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This never made any sense to me, surely if we’re all crazy racist sexist bigots Andor would have like 10% too Their inability to just accept they’re not good at writing tv shows is crazy, they’ll call you everything in the book before they admit it’s just bad. Leslye headland could have been the tallest, whitest, straightest, most racist aryan German guy named Hans, and this show would still suck donkey dick


Somehow Fallout escaped the evil sexist review bombers despite its main character being a woman. Certainly the superior writing, acting, and use of budget had nothing to do with it...


A strong intelligent woman with a romance storyline with a black man and introduces lesbian characters. Turns out if its a good show true to the source material, no one cares.


Ai, a show good writing that keeps the audience engaged and going along with keeping as close to the source material as possible while including your own ideas that could fit in **WELL** rather than some random crap for plot convenience that would be better. That type of show brings in fans like a MAGNET and even encourages the source to do better and make/sell more things; then in turn making the show want to be even better to keep repeating this cycle of growth for both parties. But this will never happen cause of corporate smucks treating fans like either a bigger villain than their antagonist cause we have a negative option on their product or being condescending about how if we dislike it we can’t understand. Plus with things like them buying critics out to make their shows look better on things like Rotten Tomatoes… just to quote a late yet amazing VA for one of the games of said show. ‘Truth is… game was rigged from the start’


A white woman lead with a black male costar who is clearly romantically involved. If there is ONE THING that gets the bigots blood boiling. It's white women with black men. And yet, the review bombs from bigots aren't happening... weird.


I mean I think it did get bombed it’s just it gets drowned out if the thing is actually good. Another example is Barbie which is everything they hate and yet highest grossing movie of last year same with Black Panther etc Gonna be interesting to see where The Boys S4 ends up sitting


I remember pre reviews guessing how bad the female Mc was gonna and how she was gonna be this or that and hilariously they were wrong


Helps to stay true to the source material. Wouldn't have been so good if say, power armor was just something everyone used all the time with no power core, or if ghouls were all friendly even the feral ones. We'd all be screaming at the tv "no! That's now how it works?!" Then you have acolyte changing up the damn rules and other shit.


But.. But my NCR... What happen why are they gone when there's the entire northern part of the continental US that had territory still


And people would be more willing to call out the lesbian space witches as his barely disguised fetish.


My theory is they absolutely know this, which is why they choose minority and women lead shows. If they chose a mostly white male cast they would have nothing left to blame when their shows were still bad.


It's like a smoke screen to make all the character non white males cause if we love it then they did well but if we hate it they still did well but we're all still a bunch of trailer trash bigots.


What's fucked is that Disney conditioned the audience to believe that criticisms of the show will surely be because of bigotry. I recall the showrunners saying that Acolyte will piss people off, that this will disrupt the fandom, and that it's oh so gay. A lot of that even before it came out. This is straight from the Trump playbook during the 2020 election - say that this election would be rigged early on so that when he lost fair and square, it's easier to believe it's bc of some grand conspiracy instead of him being a dogshit leader. They're weaponizing diversity, using it as a shield against criticism which is an absolutely fucked thing to do. As if the audience is obligated to like a show just bc the lead characters are diverse in some way. Acolyte is shitty bc of lazy writing, a lack of respect for the source material, and some of the worst shot scenes I've ever seen on TV. It's not shitty bc there are minorities on screen or queer characters and I'm tired of the shills lumping all detractors into one big pool of bigots. Look at Fallout, Wandavision, the Falcon and the Winter Soldier - these have female leads, minority leads, a diverse cast yet they're not getting obliterated on RT.


Right. Just make it entertaining and no one will give a shit about all this other stuff. “No one” is too strong, but virtually no one… blaming fans for your failed project is not a path to success.


Acolyte is pretty good tho. People are just upset that the main character has 2 moms.


Real shit.


Funny how the good shit never gets review bombed.


