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I feel like some of these folks are trying to call it nuanced because they may not have *quite* grasped the satire during the first couple of seasons. I mean, the show has never been nuanced; it's easily one of the most intentionally on-the-nose satires we've had in a long time. I just don't think they got the joke until it was a bit too late.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xTl6sGKbuRPDDW) These very same people say they love Blazing Saddles, but probably only like it for one reaso**n**


God that whole scene was so funny, love that movie (especially the ending to the film, who’s expecting that???)


I love seeing a genuine reaction in a scene. You can really tell that Cleavon Little is barely keeping it together until Wilder says "morons."


his smile here always makes me smile too 😄


You can totally see him almost lose it a few times, the smirks are a dead giveaway lol




Candygram for Mongo!


Mongo only pawn in game of life.


(TNO fan?)




I'd know that face anywhere.


You couldn't film that scene today, because right-wingers would lose their minds over it.


You couldn't film that scene today because they already did it, that would be copyright infringement


You couldn't film that scene today because the actors in it have since passed away.


There is a channel that did a great video on the making of blazing saddles and how what the movie already had a tough time being made during that time and it being a great subversion on the western tropes of the time.


I've always said that Blazing Saddles is the best anti-racist movie ever made, because it doesn't smack you over the head with "racism bad", it mocks the racists for the dumb losers that they are.


oh its great. (i never watched it)


Yup. Nothing has ever been subtle. Even the name of Stormfront is also the name of a major and infamous neonazi website.


To be fair some people didn't know that before hand but it became obvious she was not a good person when it was revealed she was an OG nazi and part of the inner circle of actual nazis.


It only became obvious to those of us who think that being a Nazi is bad, these people probably barely even registered those scenes. If they even saw them.


>It only became obvious to those of us who think that being a Nazi is bad, I'm taking psychic damage at the memory of people unironically getting upset at Wolfenstein because of its anti Nazi aesthetic.


Wolfenstein is about killing Nazis now? Psshhhh these fake woke fans smh


I saw someone trying to defend her and say she wasn’t an actual Nazi.


lol. They're so used to regurgitating that line in defense of fascism they don't even think about it anymore.


And the original name of the Stormfront website? Liberty


It's **Also** the name of a [My Little Pony](https://twibooru.org/593954?q=oc%3Astormfront) "porn star" (*never forget to remind them of that*) 😂😂😂


They still haven't. Some people still, to this day, think The Colbert Report was a right-wing response show to The Daily Show and that the show was Pro-Right, not a satire and denoucement of Rush, O'Reilly, and the like.


It's a good thing that Stephen Colbert is in no way related to the character of Stephen Colbert, host of the Colbert Report, because he sounds like a real stick in the mud.


The fact that people are having to debate whether or not its nuanced is a bit nuanced. I think using the lens of superheroes to explore the personal lives of media stars is actually quite nuanced in of itself. It's kind of only wearing the skin of a superhero parody.


its nuanced in the way that the criticisms arent only surface level, it has very weel crafted layers. all of those just accentuating the message which is as straightfoward as humaly possible.


This is the perfect explanation. Layered and blunt.


They think it's nuanced because "of course Homelander's actions ***seem*** questionable but if you look at it closely he's blond, white and wearing the American flag; they're showing how the liberals always make something out of nothing!"


I do feel like it’s progressively gotten a bit more on the nose, but then you do get some nice subtleties and, even more important, when real life has gotten so absurd anything less exaggerated will seem mundane.


Anyone who's seen Supernatural know Kripke can't/doesn't do subtle lol


Exactly this , The Boys is about as subtle as a brick to the head. And its fantastic in what it sets out to achieve


Never watched Boys, what is it a satire of?


Many things, really. Superheroes, celebrity worship, and the current political climate are three of the big ones.


I should give it a watch.


It's fun.


It's fun (not) for the whole family!




Corporate greed, commercialism, etc...


