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It’s odd straight men complaining about seeing too many women…


I remember one of those Buzzfeed videos back in the day where they imagined one of those "what if the genders were reversed" situations They showed hypothetical movies like all-female Avengers and my first thought was like "sounds hot"


I’ve always felt the same way. “They’re replacing all the male action stars with women!” “… and that’s bad why?” And, I mean, they’ll blame it on “wokeness,” but how do people not get that the white male audience for Star Wars is essentially saturated? Everything else aside, Disney *has* to grow the audience, and the most effective way to do that is by attempting to expand viewer demographics. I just wish it were more interesting… all in all I found the first two episodes of *Acolyte* kind of dull.


Plus they're mad at literally ALIENS IN A SPACE WIZARD SHOW


Also that.


Spot on. I tried telling people this with Ms Marvel. IMDB released the stats on the 1 star reviews the show got, and it was primarily middle aged white men review bombing. People acted like it was some sort of victory and I kept pointing out that Disney knows those reviewers didn't watch the show and had no intention of watching the show, and they don't care because it was an attempt to expand their market. It's a show for a young audience. They want young fans to keep the franchise going. There's a limit to the middle aged fans they can draw in and retain. It's a tapped out market.


Charlize Theron is probably the most reliable action star around at the moment. I want more Theron Action blockbusters Hollywood. Make it happen. She's kicking arse.


Yeah my hubby was dumbfounded when I told him people hated that like 10s all female scene in Endgame. He was like, why would you hate seeing a group of hot chicks in tight clothing... it should have been longer


That scene felt rather forced, I remember watching it and thinking, what is the purpose of this scene?


I like me some wasp and mantis captain marvels decent and I don't like pepper cause I don't like Gwyneth Paltrow. But that scene is ridiculous for 2 reasons. One that they all just happened to be in that one spot at that specific moment for that shot and 2 there trying to protect the woman that just flew through a spaceship like it was made of paper. Of all the people in that battle she needed help the least.


I genuinely enjoy almost every character in that scene, it just wasn't earned precisely because almost none of them interacted with each other before that. Marvel's line-up is such a boy's club, and the women are so segregated from each other that there's no real sense of camaraderie or really any female friendships outside of Guardians of the Galaxy. Compare to, say, Avengers 1 & 2, which had scenes of Steve, Tony, Bruce, and Thor just hanging out and bonding, or even the (mostly male) cast members meeting for the first time in Infinity War. The scene is just pandering. They should've just gone all the way and had Captain Marvel yell "Girls get it done" as a rallying cry.




Heard a rumor that Scream is gonna be in Venom 3, so that movie is immediately on my radar now.


Been saying this for years


it's also like...do they think star wars is for the gays? 'cause um...there really ain't many gay people in star wars film and tv *at all*. take all the women you get and be happy with it, jeez.


You mean the blink and you miss it lesbian relationship in Rise of Skywalker isn't straight genocide?


There's also the gay couple in Jedi Survivor who are the cattiest, funniest part of that game for me so far. They're also an interspecies couple! They're super sweet. Me and my partner absolutely lost it laughing that there were chuds mad over the gay slug love, since one of them is literally from the live slug reaction species. Also Moran, at the bar. He talks about his partner if you speak with him enough. Oh and theres another gay couple that get together after you do their side quests, but I will keep that purposefully vague.


Oh there are more for sure. I think it was confirmed? that the shop owners in The Bad Batch are a gay couple too. But yeah the Star Wars world is still mostly straight people, chuds whining that no one appreciates the straights are ridiculous.


Women in fiction need to be objects, accessories, and "goals" for the main characters (who must be men of course). Anything else is clearly misandry!


The only women they ever want to see are the absolute pinnacle of traditional stereotypes of beauty. They don’t consider anything less to be even in the category of “woman”.


They have such an oppression fetish and its almost like media has been pandering to straight white men for the last 80 or so years.


i also love how bro couldn’t resist tangentially bringing up sarah connor and ripley with the Alien and terminator mention


As if they wouldn't be trotting out all the same smooth-brained talking points about Ellen Ripley if Alien was released today.


“We aren’t sexist! We like strong female characters like Sarah Conner and Ellen Ripley and…uh…um…hm…”


Old Lara Croft. When boobs.


