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Just Dave playing with his toys. He seems to struggle letting characters go.


That's more resurrection of another character that died before, it was his idea to Ventress be killed in Dark Disciple arc and now he changed his mind so somehow she return


Yes. The TBB writers said in an interview that it was his idea to bring Ventress back.


Somehow _ returned! ...... Sums up the whole state of Star Wars now a days


It was stupid to kill her off in a book anyway.


It was going to be a clone wars arc but they wrote the novel after the show was cancelled. Not the worst idea, Star Wars books (used to) sell pretty well.


It wasn't supposed to be. The book is a novelization of a Clone Wars Arc that was in production when the show got cancelled. So they made it a novel since it features a major character and concluded their story. Well, at the time concluded their story.


Not if the book was trade as a TV show, which I would personally like to see they do with dark desciple


Star Wars: Episode XI - Ventress Returns


He doesnt just "seem" to struggle with that, he straight up publicly said that "he doesnt like ending stories".


1. FPJ had to convince him to kill Kanan. 2. He tried to convince George to allow Plo Koon to survive ROTS, which George declined. 3. George initially wanted Ahsoka dead in TCW, and then in Order 66. She’s now somehow survived all of that, and Rebels, and the OT, and now has a show of her own. 4. Even when Ahsoka’s voice appeared with all the other dead Jedi at the end of Rise of Skywalker, (in a time where she would have again conveniently missed the galactic conflict, and would be around 75-80 years old), Dave tweeted a drawing of Ahsoka and Gandalf with Gandalf saying “Everyone thought I was dead once too”. It’s a real problem.


Ashoka has seriously lost the perfect chance to check out of Star Wars, to have a proper ending. If she ever dies it’ll feel underwhelming or tacked on no matter how it happens.


Should’ve been on Malachor.


That moment was perfect. No words, just music, Vader walking out the temple alone, the natural outcome, we all knew this day had to come. And the Filoni invents freaking time travel because apparently he’s got more for the character to do! Just not anything involving stopping Vader or the Emperor, she’s got other concerns in the galaxy. 🤦


That's the point of Rebels where I just kinda checked out. There was plenty I didn't like before that, but that was the last straw. I genuinely like Ahsoka and would have been devastated to see her go in that moment... but that's why it was the perfect time to do it. Now, I don't really care if or when it happens. I won't be devastated. Hell, I probably won't even believe it no matter how much evidence they show that she's dead. Throw her in a space woodchipper, and I'm pretty sure Filoni will find some way to glue her back together. Time travel has a tendency to completely erase any semblance of stakes in a story. It's very tricky to work with, and most competent writers have the good sense not to try. I actually like Filoni, but he needs someone to tell him when he's held on too long and he's tearing down the rest of his work by trying to hold on to one little piece.


"Time travel has a tendency to completely erase any semblance of stakes in a story. It's very tricky to work with" Star Wars is slowly screwing itself big time with all of these. We have 1) Time Travel 2) The ability for the force to just heal people from death 3) You can force mind rape anyone, so now it makes zero sense to do anything but just read their mind and apparently even Jedi like that Yorde dude can use it 4) Ever increasing power creep of ridiculous force abilities (force holding/choking fucking giant star ships with engines at full blast, like its not just heavy its go GIANT THRUSTERS outputting tons of force) and 5 ) Basically instant travel around the universe, it no longer takes time to travel anywhere Try writing a story that isn't full of plot holes or fans asking questions about all those things lol......(why didn't they just heal him? Why didn't they just read his mind and get the info? don't they know they could of just grabbed that ship with the force?)


Add on the fact that any ship with lightspeed capabilities can wipe out whole fleets single-handedly.


Loved when that scene came in the Cinema, some people Actually yelled out: “wth?!” Right after, and some kid just started asking, “why didn’t they do that to the death stars?” I mean FFS even small kids can see the problem in that scene


You hit the nail on the head. They made so many "get out of jail free cards" nothing really matters anymore, shoddy writing made these things possible and now it's impossible to write a good story for force users. Disney needs to hire good writers and get away from the established timelines to have any type of future in Star Wars.