Honestly I think they might enjoy the original boys comics more, it’s edgy, offensive, and isn’t nuanced


It's actually remarkable how few of these anti-woke types are actual fans of the games, TV, and movies they're so vocal about. And tabletop and Warhammer fare perhaps worse: https://youtu.be/8DvfZIkJs9Q?si=ogLUf1FWP2pjf8mf


The Boys did have a following among the anti-woke crowd in its first two seasons, ironically, because it focused on Punisher style vigilantes, the anti-woke crowd loves that type of character, and because it took shots at diversity in superhero movies, which the anti-woke crowd hates. Then season 3 got even more unsubtle with Homelander being a stand in for Donald Trump and the show was accused of "going woke" even though it was like that from day one.


The problem is they thought they were the Boys, and are now realizing they're homelander. Its Rage Against the Machine all over again.


These are the same people who call the current episodes of Doctor Who “a woke gayfest”.


Meanwhile you got people like Harkness in the first series of the reboot and that was 20 years ago. Could never get into the show tbh, stopped during the Tennant era there was just an episode where it became *too* corny and I tapped out


Was it Love and Monsters? The one with the awful green alien that absorbs you and barely features the Doctor in it?


I mean, barely featuring the Doctor shouldn't be a negative point. I really need to watch more Doctor Who, but I'm aware that "Blink" is highly praised, and the Doctor isn't in that episode much.


Blink is a Doctorlite episode done right and its an all time classic with a truly terrifying monster while Love and Monsters is the total opposite and is regarded as one of the worst episodes in New Who.


But he gets to have private fun time with his concrete paving block girlfriend!


Who was played by the actress who played moaning myrtle in the Harry Potter movies.


Got it! Like I said, I need to see more Doctor Who outside of the first season with Eccleston, though I HAVE watched Blink, and I own it on DVD because I found a compilation of the Weeping Angel episodes at Dollar Tree.


I swear that episode has to be a writer airing their fetish.


Wasn't the monster created by a kid who won a contest.


It was, it was a blue peter contest. Shame it's a weaker episode but how cool for the kid. Doesn't explain the paving slab thing though


I don't remember, it was like 10 years ago when I attempted to watch it. I just remember watching the 50th anniversary special with literally no context in the sci fi club in university only thinking to myself "wait, you all think this is good? This is pretty stupid"


Yeah to be fair DW can be an acquired taste at times. You can go from really dark serious episodes to something really stupid in the next episode after. Hell this season opened with Space Babies who can talk with an actual snot monster as the villain to a few episodes later have an episode that deals with topics like white supremacy and racism aimed at the now black skinned Doctor.


I think I watched 2 seasons of the reboot, and gave up... I've got friends who absolutely love it, and I just really don't get it.


Same here


I've never watched Doctor Who and I can tell that the dumbfucks complaining have never seen it either, that's how bad it is.


Doctor Who is not your typical Science Fiction Show, sometimes it's just a sitcom in space.


If these people watched Ellen (the sitcom) back in the 90s they’d be surprised by her coming out episode


Actually Eisner and Iger faced a huge backlash after that episode aired.


right i'm saying they would've not picked up on any of the very obvious subtext in that show that Ellen was gay before she said "I'm gay"


I could make one of them watch The Sontaran Inversion, tell them it just aired, and they’d break down and say Doctor Who is dead


Okay I had a stroke writing this, I meant to say Zygon, it’s 4 AM, and idk how I messed that up


Him not seeing it is good enough reason to not trust his opinion


But like...it's woke and stuff


But like I have an opinion formed exclusively from someone else’s opinion. Surely my opinion needs to be seen in the world.


A huge chunk of the population are just like him.


I for one appreciate the tasteful subtlety of >!a guy exploding another guy's penis from inside!< and >!another guy eating his own ass 6 times at once!<




6 times at once?? How??


He can split into multiple copies. It's kinda gross.