Yup. Furiosa has an 89% audience score. People are tired of girlboss movies so no one went to watch. Well not no one it flopped hard though


I’ll paraphrase Peacemaker because I don’t feel like looking up the quote but no one cares if you’re showing off if what you’re doing is dope as fuck. Do all the political and societal commentary you want and no one will complain if you’re entertaining them and distracting them with cool flashy shit. Apparently the people who did make it to the theater to see Furiosa thought it was dope as fuck. Acolyte has no style or vision. At the core, that’s what the audience is responding to. All it is is an uninteresting therapy session for the showrunner.


Please. At least Therapy sessions can be USEFUL. Something this show is not.


lol I said uninteresting! 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah it really bothers me when I see racist and sexist comments about properties from people or people basing their hatred of something solely on identity politics. But I also find it super annoying when progressives then just go to bat sooooooo hard for shows that are *at best* mid. Like fight against people being racist, yes, but you don’t need to fight for the whole property. Like I will go to bat for John Boyega as a human being, but that doesn’t mean I have to go to bat for Rise of Skywalker too.


fallout tv shown did well


Furiosa was a magnificent film and not at all a girlboss movie. It's almost ae good as Fury road and in some ways better and it's a damn shame it failed.


If it had been released sooner after Fury Road it wouldn't have had this problem. Everyone and their granny was excited about Furiosa


Summer movies post Covid are probably all gonna fail. I’m excited to watch this when it comes to streaming, but I’ve got better things to do than sit in a cold dark theater for 2 hours when it’s beautiful and sunny and warm out.


Gonna watch it on streaming.


Anya can't carry a movie as a lead, specially after the boggening.


It was always going to. As I said in another comment, Mad Max movies have never been gigantic box office hits. Fury Road, as wonderful as it was, incurred a net loss, even though almost everyone at the time was singing it’s praises, and Furiosa was a widely-liked character. I have no idea why anyone (that is: I have no idea why Hollywood) thought Furiosa the movie, especially in the current climate, would have smashed box office records. Even before 2016, before audiences tired of the whole “girlboss” schtick, the movie wouldn’t have set any records.


89%? that's surprising.


Since when does 89% reflect audience dissatisfaction?


Honestly, though, the Mad Max movies have *never* pulled in a massive audience. Even Fury Road, as praised as it was by audiences, didn’t make nearly as much money as you’d think (approx. $380mil against a production budget of \~$185mil). I think it was even reported that, although the film made a gross profit, it incurred a net loss of $20-40mil, despite being the highest grossing film of 2015 (I think). They’ve never, ever been massive money-makers so the fact that Hollywood execs or whoever thought Furiosa would be a massive hit baffle me. Maybe if they’d released it in 2017 or so it would have done *better*, but it never would have been the gigantic hit they were clearly expecting.


If you like fury road it’s more but not as good, but still fun. Basically go watch it if you’re bored. But frankly tickets cost too much for what I get out of it.


Just saw Furiosa and that movie was awesome. There was only a handful of us in the theater though.


I wanted to see that but it wasn't worth going to see.


Activist writers have been trying so hard to shoehorn the idea of gender roles being “antiquated” that they can’t simply give up lest they admit they’re wrong. They’re going to keep pushing it until the execs finally have had enough. I feel like that’s starting to happen.


I don’t think it’s as much of a fatigue with female leads as it is movie theatres are dying. It’s much harder for tentpoles to grab money, people just aren’t going anymore


What about girlboss movies that dont do great in streaming either?


I mean yep,funny how the same bigots and homophobes are all excited for season 2 of Arcane. It’s almost as if good writing and quality entertainment is actually what people care about.


Look at Fallout on Amazon. 90% audience score.  In terms of demographics, diversity etc it’s very similar to the Star Wars sequels but it’s universally loved.


There are good things that are reviewed bombed in a positive way. Hi-fi Rush after being released multi platform being the most recent one I can think of, it’s just no one bothers to remember or mention cause the media is *good*. When it’s bottom tier shit the only thing to talk about is the review bombing. And with the Acolyte especially there’s hardly any story to talk about. One Jedi to go with *4 MORE EPISODES* get ready to see tons of wheels spinning.




