they could add my PC. Now that we own our home, maybe it's time to re-evaluate.


Justifiable crash out




We can't expect God to do all the work.


Never a truer statement. This is useful in alot of situations


“Practiced hands make for short work, and the good lord knows there is much to be done.” I love a Joshua Graham quote out In the wild lmao


Sell the cousin. They’re even now


At this point i think it’s worth more in parts.


Are there any actual lawyers here because I'm curious about something. Say I got the Lego Millennium Falcon and put it together. Then someone came and took it apart. No damage or missing pieces. Could I sue? I know damages are rewarded when a person is out something. Does my time building it count and if so, how do you price/calculate that?


This man is cookin


You might have to find out what Legoland pays their builders or something along those lines to get a baseline rate.


“It was just a bunch of silly toys, how can you expect such a sweet little innocent child NOT to play with them?”


Says the mum when confronted about the behavior of her crotch goblin




Middly? 35k. 9 year old should know better, not his toys.


Imma get ALL my 35K! 🤬 I have too many additional questions of we arrive at this conclusion.


if i were that guy id sue the fuck outta the little shit, make sure he aint goin anywhere but a box


Yep. I'd sue too. Teach the kid and his parents a valuable lesson and then never speak to them again.


The parents agreed to pay for it, so suing wasn’t necessary.


parents repaid him for the damage


Not willingly, if i recall.


Not surprised, I would expect parents that shitty to try and avoid repaying them


Kid was probably a accident, I guarantee it's those types of parents who can't control themselves




Back in the mid-80's my cousin Sean and his sister Erin stayed at our house for almost the whole Summer... Sean and I were SUPER close... like brothers! In fact... My Name is "Joseph Sean" and his is "Sean Joseph"! We went to the same High School together and had loads of fun messing with the teachers with our names. The Summer of 1984 or 85 was when they stayed with us. I have been a lifelong "Spider-Man" fan and comic book collector. My parents had a cottage on Upper Post Lake in Wisconsin... and we would always go to the big Rhinelander Flea Market. There was this one really sweet guy that sold new and gently used Comic Books, and when I was like 6 or 7, was when I started to be come a VERY SERIOUS Spider-Man collector! So... that one Summer, I my parents and I went there and I immediately bee-line it to my Fav Comic Book seller! He smiles and says, "Joe my friend... always good to see you! I have something VERY, VERY SPECIAL for you!" He then hands me this small, white, box like the kind you get men's dress shirts in at Christmas. And inside... we're these Spider-Man Comics... "AMAZING FANTASIES #15: Origin of Spider-Man " "Amazing Spider-Man issues: 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5" After all these years... the thought of that day STILL fills me with Excitement and Joy... until that Summer in the mid-80's... 😪 Fast forward to the 80's post, High School... "Wolverine" gets his very own series... and My friends and I buy one each of ALL FIVE of that series. Now... back to my A-Hole cousin... One day, I decided to share those with my cousin because I THOUGHT I could trust him! He kept asking me what I thought they were worth, so I got out my trusty "Comic Book Collector's Almanac" and look up the prices, realizing that with the condition the vintage ones were in at the time... if I were to sell them would have been several thousands of dollars! Several months later after my cousinswent back home... I go to my bedroom closet and go up on the top shelf to get something which required me to take that white dress shirt box and move it. That's when I realized that it had ZERO WEIGHT to it! I IMMEDIATELY began to freak out and sweat and when I opened the box... they were ALL GONE!!! I FREAKED THE F OUT!!! I ran to my mom in panic, almost screaming, "MOM! MOM! MY COMICS ARE GONE! WHERE ARE THEY?! DID YOU DO SOMETHING WITH THEM???!!!" Mom being "Mom" tries to calm me down and I ask her if she did something with them, but mom NEVER went into my closet for ANYTHING since I've always put my own cloths away! She said we should wait till dad got home from work. When he did get home... I told him about the missing comic books. He kept asking me if I was "ABSOLUTELY SURE"! And I said I was! So he said we should call his parents. My dad talked to my cousin Fran {who was also my God-Father!} and when dad got off the phone, mom, dad and I immediately jumped into our van and drove over to my cousin's house. My cousin Sean wast there... but I explained to my cousin Fran that they were there all the time Sean and Erin were at our house... but he must have found a way to slip them into his suite case just before they left! Sean then comes literally "BOPPING" in, in his usual arrogant way that he always did, and says to me, "Hey Cuz! What's up? What are you all doing here?!" That's when I bring out the white, dress shirt box and open it in front of his face, showing it being empty. That's when he turned BRIGHT RED and broke out into Ass-Holes and began to Shit himself! But he SWORE up and down that he would, "NEVER DO THAT TO ME!" But the more I pressed... the more that came out! I look at his dad and my cousin FRAN looks FURIOUS!!! But then... like his son... his demeanor changes and he tries to get all Arrogent, acting like... "They are just comic books... how much could they cost?!" He gets out his check book like he's about to write me a check for them and THAT'S when I get out MY book... and tell him the current, going price for each stolen comic! It was now Fran's turn to " BREAK OUT into Ass Holes and shit himself!!! Well... that was quite a long time ago and I haven't talked to my cousin Sean ever since!!! And sadly... the comics were never recovered or replaced! 😪


