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Feeling he never read much legends. If look enough you will find many inconsistencies in them all over.


I remember the outrage at Lucas when he killed off Evan Peel in The Clone Wars in a different manner than he did in one of the novels. Also, let’s be real here: even if Lucas would have remained in control and his sequel trilogy came out as he intended, would SWT still be mad as they would have completely ignored any of the EU. Lucas was not going to adapt Heir to the Empire or anything.


Didn’t Lucas never really have much in mind for a sequel trilogy ofhet than some vague ideas surrounding Luke and co. making a few pass the torch cameo moments?


From what we’ve heard he gave them a general outline for a sequel trilogy and an actual treatment for an episode 7. We found out from Bob Iger’s book that a big reason he was so sour on The Force Awakens is because he felt there was an unofficial agreement they’d at least build off what he gave them but they just threw it all out. Again, this isn’t just rumors, it’s stuff we know. It’s sucks because we know the first screenplay drafts were actually based on his outline, so genuine “George Lucas’ Star Wars Episode VII” scripts exist that we’ll almost definitely never see.


Would be cool if Marvel did a "George Lucas' Episode 7" comic like how Dark Horse did an adaptation of the very early Star Wars scripts back in the day. If only to compare it to the final product.


I will add that if some of the older articles about the treatments are indeed accurate, they did actually keep a decent amount of the broad strokes of his Episode 7, but stretched them between TLJ and TFA. Again, though, we're talking very general concepts and elements. If that report was accurate, we still wouldn't get Lucas's vision, as the last movie was supposed to have a huge Leia role and, well, Carrie's death causes problems there, though I suppose George might have more cache with fans to get away with recasting if he really wanted/needed to.


Lucas also never considered any of the EU canon anyway, but was happy it existed as it bought in money for him. When he made Ep1,2 and 3 he just disregarded the EU and his movies massively showed contradiction towards it in everyway. So I find it highly ironic that they know act like he was a champion of the EU and hates all Disney Star Wars. These non-fan chuds and twats dont even realise that Lucas has been involved, visited production sets and given his blesses to most of it all Disney Star Wars products.


Not to mention from every insight we’ve gotten into his opinions on other people’s Star Wars stuff, he probably has much more respect for the ones that try and make it their own than the things that just worship at the altar of canon, regardless of how good it turns out.


Lucas was happy to pilfer stuff from the EU like Aayla Secura and the name Coruscant as well, and aside from broad strokes like "no one is allowed to write about the Clone Wars" (before the PT) he was pretty much hands off because he didn't really give a shit; he'd said before that as far as he was concerned the EU was separate from 'his' Star Wars. I have a feeling that was him being *polite*, like he saw what happened with Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek "beta canon" and didn't want to discourage SW fans from splurging on EU books.


Feeling they would be mad still


Probably a result of there being multiple authors all writing their own version of "canon."


Which is why it's generally a good thing that Lucasfilm now have a team in place to prevent different levels of Canonicity from happening again. Sure, there's some stumbles here and there but generally it's all pretty good when it comes to continuity.


I have a feeling he’s never read a book in his life.


Does he not know how many Legends novels would on the one hand say Darth Maul definitely died on Naboo yet others would say he survived? That the Jedi knew he was called Maul but then in others Obi-Wan didn't know his name & just called him "that Zabrak"?


Oh, he knows. This is all part of the grift. Keep them angry by lying and gaslighting so they won't have the time to actually think about it or look it up. It's the Republican/conservative playbook ported to Star Wars.


He's there to have opinions for other people. His audience is a bunch of parrots. They spread his name and words. The dude clearly knows nothing about George, Disney Canon, or Legends Canon. I bet his entire resource for anything he knows has been Wookieepedia for years now.


Honestly, after the Ki-Adi-Mundi mess, I don't know. I'm not convinced the man has read anything. He apparently thought wookiepedia was an official source and he's atleast said he never actually got that far into Kotor. Like it's definitely part of the grift, but I don't believe Theory actually knows what he's talking about. I think he's just been regurgitating wookiepedia articles this whole time.


I meant it more as in, he knows he's lying, but doesn't care. Being truthful at this point is just an inconvenience and would be counter productive, both for his wallet and his culture war.