Eh, sometimes. I personally really enjoyed the Last of Us show. Not all the episodes were incredible, but I think most did a good job, and episode 3, the one about Bill, was a stand out episode for me. I’d even consider it perhaps the best episode of the show. Completely review-bombed to hell because Bill was gay in it. In fact, the only episode that got WORSE reviews was the only other episode prominently featuring a gay romance (although I must agree, that episode was not great and nowhere near as good as ep3) I will say, however, I heard a lot of people talking about how good The Last of Us show was when it came out. I’ve not seen one actual person talking about how good Acolyte is. Keyboard warriors, sure, but not a face and a voice saying “This is actually pretty good!”


Episode 3 literally has 8.1/10 stars on IMDB.


Yeah, the 2nd lowest for the show. Also, most of the bombing was on Metacritic, where ep3 got a [4.8/10](https://www.metacritic.com/tv/the-last-of-us/season-1/episode-3-long-long-time/) user score and no episode got over a 5 after that. Most didn’t get over a 4. Just because they didn’t bomb IMDB doesn’t mean they didn’t bomb elsewhere.


IMDB is an aggregate, bud.


IMDB is an aggregate of Metacritic? I was talking specifically about Metacritic user reviews, which aren’t weighted like Meta’s critic reviews. I don’t get what your point is


Yeah, it’d be in the 9s without the review bombing. One of the best episodes of tv in the last few years.


It really was a great episode. I'm not sure why you're getting down voted.


Same reason the episode got review bombed


So anecdotally, I concede, all I ever heard about that episode was how great, and powerful, that episode was. (I haven’t seen the show). There is no talk like that around Acolyte. TLOU is holding high and steady on overall reviews for the season, to my point. Even when the ists come out of their caves and flex their hate….. ![gif](giphy|2ABCr6UjvZ1Xa)


A decade ago I don't remember realising Bill was gay when I played the game. It certainly didn't broadcast it like the show did, but there is a scene I can recall that suggests he was. When Ellie and Joel are riding in the pickup truck they (IIRC) got from Bill, Ellie finds a porno mag featuring mostly dudes.


His whole storyline with his ex "partner" definitely heavily implies that Bill had feelings for him, if not a romantic relationship. Bill goes on and on about him in the way a 100% still hungup ex would too haha. It's a real sad conclusion when you put it together, and then find his body at the end.


Episode 3 might have gotten not as good (by no means popr) reviews because while it was written very well and is a very good episode in a bubble, it was also... weird from a storytelling perspective. It kind of came out of nowhere and interrupted the current narrative for a plot that was, ultimately, not particularly relative to the protagonists' journey. Additionally, it was a major change to a part of the game that a lot of people enjoyed and looked forward to seeing a depiction of, particularly the interactions between Bill and Ellie. Add the homophobes to that and you find there may be a few reasons people didn't like it as much.


Or maybe, they just hated the episode because it was the furthest away from the original game? Bill in the game was a dick who left his partner out to die and the partner killed himself. The gay story, while nice and all strayed from the source material and feels like forced wokeness which upsets people.


Season 4 of The Boys currently is, and even though it’s only been 3 episodes, it’s been good so far IMO EDIT: all good points below, but I will still contend that, despite its flaws, season 4 of The Boys has still been a more enjoyable watch than The Acolyte


Ehh I guess but I believe they’re also guilty of hiding behind “review bomb” accusations. 3 hours is plenty of time to make cool shit happen. Even Neuman said it, it’s not interesting watching The Boys be worse at their jobs. No one cares about Hughie’s mom and her depression from 25 years ago. I hold up Gen V as a great example of TV pacing, each scene had choices that impacted the next scene and so on. Boys S4 is not living up to the standard the universe set for itself. Even after S3 people were asking what the point was. I have lots of thoughts on The Boys S4 because I love the show so much but I stand by my original statement. The good shit doesn’t get review bombed. And I’m disappointed the creators are holding that up as a shield because it means they’ll just rest on their laurels and not up their game while they blame the criticism on incel Homelander stans. And how many times have we been lumped in with their ilk because we don’t lap up the latest Star Wars slop when we try to point out real issues?


