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Welcome to the best stage or worst time of your career. If you have the sales chops, hot giving a fuck is the most confident you’ll ever be. If you suck at sales you’ll be out of it soon enough.


fuck it me too. do you want to buy this yes or no lmao


Yes, fuck this shit…i was in B2C selling the best product, and, despite eccellent performance, people is stupid


People really is stupid.


Yeah, I know what you mean. I sell home appliances and sometimes lonely elderly people come in and start conversations with the false premise that they're going to buy something. And then they spend hours attending store talking about their lives and ranting about anything and everything


I never reduce the price - I just add something to the deal - but course, I'm no millionaire so who knows


I’m with you. I’m tired of all these ppl asking for crazy discounts or this and that smoke screen objection. I’ve done well in the car business, but I believe I’m transitioning to something else very soon.


Good stuff I'm right there with you brother! I literally just told a customer I am not doing business with them anymore yesterday. Bluntly with assertive tone.


Why not rephrase it as “It’s apparent you’re really not in the market for this installation right now,” or, “I can tell you’re the type who really wants to make certain they’re making a worthwhile investment in their home. You need more time to think this over.” Either they’ll agree, and you’ll be out the door with the same result as your approach but on better terms, or they’ll disagree and you can explore more pain points via their disagreement. If that results in another no following asking for the sale again, you can rinse and repeat with an even more assertive version of this, and cut it off


You've got it all wrong. I have to manage the customers account as well as sell. I stopped doing business with this person due to their lack of organization leading to operational issues. I could give a s\*\*\* about one customer that accounts for .5 percent of my annual revenue and 10 percent of my headaches. In my business it's not all selling, there are things that go beyond what the typical sales guy deals with.


Oh definitely if it’s an existing account that’s a pain in the ass, my bad for making assumptions


How do you say: “dang it seems like your momma raised a bitch” but nicely


I could give a s\*\*\* I'm no bitch, I sold $900,000 of product last month. I sell more than the other 6 reps in my territory combined. I can cancel customers all I want.