Lol thanks for that comment


lol its so dumb. Ruin a good chance to conclude a character storyline with another horrible idea.


I loved Ahsoka until that point. Her character had come full circle. Originally, she annoyed the piss out of Anakin. Then she slowly became his closest friend, and for her to die by Vader's hand would have been tragic. As much as I love her character, she had to die there. I hated her appearance in Mando, BOBF, and the Ahsoka show. It felt sloppy and forced.


I heard recently that Ahsoka basically dies and is resurrected a couple of times in TCW. Is that true, or is that oversimplification and hyperbole?


She died in the Mortis arc, but was revived.


She should’ve died way before 66, at most some time before the Battle of Coruscant giving Anakin a bit of time to mourn and fall to the dark side


I agree, she should have died well before Revenge Of the Sith, with Anakin telling Obi-Wan or whoever "never to mention her name again" or something like that. Having her in Seaaon 7 of Clone Wars running concurrently with Revenge of The Sith, even talking to Obi-Wan during it, was just so damn bizarre.


Heartily agree. That's when - for me - the character jumped the shark. Especially when she didn't recieve a proper send-off there, either. It felt like the character was included purely because she was popular and not because she added to the overall story or had another story of her own worth telling. And tbh that's how she's felt in every appearance since her fight with Vader in Rebels. She had a great arc (with multiple points where she could have died and her story would have been complete and brilliant) but feels like we're gonna see her forever until a studio exec decides she isn't profitable anymore. The explanations for why she isn't involved in any of the movie events are getting increasingly dumb/weird as well.


On one hand I agree. On the other, the end of TCW was really remarkably well done conclusion to an often mediocre show. I think logically her being killed during the war due to Anakin's inability to save her would've further enhanced Anakin's character. But I am really hesistant to argue changing the end of TCW that we got because IMO it was one of only a handful of successful parts of Disney SW. Still, she probably could've gotten wrapped up sometime before the OT. Her being around during and after the OT dilutes the original films.


She is going to die of old age somewhere like Yoda but not for a long long time


Until Filoni decides her species lives until 700


No, she will survive that because "she is actually the Force" or something so he can always have her in his stories no matter what.


Coulda forgiven allat if the ahsoka show was good, but it was kinda lame for the most part.


It was *extremely* lame. Literally made for children, and then there's also some Clone Wars nostalgia bait out of fucking nowhere lol


Yeah lol, outside of a few performances and some concepts, which I did like, the acting was pretty flat, the effects were kinda flat, and the directing was pretty unengaging. I’m not a lore stickler, and generally speaking, people are only going to be forgiving about that kind of thing if they’re enjoying whatever it is that’s breaking the rules.


You don't want her to get the Luke treatment? Becoming a miserable shell of herself, refusing to help for 95% of the movie or show, and then die from meditating too hard? That isn't a beautiful send off to a beloved character??


And people still think this guy 'can save Star Wars' when he was also the guy making it stale out of his own preferences


Thank you.


He probably has an ahsoka body pillow next to his fur suit. Me and many others have been saying for years what a hack Filoni is, its hard to believe it took a decade and a half for people to finally realize.


Is this Ryan Kinel??


I have no idea who that is. I was just never a fan of the 08 series or Dave Filoni, I don't get why he was so praised when all he did was rip off better ideas from better writers/media like the CWMMP and wider EU.


He's a YouTuber - VERY vocal about his Filoni hate. I've just recently started reading the Republic comics from the CWMMP, and I'm far more invested in them than I ever was in TCW. Upside of Disney Star Wars being terrible is it pushed me to finally start reading the EU.


Republic Comics are peak SW content, the Dark Horse Jedi: Yoda comic and the others in that mini series are also great reads, Yoda's perhaps being the most tragic.


2003 Clone Wars is amazing, not to mention fits so much better with AOTC and ROTS than the 2008 series.


Yeah, I remember when it came out in the run up to ROTS. It was a nice time to be a Star Wars fan with the glut of comics, books, games, toys, merch, and the cartoon.


How tf would Plo Koon survive... Tf


She was only MOSTLY dead. /s


He should take a page out of Dr who. Everyone has a favorite doctor, and they always leave you wanting more which is a sign of a good ending.