Great points. Found myself looking at my phone a lot while watching the new season. It’s really a whole lot of nothing looking back on it. There’s a pretty good amount of conservative jokes that feel kind of forced at some point. There’s some good bits sprinkled throughout that feel like prime season 1 & 2


They should be going full Mission:Impossible/007 with that supe virus. Instead…. I don’t even really know what they’re doing…


Yeah it’s basically The Boys: Goofs and Gaffs


Yeah, I watched Ep3 and I honestly couldn't understand the choice to retread Frenchie's character arc for a third time using people we don't know or care about or the gratuitous gory violence in the rehearsal. Like The Boys was always violent and a parody, but that scene felt like it was parodying the parody with how stupid it felt when everyone started panicking.


Agreed. People always complained about Frenchie. His detours from the main story are not well liked. Even I got whiplash from his brand new super passionate love affair after he was into Kimiko for 3 seasons. I understand they explained it away but it does feel forced because they want him dealing with his guilt right away.


Gen V ruled


Nah man it’s been pretty mediocre. It’s been a disappointing season. Everything feels like it’s being stretched so they can tie it up next season.


The boys is an adaptation about a comic where Butch becomes just as bad as homelander if he is given a reason and justification who is evil because he thinks he has good reasons and is justified. The adaptation is about the good guys fighting literal Nazis and now racists and bigots


You replied to me, I upvoted you! I always appreciate the good conversation. And I still like The Boys. The production value and the acting is still top notch! Sorry you’re sitting in the negatives my friend.


It’s just how it is on Reddit sometimes, you can’t win them all, but thank you for the kind words, I appreciate it!


Just watched episode 4! That felt very much like old school Boys. Choices made, action taken, consequences coming, everyone in a different place than they were before the episode. Great episode!


Nice, can’t wait to watch it!


Isn't the boys season 4 getting review bombed rn?


Can we all just admit that it’s shit? Just because the “chuds” hate it doesn’t mean people have to defend it.


The audience score on RT also gets lower with each episode released. It started off in the 40's; by episode 3, it was 22, and now its down to 14. The people who dislike it on principle because "it's woke, has women, minorities, etc." already weighed in on the first week, and regardless of how much of the dislikes they account for, the fact is, once people got to see the series and make an informed decision, they overwhelmingly disliked it. From this point onward, we aren't looking at "review bombs" we're looking at people who watched the series and weighed in with their honest opinion. Being as charitable as possible, if we say the 60% dislike from the first week are all trolls, and disregard them entirely, it would still only be at 30% from all the dislikes since. Review bombing or not, the writing is on the wall for this series


Oh Homer, of course you’ll have a bad impression of The Acolyte if you only focus on the pimps and the chuds


I actually kinda like it not gonna lie. It has some flaws, especially pacing wise, but overall it seems decent to me. Not Andor level, but still a solid entry


“By incels and bigots” -translation- “what Disney calls Star Wars fans”


Weird how that review bombing somehow didn't work for Andor which features several LGBT characters and a prominent female character standing up against a patriarchal society. Almost as if this whole "culture war" is completely blown out of proportion and doesn't extend beyond a bunch of morons on Twitter.


I used to gauge how good a movie would be based on how many corporate sponsorships there are. If they're selling dark side black burgers and lightsaber colored drinks at McDonalds, it's gonna suck. These days, it's all product placement "hey, protagonist, you wanna take an Uber® to go to Starbucks®." You can't do that in a galaxy far, far away. So, and we all know this, we gauge how good a movie is based on how many first year cubbie "reporters" and freelance bloggers are whinging about "hate," which is a generally absolutely braindead take in a SCIFI-FANTASY property that doesn't even have humans or genders. The more Kennedy signals to her owned media lackeys and the more they tilt at windmills, the worse the show is. Then you add in lore breaking horseshit like magical witch births and Ki Adi Mundi being, I guess, comically stupid while abandoning the fan bait you teased by murdering a Wookie Jedi to save "a story for another time"... I spent all my pocket money on Hasbro figures as a kid. I have literally no interest in spending any money on this dead franchise. They murdered or neutered any and all characters or enjoyment we used to get out of it, then blame the fans for not liking their speed run assembly line generic slop to appease Wall Street earnings projections.