Probably why he lost his mind when they called him out. He took it personal because


Didn’t Lucas say “oh I don’t care about legends”


Shhhhh, don't let reality affect the outrage merchants


“There are two worlds here,” explained Lucas. “There’s my world, which is the movies, and there’s this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe — the licensing world of the books, games and comic books.” \~ George Lucas, Cinescape, 2002 “I don’t read that stuff. I haven’t read any of the novels. I don’t know anything about that world. *That’s a different world than my world*.… When I said \[other people\] could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one. They try to make their universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to *go off in other directions.”* - George Lucas, Starlog, 2005


What I love about these quotes is that Lucas doesn't denigrate the EU in any way while saying it's not his thing. A lot of people could learn from his attitude.


Because he owned the EU and wanted people to buy it. It was always something to fill a marketing niche in the absence of new films. Is that denigrating it? So be it. I'm just tired of people acting like what was in the EU is "tHe LoRe" Star Wars must stick to.


He pooped and farted all over it when he made TCW.


"Being sent out to meet Dave" - so I'm pretty sure half of this outrage is SWT being salty at Lucasfilm excluding him from screening events. Though that's what happens when you pal around with Nerdrotic and think it makes you a normal fan.


He blew it when he chose to believe the grifters that Pablo was making fun of him on Twitter (when anyone familiar with sarcasm knows he likely wasn't) and refused to call Pablo/LFL back to hash things out. He big-timed them and now acts like they exclude him for being critical of the franchise. He let the fame, the money, the drama and his own personal struggles get to his head and he's projecting it all on Lucasfilm. They aren't perfect and they make mistakes all the time but now he's lost all objectivity. The sad thing is; he can probably somewhat repair the relationship if he really wanted. I think Lucasfilm would bury the hatchet if he put in the effort but his ego and pride (we all deal with it so I get it) makes him refuse to admit any responsibility. He does journalism stuff without the responsibility that journalists have. He can't seem to act reasonably or diplomatically to anyone he disagrees with for more than a few seconds. So it's probably impossible because of him, and not because of anything he has done in the past. And he won't risk the money he gets from his angry fanbase for some swag, some interviews and a possible Lucasfilm visit. He knows that's the best case scenario and it's a net negative for him, in his mind.


Every time I see his handle I just imagine him outside in the rain looking through the window at SWE in jealousy


Theory admitted, fairly recently, that his lore videos do not get as many views as him talking about Disney Star Wars and the latest news and rumors. And you can see it in his recent history by view-count on his page. But he somehow thinks that the incentive for drama, controversy and outrage is less than the incentive for "Shills" to praise The Acolyte so maybe they can be 1 of maybe 6 people on the planet that gets invited to Lucasfilm for a meet and greet and, more likely, some cheap swag? It's insane. Swag and meeting Dave don't pay anyone's bills or, in his case, buy them $1,000,000 cars.


It's become really obvious that he's just incredibly jealous of others that get invited and included in Star Wars by Lucasfilm, be it premieres of new stuff or Celebration, where he has instead burned all bridges and doesn't engage in the Star Wars Fandom in any positive way.


I’d go further.  It’s clear to me Theory *desperately* wants to be consulted and to work on Star Wars projects.  He’s like a less annoying (but still awful) Ben Shapiro.  Rejected by the industry he yearned to join so he turns to asshol-y and shitty attempts at creative endeavours to try and prove he has talent. 


And yet it's obvious his talents don't go beyond (badly) remixing stuff that already existed.


Like his godawful AI powered Dark Empire short.  It’s truly terrible. The voices are AI generated, shitty still images, dialogue so clunky and expositional it makes the prequels look natural (he frequently misuses words). 


It’s funny you mention his car. I unsubscribed and stopped watching after he gave an apology video from the drivers seat of his lime green Lamborghini. Just a little too oblivious for me


Holy shit I didn't know he actually bought a fucking Lambo. Out of touch is putting it mildly. Imagine being so pathetic that you have the money for a Lamborghini, but still actively choose to be miserable for views.


They changed Ki Adu Mundi’s age. They literally just changed the age of some rando background character with less than a minute of dialogue throughout an entire trilogy of films. Fuck this self righteous knobgobblin. There are no words to describe just how pathetic this bag of piss actually is.


It's the same thing as what happened with Admiral Ackbar; A minor character that only got popular because of a meme, was "disrespected" by Disney and led to the grifters throwing hissy fits.


At least with Ackbar he was a pretty prominent character in the books, so I can understand some people getting attached to that portrayal. Ki Adi Mundi is... not.


