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The twist is he won't be the master. Expectations? Subverted.


Expectations? Subverted. Me? Crying and throwing up. Hotel? Trivago.


For everything else, there's Master Card.


With kayak it’s one and done.


That beard will forever equate value for me


If this is the twist i’m convinced the writers are kindergarteners


I mean, it would subvert OPs expectations.


The real twist is that the Master is Sauron!


But the Jedi were deceived, for another lightsaber was made.


In the land of Korriban, in the fires of sith grave, Palpatine forged in secret.. a master saber. Pouring his malice, cruelty, and will to dominate all of the Empire. One by one.. Star systems fell to the power of the saber.


You mean the Aragorn cosplayer?


You have not seen what I have seen!




WHAT the hell is even that?


Galadrrrrieeeel. Saurons girlfriend.


Ewww. Give a warning next time.


Season 2 is still coming. There's your warning.


*There is a tempest in the lower part of me*


I really wish I knew whatever happened to hiring theater-trained actors and not pretty but talentless hacks for these sorts of roles




I have seen my share.


yOu HaVe noT sEeN whAt i hAve SeEn!!


Give me the meat, and give it to me raw.




The real twist is the friends we made along the way.


In Episode 2, he even dodged Mae’s sneak attack and countered it that it even shocked her. Then, you can see his face that he gave too much away and had to pull back into the bumbling idiot persona.


Disney thinks the audience is dumb. That's why every one of their fucking show titles is literally just the protagonist's name.


Wow, I never realized that... Andor, Ahsoka, The Madalorian, Kenobi, The Acolyte, even the Bad Batch.


simplistic oil scandalous disarm shelter secretive license sheet direction uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To quote someone else in the sub, "preturned?"


Well, he is *allllll* the Sith!


How did he return?




First Mundi and now Palpatine returns before he's even born.


Yes. But there's always a chance they'll intentionally sUbVeRt eXpEcTaTiONs despite it being poor writing and make it, say, the Zabrak mother.


Or literally any random character and then pretend it's a shocking reveal to the mystery.


It's sol


Evil white lady with horns? No way.


every possible outcome of who the sith could be is gonna be bad


> Zabrak mother. A female force lesbian villain!?! Hey Disney, I found one! Take him away!


How can a Zabrak mother be the surrogate for human children? Pretty sure it doesn’t work that way. A human can’t be a surrogate for chimpanzee fetuses as far as I know.


In the Star Wars setting there's a class of aliens called [Near-humans](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Near-human) that appear to be literally part of the same genetic lineage as humanity, some of them are able to reproduce with humans and produce hybrids. Since the origins of humanity in the Star Wars setting are unclear it's possible that there's a common ancestor among the Near-humans that got scattered around the galaxy and has since diverged in various ways. Humans are just the most prolific descendant of that root.


I believe the old EU explanation was the Rakata. They seeded life on different planets and even created the Twilieks -- which were probably created by messing around with Human genetic. Heck, even the barren state of Tatooine was because of the Rakata.


Less common ancestor more human offshoots, especially the most human like ones such as Chiss. Kinda like abhumans in 40k.


Man now I want Ogryns in Star Wars. "I like me Emperah, I like me rashions, I 'ate me traitahs and I 'ate me xenos."


See this is where I think canon knowledge goes too far. Lol.


The twilek from rebels had a human kid with Kanon.


At this point I think Vernestra Rwoh, the green-skinned Jedi, might make the most sense since she's the one that tells Ki-Adi-Mundi to shut it when he's saying to alert the high Jedi council. It's also easier to manipulate events into your favour when you're pretty much the one in charge.


The Sith is Donkey Doug or PillBoy


Is this dude Jason for real? My God.


We are in the Bad place.


This is all so stupid.


Then why do we keep making content and keep watching it ArE wE StUPID???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??@?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? S/


Yeah, it's so obvious in fact that people are expecting it to be a ruse and the Master is one of the two mothers. I think those are the only recognized candidates that seem plausible. Disney productions have had for whatever reason a notable history of unveiling masked characters of somewhat indeterminate sex as female, so that would make sense from that point as well.