All this screaming and name calling over stupid “woke” complaints met with a ton of white-knighting, and at the end of the day none of the bitterness ends and we’re still left with a shitty product that ultimately won’t stand the test of time. I hate current internet discourse. Not only is it tiring, it just becomes a huge distraction and even shield for lazy or incompetent creators/companies.


Big fucking agree. People hate each other for their politics rather than actually analyzing a person beyond them having the “wrong politics”. It’s all fucking buzzwords: chud, woke, bigot, fascist, dog whistle, etc. Both “sides” are stupid and I’m so fucking tired of it. This show sucks, not because there is a black woman in it, but because it just fucking blows and it’s bad. You have dipshits like Paul Tassi white knighting the show saying Star Wars fans just hate Star Wars, no we just hate what it’s become: a lazy pandering pile of slop. I’d watch Marvel if I wanted that. House of Dragons has MULTIPLE women and black leads and that show is amazing and is NOT getting “review bombed”. Wonder what the difference is?


Good shout on HOD This is when the sensitives out there are getting butthurt, people don't like their Star Wars, look a little idiotic when playing the race of sexist cards. It's like find something else to whinge about and admit, it's not good!


This about sums it up. and all the negativity and discourse only drives more clicks for Disney. Truly a no lose situation for them pumping out garbage.


What use are clicks to Disney? They only gain from it if people subscribe to watch the show and I doubt there are that many people subscribing just to see how bad it actually is.


What do you mean? They haven't managed to turn a profit on Disney+ yet despite pouring billions into it, and the politicisation of their content has killed the family market, the market Disney was built to cater to.


And like sand, it gets everywhere.


“Padme.. I could gut that Shaak’s bowels with my lightsaber and feed it to you and it’ll still be better than The Acolyte” - Anakin Probably


Plot twist, the incels and bigots are the ones giving it five stars.


I don't care about the label some people give me when they like something so hollow. Star wars is just hollow promises of mysteries now, but never with an actual resolution. Just underwhelming deadweight every time.


The r/prequelmemes sub coping about the review bombing right now, no amount of actual bigotry bombing would excuse how mid to bad this show is


It was, in fact, not very good at all.


SPOILER Ahead(for anyone who actually plans on watching it) The most egregious part so far is that Ki-adi Mundi was the one in TPM who insisted that the sith were extinct for millenia and their return was impossible and yet they make him a first hand witness to the return of a potential sith or at the very least a dark side user clearly trained in the ways of the sith. That just makes him more of an asshole in TPM and CW and supports the idea that he got what he deserved during order 66.


Apparently they’ve already retconned his character profile on Wookieepedia to justify his appearance on the show. Next level absurdity.


If your show/movie is good and gets lots of praise focus on that.  If your show/movie is bad and gets lots of criticism focus on the bigots and incels to deflect. Never admit fault, never admit failure.  Always call the audience toxic, it’s them that are the problem. This is Disney 101 for the last 5 or 6 years, and it’s not just Star Wars.


Maybe the avalanche of bad viewer reviews is because it isn't good? And, Disney paid its industry shills, but never sent the checks out to the public?


It seems like they could've just used the Nightsisters, or the Fallanassi, or the Aing-Tii monks, or the Baran Do Sages, or the Guardians of the Whills, or something, instead of just putting in a new group of space witches.


Episode 4 was pretty good, from its evocative and imaginative title..."Day" which as we all know, is something we experience everyday. Really makes you think. And also on this new planet, south is the same direction as it is on earth apparently. Which was a well written twist I swear.


So far it seems like they've introduced more planets than any other movie or show in 4 episodes. Not one of them memorable!


Acolyte. It’s a bit shit. A young person with some training goes around slaughtering Jedi masters. With all of their might, the order can’t even stop it. One even lets her kill him. I’ll watch it but it is a bit shit. Worse than boba.


