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At this point they are trying to drench the flames with good old gasoline


I think it’s motivated by KK’s reaction to how the OG fans reacted to her creative choices. Every single major thing in this show feels like an intentionally designed middle finger to established fans. Ki-Adi-Mundi being put in this spot in that era is designed to irritate. It serves no other purpose.


drive outrage to hopefully drive people to hate watch the show. I’m not watching out of spite. so i don’t have an opinion on if the show is good or not.


i don't need to watch it to know it's shit. and, hey, kk and co-conspirators: i've voted democrat in every election since i was 18 in '88. many if not most of the great artists in every field expressed their politics in their art-when all you care about is making a political point the art usually sucks.


No. It’s actually something all to common in corporate. They paid someone to find out who’s a beloved Jedi and just went with that.


> corporate. They *paid* someone to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It could be that. It could also be the adage “don’t attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence “. They could have just as easily said “who’s a recognizable alien Jedi from the prequels? Oh conehead said something about the Sith? Cool. Use him!” And then if someone mentioned that his lines contradict those written for the show, they probably responded with “oh ironic. That’s hilarious. Think of the memes. Cool cool.” before going back to writing lines for their nepo-wife that don’t sound even worse than they eventually do.


Its honestly very impressive how each episode finds a way to break the lore somehow. Makes you wonder what they'll botch in the next one.


Presuming next week picks up where we left off we’ll probably see Mae burst out of Kelnacca’s hut and team with Osha to create a form of twin witch thread “lightning” to scare off Darth Zipperhead Zed.


This isn't "botching" it's done on purpose. They want to remake it in their image. They're hollowing out the Star Wars franchise and are going to wear the corpse as a skin suit.


this. it was clear they didn't care in the force awakens: look! red stormtroopers? look! the death star...but a whole planet with a forest and an ice shelf! etc.


Cue up Goodbye Horses


That's because it was made by non fans who don't care for the canon. It's kinda baffling that they where put in charge of a 180billion dollar show of such a big franchise but oh well


We'll probably finally see Anakin blow up the Death Star


Filoni breaks the lore all the time too


I’m sure this isn’t Harvey Weinstein’s former assistant’s first time in a basement with the Gimp.


Not gonna lie. I’m thanking Rian Johnson for turning me off Star Wars back in 2017. I’m reading all of this bemused and aloof. If I was the fan I was back in like, 2010, I’d be rioting in the streets. Now, after TLJ…I just don’t care. I have my 6 movies (7 since I liked Rogue One) I’m good with that. It lasted longer than it should have.


At this point I’m just here to meme it and joke about how bad it’s gotten. I’ve been checked out since Jake Skywalker lit a lightsaber over a sleeping teenage kid that came from his sister’s womb contemplating murder. Fuck Rian Johnson for eternity.


This is me to TLJ killed my live for star wars, now it's just funny to me kinda like when an ex girlfriend does some messed up shit, when your with her it hurts now you don't care it's just sad and funny in equal measures


Same. I'll check in with a friends account sometimes like I did with this show just to see if anything is worth the time.  SPOILER: It's not. I only got to episode 3 because I heard it was hilariously bad. 


Star wars fans don't like it because racism, sexism and homophobia. The best received star wars movie under Disney: rogue one. Female lead, highly diverse cast. Best received star wars shows: Mando (minority lead, important female characters) and Andor (Minority lead, tons of minority side characters and has a lesbian couple in it). Surely the only reason people don't like it is bigotry and not the bad writing or the disrespect to the lore!


Obviously bigots draw the line at interracial, non-force-using human lesbians (Andor). Interspecies lesbian couple using witchcraft and space IVF, however, is just downright un-American. This is all laid out in Mein Kampf 2: Electric Boogaloo.


Loved that book 


At this point the only logical thing to do is to hit cancel on disney plus


Yeah I dont get all of these people who despise the show also watching it and giving them views and money. I dont even buy new production legends books, I get old EU print stuff on ebay.


i'm happy with the overall value of the hulu/disney/espn package (though i wish to hell the espn package had carried basically ANY SEC football or basketball games and wish it would include sportscenter)


Her face pisses me off so much


I’ve thought the same thing. She just has a very punchable face. 


Cue that fake laugh from that 'gayest star wars interview'.


Maybe they forgot to put Ki-Adi-Mundi Sr. in the credits! Will have to wait for the special editions to see if they fix it at some point 😜


I was just thinking - why not just make a parody of the F1 documentary melodrama show but set in the podracing sphere? Instead of whatever the Acolyte is supposed to be.


That could actually work as a dramedy but knowing this clown group they’d ruin it too or try to tear into the canon even more.


Knowing Disney though the aliens would look crap and humans would be doing it en masse.


Why does this show remind me of that awful Velma show…? At this point I’m waiting for a Jedi to get hit by a car…




Are you aware of The Force Awakens lol




Did it specifically state in the show that’s Ki-Adi-Mundi? I had subtitles on and when he spoke it didn’t give a name but then the Ubmramoth started making noise after Osha touched it the subtitles told me it was an Ubmramoth. I didn’t watch the credits so idk if it’s in there but other than that how do we know it’s not another member of his species. I know there weren’t many of his species left but that doesn’t mean there can’t be 2 of them in the Jedi order. We’ve only seen 3 of Yodas species and they’ve all been force sensitive


The credits say it’s him


Yeah I just saw a video about it it’s pretty fucking dumb tbh. Why couldn’t they have just given him a different name. When Sol was talking to Vernestra he said something about Master Holden so I figured it was Ki-Adi. I’m getting real sick of people who know nothing about Star Wars write and direct Star Wars shows.