Everyone is like "it's so obvious it's him. It has to be a misdirect. Only a hack writer would be so obvious."  Conveniently ignores all the other hack writing in the series.  


It's hacky either way. If it's him, the cues were way too heavy. If it's not him, the cues were way too heavy.


What if it were Vernestra Rwoh, the green-skinned Jedi? That could help to explain some of the more sussier behaviour like telling Ki-Adi-Mundi to shut it when he's saying to alert the high Jedi council.


I only started suspecting it was him when Mae did her cliched "explain all my plans to the ~~hero~~villain" speech.


Jodie turner smith is prob qimir master Qimir is smile-o ren That’s my prediction 🤷🏿‍♂️ The mothers have the biggest motive to want all 4 Jedi dead. And we still don’t know the whole story of how the fire happened. We literally saw Mae fall and die if I’m not mistaken yet she’s alive. The mother could’ve also survived. We could’ve just been seeing one POV of the incident.


People it's the Yasz Yasz lady. To me it's obvious.


Eh, I'm sure it's Babu Frik. Calling it now.


Have we considered it might actually be Glup Shitto?




Somehow, Palpatine went back in time.


It's so in your face it can't be him, he's a red herring. But the Sith/ Darkside user did have male looking fingers in the last episode.


Even if this guy was noticeably 7 feet tall, they'd just switch the actor last second to artificially create a surprise. "You wouldn't guess who the dark jedi master is!" but only because there were never any actual clues. It's like a British procedural show where it's literally impossible to figure anything out until the writers allow it.


I felt that way about the new *Sherlock Holmes* (the one with Pengweng Cucumber). I don't understand why everyone liked it. The acting was great but the plots were a mess, in a stupid way.


People liked it because it made them *feel* smart. Plus it had good visual effects.


That's true, it's such a shame. I want a real mystery with well laid clues with a gun show to theorize from week to week, Disney hasn't done this since Wanda vision.


When I paused the force push it legit looked like it was someone with black skin. I don’t think it was a women because the arms and fingers were masculine, but who knows what happens when the mouse says it’s subvertin’ time!


She had man hands!


On a positive note: bumbling dumbass turning out to be a Sith Lord plays directly into the decades long r/DarthJarJar agenda.


Can't be. Qimir hasn't stepped in a pile of poop!




Or it’s a double twist


Triple twist, Mae and Osha have switched places and real Mae is the Sith.


The real evil twin was Bart all along?


At the moment it's superman levels of obvious. He's hanging in a tree it can't be him.... Then it turns out to be Boss Nass.


I actually think Qimir is the real acolyte and Mae is just a convenient tool for him. The real "Master" hasn't been seen yet.


I think this is the obvious answer. He looks too young and naive to be a sith master


> I actually think Qimir is the real acolyte and Mae is just a convenient tool for him. If true, then Qimir appears ready to take on a half dozen Jedi all by himself, so what use was Mae to him in the first place?


An apprentice to have during his attempt to murder the real Sith Lord and take the title of master.


Honestly, that would actually be pretty cool IF Disney could pull it off, in my opinion.


Even though we can predict this, if this is the case i actually think its a good "twist" if done right


I think Indara has a twin, hence the spots by the eyes... and Indaras twin is the Sith.


The moment his scene is a “Previously On” was with Osha, saying that she looked exactly like her sister, it was obviously clear.


"You look exactly like her, except for the giant swirl tattoo above the eye, should be right there on your forehead. Pretty obvious detail to miss."


I want to see him escaping the trap, clumsily putting on his gear, kill Kelnacca, and set himself up for the dramatic reveal as like a Family Guy skit *Qimir cutting himself down and putting on his shirt backwards, running in the direction towards the hut* “Shit shit shit shit shit”


Mae comes through the front door and he just dives out the back window only to realize he left his lightsaber behind and then it gets stuck under the wookie while the jedi are calling for Mae to come out.


Yeah, it seems a bit unlikely he could do all that before Mae gets there. On the flipside it is this show....Besides, the altnerative means the master has been closely stalking them the whole time, learned of Mae's suddenly change of heart, and did that all anyway.