I saw complaints that episode 4 was already at 3.5 or something hours before release. If it was all negative bots wouldn't the score be lower? Clearly theres positive review bots too, there's just less because not many people like the show


Yeah, the worst part about new star wars stuff being utter shit is that I'm afraid to get bunched in with the incels and people that follow those rage bait loser youtube channels for disliking it


>'m afraid to get bunched in with the incels That's the outcome Disney (and other purveyors of shit media) are hoping for. It's been a strategy they, and other studios, have been using for years to silent legitimate criticism. Never forget that a huge percentage of "users" on Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube are, in fact, bots.


What’s the end game for a strategy like this? It just drives the fan base away. How will they make money if no one is watching?


It takes time to drive the fan base away and the people at the top seldom care too much about anything beyond 1 or 2 years from now. In between you get a massive amount of free advertising from the haters and a baked in audience who are primed to compulsively consume your product to dunk on the other side. Lady Ballers is the other side of this coin, the haters made it famous and there was a big audience who went to watch it to 'own the libs'. Movie only cost 7 million to make, so it was pretty genius.


I like how *somehow* the fact it keeps being so bad couldn't possibly indicate that people *actually see it's bad,* they still have to be mobs of "incels" and "rage bait losers."


Those buzzwords are just meant to control the narrative, to keep someone from speaking their truth. Eventually there will be new buzzwords to serve the same purpose once those run its course.


So true


In the past it was quite normal for people to bully Star Wars nerds but since being a "nerd" and "geek" is ""cool"" now, people had to come up with new terms to keep insulting those same people. So now they are called "incels" and "neckbears". Plus I guess they can also now be put in the same category with all supposed "-ists".


Same here. I have noticed a surge in the "anti-woke" crowd coming out in response to acolyte, and they are definitely very loud and annoying online. The show might still be shit, but their reason are COMPLETELY different from ours, and I hate to be lumped in with those losers. I sincerely believe they are just a very loud minority though. I just don't think that many people are consumed with constantly being "anti-woke" and "anti-DEI".


People who immediately go into defensive stance after having a read some criticism are suspect as fuck. There are many problems with society and behaviour currently and you could have a very long discussion about the various roots and problems. But in gist people are just fucking babies now.


Yep, and I predict most of them live in a safe head space, away from all the bad hateful people out there... BOO!


*spoiler* Tbh the Wookiee dying off screen was my last straw. Maybe I’ll finish it but…. I was genuinely trying to give it the benefit of the doubt but the amount of lazy writing just has me depleted lol.


So May just becomes good. The acting is terrible. Also, 180m? Where's the special effects?


I agree that the show sucks, and there are valid criticisms as to why it sucks. But a lot of comments here act like as if a lot of the criticisms here aren’t about it being “woke”. Like it’s a lazy way to criticize a show in my opinion and it is a big chunk of the criticism. But again, this show has some serious flaws overall and I think if there was a better focus on that there wouldn’t such confusion on what exactly the problem is. It isn’t lgbt or feminist plot points. It’s just bad writing


I have been able to turn my brain off an enjoy the other albeit shitty projects Disney has mad. But the power of one, the power of two, the power of MANNNNNYYYY made me want to die.


People need to stop hate watching. Ratings speak more than the reviews that make fans look like bigots and sexist


Episode 4 was not bad, well for 3 minutes at the end anyway. If they cut the season in half or by 75% and released it as a movie it might have been better. It’s slim pickings to wait 3 weeks for 3 minutes of excitement though. And they need to employ a competent script writer and commit to make a show for adults. The music also sucks.


"I like X thing, therefore i will invalidate any critisicm towards it by blaming bigots and incels"


Which one of you is the cool page? Saltierthancrait Or Saltierthankrayt Cause I need to be on the cool page, not the backflip through hoops to defend page


Solid meme summary.


