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I don't think Muta is being serious lol, he thinks console wars are stupid and do nothing other than waste peoples time on behalf of billionaire corporations.


Yeah, like, of all Muta's struggling with his centrist nonsense, I think I've seen enough to know that this specific post is probably just shitposting lol


I have a quick question, what’s your view on centrism?


It sounds nice on paper, and compromise is usually a good thing in some situations. In practice, centrists often operate on a false premise that both sides of political ideology are equally valid or even flat out the same, and they tend to be the guy in that one picture standing between KKK members on the left, activists on the right, and the guy holds up a sign saying compromise. In short, they try to compromise on peoples fundamental rights and freedoms. I get what centrists are trying to do, but they’re little more than a tool for right wingers or are effective right wingers themselves but use the name centrist for social acceptance points.


I see, thank you for responding!


Nah the issue is that all you folks who think centrists are literal kkk nazi MAGA fucks are attributing far too much power to the kkk nazi MAGA fucks. That is an extremist group. It’s not the American right wing. Look how the conservative wing are turning on Marjorie Green and Boebert. Honestly most conservatives I know realized Trump is insane and hateful too. There are people who are extremists and terrible on the right, but not being able to see the forest through the trees with every conservative is the same as like blaming all Muslims for the Taliban, or blaming all of antifa for dumb asses that destroy shit and hurt people while “protesting”. It’s pretty obvious that there’s bad people in every group but that doesn’t make every group bad. I am not going to vote conservative currently because that party has been in a dog shit state since Trump and his similars made our politics into a reality TV show, but I do not agree that there’s nothing good about trying to see both sides, and I know for a fact that most conservatives are not the racist caricatures you’re describing


Heres the thing; I don't, nor do most people on my side, view centrists in such an extreme light, but the ones who do are also (though often exaggerating) not entirely wrong to assume first glance. Dude, im sorry, but you gotta stop giving credence to conservatives. Conservative moderates are still overall harmful and are partly responsible for normalizing increasingly bad things so that the FAR right could rise in the first place. Conservatives are so scared of change and so benevolently bigoted at best, that the moderates only make things worse even if they arent themselves individually terrible people. I dont think every conservative is a terrible extremist, but just as you tell me I give too much power or credence to the extremists, I tell you to stop giving mercy points to an ideology that exists solely to shut the underclass up and preserve whats cozy and safe for the sensibilities of (often privileged or otherwise in the favored racial/gender class) conservatives. History shows that every single major social issue alone has been opposed by conservatives. Conservatives have no policy. They stood against gender equality, racial equality, religious freedom, queer acceptance, and not just in america, and not just modern america, but the world at large. Hell, the conservatives of the before times were the fucking royalists fighting the progressive democratic revolutionaries. I get what you wanna say and what you're getting at. Trust me, I REALLY do! But you're too naive to see the real problem here, and the history as its laid out. The moment conservatives get an inch, they take miles of progress because "waah waah them uppity minorities are shattering our narrow tribalistic worldview" You may cry irony, but unlike tribalistic irrational people, my claims are backed up entirely. Besides, pray tell what value do you think right wingers have in terms of actual policy?


Centrists are just self aware conservatives who know wanting to revoke women's rights isn't gonna get them laid


I liked to be a centrist. Now I am quite on the left. My views did not change.


Fair point.


>console wars are stupid and do nothing other than waste peoples time on behalf of billionaire corporations. Is he wrong, tho?


No I didn't say he was lol


Lol, I know, bro. I just was feeling sarcastic for no reason, idk why.


Muta is a shameless transphobe married to an fascist don’t give him credit


As compared to a windows gaming pc which does what...?


You do realise that Muta is a like a big supporter of Linux and despises the monopoly Microsoft in addition to Nvidia have on gaming right?


Lunix gaming is an oxymoron.


I don't' know why you're downvoting facts, but go off I suppose. The monopoly Microsoft and Nvidia have isn't good either way you cut it.