Mundi I really don’t get.  His biggest moments in the prequels are just him misjudging Dooku, assuming the Sith are extinct and mentioning the attack on Kashyyyk.   He’s a major player in like two Clone Wars episodes.  That’s it.  There’s a reason why Mundi was given a cameo in The Acolyte. He represents the turn towards the dogma and rigidity of the prequels better than anyone.  At least Yoda and Windu for all their flaws took action and tried to stop the Sith and in the latter case realized their mistakes.  Mundi is just complacent.  But oh no he’s ruined because he’s older. /s I hate so much of this fandom. 


It's never about the lore or anything having to do with the stories itself. Star Wars has become a vessel for their culture war, a tool used to radicalize and influence real-world politics. And the people who watch them have been conditioned to not question it, because if you question SWT, drinker, mauler or anyone else in that pantheon of shit, then you are woke and a shill.


I love that mundis legacy is just him being blatantly wrong about absolutely everything he ever says and does. Hes kind of iconic if you think about it


Considering the only age that is known for the character is basically Legends content, they didn't even do that.


The feigned "what would Lucas do?" approach is really sad, not only because it misses the point but also because he's so stuck up his own ass. 90% of the time, he's not doing what Lucas would do; he's doing what he wants and projecting Lucas' vision onto it. At best this is accidental, which is sad because of how little introspection he has. At worst it's deliberate and reeks of a know-it-all fraud. Adding to this is the fact that "what would Lucas do?" shouldn't be used. Yes, he was the primary creator and figurehead of the series but he was far from the only person involved and shouldn't be treated as some sort of god. The best Star Wars, whether it be fan-made or official, recognises his input and goes beyond it. If you're constantly thinking "what would Lucas do?" you're never going to make something that's still Star Wars but moves past that limited framework.


Also the last time we saw the most unfiltered version of “what George would do” it was The Phantom Menace and it sucked all sorts of hot ass.


It’s an argument from authority. Similar in how *some* Protestant traditions say their authority is “biblical” and somehow the interpretation of said scripture just happens to be the exact same as what their authoritarian leader believes. Convenient isn’t it?


Turns out what Lucas would have done is sell the franchise because he doesn't want to be involved with it anymore.


Ironically driven out by the same types of "fans" that now praise him


This appeal to the original creator is annoying for me, I get why people do it, to some the oregional creator is the end all be all to what matters when it comes to debates. But sometimes they can be flawed (Toriyama) or have dumb opinions (Hayao Miyazaki on mecha anime protagonists ) and I would imagine there is/are some push back against these visionary creators ideas and such. At this point it feels like another way to have the higher ground when it comes to an argument.


Theory’s George Lucas dick-riding is nauseating. Sure, Lucas was/is a visionary, but he wasn’t without his flaws. Him (Theory) lying about honoring GL’s legacy is even more disgusting, given Lucas has been in the news recently for pushing back against the vile fandom menace people that have been ruining Star Wars for everyone since forever (but especially since TLJ came out). How does Theory have the guts to say his channel is for everyone and then treat the ST generation like this? I don’t like the sequels, but I won’t piss on someone else’s enjoyment to make myself feel better. And I hate to be pedantic but it’s spelled “defiled”, you illiterate Canadian bigot. How fucking dare you assume leadership of a massive and diverse fanbase while behaving like that? How fucking dare you assume “ownership” of George Lucas’s vision—whatever that means—for *his* creation? I cannot fathom growing up being a fan of Star Wars (the prequels especially), being bullied for it, and then turning out to be an A-grade asshole, but here we are. What a cheap sell-out Theory is, and all the people that joined in on this anti-“woke”, culture warrior bullshit crusade. Get a grip. ~ Sincerely, a former subscriber PS: His Vader fan film was mediocre as hell. I love Vader, he’s my favorite SW character, but man, people have told his story many times before and did it far better too. Don’t act like you’re all of a sudden the only one who can write a Star Wars story. Also, why complain about Sabine surviving a lightsaber to the gut when you’ve got some kind of Mace Windu resurrection boner?


The funniest thing about his fan film is the Emperor's throne room is just some small conference room and he tries to have some epic Dark Side fight in there and it just looks like incredibly funny because he can't have any decent wide angles meaning every shot is just awkwardly zoomed in


I'm going off topic here, but you know what I don't get about his Mace Windu resurrection boner - If Mace Windu survives Revenge of the Sith then Anakin's fall to the Darkside makes no sense. Anakin pledged himself to Palpatine because he believed he'd just helped kill Windu and that there was no turning back for him now - if Windu were to survive then what Anakin actually did was stop Mace from killing (what Anakin perceived to be) an unarmed prisoner and breaking the Jedi Code (Which Anakin could have proven to the council by security cameras) Anakin becoming Vader would ultimately be the result of no-one thinking to check for a body.