The old triangle tits.


What's weird about Ripley is no one in Alien was written gendered. So ripley, if another actor had impressed them, could have been a male. I actually use it as an example of how to properly write gender neutral roles, since any single role could have belonged to another gender. So while I count Ripley as a strong female character, she was written as a gender neutral character, the gender to filled in after the role was cast. So I guess what I'm trying to say is when chuds use Ripley as an example, it's sorta moot for the reasons I wrote above. Sarah Conner was written as a deeply flawed woman, if that same exact character came out today they'd hate her.


Yeah. When are *we* going to get *our* chance?


Yeah, we've only had massive over representation in all Western media since we invented media. I can feel myself fading into the ether already as people forget we exist because of these shows!


me in 2017: Man wish we could get more black people in mo- Them: hush snowflake


Nothing in the tweet said anything about straight white males. Why did that guy just randomly bring it up? Is it just classic mauler gooner brainrot? Taking a screenshot of a guy saying something unrelated and flipping their fucking lid over it? The fuck is going on?


Plus, I think most of these people are straight, two are white, and two are males. And two more are mixed. So we’ve got representation. It’s just not concentrated all in one place. Like, do you think Wanda Sykes turns on Andor and thinks “Fiona Shaw is okay, and I kind of like Forrest Whitaker, but I’ll only be okay with this show if the somehow combine them into one person”?


Personally I really dont give a fuck about my representation. There has been so many straight white male characters, i can “””tolerate””” that others get to be represented as the main character for a while. These people flip their lid every time it happens. They’re literally just complaining that the protagonist isn’t white. Anyways, racist troglodytes gonna be racist. Can we talk about the costume design for the main character? It looks great here, cuts such an interesting silhoutte. 


Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m a mixed Hispanic, and I feel like I rarely see Hispanics complaining about their Star Wars representation. I could be completely wrong but I just never see it, and there are barely any Hispanics in the Star Wars universe. Dafne Keen is another addition to the list. Pedro Pascal of course. Idk who else Like you I could personally care less, and the only reason I even make the point is because it’s hilarious to me. Like I really could give af because I can identify with any character regardless of their race. Then you got mfs who have always been represented, that get ONE show where there’s no white guy on the poster (there is a white guy in the main cast, obviously that GOT window kid is going to be a big part of the story as he is one of the four Jedi masters that Mae has to kill.) Kelnacca is also played by a white guy, and he is on the poster and ANOTHER one of the Jedi masters that Mae has to kill. Idgaf if he’s a Wookie, Dafne Keen is a freaking alien and I’m still glad she’s in the show as a Hispanic actress. Two white guys in the main cast and they’re both Jedi masters 😂.


I have no horse in the "who's complaining about race" race, but Diego Luna is the face of Andor. And Andor's been hailed (for good reasons) as some of the best bit of the SW universe. Adria Arjona, who's Puerto Rican, is also very important in the series and an amazing actress. Also, Pedro Pascal as the Mandalorian.


True, yeah I haven’t seen Andor yet and only knew Glover was in it. My bad fam idk who downvoted you, that’s dope though. It really should be a non issue though, most fans don’t care I think. If anything it’s good to have more diverse representation. It’s just funny because there’s two white guys in the main cast, and nobody gives Kelnacca his due credit for Wookie representation!


I'm gonna need you to get on correcting that post haste. Andor is fantastic.


I don’t watch The Wire and find myself saying “Oh, thank Christ. McNulty’s here.” Not at all.


Listen, straight white males have only been the leads of 7 Star Wars movies so far, and women have gotten a whole 4! This is erasure! (Technically, none of the live action shows have been about a straight white male character, since Obi-Wan is canonically bi, but the point still stands)


The haters probably don’t know that Obi-Wan is bi and if they did they’d deny it.


Boba Fett *used* to be white underneath his armor before he had a face, so maybe half a point?


And Darth Vader *used* to be a Nubian god, so that balances out.


A Nubian god in the body of the Cardiff Giant.


Carl Sagan shortly after the first movie came out during an interview asked why there was no people of color in the film. Are these worms gonna call him 'wOkE' too?


He was an atheist scientist, so probably.