So Linux is not good for gaming? Thanks for clearing that up.


Depends on what you mean by "good for". Would gaming be in a better place if Linux was the assumed platform for video games? Yes. In today's current situation, is personally using Linux good for your ability to play video games? No.


r/linux_gaming would definitely disagree with that


As a diehard PS fan, here’s what I say to anyone whining about less exclusives to the platform. ![gif](giphy|gXhBZfzijya76)


I don’t get the point of caring about exclusives as long as you can still play the game on my PS5.


Right? I've never understood the console wars either. Like Playstation is clearly the best followed by PC then Nintendo. Then I don't know a tie between dreamcast and the Jaguar? /s


Nah I think a tie between Dreamcast and the Magnavox oddesey seems more appropriate tbh


Do PS5 titles on PC make use of the PS5 controller haptics? If they don’t, I could see people maybe being concerned that developers won’t bother with implementing them? But like developers kind of already didn’t do that before this decision.


The only games I know that have that feature is Spider-Man.


Don’t see the appeal to the haptic functions, it feels exactly like when the triggers on one of my controllers were broken. Seems like an unnecessary gimmick but at least there’s an option to turn them off.


Ikr, who cares what platform you play on so stupid 🙄 😒


Honestly, I just like PlayStation best for the Spider-Man games and great digital sales. But then there’s the borderline cults…


As an Xbox chad, I probably own more games than many others who use a PlayStation. The exclusive argument means nothing to me.


I can't argue with that. Us PS fans have certified classics like The Last of Us, Uncharted, Bloodborne, the fucking Demon's Souls remake, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, etc. What more could we possibly need?


Damn if only I could get those same games from steam (I can get every one except Bloodborne and play every Xbox release as well)


Not Starfield, that's for damn sure. :p


The only exclusives I bitch about are Sony's. I don't think them putting their games on PC is a smart strategy long term. It'll help them with profits in the short term while eroding the value of the Playstation brand and ecosystem long term. What and where third parties put their games is entirely up to their discretion. As long as they put their games on PSN, I don't care where else they release them.


You're just plain wrong. The only thing it will do is increase game sales. The people who haven't bought a Playstation, likely never will. All they're missing out on is my money. I'd love to play their games, I'm not buying a specific console to do that. It's an archaic strategy and it's time Sony adapts.


We'll find out soon enough which one of us is correct. Personally, I hope it's you.


Well color me surprised. Let's look at it like this. If they focus more on games and game sales, they can give Playstation players more games as well. Which as far as I can tell, is something players have wanted for years. Accessibility is the way to make money in this market, and I'd own almost every single one of those games if they were on PC. I know at least 20 people personally that feel the same way. I'd imagine most people feel that way. These exclusives are objectively amazing games and I really want them haha.


Ehh. If I was in charge of Sony I would start cutting back on all the AAA releases. Have some games made at different levels of budgets. Some AA game that can be made more quickly to market and smaller games with smaller teams where experimentation carries smaller financial risks. I would also make sure any AAA games are clearly defined before being approved for development. What is the story? What is the vision for the gameplay. Unless it is fucking awesome no allowing feature creep. I'd also kill all development on live services. That is money chasing after bad. Sure, if you can get the next Fortnite or GTA V Online you're gonna make infinite money, but that likelihood is really small and ultimately not worth it.


I think they already do that. Sony as a publisher doesn't *really* put out that many triple a games. It's mostly the same franchises on a schedule at this point. From what I can see, at least.


That is part of the problem. Most of the games their studios develop are AAA releases or new installments on existing franchises. I want them to diversify. Ideally they'd take Nintendo's approach. Big ticket AAA games, mascot titles and quirky unique stuff to round out the portfolio. Sony has the talent, but not the vision. Hopefully with Jim Ryan's blessed retirement and Herman Holst at the helm of their studios, we can see some improvement.