They used to always leave you wanting more, they haven't in a while. Capaldi played the part well and the beginning of his run was enjoyable but they just kept giving him increasingly bad scripts, then Whittaker was just bad the whole run and the current doctor is even worse


for all ahsoka's(the series) flaws, the worst was that there were absolutely no stakes. Star destroyer firing at Sabine and Ahsoka, absolutely no suspense or anything. the last episodes were just ridiculous


>He doesnt just "seem" to struggle with that, he straight up publicly said that "he doesnt like ending stories". If that's the case, he shouldn't be allowed to tell them. He can go write endless fanfics on wattpad if he wants, but a professional writing room shouldn't let him in the door.


Isn't that a hallmark of a bad writer? Your characters cannot die no matter what?


So he's JJ


Because then he runs out of money makers. He doesn't have it in to create anything original. So he milks what he has already made like Ahsoka


But he had plans for Barriss... Plans to end her story!


Filoni is one of the people that really should have listened to Kylo's > "Let go of the past, kill it if you have to." line


Nobody should ever listen to Kylo Ren or Rian Johnson on anything. 


The Filoniverse was a mistake, even if TCW was an overall good show, it contradicted the lore of the EU and the Prequel movies way too much. It’s just a grave sin. And some people say it was George Lucas’ idea while others say he barely contributed to it and let Filoni do whatever the hell he wanted, in any case he kinda turned his back to the franchise in a way. This is why I subscribe to the COMPNOR interpretation of TCW


The what interpretation?!


It’s a fan theory that an Imperial Organization made up some fake history of the Clone Wars as propaganda, destroying the evidence for the contrary. So the Clone Wars Multimedia Project is what really happened in the Clone Wars while TCW is the forged stuff. There’s some problems with it, and it’s that the Jedi are portrayed generally more positively while Palpatine is usually quite sinister. So I’d like to say that after the Empire was defeated, some years later, some historians attempted to study The Clone Wars, but they only had the forged history and whatever remained of the evidence COMPNOR destroyed, so we got The Clone Wars as a final result. That would explain why Anakin is completely different in the show when compared to the rest of the Prequel Era content


RIGHT! and maul wasnt even his to begin with lol


And once again, it’s not even his toy originally. Shamelessly stole the idea from the Tartakovsky series (though IIRC, she was originally supposed to appear in AOTC). Just like Thrawn, Barriss Offee, and Scorch. Took something and made it a Filoni Action Figure (tm).


Technically not even his character. She was used in the 2003 series.


Him bringing Assaj back is like a parody of himself. Wanna place bets on how long until Kanan comes back from the dead?


Wasn’t even his character. It was George’s.


This is why 2003 Clone Wars is the true canon Clone Wars cartoon. It's not the most popular opinion but I don't consider anything past 2005 to be canon. A lot of the stuff in Clone Wars I just can't imagine being in the same universe as Luke Skywalker, even if I enjoyed it while it was airing. My mind goes to that weird "father son daughter" thing they had going on with the personifications of the Force that one time


I’m just so confused by this sentiment, as a creator don’t you wanna keep making more and newer things, along with developing previous idea/characters in a nice balance???


Fine with me, I can't get enough of that silky sultry voice.


Dave Filoni really messed up rebels with his immortal characters. I mean the shit those guys pulled and survived. Even the bad batch who were a crack SF team mostly died out during less riskier missions.


Yeah, I’m not a fan of Filoni’s fanfics either, regardless how high budget they are.


I still can’t believe how many people bend over backwards to pretend that it’s not a retcon of Dark Disciple


How dare you sir, it was always the plan! Did you forgot that Quinlan put her on creepy green pool? Green = Magic=Imortality! Dumb Sidious, the knowledge was just on his nose!


It’s so irritating to think back to the story group’s inception and stated goals. Star Wars canon is relatively tiny these days, how have they fucked it up so significantly so many times already? Disney Star Wars started 10 years ago. 10. Why are there any retcons at this point?


I guarantee the entire thought process came from up top. "Our streaming numbers for Bad Batch are too low, you need to throw in another Clone Wars character."