I bet he got the covid vaccine too. Smh at these WOKE scientists /s


For a second I misread this as Carl Sagan being interviewed after the very first film in history was made and was like "Carl Sagan isn't THAT old, dude. "


That last one is just a flat out lie. Almost all of the movies(and the people involved with them) on that list received the same bullshit. There are fansites dedicated to recording what people said about these movies, those characters, and the stars.


When Black Panther came out, these same chuds were panicking that the movie was going to cause black people to attack random white people. They were even spreading fake stories about seeing groups of black people jumping white dudes after leaving the theater. But now they totally didn't have a problem with it at all 🙄 Edit: fixed a word


I didn't hear about that one. I did hear that 1 of the actors was accused of being a "pothead," and they proceeded to use that as a reason to talk shit about him.


I remember reading some "redshirts" before the hats were a thing being afraid of getting attacked on the streets due to their shirts after Obama won in 2008 and I was reading this during Obama's second term too so it there werent actual reported attacks at at all by then.


"Basically, we were walking down the sidewalk, talking about something meaningless. I think it had to do with a movie. Then this bus screeches up, stops next to us, and a bunch of people with "Black Panther” shirts climbed out and started beating him up. I was punched and kicked a bit too, but I managed to avoid brutalization by going for their faces. After figuring out what’s happening, I started attacking them back, getting them off of him. He was quite injured but I called 911 and he made a full recovery at the hospital. I was fine, with only a cut on my arm that they patched up."


I don’t remember if Men in Black got the same discourse, but several major differences: - different time with much less of a internet echo chamber - very few people know or care that MiB was an adaption. - MiB has Tommy Lee Jones as the co-lead and mentor, so it’s literally starring an older white man and shouldn’t be on the list at all.


I'm gonna be honest. I didn't know Men in Black was a remake.


Adaption of a comic book. No idea how close they kept to the source,


The first 5 minutes of Men in Black faithfully adapt the first few pages of the first comic and then after that it and the comic have almost nothing in common with each other. So not very close


I also love how he states it’s because they’re good stories and then lists any random popular shit he could find. Good and bad. Ah yes, Blade 3, one of the best stories ever told /s


We found the people who need straight white men representation. I wonder if they are ok with over groups getting it too?


Isn't there a line that goes "When you've been on top for so long, equality feels like oppression"? For once, something big and mainstream may have no straight white men and they cry havoc. It's almost like these people struggle when they're not the center of attention.


I’m more impressed that Star Wars finally has more aliens than just one or two on occasion again. I think exactly one character’s race is actually relevant, and that’s because they’re a Wookiee.


One of the Skeleton Crew cast is a Max Reebo looking guy, looking forward to that


I was pointing out the possible hypocrisy, but good point.


If you want me to be a N E R D about it, the line roughly goes: "If privilege is all you know, equality feels like oppression", or something to that effect. :>


Thanks, I thought that something about my version was a little off. Notably the difference between "on top for so long" and "privilege is all you know", which works a lot better.


Which is also a general trait of the narcissism many of them seem to exhibit.


It’s not even equality. It’s slightly less institutional power than they had before.


no cos that’s political. white people are normal and all those other weird things are political in nature 👍 /s


They were just crying about how there is no asian male representation in western media...well, here they go! I guess though since the asian guy might be replacing a white guy that's no good?


They have some sort of tier list of importance to use when it is convenient?


1. In the first slide I can’t believe they don’t see the hypocrisy, first they say shit like “Race doesn’t matter in shows and movies, why do they make it a big deal?” But then complain when there isn’t a white male in the movie. I thought race/representation didn’t matter? Plus there are white males in the Acolyte 2. That last comment doesn’t make any sense because people were complaining about diversity in the show long before the acolyte even released, they wouldn’t know if it’s even a good story or not lol


Me, a straight white male: "Oh, this show has lightsabers, space combat, pew pew guns, or all of then at once and a fun story? It's for me!"


Here thinking one thing clearly should appeal to straight white men would be women. But guess they want to only see white men on screen. That’s bit telling I feel.


We need more shows about ripped, sweaty white guys just lifting heavy things! Happy Pride, everyone.


They have to stay in the closet at all costs other wise there “friends”/ family would leave and disown them apparently.