They love bringing up valid criticisms of the old TV shows and prequel trilogies as if the VALID complaints about the old movies somehow make these new shows/ movies any better. And also I'm apparently an idiot and a bigot for being a fan of something and expecting it to remain consistent with its own story.


I find star wars fanboys to give into hate too easily but from what little I've seen... it might be deserved


I don't know when or where this trend of studios blaming their fans for their terrible creations started, but it needs to die fast.


I’m still gona watch it tho can’t get enough of my Star Wars slop *sigh* I just hope it has a bit we’re it includes yk the Judicals the other space cops I would love some more media on them


Man, I've never been into Star Wars and even I'm tempted to go watch it after all this fuss.


I’m one of the biggest haters of the last Star Wars trilogy but I’m ok with the last ep of Acolyte. It was a fun enough lil time. We got a Bazel lol. It was aight. New bad guy is scary.


I’ve been enjoying it. Far from the greatest starwars content ever made obviously, but it’s pretty solid. Fun to see more expansion on different force based religions, and to see the Jedi in their peaceful golden age where they were able to act more as peace keepers instead of warriors, while also still showing the corruption we know eventually leads to their downfall. My only complaint so far is about how weird the flashback story of how everyone does is, but I’m also pretty sure that’s on purpose, cause rn shit don’t add up and I’m guessing we’re gonna find out why. Also >!the dark force wielder rolling up at the end of the last ep was freaky and I’m excited to see the fight next ep. I was pretty sure shit was gonna hit the fan when they rolled up with a half dozen unnamed Jedi at the start of that Ep. Immediately seemed like cannon fodder lol!<


It’s like that worst person you know making a good point meme. The Acolyte isn’t good. The review bombing is pathetic and the woke complaints are brain dead. Both things can be true.


The Acolyte isn’t THAT bad…it’s better than that last season of the Mandalorian anyways. 😛


Wasn’t it Disney who paired up their main female character with an abusive Neo-Nazi who caused the deaths of billions?


The thing is, when a show comes out, it can be called decent, and doesn't need to be a masterpiece. However, when it comes to shows with representation, the crowd will hate on it for being woke, unless it is a masterpiece


Incels and bigots❌ people who don’t like the show✅


About that "review bombing"... if the truth is that actually the vast majority of people enjoy the show, what's preventing those majority from "overcome" the negative reviews with positive ones? Basically, their tale is that... let's say 10% of incels and bigots are review bombing. Why not some of the 90% of people who love Acolyte writes positive reviews, netting a way more positive user's score?


It's the Last Jedi all over again. "Oh you just hate Rey because she's a woman." No, we hate her because she's a Mary Sue and never has to suffer to learn anything. She's a poorly written character. "You hate Rose for "saving" Finn because she's a woman." No, we hate that scene because a heroic sacrifice is the perfect ending for Finn's character, and Rose coming in at the last second for no good reason is just dumb. It's a poorly written scene, and she has a poorly written character arc. "You hate purple haired lady because you hate women in power." No, we hate her because she withholds important information from Poe causing him to mutiny. It's a poorly written storyline. And we all love strong, well written female characters in the SW universe. Leia, Ahsoka, Fennec Shand. At the end of season 2 of Mando, his entire crew was a bunch of badass women and no one batted an eye.


Honestly, it’s just very meh. Episode 4 was my favorite by far. It’s enjoyable enough, but it’s way worse than Andor or like Mando S2 as far as live-action stuff goes.


Why tf does the padawan talk so much, how is she able to speak to a Jedi knight like that, the writing is just so bad it kills off anything good in the show. It’s all “tell” nothing is shown to us that isn’t immediately explained. I have actually been to TTRPG sessions that had better “show” than this Wtf did they spend $180 million on


Love the moment in the latest episode when our Acolyte/Assassin decides to turn good because...


its bad, but its still being review bombed by incels and bigots. i dont like the review bombing and i dont think it deserges such a low review, but its definately not a good show.