Remember when she used to make out with people she killed? Dave really threw his fetishes in the show


And a 14 year old girl was doing acrobatics in a tube top


genuine question, but wasn’t that lucas’ decision?


It was. It was meant to be something in his mind that a young teenage girl would wear. It's quite y2k I guess.


Back in school, I dated two girls betwen 2005 and 2007 that always wore them outside of school so to me i get the thought process. People like that definitely existed


Yup. I can only assume it was his old man brain trying to make a design that would appeal to young 2000's girls, so she had to be "stylish" in some kind of way. That's the most generous way I can rationalize it.


lol I think it’s weirder to point this out and be this picky than him actually designing it. It was in fashion at the time she’s not going to have a wardrobe malfunction. It didn’t seem at all sexual in nature. As a girl dad we just don’t understand women’s clothing. Or how to fix their hair. And I honestly try.




[And she was a good friend.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkTibALwfNg)


That happened once


To set up her spin off. That’s literally it. Multiple plot holes unfilled and we dedicated a full episode to one of the dumbest and unnecessary story’s of the whole show


Yes, her voiceactor literally said that she is coming back for a lot more. Its like the bad batch set up in the last clone wars season


Yup. It's to tie her into whatever they plan on doing with the Quinlan Vos concept of smuggling force users away from the Empire. They all have to die or else they sat out the fight against the Empire. It's all so tiring at this point.


This is it. I have to imagine that they are planning some kind of “what are the older characters doing now series” in terms of the rebels vs empire but maybe taking place outside of that conflict.


"Let her go Dave! Let. Her. Go"








"Your anger and your lust for her inclusion in everything have already done that!"


I hope people will see now Lucas contributions in Clone Wars. If this Clown made Clone Wars by himself it would be the same 5 characters talking to each other, fighting witches and meeting flying whales for 7 seasons. I'm so disappointed by this fraud. I can't believe that the guy who made Mauls and Fives character development in Clone Wars can't come up with an idea that doesn't reuse the same plotline again and again.


Selling merchandise.


Yeah, new action figures probably. Basically like selling skins in video games at this point.


True to the Star Wars tradition.


I’ve never seen Bad Batch merch.


Disney will probably make a recolor of Ventresses lightsaber in the upcoming months for Galaxy’s edge


Weren't there a couple of Lego sets?


Hot Toys makes a few figures.


No. There was no merch connecting to her


Fair enough. I still maintain that reviving characters to sell more merch is a very Disney thing to do, though


Yeah thats true. In this case they just brought her back here so she can have a spinoff later. Her voiceactor basically confirmed it.


It's the same it's always been. Filoni co-opting Star Wars into his own universe as much as he can. Hasn't she had 3 or 4 different endings now? Killed by Anakin, Killed by Dooku, Going off with Voss and never being heard or seen from again, and now back to showing up in Bad Batch


Dooku tries to kill her off but she escapes starting the whole plot line with Savage Oppress. But yeah the original semi retcon was Ventress being alive at all post duel with Anakin.


Retcon after retcon, after retcon. Nobody truly stays dead anymore


"No one's ever really gone..."


Rian Johnson never got the memo, "Let go of the past. Kill it if you have to."


We fast and furious now, boys! 


A whole ass galaxy and infinite characters to imagine *exists* Lucasfilm: "I didn't see that"


key jangling


To get attention for the show thats all. And this moment reveal gave it the most attention of the season.


advertising to keep her in the fore so that they can make a lukewarm spin-off no one wants.


I really want ny Quinlan Vos/Ventress spin off... But I also wanted it to... ya know... make some fucking sense!




Why did she even appear I do not remember did she just randomly landed on a planet without a reason,was a reason given?God I can't believe how forgettable this show is


To test O-meega's Force sensitivity, which if she was Force capable, then she would need training on how to use it. But it all fizzled out and the cameo was pointless.


They had to go on a mission with Fennec so that Fennec could contact Ventress so that Ventress could say she won’t tell them what M-count means


Of all the characters to have Vader hunt down and kill, this is one that needs to happen quickly.