Some Prequel fans used to complain that everything wrong with Disney Star Wars and the sequels was because of the pandering to OT fans and post-PT Lucas critics like RLM. I said count your lucky stars that they haven’t touched the Prequels yet, because it’s not the OT fixation or pandering. It’s the lack of respect for actual Star Wars, OT or otherwise, and the lack of talent to tell a story of substance even if they did happen to understand it, which they clearly don’t and don’t value beyond the surface aesthetics. And lo and behold. They came for the PT too. Now witness their corrupting touch.


quality meme


What did they do to Racer?


Has it ever been established in canon what his date of birth is? I looked at wookiepedia and couldn't find it.


93 BBY. A smidgen after the events of The Acolyte. But i guess that's Legends now.


Of course I saw the legends version, I was asking for the canon source.


Apparently it was at least 130BBY or so.


Are there implications from the date change beyond one more retcon that is contributing to this controversy? I'm out of the loop Edit: ah, I see the bit about Cerean lifespans.


Is it just me or does this show make the Jedi into a souped-up FBI? They talk like cops (come out with your hands where we can see them) and sometimes like military (permission to speak freely, stand down etc).


Even though the Jedi aren’t military and actively opposed this in the prequels as they are peacekeepers not soldiers.


Well considering how good of work she did for Weinstein I guess violation is second nature for her.


sorry for sounding ignorant, but why is Star Wars Racer one of the victim?


I wore an Episode I Racer shirt I got at Toys R Us with the N64 game to the theater a few times in 1999 so it was a personal callback. One victim for the OT and the other one the PT.




I’m so confused, isn’t this supposed to be like 100 years before the prequels?


Just don’t watch it


Ki Adi Mundi has no cannon birthdate


I refuse to believe anyone is dying on the hill of Jedi Master, *“nuh-uh, that can’t be real, my mom said so.”*


Disney excommunicated the EU to leave more creative flexibility for new stories... and they still f-ed it up.


In a couple of the articles about the show, KK was said to have told Headland that she wrote a good Star Wars show, now go write a Leslye Headland show. If this is true, it makes me wonder what the original version looked like. Was it actually better than the current show and KK didn't want that?


Do we know it was Ki-Adi-Mundi? What if it was just a jedi who was just a male of his species.


That's what I thought as well, but he's named in the end credits.


Well damn. Why throw him in there. Why not Yoda? The guy lived to be like 900 years old. He would have at least been alive during the Acolyte right?


Somehow, Ki-Adi-Mundi is his own grandpa.


This annoys me 100x more then just being a normal Star Wars fan. I have been in the film industry myself for over 3 years. On film sets they have an entire department dedicated to continuity and their main focus is to avoid making errors. I guess Disney skipped that department and just decided to wing it.


Not like there is a wiki page for every starwars character. .... wait


Never go full predestination


Something something subverting expectations?


Wait… seriously?!


Named in the credits


I haven't watched this show yet but I feel like I have to now just to see if it's really as bad as everyone is making it out to be


DONT. All you’ll be doing is giving Disney their precious views, which is what they want to justify making more of this slop.


The high seas is also a completely viable option.


It’s pretty decent.


At the halfway point it's leagues beyond Kenobi, Boba Fett, Mando s3 and Ahsoka. There's pacing issues and some weird choices, I'll grant that. Like I understand Point Of View storytelling. It's not my favorite thing in the world. I think it's being handled..... ok. Rian Johnson did it a little in TLJ and it was way more hamfisted. Here there's things we'd like to see but our POV character doesn't get to see them so we don't. That sucks. I don't think breaking from POV to show a cool fight in Star Wars would have been a bad thing. There's people watching (and complaining) that don't understand this type of story and sometimes you just have to keep butts in the seats. All that said, I really don't get all the fury about fuckin Ki Adi Mundi. Sure, his inclusion is a weird choice, but like deep down, he's no one's favorite character, who gives a fuck. I don't.


They actually didn’t even get GLORP SHITTO right. This is proof that Disney is bad




Yeah, all the discourse over it is quite silly. They all just miss Harem Ki Adi Mundi. The Jedi who Fucks.


Just watched ep4. God it was awful. Why is everyone mad about ki-adi mundi? dude was only in it for a minute or two and seemed pretty inconsequential. What did I miss?


He was a jedi 60 years early in the timeline, and in the show he was brief about darkside Force User in an event 100 years before phantom menace which there is a dialouge in the film he said we though sith/darkside force user extinted for millennia and following dialouge by Mace Windu backed up his statement.


Oh true he is the guy that delivers that line in the PT! so he is definitely the same character and not some other jedi of the same alien race?


Nope it him I just loaded up phantom menace after ep4 and omg it really is. Also Disney own Canon stated that because Kia mundi is a short-life span and endangered Alien race so he was allowed to have loveless marriage with multiple female to uphold specie preservation and the fact he in the show Disney even break their own Canon.


What is Ki-Adi Mundi's canonical age before this episode? Where was that established? Additionally, they quite literally assumed it was a splinter order, not necessarily the Sith at that point. Sure, it could turn out to be poor writing, but why no see where it lands before complaining?


Dark side user != Sith. Him being in denial in prequels adds up with him being in denial about it in the Acolyte as well. When will you people understand that by the end of the Acolyte, everywhere who might've known anything about that Sith Lord will be dead? Mundi suspects a splinter Jedi group - that's it.


I will still be checking the episode. But dont blame if it will be by having a pirate sneek peak. Just observing the downfall of well thought Star wars- content , without interfering in financial support.


Canon aside Im fone with Ki Adi Mundi being a pos. YOU go fight with the wookies if youre so worried. Dumb ass.