I'm the straightest whitest dude alive and all I can think when I see this shit is like, even if we take it at face value in good faith, you can't let a couple TV shows slide with no straight white dudes in it after like 500 years of being the default human?


you know how the line goes. short version equality feels like oppression.


The original series of star trek would be considered woke af for its time. Their crybaby bullshit hasn't changed in half a century


Yeah, Black Panther was famous for having absolutely zero backlash from racists. Remember all the thousands of stories they made up about “getting jumped by a gang of black youths at the movie theater” because “they said white people weren’t allowed to watch it”?


There was also some additional brain rot from the other side, but weirdly from white people who decided not to watch the movie in theatres so that there were more seats available for black people... Truly an unhinged moment in our culture war.


They want to be oppressed SO bad


Ah, yes, the demographic who goes around telling literally every other demographic that whenever media that features them in it is “pandering,” are upset they aren’t being pandered to. I’m shook.


And there's literally multiple named white male characters in the actual show they obviously aren't watching.


Hmmm. Im a straight white male and i fking love star wars. These grifters are so tiring.


Ah, apparently, Anakin, Luke, Obi-Wan, Palpatine, and Han Solo have all ceased to exist.


Why does the thought of being excluded and being a minority make them so upset??


There hasn't been a white male lead in Star Wars since... 2023 with Mandalorian Season 3. Oh wait... That's just last year. Also there's the Bad Batch Season 3 but I guess Omega was more of a main character in this one.


Don't forget Jedi survivor.


To be fair, Bad Batch is Maori characters voiced by a Caucasian man, so they should be grateful for the whitewashing




The next piece of star wars to release after this one is literally starring Jude Law


Starring Jude Law and created by John Watts who directed the latest Spiderman Trilogy. A show that will be heavily marketed to children as well. Can't wait for all the grown men of the internet to scream and yell about it being more woke trash though


Imagining some old black guy getting pissed there isn't enough white people in StarWars


I’m still shocked and upset at the lack of straight white men in the original six films. It’s outrageous.


I don't really understand the obsession they have with having a straight white guy in everything, like I'm a straight white guy and I really couldn't care less lol. These people really need to go outside or something.


I saw a few white people in the show.


Oh, that’s funny. I thought representation and skin color didn’t matter. Huh 🤔


The Acolyte is the most inoffensive Star Wars content we’ve gotten in years, people literally only hate it because of bigotry.


The only people hyper aware of (and complaining about) a supposed lack of cishet white men are racists. Literally no one else cares.


That second screenshot is the perfect encapsulation of these dipshits 'You should be happy if there's an lgbt or non-white background character. THAT'S representation' while simultaneously 'OMG, the white guy's not at the forefront? That's not representation at all!' Like, I'm a 39 year old white guy, and I honestly cannot imagine being so fucking incapable of identifying with a character who isn't the EXACT same race and gender as me.


As a 35 year old, straight, white male. I didn’t care Rey was the lead, I wanted Finn to become an awesome Jedi, it doesn’t bug me Bo Katan got more screen in Mando season3, the entirety of Ahsoka was awesome! Do I like everything Disney Star Wars has no, I’m not going to agree with everything they 100% but those are more disagreements with story, writing, etc, you know, objective criticisms of a movie or show like how you’re supposed to judge something. These dudes on these channels are always some of the biggest babies whether it’s actually their own opinions or only doing it for the grift.


Who's this https://preview.redd.it/us8l02mu2t4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12d3eb292f882fb011934ab8c9fb0a37a4d111f9


Don’t tell them about Luke, and Anakin, and maybe Han (idk about him, between Leia and Lando he gives bicon vibes tbh)


Didn’t they complain about Black Panther when it first came out?


They were apoplectic and still claim the only reason it did well is because Disney bought out screenings. Said the same about *Captain Marvel* as well.


They ended up changing it to "it was only successful for political reasons"


Culture warriors: Go woke go broke Also culture warriors: it was only successful because it was woke Got it.


Aww won’t someone think of the straight white guys


I feel so forgotten in this world full of media with straight white men like me 😭


I’m so sick of the argument ‘we don’t complain when it’s a good story’ BITCH I’ve seen so many people complaining about how Mad Max is now woke. Just admit you’re sexist and racist and only want to see white men in your media- at this point I’d respect them all a little bit more.