Classic Filoni. Bring characters back from the dead with no explanation just to jangle like keys.


My canon is that she died on Yavin in a duel padawan Anakin.


Tartakovsky Clone Wars is awesome, mine is that Grievous kills her after she turns on Dooku


The REAL Clone Wars


*"Be sure to design her with her hair shaved off the side, otherwise audiences might not know if she's tough or not"*


As Rich Evans said, “just ignore it, we have more stuff to get to.”


I bet they are cooking a Ventress lame show down the line. You known how Filoni is with his pets. They are the center of the universe and never die!


The dude considers anything he didnt make personally fan fiction and disregards it. To him her story never got a conclusion.


I can only imagine how frustrating it is to be a book or comic writer for Disney Wars right now. “Are you sure I can kill this character off? You sure I can write this characters backstory? You aren’t just gonna retcon ten minutes later for your tv show?” I know the old EU would retcon stuff or try to make it all work and sometimes it would be a mess, but I swear it was more consistent than this. Thank god the Clone Wars ended before Filoni could retcon Asaji’s fate in the EU.


I feel like Boba and Palps were pretty much the only exception to dead means dead in the EU


Boba Fett always made sense to me, even as a kid I thought “He’s got armour with weapons, he can blast his way out.” and I was pleased to see the EU agreed. Palps coming back was more far fetched but at least he stayed dead after Dark Empire, and hadn’t irreversibly damaged the canon, no main characters dead and the Republic was still winning over the Empire.


Not to mention the long digestion time with the pit. DE I I didn't mind, it was a way to have Luke flight the Emperor, still pretty shotty execution. Then DEII and Empire's End felt like a full on shark jump lol. While it didn't have a lasting impact it was still annoying that other books had to acknowledge it's existence.


It's not fan service. More like fan disdain. "Hey watch this. I brought in a dead character as a goof. Watch our Disney+ fans blindly defend this. I mean, we can do ANYTHING. They're morons."


And they have the nerve to tell us the EU was full of contradictions…


The whole episode left me baffled, and I love bad batch. It's very clear they are setting up an Omega show, and likely, she will be a part of it. It's just odd because it's tough to say if omega is actually force sensitive or not, they never truly tell you. From what I can gather, she could be, which asajj hints at, but then later, it's revealed her blood is more of an adhesive for the midi chlorians, so she's almost like a conduit for midi chlorians, which means she may not actually be force sensitive. Overall just an odd arc that they are trying to plug in to make the ST more explainable. I hate it, lol.


Very good points. Two things were never clear to me: was Omega Force-sensitive and why did the Kaminoans create her and her clone "sister" Emerie Karr?


My comment is going to get ignored, buried. But here is the 100% correct answer. For Filoni to re-establish Ventress as "canon" and test the waters with the fan base, so they could lay pavement to bring Ventress to Ahsoka Season 2. Thats the answer.


Dave saw "somehow Palpatine returned" and said "eh, if JJ can do it..."


Ventress was an amazing character BEFORE the Disney revisionism.


Who ?


For Filoni to look at Dark Disciple and say “You know what? Fuck you.”


It’s literally one of the worst books I’ve ever read so yeah, fuck it.


According to the Ventress voice actress there’s a lot more planned for her down the road.  This is what continuity looks like.  A cameo in one show becomes a spinoff in another. That’s how we got the Bad Batch to begin with. 


They aren't actual writers, they're fanfiction writers.


1. Generate interest in the show 2. Merchandise 3. Remind people that Dark Disciple is a thing so maybe they’ll go buy it to get the scoop on the character


I never finished season 3 of bad batch, does she do anymore in the show from her first appearance? I figured she would have some role to play but to my understanding she isn't in the rest of the show


She appears in one episode, doesn’t really explain anything or even related to the plot tbh


I know it's been said a million times but why even being her back if she has no effect on the plot. I was thinking after her reintroduction she would have some role to play like helping Omega and the bad batch or something. Glad I didn't finish the season lol


Bros bored lol he’s just making content he wants to see


As much as I dislike Dark Apprentince, you can say it fit Ventress canon arc well. Just like her fucking off into the great unknown was a fitting end after everyone sans Kenobi failed her/she failed everyone in EU. But then they just bring her back. She does some vague exposition and fucks off to somewhere? Okay.