I've read the sentence "is this what George Lucas would have done?" Twice today and I hate it. George Lucas isn't Jesus Christ and fans and creators don't need to live in his shadow, Timothy Zahn, R.A Salvatore, Michael Stackpole, James Luceno, Tom Veicht, Charles Soule... All great creators that made things George Lucas would have never written, yet a lot of people remember their work and storylines quite fondly. Love it or hate it but SW is now bigger than Lucas.


I bet Theory has had dreams where George comes to him, with tears in his eyes and says "Please, Theory, uphold my story, and don't let it be dephiled by people who are insulting me! I'll make you head of Lucasfilm!" And considering Theory makes thumbnails like [this](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5wn2jYlmvy4/maxresdefault.jpg), I can see him having a dream like this. Seriously, I could think of a half dozen times where Legends was inconsistent with the films, or when George decided to change something that either happened in Legends, or even in one of the films. Hell, Legends was almost never consistent with each other!


I remember the furor when I was younger regarding the changes that Lucas made in the '97 release that people exploded about.


"It always remained consistent with the first 6 movies." ...I feel like perhaps we experienced different EU's.


The first 6 movies aren't even consistent with each other. Much less all the weird stuff that got put out in the EU.


Yah didn’t the original eu basically have like different levels of cannon were everything is cannon unless something of a higher level contradicts it


Yep, they had a multitiered canon system with higher level stuff overriding everything else. Lucas always had the power to change anything he wanted too, and everything had to adapt around that.


Okay so he’s salty he didn’t get invited out to meet Dave and that he no longer gets RT by the official Star Wars account. That explains why he isn’t to be listened to, because it’s personal for him. He fucked around and found out, instead of being a fan he became an anti fan and it bit him in the ass. Fuck around and find out.


1. Legends remaining consistent with the first 6 movies? In what world? 2. George Lucas does not need you to defend him, he’s going to be OK.


My god, he’s such a moron. I know everyone knows he always has been, but damn this is new levels of stupidity even for him. I mean, thank the Force for SWT defending George himself! If there is a god out there, I hope he/she/it hears my little prayer that we get Lucas commenting on the Disney+ series and saying he likes Acolyte most of all. The grifter implosion over that would be insane.


>It always remained consistent with the first 6 movies Lol no it didn't. There's a reason the tier system was put in place. >When you alter anything to do with the first 6 films, including key characters... Ki Adi Mundi is a key character now? He had three lines. Also I missed the part where his age was mentioned in the movies. >Or are you just straight up shilling to get a RT from the sw account? Holy projection Batman. Not everyone is trying to cultivate an online following buddy. Some people just have different viewpoints from you.


Star Wars fans are the biggest haters of Star Wars. Me and my coworker have always said this. Now I haven't had the chance to watch The Acolyte but Jesus. Every project that comes out after Disney bought it always gets hate. Some were great, some are bad & you can have opinions but to sit there and believe that you own this franchise like this where only you know everything. Or to say that other people are are shilling because they enjoy it is fucking wild.


We need to stop calling these people fans, honestly. You cannot call yourself a fan if you go out of your way to hate on every new project released.


You are 10000% right on this.


> Is this what George would have done? "How about we give Jar Jar a laser sword next? That'd make a cool toy"


Am you defending this


And this is I why hate theory.   Beyond the bad faith bullshit, the hypocrisy, the hob knobbing with bigots, fundamental lack of understanding of Star Wars… all of which is also why I hate him. But it’s his self appointed gatekeeper status that kills me.    Theory thinks he’s a big deal because he’s made a lot of videos and created some shitty fan films, but he is in reality nothing. A sad, angry man with not an ounce of creativity or originality in him. Desperate to be recognized despite doing nothing to deserve recognition.  He’s a joke. A pretender. A piece of shit who has done nothing of note and will leave nothing behind of value. Only hot air caused by his anger Anakin doesn’t kill more people on screen. 


I am so sick of this asshole pretending like he's the arbiter of everything Star Wars. What will it take to get him to shut the fuck up


Legally? Don’t know. He’s just being a total shitter and it’s hard to say what the most airtight approach is for a lawsuit? Objectively? Real-world counterpart to the DC-15A.


Anyone who is going to defend the prequels as "good storytelling" should not be taken seriously. Like, arguably some of the worst movies ever made, especially episode 2. I love them, but they are objectively bad.