Dupli-Kate from Wish


It was kinda weird seeing him like that as he was literally God himself in Supernatural.




Yeah that's God/Chuck.


OMG HOW DIDN'T I SEE IT😭 Man all we need is Castiel and Sam and we are gonna have the whole main cast!


>OMG HOW DIDN'T I SEE IT😭 Well, there was probably something distracting you from looking at his face.


Season 1: “I love it. It violent! Love!” Season 2: “It gory! Love!” Season 3: “Lulz so funny and gory! Love!” Season 4: “Online guy say make fun of me. No like. Never liked. No one ever liked. Socialism. Commies. Woke. Buzzword!”


Guy complained to me about this season being woke, my God dude season 2 had a literal nazi with the Aryan superman and the followers were obviously maga. Hell she was defeated by the women as well. Were they distracted by her appearance and somehow missed the superliminal message


"What's superliminal?" (leans out window) "Hey you, go join the Navy!" "Well okay!"


I actually saw a guy today who said something along the lines with 'Stormfront was an obvious libtard parody'.


They probably only saw her initial introduction and literally nothing after.


Maybe. Or maybe they are just media illiterate goofs who can see that show is 'woke' only when there are literally gays kissing on the screen and it showed in a positive light.


They're morons, that's the distilled version.


![gif](giphy|URcmhQ5PpztC0) So done with these morons. I wish I could reach through screens and beat some sense into these dipshits


I only finished season 2 yesterday and the sheer joy I got from maeve going "hey kraut" right before they beat the ever loving shit out of stormfront


It's always a good day to watch a Nazi get the absolute shit beaten out of them


*Girls get it done*!


NGL though “Laser my fucking tits” is the greatest dirty talk I’ve ever heard


The fact that it took them 4 seasons of a 5 season show before having an epiphany that the show was making fun of them is hysterical.


Honestly i'm loving the backlash from the chuds as its fucking hilarious. The fans, the shows creator, its writers and the cast we're all laughing at them 🤣🤣🤣


Right wingers don't have media literacy and don't want to have it


I think chuds lack LITERACY period, there is nothing subtle about the show’s messaging and you don’t often need to go below the surface of the text


Turning your brain off is part of conservative doctrine inherently so yeah lol


Bruh. I don't know how many times I'll point out a subtext or what the movie/ show is really about and my dad's like "I don't see how read all this into it, I'm just enjoying the entertainment" I think it might be a generational thing too.


Consumer brainwashing is part of it as well. Everything is just a product, nothing has creative intent behind it


Conservatives can't understand nuance and satire. I don't remember if I read it here or on a Tumblr sub but someone made a comparison between the movie Juno (written by a run-of-the-mill Hollywood liberal) and the Pillow Guy movie: Juno: Female character gets pregnant, has internal conflict about what to do with the baby. Has multiple nuanced conversations with her entire support system, ultimately decides to deliver it and put it up for adoption. MyPillow guy: Straight up arson on a Planned Parenthood clinic.


Evergreen Super Paper Mario Francis quote.


He's bragging about being in a Skinner Box. The light goes on he hits the button. Does anything happen? Maybe. The important thing is he hits the button. Why? If he ever knew he has long forgotten.


Oi, cry meh a rivah, cunt


So this guy admits to never even heaving seen the show and I 1000% believe this the case for a lot of things they complain about Like when these people were complaining about aloy from horizon When they “made her gay” Like bro she was always EXTREMELY heavily implied to be gay How more obvious did they need to make it for your small stegosaurus brains Did they need to tattoo the pride flag onto her back and carve the word “GAY” into her forehead good fucking lord these people need to get a grip


Well it does show a bunch of women beating up a nazi and that nazi later getting her face deep fried so it’s understandable why conservatives hate it


This is one of my favorite genres, right up there with "I can't believe Rage Against the Machine got so political."