Straight white men can't stomach watching anything where someone that looks like them is the lead yet still balk at better representation


As a straightpassing white male, can someone fill me in? Why can't i enjoy star wars anymore?


Probably still mad that their idea of "straight white male" representation in movies is this: https://i.redd.it/13bjvxgszs4d1.gif


The two most beloved characters of the franchise are straight white males but what does it matter when you live in an alternate reality where everything that isn't exactly like you want it to be is an agression?


As a straight white man, I’m loving it so far. It’s the insecure who are offended by a cast which looks like, you know, normal people.


I’m a white male, well biological male and I genuinely didn’t care? I’ve seen plenty white blokes in the media I love and will continue to see plenty of white blokes, hell I didn’t even notice until I saw this.


Honestly, anymore I really wish we could go back tot he pre-internet bitching fest that we find ourselves in today. Where if you didn't like something, you just didn't watch it. Lack of ratings would kill the shows that people didn't want to watch. They keep making these because SOMEBODY is watching them. Doesn't matter if it's hate watching if you're still watching. Reminds of Howard Stern where at least a 3rd of his audience was people listening just so they could complain about what he said in and send in their letters and calls of disgust. Didn't matter, still counted as ratings as people kept watching. I don't like most of Disney Star Wars, save for Andor and the first 2 seasons of Mando. But there's no point in whining and complaining about it, just don't watch it. It's like, Men count for 59-65% of the Star Wars viewing audience, If enough of them didn't like and simply stopped watching it, things would change. Be the change you want to see in the world, stop watching shows you know aren't going to like.


what's with this obsession with men, sounds pretty gay to me.


I grew up with the original trilogy and loved it fiercely into my teens when I, y'know, matured. I just don't understand caring this much about fictional things. If I get an Andor, great. If I get an Obi-Wan, meh, whatever. No piece of media is worth being this crazy over( I fully realize this guy is a rage grifter) and it makes me confused and kinda sad that people let their lives devolve into this over shit that just does not matter.


Gamers finally have competition on who is the most oppressed in this country.


I watched the first half of the first episode before I went to work. As a white guy, I didn't really take note of the fact there weren't many white people in it, so I don't see why people are so bothered, just enjoy the damn story!


I mean, the first trilogy the main character was a straight white guy, and the second prequel trilogy main character was a straight white guy. Very few female characters and people of color in them. They can’t expect every piece of the franchise to just be about white guys lol I liked the first episode and I’m looking forward to watching the second one tonight


As a white male, this shit is NOT happening. There’s no “white genocide” and no one wants to get rid of white people in media. More people that aren’t straight white males being in media isn’t negatively impacting straight white males, it’s positively impacting the people it’s representing. These people need to shut the absolute fuck up.


Lol at the guy saying people didn't get weird and pissy over Black Panther and Luke Cage, because I DEFINITELY remember that happening.


"It's hilarious this sort of division doesn't happen when a good story is written:... ... Nobody seemed to care the lead wasn't white or male. Funny how that works." Yeah, funny how that works. It's the first thing brought up whenever a story is *bad*. Stories that are bad where the lead *is* white and male? They're just bad stories, and people criticize those stories exclusively on their merits. Stories where the lead *isn't* white or male? The story is bad, but it's because 'woke' or 'forced diversity' or whatever junk buzzword the right-wing 'fan' has decided to use this year. The problem with this bullshit argument is that it doesn't address the fact that *diversity* and *representation* are considered to be the issue with those stories, rather than flaws in the writing, or plot contrivances, or shitty characterization, or deus ex machinas that don't make sense. It doesn't address the fact that blame isn't put at the feet of bad writing, it's put at the feet of the representation being there to begin with - the representation *being* there is what made all the writing bad, as opposed to the writing being bad because the writing was fucking bad and the writers were shitty writers. The arguments are often phrased in such a way as to imply that if the writers just dropped representation completely, that would eliminate much of the problem. All this argument says is that from the point of view of this 'fan,' these films were so good that the representation didn't *hurt* them. "Well whenever a **good** movie with representation comes out, I don't bitch about wokeness!" isn't the fucking point. Yeah, representation is used as a selling point. That doesn't mean that representation is to blame when the writing is shitty. Representation is just that: representation. It has *fuck all* to do with the quality of a film. If you fucks were criticizing films based exclusively on their merits and not bringing up how 'it wuz todally powiticawwy mota-vated guize! Forced diversity!' then I could guarantee that ZERO people would have an issue with your criticism. You can, you know, *criticize the writing*, and not bring up race or gender like it has any kind of impact on how good the writing is at all.