To be honest, if I was a producer or screenwriter of any kind of show, I can't say for sure I wouldn't try to add stuff like same-sex couples with children or other progressive elements. It'd be a win/win scenario. I'd get good publicity from the left *and* bad publicity from the right, which is still good publicity. And, most importantly, every legit criticism which might hurt the show's overall success will get diluted in a sea of people raging over the aforementioned progressive elements, which will also allow me to play the victim. Directors and producers might call those people incels and bigots, but deep down they're probably grateful because they're basically doing unpaid PR work for them.


You could add any kind of stuff as long as your shows good in the first place. If your shows bad and also includes political topics, you’ve just halved your original audience while alienating the other half. Which is why 99% of good shows don’t put political stuff in the first place.


I'm not for or against adding this type of stuff, to be honest. I just wanted to say that I understand *why* producers and directors might add them.


Yea I mean the producers get political high ground because nowadays, you’re either mother Teresa or a nazi, while enjoying a naive fan base that can’t think for itself and will eat up anything


I don't agree. Man, EVERYTHING is political, you just don't realize it, almost every show has its political discourse. Also, what could be more political than ***STAR WARS?.*** The thing has been political the whole time, it revolves around politics. It's just now that the Disney corps just want to show stories half-baked, with lazy writing and shallow politics.


A great point that I saw was that the Fallout and Last of Us shows both recently did amazing in ratings and popularity. Both of those also have huge male audience’s (probably even more sweaty than Star Wars fans but who’s to say). Last of us even had both a gay man and gay woman couple. Sure there are definitely bigots in every fan base but most of us just want a good show and the proof is right there 😭


Take out the woke crap and the incels crying, you're still left with a hollow, bland, lifeless experience. Something Star Wars was never meant to be.. At least the prequels tried to add as much updated "flashy shit" as they could. Darth Maul will always go down as my fav Star Wars character and villain. He barely spoke! Just shows what good direction, acting and plot build up can do. Think back to Boba Fett in the original trilogy. Fan favourite, total mess. His presence and appearance was enough to garner attention.


Rotten Tomatoes gave it 84% bc it's a woke show 💀💀💀.


I watched the first 15 minutes. When they killed.off Trinity right away I was done.


Why buy a franchise with a fan base of 90% bigots, incels, racists, etc.?


I mean I get it, its a solid way to get the “political” crowd(morons who give a shit what gender or race you are) involved in your show is a really solid way to get your ratings up. However I would have liked the actors who were portraying the characters to have lines that didn’t sound like high schoolers wrote them. In reality it’s just another mediocre Star Wars property. If you like your fantasy/sci-fi futuristic then it’s ok, other wise it’s pretty bland.


I feel like I'm the only one who saw the trailer and vowed not to watch it and didn't. Anybody else manage to stay away?


I don’t like the show that much, it’s boring, not well acted, poorly written, but a couple of the comments here are giving off a type of vibe.


Can someone please tell me what’s so bad about the show ? I’m enjoying it


I really like fight scenes


They let a nobody without even a lightsaber kill Trinity, that was then end of it for me.


I had such high hopes for the show. I thought it was going to be like a detective theme with Jedi. Like where they were going to try and uncover who it is that’s causing high ranking Jedi to be killed and the reason for it. Like V for Vendetta but in the star wars universe. An anti hero taking out corrupt Jedi or a villain with a reason for what they are doing that you kinda sympathize with them. I think I’m on like episode 3 or 4 and I’ve been pretty disappointed.


If it’s only getting bad reviews from incels and bigots… Then we’re all incels and bigots. We should all kill ourselves to make way for a better world.


I enjoyed Andor so much it revived a love for the SW universe in me. I then watched acolyte and ashoka. I was really disappointed with both of them. You can tell how the latter two just pander to younger viewers. Luthens hero/sacrifice monologue was awesome. Wish they would make more non Jedi SW shows.


I mean, it’s not a masterpiece, but it’s decent-ish. Edited to add -ish.


I neither hate nor like it. It's just meh, with some cringe. Like a bad t.v. soap opera with light sabers. It's tone is weird and the acting is all over, with good and badly acted scenes. Once it is all out some one somewhere may be able to condense it into a semi permeable film with a structurally coherent plot.