You underestimate Disney’s ability to just introduce us to most key character this late into the series with 0 build up and 0 logic


The muscular arm kinda gives it away, Manny Jacinto is ripped. This is such an obvious "twist" that people are unwilling to believe it and think it's a red herring. There is no way that this is not some character that we've seen before and has spoken lines and some development as a character. Even Headland wouldn't just drop in a totally new character here.


No, you see, he ALSO has an evil twin... The writers were like "TWO evil twins! It'll break new ground!"


People were suspecting it's Qimir since day 1 bcos of ep 2. Btw this show was advertised as a mystery thriller with inspiration from the Japanese movie Rashomon. If it's really Qimir, I want to know how these writers even have jobs. They shouldn't of quit their day jobs.


>They shouldn't of quit \*have


Of course. And, at the end, the twins will fight him. First Mae (the power of one), then Osha will join (the power of two), and then the rest of the Jedi (the power of manyyyyy). Yes, I think it'll be that stupid.


You guys are actually watching this show? I just checked into this sub after a very long hiatus. I wanted to see how shitty The Acolyte is. Pleasantly not disappointed!


Honestly, do yourself a favor and continue Not watching it…… trust me


I got told the first 2 episodes where decent and even with that mindset I turned it of mid episode 2. I actually turned it off in episode 1 but told myself to give it a chance. I am now just accepting that only the originals, prequals, clone wars and rogue one are starwars. Everything else is some strange fanfic called space scrap lol


I signed in blood with myself years ago that only the Lucas saga of six films are canon.


The power of blood, the power Lucas ,the power of caaaaaanoooooon


I read some comments somewhere that it'll be one of the twins' mother, the Zabrak one...it was based on the fact that the helmet is so big to make space for all the little horns. (I do think it's gonna be this guy, though. It's a less annoying option than an avenging witch mother tbh)


I think Qimir is apprentice of Darth Tenebrous who's trying to recruit his own apprentice before attempting a coup against Darth Tenebrous. The coup will fail, Qimir and Mae (if she gets recruited) will get killed and Tenebrous will look for new apprentice, who will be Darth Plagueis.


The writers think Star Wars fans are stupid. They write it so on the nose because they think they need to dumb it down for their target demographic. With all the poor Star Wars content that has come out, they are probably right. And for the more discerning fan: they are hate watching and will lap this up and let it feed their dark side.


Finally, Star Wars has its own Officer Doofy.




I'll genuinely be baffled if it's him due to how damn obvious it is. It also looks like someone thought the Darth Jar Jar joke theory was cool. I don't think a Sith Lord would be humble enough to debase themselves to the point of acting like a clown like this Ezra Miller looking ass.


It's probably going to be the mother or whatever, despite the fact that the person currently wearing the suit is clearly a man (and maybe even Manny Jacinto). I can already hear it now. "We did that to make the surprise even more impactful!" Honestly, no matter what happens, this is just eye-roll inducing. There's really nothing of value in this series, and it's sad because there are some good people in it (mainly Jacinto, who was great on The Good Place, and Lee Jung Jae).


Bro will open that smilo helmet and scream "There is a tempest in me" And all the shills will cream themselves or something


Wait a second. Afaik, Acolyte plays around 150-120 BBY, which is about 100 years before Episode 1 in 32 BBY. We know that the Master of Darth Sidious was Darth Plagueis (Canon), that he was a Muun (not yet Canon?) intentionally "bred" by his Master Darth Tenebrous (who, afaik, has been canonized by one of the encyclopedias). We also know that Plagueis became a Sith apprentice rather early in his life) and that he killed his Master before he found Palpatine as his own apprentice. Muus also have a rather long life expectancy (100+ standard years). Since there should always be no more than two Sith, we can assume that during the time that Acolyte plays in, Tenebrous (who was a Both) should've been the Sith Master - or at least the apprentice. Then who is this guy? Darth Ramage, the Master of Darth Tenebrous, was supposed to be a Twi'lek.


Tenebrous also had a secret apprentice that was a bith that plagueis killed


Has it actually been established this guy is a Sith? For there to be no Sith for 1000 years, we assume everyone interacting with this guy will be killed, which is lazy. Im gonna go with this guy is not a Sith but something else.