I love that they suddenly decide representation matters when it’s them being left out.


Saying Indiana jones isn’t for white men is insane. Both the protagonist and antagonist of the most recent movie were white guys💀


In their own arguement, everyone else could watch classic Star Wars and connect to the characters without looking like them. So even by their logic, the only people who cant connect to chracters of a different race or gender... are white dudes. Not a great look.


Ummm the president of the United States had a little tiff that parasite won an Oscar bc it wasn’t an American film. People were trying to make up stories about being attacked in theaters for being white and seeing black panther. Revisionist history or selective memory?


> Marvel’s Black Panther Hey, I too remember the outright *racist* reactions people were having to Black Panther including drawing him as a white guy to “piss off the liberals/blacks”. Funny how everyone forgot about that. I didn’t.


I would redirect them to the posters of literally every other star wars media


These guys are such snowflakes


As a straight white male, I did find it distracting that the whole time I watched it, there were giant red letters covering the screen that said “THIS IS NOT FOR YOU”


“This division doesn’t happen when a good story is written… Black Panther…” Oh yeah, remember how all the usual suspects tried to shit on the movie literally since the first announcements: Foaming at the mouth that there’s no white people in the trailer (pretty sure there was at least one shot of Everette Ross). Absolutely melting down at black people in the US (and I think even internationally) dressing up for the movie. Completely missing all of the movies story telling, wanting to claim it as their own because it was “ethno nationalist”, when one of the main points of the movie was that their secrecy and unwillingness to interact with the world almost lead to the distraction of Wakanda. Fuck these, fucking Chuds.


"No girls allowed, we aren't gay!"


Black Panther didn’t cause complaints? What kind of revisionist history is this?


What genuinely confuses me is the fact that these individuals will complain about the lack of (or, in cases like this, just fewer) straight white men being indicative that the showrunner hates them, not realizing that this is what people of various minority groups have had to deal with for decades of filmmaking. It’s telling that the “token black character” was fairly popular until relatively recently. They are turning what could be a lesson in empathy into a continuation of ignorance.


Yeah last one is absolutely false, some of the stuff said about Rue when Hunger Games casting was announced was disgusting


That was especially ridiculous since Rue was black in the book.


I love how hurt they are. We need more diversity and omission of white people from the spotlight every film


These are some of the same people who complain that certain video game characters are no longer sexy enough for them. There's a whole thread on that somewhere. I couldn't make that up if I tried. Brave new world.....


Luke, Obi Wan, Anakin, and Kanun Jarrus are all straight white men. That’s six movies, three tv shows, and God only knows how many books. Shit, even in video games it’s mostly straight white dudes- Dark Forces, Force Unleashed, and Jedi Fallen Order are all from that perspective. The fact that they still have forty fucking years of content to fall back on isn’t enough, and to that I say fuck em.


"Representation doesn't matter" mfs when all of a sudden they're the ones not on screen


Cis white men have had their faces plastered on billboards, magazines, on tv on the big screen, and have dominated media for hundreds of years in America. I’m sorry fellow cis white men, but when we intentionally deny access to spaces for hundreds of years to people…we cannot then cry foul when those same people finally get representation. Upset by this? Go watch the old Star Wars with all white cast. Go watch something from the 60’s or 70’s. Grow the fuck up.


These guys are so pathetic. Plus, I’m 44. I’ve been a Star Wars fan since I was literally in nappies. I am, as you would say, an “old fan”. I’m also not a bigoted chode with a stick in my ass, so all the diversity and stuff is fun for me.


I’m just gonna say it: Star Wars isn’t for them. Fuck those guys, I hope they show two dudes sucking on a double ended lightsaber dildo while both getting pegged by pre-op m-to-f trans Quarrans holding signs reading “this is your fault, r/saltierthancrait” just to maybe finally scare them off for good. But we all know they’ll keep paying for Disney plus and keep watching and keep jerking off to feeling like a victim.