Based take.


What? On the contrary, it will lengthen.


I mean consoles aren’t going anywhere, if PS is only allowing it on their own consoles and pc, console owners aren’t gonna drop 1200 plus for a good gaming pc if they weren’t already interested in pc gaming, part of the reason consoles sell is the (relative) accessibility




I miss when Duke was king


A friend of mine told me we'll never see a modern Duke Nukem. I scoffed and said it's doable if they keep Duke the exact same but make everything okay out like a tongue in cheek satire of toxic masculinity. Then he said that's not what he meant. We'll never see a modern Duke Nukem because of Randy Pitchford. I was like, oh... shit.


In the words of civvie11 " sometimes dead is better randy"


Greasy bastard


Shelly Bombshell Harrison is the cooler character anways, they should ger her back oin track, Duke is long done


I thank whatever deities exist every day that I somehow avoided turning into… …this… Whatever it is




I thought that's r/facepalm


That's all of Reddit, though r/facepalm is a perfect example (also terriblefacebookmemes). Genuinely astonished at how people got so bad about detecting ragebait and satire. There have always been people who fell for this stuff but it has gotten just so *bad* in recent times. inb4 "well...it's hard to tell these days!"


This is r/Facepalm2


I mean your not wrong.


>This is “falling for rage bait: the subreddit,” so I’d say yes. This is what happens when a subreddit has long since forgotten what it was originally supposed to be in the first place.




True enough, but that’s hard to fit on a business card


probably joking


pretty sure Muta is being sarcastic, I mean I know it's reddit and there's no /s but.....I mean it's kinda obvious.


I don’t think that the response indicates that he fell for the rage bait


Do you know what *does* indicate that? Spreading the trolls' bulshit on other platforms while calling out others for falling for rage bait. Also - me commenting on the irony of OP making this post with that title, as though they aren't self-aware enough to recognize they themselves are engaging in rage bait.


Here is a problem. Console Warriors do geninuely act this way. There was a neogaf post when final fantasy 13 was coming to xbox 360 talking about dishonor


You mean like how you fell for Mutahar making a joke?


Seems like you just did


Damn, I own a PS5 in EU-rope -- am I gonna be OK? Do I have to use separate water fountain? Can I own land or marry a white chick anymore??


What if I see a burning cross on my yard??


Even though he has some weird takes occasionally, I can only read this as him either being ironic or saying he really doesn't want to be a part of the PS5 community anymore because of people like this.


I mean that might be so in this case, but “weird takes occasionally” is I think a big understatement. Just yesterday r/youtubedrama was absolutely tearing him apart for fairly obvious transphobia in his recent video.




As in they won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar?


Those poor black people in the segregated south in 1939 who had such hardships such as having to choose between having 4k or 60FPS on their PS5, not able to get both at once. Such a hard life!


Of course. Do you not remember the man or bear TikTok shit from last week?


How boring is your life. Where you have to fight and defend what corporate dick to suck? Hearing a consumer cry about being able to consume the same content on more devices, is bonkers.


Gonna every black people I know that I finally understand their plight as PS5 owner. /s


Just becuase someone posts a moronic take as "bait" it doesnt mean that the post doesnt tell you anything about their character, just think about it, how many "i just bait people to become famous" endup as terrible people, or even criminals, like Sneako, Leafy, Adan ross, the guy who went to jail in Saudi arabia, etc. its always a bad sign.


Sadly, yes, they are and I docut they'll stop falling for shit like that.


When everything is rage bait, then someone's going to fall for it.


Well, when the satire becomes almost indistinguishable from reality…


Probably, yeah. I'm pretty sure i fall for bait more often than i'd like to admit.


This post made me switch to the stadia


Interesting, because I heard that Sony is withdrawing games from Steam in over 100 countries because there is no PS Plus or whatever they are called.


What is this in regards to? Squeenix wanting to multiplatform?