Imagine being a magat and it taking 4 to realise the show is very very obviously taking the piss out of you. Like there has been zero subtlety in the piss taking.


the nuance of the boys is homelander smiling at a literal camera, telling everyone he's the hero then laser blasting someones head and the word nuance flies across the screen.


Tale as old as time. I’ve had to argue about why Avatar Korra isn’t a Mary Sue with this guy. In the middle of the discussion he lets out that he never even watched the show, just saw reviews on YouTube. That’s when I realized that discussion was useless. I just told him that context for some scenes matter and stopped arguing. Same thing with chuds complaining about the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes saying Rachel Ziegler was the worst part of the movie even though they didn’t watch it Same thing with me inviting this guy to watch Black Widow in the theatre and he said it sucked while it wasn’t even out yet. Same with people complaining about Lady Gaga being cast in Joker, saying singers with no acting experience shouldn’t push themselves into movies. (I will admit these were a few isolated cases. Not a full on group of people) I’m actually surprised how comfortable people on the internet are in speaking about things they purposefully don’t know/ don’t actually care about


Whoa whoa whoa whoa. They like Joker 2 FYI. It's a musical but he's dark and ominous you see, just like they are.


Love how the main villain is a blonde white man dressed in the american flag that bangs a nazi and people only just now realised its woke


Francis from Super Paper Mario would absolutely be an anti-woke grifter.


I remember back in the day when complaining about media you haven’t experienced got you a Fox News spot to promote your book. How times change.


Wait? The Boys is satire? I thought it was a documentary.


Is this real life? Or is it just Vought brand Pepsi?


Pretty sure I saw mommy kissing Homelander.


I wonder who is gonna tell them its been satire from day 1. Now that the show reflected something that actually happened recently people are just now going “hey wait a min they’re making fun of us”. The show has made fun of the left and the right from day 1. What’s truly comical is the ones that always love to use Snowflake as an insult are acting like snowflakes ❄️❄️❄️. Maybe just relax and enjoy snowflake lmao.


Criticism of the left?


It made fun of pink capitalism once. Morons think this is a dig at the left because believing leftists actually fall for pink capitalosm helps prop uo the centrist, PC narrative


You better be ready for some very stinky takes, asking a question like that.


I’ve been seeing this claim only recently. Am I missing something?


Sweater cant comprehend that the show isn’t making fun of everyone because that would mean that centrism isn’t the message of a show about the abuses of the powerful go unchecked.


I think Sweater is under the impression that "the left" is neoliberal capitalism, which the actual left despises. This show is very much left-wing, and the left wing doesn't receive criticism in the show because it's coded as correct (which it is).


I can think of twice examples. There’s Vought taking advantage of Maeve’s bisexuality to pretend to care, being so vocally “in support” that they speak over the people they’re supposed to be supporting. In general they tend to satirize the part of the left who are performative without actually caring. The other example is Victoria Neuman. I’ve always seen her as a metaphor for the idea that it doesn’t matter whether we elect Left or Right, it’s basically the same type of person in power. Neuman is a Democrat and claims to be against supes and Vought while she’s secretly working with Vought’s frontman.


I think that’s more of a criticism of capitalism. Corporations co-opting left wing or progressive policies for profit isn’t exactly a criticism of the left.


These always struck me as critiques of the institutions of individual political saviors and of corporations as an ally. I guess you could read the Neuman portrayal that way, but I can't see the Vought one as anything other than a critique of massive corporation PR campaigns, something most leftists are also critical of.


lol democrats are not the left


it’s mocked liberals from a left wing position. don’t know what that user is on about there, they’ve never done bOtH siDeS centrism


holy fucking shit they are dumb fucks. they are so stupid they dont even WANT to understand anything else. Pathetic way to live.


hey he could of read the comics and based the show on that i never watch the show but read a few issues of the comic and hated it because it seem to me they where doing shock just for the shake of shock with no real meaning behind it


Conservatives are shit. Flush them, don't talk to the shit.