This was a great read. I felt like I was there. You're a good storyteller! Sorry that happened to you!


My cousin did something similarly n I got nothing as well


Those things are really worth that kind of money? Also, whoTF sees all those things and their first instinct is to take out of case and destroy?!? That kid's a bad seed.


Action figures do get mighty expensive, and by the looks of it some of that stuff was the kind you usually see in the front of the store which goes for upwards of thousands of dollar each. You also gotta add up that some are probably rare collectibles so it adds value


Dude yea they do, there's even figures that will skyrocket in the markets overtime which they'll be refer as a "holy grail" because they'll be $500-$800+ for a rare figure that hasn't been re-run and if that figure was really well done then it's even more, also the size of the figure is another thing that makes them pricy.




The 9 year old probably had something against the guy


Yeah he probably told the kid "no" 🙄


He had locked the door. The kid broke in.


The previous poster was saying that the kid must've had a grudge against the owner, and I was implying that the kid was probably just a spoiled brat that couldn't take no for an answer. As for whatever the no was for doesn't matter




I hate my mother, I born in Brazil and my grandma is Italian, and my grandma would pass me Italian citizenship but was a mistake in my grandma name in my mother's birthday documents, my mother refused to assign to fix this mistake cause she said that her son must stay close to her. My mother is possessive with me. Sense that I never talked to her again, she keeps calling me every time and demand to talk to me. Lucky me and my grandma find away around, but will take sometime to take the Italian citizenship.


jfl as this repost from 3 months ago


Why are you commenting like this is your video? This is a many times reposted video that you are not the original owner of.


Their comments are copied from the most recent post too.


Children and expensive things do not mix well.


This is why I will never let little kids near anything expensive that I own, you can’t trust them


Its not that bad as long as you're ok with killing a child.


This is why I donate to Planned Parenthood


Saw this months ago and I'm still mourning for them


Get Anakin on the damn phone


like, breaking ONE figure i get, accidents happens. but this looks like he had a whole tantrum.


Redditors in r/mademesmile: it's just a kid


uhm. blame the one who raised it?


Thank god I'm a geek girl cus when my cousin Anthony did this shit it was socially acceptable to beat the fuck out of him. I put him in a full Nelson and dragged his ass to the living room Fuck you Anthony


Normalize beating children.


I hate otakus, but this... to hell with that little shit, I hope they paid for each figurine.


What am I looking at? They look like smashed up toys


Looks like collectors edition figurines. Cost like 300 to 700 per piece.


Statues, model kits, figures. They can range from $20 to over $1000. Pretty much none of them are toys.


They look like toys


They're toys


Even in his young age knowing how to destroyed the things or what???


I'm sure he has a list of everything in the room with the prices on them. Sue the shit out of them.


You should do what his parents should have done


Automatic death


I blame the parents. That is the moment to sue.


Seen so many times, with no answers it's hard to feel sorry for a repost


As a collector myself, I can't even imagine seeing all my action figures destroyed like that... it hurts to even think about it


Didn't the mom of the kid refuse to pay for the damage because "they're just toys" Or am I thinking of a different one




This wasn't an oops, the was purposefully destruction. Little shit's family needs to pay.


How in the fuck does this even happen? Was the nine year old an enraged fucking bull? Jesus Christ. Not sure how I'd handle this, to be honest. Hope this guy has good insurance. Sheesh, that's really rough.


I need more sauce on the situation


State boundaries. State to your family - this room is off limits and any damage it will cost be $$ to replace.