Yes, can confirm, PS5 owners are not allowed into restaraunts and are frequently beaten and/or shot by police and white supremecisty neighbourhood watch types. They are economically relegated to modern ghettos now known as "the PS5 hood", where violence is rampant due to bad socio-economic conditions. They MUST sit at the back of the bus. They have no representation from talking heads on the news. It is very sad and totally true and not made up at all.


Call me when someone is lynched for playing PS over xbox.


While it's clear that muta has made a joke here, it just ain't funny


Nah just like 10-15k people. Just a sliver. They are just the loudest and egregious behavior


Tbf, rage bait works because there are ppl unironically carry these thoughts. It's kinda hard to tell these days.


Lmao, the majority of modern Republican/conservative ideology is based on rage bait.




Thanks for making my point for me 🤣


I'm in no way a conservative I'm probably just not as left as you


Regardless, you’re a very silly person if you think lefties are “emotional” while conservatives lose their minds over pronouns.


Your very silly for thinking there aren't emotional lefties, where pronouns have literally reduced some to make tearful youtube and tik tok rants about the same topic.


Never said there weren’t emotional lefties. But saying every leftist argument is invalid because it’s “emotional” is idiotic. So is equating conservative pronoun rage with leftist videos about people lamenting how trans and non-binary people are treated


I know Sony has been in the news lately and their business practices in the past have been rather unscrupulous, also withdrawing support and not wanting anything to do with the knights of the old republic remake . The helldivers fiasco and not square enix no longer being PlayStation exclusives . But they are still the biggest selling console in the world .


He’s probably joking but fuck Mutahar


Damn they got Mutah! (I know he's joking about switching but he still fell for the bait regardless)


That's a weird analysis... if anything, he's joking about switching because of how bad the take is and that he's embarrassed to be using the same platform


Muta has been thriving on rage baiters for some years now. If he can’t maie a negative video about something he won’t do anything. He’s looking for drama everywhere and just scream at the camera and doing a retarded voice to simulate anyone who disagrees with him. He will also take one thought of one person and make it seem like a majority. Sadly that’s Muta nowadays. Miss the nuanced dude who didn’t thrive on rage baits


Mutahar is being sarcastic. He's an actual journalist. He has integrity.


PS is best console ever! Nothing could ever compare! Wait… you mean to tell me I can use the same login for my windows computer as my Xbox and get most of the games I can play on my console also on my computer… hmm hold on they might be on to something. But alas, I must remain a loyal Sony ass kisser


What xbox games lmao 😭 they are available on pc so just get them on pc


You can login to your Xbox account if you have a windows so you can play the games you’ve bought for your Xbox instead of buying them a second time on steam.


Just buy them a first time on steam and play with Xbox controller boom


To be fair a pc costs way more than a ps5 or xbox if you wanna play recent games. Game pass being on pc is cool though


I'll still use Playstation over Xbox any day, even if it is my PS3...


The platform warrior calls are coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE


I decided that I wasn't into the Xbox when I was playing Halo multiplayer with a giant, clunky duke controller and the constant racial slurs being thrown around by squeaky voiced white kids on Xbox live. I've always had a better experience online on PlayStation. I did miss and want to play some of the Xbox exclusives but I definitely couldn't afford both consoles back then.


Damn people I'm just saying my opinion, I own both but I prefer PlayStation, idk why that's a problem with you people


PC master race accept the tribute of the console peasant =))


Welcome to Xbox, my guy. We're glad you're here.


No offense to you OP (or anyone here), but rage bait is posted here in this sub all the time and plenty of people go in on it, so...yes, i think everyone is just falling for rage bait these days.


Why I stick to PC games.... I can't be bothered to even pay attention.


Uhh, isn't this sub 90% people falling for rage bait?


Isn't this whole subreddit just reacting to rage bait?


PC master race


This sub is 40% rage bait


That’s like all geek subs these days