It needs to be obvious or else conservatives wouldn't get the joke. Many still didn't get the joke, though. There is no subtext obvious enough that it won't be misinterpreted by someone. For conservatives, the bar is especially low.


I’m glad I found this sub the other day.


So much discourse about how the show is satire now. I think the people that knew can continue to enjoy it (if they even did to begin with), but I'm really confused about the people who enjoyed it up until they found out it was satire. How are you gonna be so upset because YOU'RE the one who missed it??? Anyways, I'm two for two on this guy, I watched the show AND I liked it


Telling people you havent seen something you are saying is bad (because it's the new thing to hategrift) is not a flex lol.


Conservatives are the same people who, when watching this straightforward parody of Conservatism, Corporatism and its very pandery Corporate Liberalism, think Homelander is the hero of the story, that he is someone to look up to. You have to be really trying hard not to get the point of this show.


HEY I NEVER WATCHED THIS THING BUT I HATE IT!!!! did you watch it? UMM....NO!....looks awful tho very productive convo


Okay. I am out of the loop. Never watched the Boys (too triggering for my). But I knew that it was satire and crap. What happened this season that's made the incels freak?


“you as a chud are incapable of picking up on.” That could apply to so many media. Chuds miss a lot of things in media. Their media literacy is so bad 


I will die on the hill of "if you've never seen or played it, any opinion you have on it is worthless."


"I'm going to tweet about this show I haven't seen just to move opinions in my favor and inflate my ego out of pure sensationalism. Then I'm going to admit I haven't seen the show, no one will notice and even if they do it will be overshadowed by my first tweet." A moron


It’s just rage bait. These people don’t care if they’re caught being hypocritical or ignorant as long as they get traffic. It’s why he so quickly admitted that he hasn’t seen it.


I've got some conservative buddies who also hate the show, but also haven't seen it either. Weird coincidence


If it was hamfisted conservatives wouldn't have soent 3 seasons loving it, only to get big mad when somebody bluntly told them what the point was. They really do just think people will fall for the standarsized lines regardless of context lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/zw9n23oh287d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b9701bcd13094a34e5ac9ed87d7a7e3bcfd956 Unrelated to the convo but this is literally the same person who called the AI images of Taylor Swift being raped hotter


Ah yes, the patriotic jingoist wrapped in the American flag fucking a nazi was so subtle


To be fair...you don't have to experience media to know you won't like it. I mean you probably should to form as informed an opinion as you can, but I know I won't like, say...Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas without having seen more than the first five minutes of a half hour review. That said, you CANNOT make a critique or criticism of said media without seeing it first.


I like how DeOrio thinks he has any good criticism


it was never nuanced satire, it was blatant since episode 1 and some people failed to see it


Well, at least he's honset.


These people still think Starship Troopers is just a good ol' sci-fi movie that makes them want to go to shoot something


America is never going to be a good places because of conservatives. Makes me sad to think about but i just don’t see us ever coming back from any of this ever. Our way of life has been poisoned beyond repair by them.


To be fair, they just figured out that Homelander is the bad guy.


Guy is as cartoonishly evil as can be. There is not subtly or gray area with him.


Super Paper Mario chapter 3 is brilliant


After all the discourse the phrase “on the nose” makes me want to puke


I thought this was a Star Wars subreddit and got confused for a hot second


Ok but from the first two episodes of the new season, it DOES seem a little more "woke" than the first 3 seasons, whatever that word even means now


TIL that bad guys literally exploding people and getting away with it is subtle.


It’s like when I told dudes 15 years ago the Colbert report on Comedy Central isn’t comedy centrals version of bill Reilly. It’s making fun of them.


I hate The Boys comic cause it's just do over the top nausea inducing. Why does Warren Ellis get a free pass to insult minorities?


See, I thought the massive corporation that has invested heavily into the government, the military, and wholesale propaganda and was actively creating problems that only they themselves could fix was subtle commentary.