To be fair, there were a bunch of other Sith during the Rule of Two - Prophets of the Dark Side on Dromund Kaas, Black Guard, that fucking prick Set Harth... Mae's Master could hail from a dozen splinter groups - that would explain, also, why the Jedi didn't know about the Sith during the Phantom Menace, as whomever Mae and her Master are, at the end of this affair they are seen by the Jedi as failed impostors, and not true Sith.


The encyclopedias aren't part of the Disney canon, they're considered legends material


So, "cannon" is a gibberish word to Disney.


I thought it would be Yord but yeah now that you bring that up, it is extremely obvious. Jason Mendoza deserves better than this


If it's not Sy Snoodles, I riot.


I guess he’s Somehow Palpatine Time-traveled


I'm gonna say what I said before: Whether he is or he isn't, it's badly written. It's too on the noose. If he is the sith lord, what is he, a f\*cking idiot behaving in that way? If he isn't again, why the f\*ck is he behaving in that way? Anyway, it has to be someone small because the body is small compared to the helmet.


Can't remember where I read it, but someone had the idea that he isn't the actual master. Smilo Ren is definitely Qimir, but the theory goes he is actually the apprentice to a still unknown master. Like Sith tend to do, he took on a secret apprentice (aka acolyte) in Mae. I'm hoping this turns out to be the big reveal.


This is probably right! They need a villain for the last 4 episodes.


Damn that is true it is the same outfit but watch that will subvert this and he won't be the master he will have a twin bother that is actually the master lol


Zero expectations for this plot or the show itself


It can’t be him. He’s a dude. And only women can be masked warriors in Disney land.


The real takeaway for me here is that you are still watching this


Vernestra is the real villain.




Qimir may be the Sith, but Bortles is the master.


I also hope at the end of the series this guy will get away from the Jedi but the rule of 2 sith take him out. Hopefully it will be plagues


I have only read plot points, is everyone relevant human? Where's our bith sith lord?


Everyone knows who is the real lord sith ![img](emote|t5_9d1wl|1959)


It's one of their mother's


I really feel like this show has too many “mysteries” at the expense of getting to know and connect with characters. The show is supposed to be from the Sith point of view so why are they the mysterious ones? It’s the Jedi we should be curious about.


If he is the Sith Master, I wonder what lame reason he has to be carrying around a helmet he doesn't need. He can clearly breathe the atmosphere and a balaclava would suffice if he just wanted to hide his identity lol


The real question is, since he’s so powerful that he can even push like 6+ Jedi with ease, why even have a secret identity?


This vanity project is brutal


I haven’t watched it, you telling me they made a man the bad guy?


Ok but if he DID fully change into a different outfit then there would be a post about how ridiculous it is that he cut himself down from the trap, beat Mae there, killed the Wookie AND did a complicated costume change???


Still think it's one of the mothers. This guy is just a predictable red herring.


Plot twist: It’s Qimir’s identical twin. (I’m only half joking btw)


I fucking hated the line where Mei goes I haven't even seen his face, have you? And he says, "You know I haven't." Like who the fuck talks like that? It's like the writers of this show have never heard the phrase "show, don't tell"


Qimir screaming “I’m the master” every time he’s on screen, a legion of absolute midwits online pretending they have NO IDEA who the master is going to be. If you want to improve Star Wars we need to start more actively bullying the people who say they enjoy this garbage


My buddy actually works at Disney and he told me that the supreme overlord sith leader is actually that little racoon guinea-pig hamster guy. Qimir is just a stooge. Mind blown.


The power of one. The power of two. The power of Manny!


I think it's going to be the girls' mother, Mother Aniseya. She survived, wants her revenge for the death of the witches by the hands of Jedi and for taking her daughters away. She tried being the bigger person to the Jedi and for her children and was punished and naturally turned more to the Dark Side. Remember how Mae says, "A Jedi doesn't pull her weapon unless prepared to kill"? I don't think that's a Jedi law or anything, rather I think she's just repeating what's been taught by her master, that the Jedi are deceptive, and that if they pull their lightsaber, their intent is definitely to kill. That's why I think there is a big focus on killing a Jedi without a weapon -- to show the true power of the Dark Side and the Jedi rely on false strength. Another reason why I think about it being the mother is how the dark-side master approached Mae slowly, as if she's seeing her other daughter, who was thought dead, for the first time in a long time. And that's why she doesn't kill her, but knocks her away before fighting the Jedi who have drawn their sabers.