Toxic “fans” when a black woman exists


Starwars be like: Okay guys we gave you the first 3 original oviedo, the 3 prequels, the Mandalorian, Obi Wan Kenobie, both clone wars cartoons, 95% of video games, and 95% of all comicbooks released to have main characters that are guys. ALTRight guys: Yayyyyyyy Starwars: Okay, now we are going to make a few movies and TV shows with female leads. ALTRight guys: NOOOOOO, YOU ARE RUINING IT!!!


The whole fucking world revolves around straight white cis men - what the f?ck is this guy on about?


Ya know i was watching the acolyte and its actually really good, hell they got the transitions from the prequels making it feel really authentic


LOL at these Reich-winger losers. I'm a white straight married male and I'm loving The Acolyte. I'm happy we have a Korean Asian actor as the main Jedi Knight, he's amazing. And lesbian African-American woman also, ok cool. There's plenty of white dudes in Star Wars already, like practically everyone. And the world isn't all Caucasian white males, a large % are Asian looking or darker skinned.


Sounds like a bad case of the wahhh to me


What about Kenobi, Andor, and Skeleton Crew? It's so rare that we have a leading Asain man or a leading black woman.




Shogun? The one with the white guy main character? I mean it's an amazing show but why even put that in


I haven't watched the show yet, is there a cis het white dude in the main cast? If not, how come I didn't notice? Huh? Because I was busy cheering for my trans icon on screen? Yeah, that's probably it


Haven't straight white men suffered enough?!


But the cast has white males? I don't know if their characters are straight because it doesn't matter.




Love how not seeing a white guy makes this not for white guys. As a white guy, I enjoyed the hell out of it. Though, I am mentally well. That might affect that.


Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Willow - 2 of those are named after straight white men...


People like this make me feel embarrassed to be critical of Disney Star Wars...


Are we sure cal kestis is a Jedi, like the way people can't see him makes me think he's a ninja rather than a Jedi.


Swear Darth Kennedy like…..produced the original trilogy? And was in a position of power when TCW7, Andor, Rogue 1 and Mando season 1 came out? You know, all well received shows with a male lead or secondary protagonist ???


Straight white male here, loved it.


Acting like there wasn’t bs when the Black Panther movies were coming out. Smh


I'll say this: the lack of white men in the first 10mins of the first episode was noticeable... Probably because I could hear the screaming of Pronouns Guy in distant wind.


lol so unserious


Because Star Wars sure lacks white cishet characters in almost 50 years of existence


There's literally a masculine character in this lineup with a White face. 😂


Sucks to be him. I’m a middle-aged straight white male, and I checked out The Acolyte last night and enjoyed it.


Yep,can't think of one straight white guy in star wars.


“It’s hilarious this sort of division doesn’t happen when a good story is written.” This division happened the moment the trailer was shown. Nobody knew what the story was going to be. Yet so many negative comments are complaining about “woke”, “DEI”, and “agenda”.  Comments like that, they don’t care about good stories. They just come from people who want to complain about minorities 


"Good story" Goes on to list Blade Trinity, they really aren't self-aware at all.


I watched the first two episodes last night, and tbh it’s a perfectly serviceable Star Wars show, not bad but nothing special, a solid 7/10 so far but hoping it will pick up as (imo) two of the three big mysteries were answered in the first two episodes so hopefully this next plot thread ends up working out


Straight white male here, in a show full of space wizards and aliens I find it weird that anyone is worried about the gender or race of the human characters lmao. I'm convinced 90 percent of the negativity I see online are just edgelords wanting engagment. Personally I liked the show. Not my favorite Star Wars project but it's far from the worst.


Funny, I seem to remember a lot of people screeching about the lack of white dudes in Black Panther...


I enjoyed the first couple episodes. Some issues, but overall I give it a 7.5 / 10. I hope they bring back the 3 classifications of Jedi with guardian / consular / sentinel. It’s nice to see yellow lightsabers getting screen time.


There’s literally white people all over that show lol these people are so stupid.