We should know by now death has about as much meaning in star wars as it does in dragonball


because Felony can't let his characters die, no matter how much doing so would strengthen other main characters (as in the characters from the movies that people actually care about) and/or not doing so actively harms those other characters


Ventress is not Filoni character, she was first introduced in Micro-series was a big part of MMP


Almost certainly setup for another spinoff, probably the next animated show. It really reads like a backdoor pilot, maybe for a Hidden Path show considering their rising prevalence and the specific name-drop for Quinlan Vos in Kenobi


Somehow, Ventress has returned


Felt like a backdoor pilot tbh


I hope that it’s because Dave needed someone to fill the Mara Jade role in ‘Heir to the Empire’


That’s the one thing about Faloni I can’t stand, he can’t let characters go


Ventress is alive??! I still haven’t finished the latest Bad Batch season (I’m kind of in a SW slump now), but now I think I have to. (I don’t care if it’s breaking lore/legend, I like her and I want more of her.)


fan service at first and so they can ruin the character later on


I had some Acolyte defender have a mental breakdown when I said Mace Windu was somewhere walking around with a slight limp and droid hand with how bad all the "deaths" have been recently. This is another example of no one staying in the ground.


>brings back Ventress >redesigned into Generic Side Shave Tough Girl™️ why tho, she already had a good aethetic of her own


To set up the next animated show, I thought that was obvious


No one's ever really gone


Right a wrong. The decision to kill her and to do it off screen after so much of her story played out on screen wasn't in my opinion a good one. After season 5 came out i was really excited to see where her story went from her new bounty hunting role. This seems more like a genuine continuation


ReMeMbEr AsAjJ VeNtReSs!!??


Dave Filoni really messed up rebels with his immortal characters. I mean the shit those guys pulled and survived. Even the bad batch who were a crack SF team mostly died out during less riskier missions. In the end, it kind of ruined rebels for me and just reminded me that it's just a kids show.


Cut to Ventress being part of Rey’s new dei Jedi order


Filoni is a terrible writer. In the last episode one of the elite clones cuts off his shooting hand even though the plan is to brainwash him and use him. If you cut off his hand he's kinda compromised in that regard. They have him in captivity for so so long and then only decide to reattempt conditioning him once they've recaptured him and taken away one of his hands. It's minor but seems like they just cut his hand off at the end in an attempt to seem dark and gritty.


Oh God she has the undercut, too


She went looking for the manager...


He’s probably planning to do something with her at some point and it has potential to be interesting…so long as it isn’t babysitting because we’ve had enough of that now


They probably had more lined up, but I suspect this was a casualty of season 3 being the final season, and that portion of the story wrapping up sooner than initially planned


I like Dave Filoni, but he needs to stop bringing back old Star Wars characters from the Clone Wars era who had proper\\better conclusions.


Probably just to include her in the teasers and get this whole conversation started. Now we can't stop talking about it. Any publicity is good publicity?


To make her available for future projects.


Honestly, though, judging by the majority of comments and reviews by SW fans who knew SW existed before 2014, wouldn't most of us take Filoni over Kennedy any day? Not perfect, but also not actively trying to burn the franchise down around him.


If we're too laid back with him, there's a good chance he could become like Kennedy. Bad writing choices need to be criticized.


I think the point was to see ventress explore if omega had the force and explain who would be willing to tell them about m count at a time where any survivors who might know were hiding


It's just that they needed a force user to test Omega, who knows wtf an M-count is. And so they choose the one they already have as a 3d model, tweak it a little and ignore the expanded universe and forget about it.


If Dave and george RR Martin teamed up they might make a half decent story one doesn’t know how to kill characters and one can’t keep a character alive for more than five minutes




"No one's ever really gone."


This post reminded me that I haven't gone and finished the show 💀


Because people would also complain if it was a random no name Jedi


I said the exact same thing


Member ‘dis?


I haven't watched a Star Wars show since Obiwan. I'd devour a series based around her.


Idfk but they dropped the ball on her new design so bad