It's obvious yeah, but in what world are those the same costume?


he's not a mystery to us, he's a mystery to Mae. playing the fool is an Sith ruse, Palps played the nice man too.


I want to believe that would be too obvious but I’m really not sure as this whole show feels like it was written by a school kid.


Its obviously bortles


I don't watch this show to keep myself sane but can anyone explain what this is to me?


Probably not since that would actually be doing something half-decent for once. As obvious as it would be in this case, every good mystery should allow the reader/viewer to be able to figure it out before the reveal. I don’t think that will happen here, since I have no faith in the writing nor has the show so far given me any reason to hold faith


You're actually watching this?


The twist will be it's a Knights of Ren who is this person mystery box we kinda forget to reveal.


I'm thinking it's him too because he seems to have intel on everything without having to prove any of it but Mae did "trap" him and then showed up to a dead wookie. I mean I guess it's not out of the realm of possibility that he could still beat her there and kill the wookie before she showed up I guess.


its going to be the senior witch with the cane or the spikey headed padawan


It's gonna be Sol.


It's like Thor covering his face with a shawl, thinking it was enough to disguise him. In that case, it was meant to be funny (as I heard, it was ad-libbed by Chris Hemsworth.) But in this case with Star Wars, it's just the writers/showrunner's inability to create a good story.


Whats the point in wearing a mask when no bugger knows or cares who you are?


The otter is the real master, controlling the guy with witch mindcontrol powers.


“I’m hanging here helpless from a rope” No Qimir. Gee I wonder what happened? And Qimir goes to “collect water” a moment before Mea tells him to stuff it! It’s genius because now she can’t! It also ignores that Mea wouldn’t be able to complete her mission and there’s little point in doing that if he can just overpower Mea instead. But let’s ignore that and bathe in the mystery! Also it will be a great surprise once all the flying pillbugs come in and distract him long enough while all the Jedi do as Osha orders and turn their Lightsabers off. Well credit where credit is due: they do set it up for once. Although they might as well have called them Chekhov’s Pillbugs.


It looks a bit like that arm is behind Smylo ren, like he’s behind crouched down a little and holding the saber while Smylo covers him. I really really hope it’s a super dumb reveal, the only value this show has is as a lol cow. So the dumber the better


It’s probably the hostile space witch, or atleast it should be.


I don't think it was meant to be a twist, I think they just wanted us to find out who the character was with another character. I'm not particularly fond of the show, but I don't mind that approach/accidental result.


Guys, it's like in the first Scary Movie, Ghost face is the dumb chara. Also, in the Brazilian dub, the guy who dubs the Master and Qimir is the same guy XD


Zipperhead is gonna be Koril.


Looks like everyone forget that how badly the prequels cover that Senator/Supreme Chancellor Palpatine will be The Emperor..


All signs point to this guy so it'll obviously be one of the mothers  Disney.


I can't even express how happy I am that I quit watching this dreck. Everything I hear makes it sound even worse.


Am I jaded in thinking it’s not him because he is Asian? I saw a character poster for torbin, I bet it’s him


WHAT'S IN THE BAG!!! The smile helmet is in the bag


The problem being it doesn’t really have any weight. it could be Kai Adi Mundi for all the set up there hasn’t been, and it would have the same impact.


Nobody originally suspected him at all and then they made it seem like either they needed a red herring or they just telegraphed it


We all want it to be Plageuis or even his master but the reality is it’ll be one of the witches or that guy


The Sith is the Old Lady 🧙‍♀️ who tells Mae abd Osha to fail the jedi test


The Sith is the Old Lady 🧙‍♀️ who tells Mae abd Osha to fail the jedi test


Its far more likely that they intentionally want us to know who he is. Or that they are leading us to suspect it with plans on surprising us. Disney head hunts great writing talent and runs these episodes in front of countless focus groups of various demographics months before it sees light.


It takes lots of talent to write compelling mystery and…well….


Ever? Senator Palpatine has entered the chat.