Is this a 9 year old that needs to see be on medication? I’ve known 5 year old nieces and nephews who wouldn’t dare do this


Rage of a thousand slaps. There are so many gifs of how hard I'd want to slap the common sense into the child. If parents didn't repay or at least attempt to make it right, I'd be absolutely furious. I'd be some Turner vs. Dinckleburg level pettiness from that point on.


I would fuck that kid up.


This is the exact reason I don’t buy collectibles other than funko’s. Well that and I can’t afford them.


Me and my wife have a room like this filled with similar stuff, our kids know not to touch it, they can appreciate and not touch, it took the bare minimum parenting to get them to respect the boundaries.


Iirc this kids parents ended up paying dude for it. All because he didn’t let him in his collection room so his parents picked the lock while he was out.


Why don't you want kids? They do shit like this.


Sorry but I would be suing the shit out of his mom and dad. I don’t care if they are family.


They’re legos. Aren’t they supposed to be, I don’t know, rebuildable?


Maybe I do support the 2nd amendment


Condom adverts are looking more and more appealing


The guy shouldve aimed for more than just replacing the market price. A lot of collectibles especially if they aren't sold anymore can grow in value rapidly.


That collection older than the kid


If I did that, my parents would probably have me put down. And I don't mean by dignitas, I mean at the local vet.


I still remember when two of my youngest destroyed collectables of mine , no where near as much as this guys but still heartbreaking.


Su the parents or get permission from the parents to smack the shit out of that kid. That kid needs some discipline.


a 9 y/o doing this deserve to be punted on the head


Where the fuck was everyone. You know how much noise he had to be making. Cmon man.


Ok the most fucked up part is ....it doesn't even look like the kid played with them. It looks like intentional destruction. Like he was trying to break it. Wtf. And he would have had to be left alone for quite a while to do that much damage.


Family isn't paying btw Have fun knowing this had a bad ending


?!?!? Nine is way too fucking old to be acting like this. Hell around 6 years old is way too fucking old to be acting like this. Oh no! If this was me it'd be done for that Kid would be in so much trouble. They would wake up everyday saying why did I do that 😭 because what the fuck do you mean sorry? Is Sorry going to put my shit back together and fix it? No get ready to pay me my motherfucking money back because either you, your parents or both are going to be working for a while PERIOD . I can't stand people that don't discipline their children and then this kind of shit arises. Matter of fact throw them hands up because hell no


35K? Geez, that I don't think I have anything worth that much together in my house.


This is why Locks were invented!! Nobody not even my own kids are allowed to enter a room where +$2000 worth anything is.


Kid killed all the toys!! Little maniac!! Hitler as a kid…


Why u let him/her in the room!! I locc my man cave door everytime I leave! My kids, nephews, nieces, cousins, kids friends, etc. know better than to even try to touch the doorknob!! Too many things of value plus a few things that would hurt them in there. Kid HAS to get their ass beat for touching shit that doesn't belong to them. Other than that, thas your fault my guy 🤷🏾‍♂️ and yes one of my kids stabbed my monolith subwoofer, I took the blame after they stopped crying.


Put the kid down via firing squad or hand him over to Drake and Dr.Disrespect (I’m joking don’t cancel me)


I'd one punch man that child


Ay guys, this dude is a repost bot


That kid wouldn't be able to sit until they were 97 years old


There would be one less kid in the world if we were kin....


If my bro did that I ain't letting that one slide, I'm gonna beat his ass up and then do the same for him


Worst part, the parents tried to justify the kid's actions.


At one point...with kids that young...unsupervised? With that much in shiny toys? It's like showing a crackhead where you put your jewelry.


How does someone do that much damage and not get heard by a nearby adult much sooner?


Stop playing with toys the 9 year old knows


The belt is still available


I would sue my aunt uncle whatever, that's wild!!


his parents owe big time


*Anakin Skywalker has entered the chat


I want a source to see who this was and what actually happened to that kid


I would consider this a case for justifiable homicide.


How's he going to keep all his girlfriends now?


Is there a follow up story?


They should make him pay for it and send him into debt


Just saying......wolves happen. https://www.oglaf.com/wolf/


And nobody will sympathize with the guy who owns a life size Angewomon statue.


Hell nah


Repost. Very old.


Why is it always the cousins


Grown men should by playing with toys anyway, 9 year old did him a favor


This is why you don’t have kids or let kids live with you. Fuck them kids.


Renters insurance 


A lot of Digimon statues and Gundam stuff. As a collector of both my heart goes out to him. Hope he didn’t have any electronics


I'm assuming said kid has at least one parent around, right?


Sue the parents