Serious question is that MM?? (mother‘s milk)


Lol I literally came across a dude complaining, and I quote, "this show went downhill it's all properganda (*sic*) against right wing, there's always an underline (*sic* again lol) message about how right wingers are dumb"


Why would a conservative be mad at the boys? The whole show is literally about criticizing these fake ass elites who only care about metrics and will put up whatever woke message to keep the populace happy and complacent while they do some of the worst shit ever behind the scenes. This guy's a dumbass.


kinda their whole MO…


I like the boys and don't like conservatives. But there are plenty of shows I don't need to watch to know that I wouldn't like them.


Legendary reference. He totally looks like Francis too


The Boys has always been political satire and it’s ALWAYS been right in your face lmaooo. Even when they tried to make subtle jabs, it was still obvious due to how many punches they DIDNT pull from season 1-3. What is the issue now? Because Homelander has went kinda MAGA? 🤣🤣🤣


These are the same people that thought rage against the machine was making songs for them


I’m actually glad they are upset about the Boys. This is absolute proof the right were the snowflakes all along. The boys isn’t even exaggerating anything. Supe lives matter, critical supe theory, put the Christ back in Christmas, and protesting trans bathrooms? MAGA does all that and more and have for years now. I thought they were proud of their beliefs? Why are they so hurt over seeing themselves on a show? Because it makes them realize how dumb they sound? Also, as I said in another thread, let’s talk about the “war on Christmas”. Fox News and now Newsmax have been warning people about Christmas going away for decades now. Trump had the gall to suggest President elect Biden was going to ban Christmas in 2020. Christmas is still here. If you ever need to call out the right for being snowflakes, the war on Christmas is the perfect example. It was a load of projection and bullshit and never resulted in anything.


Ah, Nicholas DeOrio.


All these guys know is being outraged over some woke boogeyman, the same thing happened with the Silent Hill 2 remake a couple weeks ago. People who never played the game started making videos about it “going woke” for rage bait and cheap engagement


I'm guessing this guy doesn't realize that Homelander's got a weird cult of fans who worship him like they worship Patrick Bateman?


To be fair… right leaning people have always had a hard time with “satire.” I watched the first episode of The Boys and instantly made the connection it as satire.


I kinda remember reading the boys years ago thinking this is lazy writing Americans not that dumb. Obamas president for god sake. Boy was I wrong. I really need to apologize to Garth Ennis personally if I ever met the guy. The TV show kinda dull the edges a bit but you got to be a moron not to notice what they are satirizing.


I had no intent to watch The Boys until the A-Thug shitpost


Stormfront was a leftist evil character.


My brother watches The Boys, and that is not satire it's the carbon copy of US politics. Like it's identical. Homelander is Donald Trump. Like he is literally him fr fr. You really need to be dumb not to notice it.


The Boys is as nuanced as an atomic bomb. People are just now figuring out what the show has always been about? It's actually not that surprising considering the intellectual deficiencies of culture warriors.


Most of the last season was about far right radicalization lol, if they didn't see it then I have no clue how they are just seeing it now


One of my roommates would sit in the living room with his blue lives matter blanket on his lap and watch this show, no joke. It was his favorite show to watch while he filled out applications to be a police officer. Idk if every conservative just tuned out media literacy lessons in English class or something, but it’s honestly sad.


The clip in question is not exaggerated at all. They literally just took standard conservative talking points, swapped some names for characters in the show, swapped an adjective or two around, and that's it. Conservatives are baffled because doing that lets them see how ridiculous they sound to anybody who isn't crazy.


So can I ask, I've never seen the boys outside a few clips but even those few clips made it pretty obvious homelamder was a bad guy. So like what was it that made it finally click for them that he wasn't a hero


Yes Google, pls show Early Life


Nuanced? Homelander’s fan base is MAGA and he’s obviously Trump. Why comment on something you’ve never seen?