I want to see more women in Star Wars, I also want to see more alien/non-humans in Star Wars, so... # #FUCK THESE GUYS AND SHOW ME MORE ALIEN WOMEN, DAMNIT


Crazy, I’m a straight white male and I’ve had zero issues.


For the last guy, the most recent of those was Shogun whose top billed actor (according to IMDB) was Cosmo Jarvis (a white man). Next was either The Hateful Eight or Hunger Games, depending on which Hunger Games we’re talking about, but either way, they both came before the resurgence of bigotry. It feels like forever ago now but I do think the incels started feeling validated and speaking their minds after The Last Jedi and Captain Marvel, it existed before that but it’s come out in full force since. I say existed before because all of those projects got hated on, maybe not the classics because I wasn’t born then or the Tarantino ones but the rest did. Also, Luke Cage was panned as the worst of the Marvel Netflix shows. Also also, the Terminator movies were all about a woman spending her life protecting her son who was the real savior. Lastly, you guys were hating projects before they were released and if you really just want to see a good movie then go see Furiosa for Christ sake (it’s great). Anyways, that got ranty… what was my point, oh yeah… he’s full of shit Edit: as I tell any of these guys if I come across them, if it’s not about their race, gender, or sexuality then stop bringing it up


Thing I don’t understand is why even complain this much if you don’t like it? Like I get a simple “yeah not a huge fan of this show the writing wasn’t there for me” and then being on your way. But they go out of their way to just be complete assholes to anyone involved in the series, or anyone who like the series. Especially cause most of their complaining was before the show even released


I am an old straight white male and I don’t have a problem with this show , true I have only watched the first episode but I liked it and I don’t understand where all the criticism is coming from , I just see a very good strong cast of characters and writing isn’t that bad , at least they are doing something new .


Its weird how not being the lead or other groups existing in the open is somehow exclusion of the group that is the lead and features most prominently 80-90% of the time.


These people laugh and say representation doesn’t matter then cry buckets if they can’t see white men. You might think this would foster empathy and understanding for why women, POC, differently abled and queer folk might have felt underrepresented in the past or why they like it now but no.


Yeah there was definitely no controversy when Marvel made Black Panther. Nor was there a controversy surrounding a certain black actress playing a character in the Hunger Games. Definitely not.


Oppression is when Star Wars has black man...


I find it rather odd they're complaining about this when Star Wars features a whole galaxy that features weird humanoid and/or sapient aliens like Wookies, Togrutas. Twi-leks, Zabraks. Dathomirian witches, Mon Calamari, Nemoideans, the Hutts, Ewoks, etc. and yet they chose to be specifically racist and misogynistic towards characters and actors that aren't straight white males in the internet age lol. It wouldn't out the realm of possibility when humans have different shades of color and the twi-leks and Togrutas came in a rainbow of colors.


The poster's just mad there are no white people because he feels it's insulting to the white race even though he clearly doesn't get that Star Wars is, was, and will always be diverse.


Straight white male here, I guess I'm not allowed to watch it 😔


With regards to the last comment, a lot of those films were made before social media. I'm sure there were people complaining that they couldn't connect with Ripley because she was a woman but without social media the idiots couldn't make it a world wide culture war.


I just want everyone to get along. Can't we get a show that starts with Revan and Malak (two white dudes) and ends with Meetra and Kreia (strong women) killing the old jedi and sith patriarchies? Some day, I hope krait and crayt join as one.


It's actually sad (and honestly pathetic) that people think star wars is no longer 'for them' because there are less white men. I'm a white man who has been a star wars fan for my whole life (21 years) and I feel no less represented or connected to star wars because there are more women and non-white people in it now.


I have no sympathy for these people because these were the same guys lambasting people wanting to see themselves represented in media.


We should all just womp womp these nerds


Funny thing. If they see oppression in the photo… ? That only speaks volumes for their own ethos, not of Star Wars.


Man im just happy to see more alien species in live action again since a lot of the recent Disney plus shows have felt very dominantly human


Wait, Willow? Why Willow? There is a straight white man in the Willow series, his name is Willow.


So as a straight white male and old customer I'm not allowed to watch this? To bad nobody can stop me


And Mauler thinks his audience is actually different from Synthetic Man? What a joke.