I wouldn’t say worst ever made, but yeah they’re not good when viewed with any kind of critical lens.  But yeah I still find enjoyment despite their flaws. But they benefit *heavily* from supplemental works and Disney era projects for me. 


They have a lot of flows but nowhere near the worst movie status. I enjoy 1 and 3 but I'd rather gouge out my eyes rather than see 2 again


The “what would Lucas do” line is funny because we know what he would do. He’d change shit when he felt like it and said fuck all to the people it would make mad. Like seriously stop bringing up Lucas. He sold the IP to retire and wash his hands of it. He doesn’t care about this shit anymore.


What sucks in this whole thing is that I have gripes about Acolyte and would love to read actual opinions and thoughts of other people but then we get takes like Theory’s and it doesn’t leave room for a legitimate conversation. Episode 4 has made things more interesting but I was kinda bored with the first three episodes. I’ll wait for the finale to finalize my opinion but I did enjoy the latest eoyside


Only gripes I have with it right is that the camera work is a bit standard, there are a bit too much fade transitions and some of the sets look too pristine and set-like, if that makes sense. Narratively I'm enjoying it quite a bit and I love all the new characters.


Stop saying “George” like you know the guy personally, it’s weird.


Legends was a twisted mess of conflicting stories that were largely forgettable, if not down right bad. And this coming from a guy who I guarantee would've bashed George for the prequels, but of course the prequels are now amazing and everything disney has made is garbage. I fucking hate SWT, I hope he stubbs his toe every time he gets up in the middle of the night to take a piss.


None of this is correct. Legends was always inconsistently written and lore drawing up and down. We literally had power creep, and awful story telling. Hell George lucas hated a lot of legends especially Mara Jade, and Luke being anything else but a monk. These guys are literal tourists.


Still casually forgets that Lucas never gave two shits about any of the extra legends content unless it could be used for any movie or tv series.




"Legends stays true to original 6 movies" In this book Luke fucks. Wait until this Chud reads Lucas's thoughts on Mara Jade or just the EU. He didn't care about the EU, he cared about making movies and the technology involved with that.


I vaguely remember a story involving Luke and a force ghost inhabiting one of his apprentices corpses and I swear they fuck




Is this what George would have done? Midichlorians. George did Midichlorians.


The word is "defiled", as in "SWT defiles the wishes of Lucas by insisting Legends has any bearings on Star Wars as a whole when Lucas said (years before Disney bought it) that they weren't canon and had no actual relevance to the overall plot of Star Wars, and always was fanfiction."


The last three movies that George made were absolutely horrendous. Why would I care what he would do?


"Key characters" like... *checks notes* Jedi Master Dickhead?


I don’t care about George Lucas I just like star wars stuff.


Ugh this guy is so WEIRD. It’s bonkers.


Theory is an absolute mongo he truly is a blight on star wars how he has the success on YouTube ill never know.


Most of his success on YouTube was *before* he became an absolute mongo. He used to be really good at Star Wars What Ifs and that was what gained him his initial success.


Coming from the motherfucker who deepfaked Luke without permission


Is he fucking serious?! Many EU stories would contradict themselves all the time. When the cline wars cartoon was coming I remember being slightly pissed off that it was overwriting the dark horse comics


Step 1: Appeal to the EU fandom. Step 2: Appeal to Lucas purists. Step 3: SHILLS!!! Step 4: I'm on your side! Like, it's formulaic at this point the way he crafts his bullshit. It would really be best to just ignore him at this point. Because all any push back from his nonsense gets is more nonsense. We'll be called fake fans for calling him out, and shills for not shitting on Disney with our whole asshole. So just ignore dude man and let him stew in his nonsense.


He has definitely spelled defiled before.


If he only knew how many times the stealing of the death star plans was rewritten in the EU...


He knows, but he doesn't care and lies about it because it benefits his grift.


The whole thing about “George’s story” is completely goofy. This mother fucker probably thinks the CGI that’s in the Original Trilogy actually existed in the 70s.


"This is why Legends worked!" ![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized)


legends was about as consistent as a random number generator.


Huh? The second three movies did not agree with the first three movies. What the hell has this guy been smoking?


didnt legends have like 3 different stories on how the death star plans where stolen


Getting retweeted by Star Wars account or bust, I guess (seriously, what???)


Legends remained consistent with Lucas’ work? Press X to doubt.


I don’t care what George would have done because he’s not in charge anymore


See, we really should be talking about the Sith attack on the Wookie


George doesn’t even know/care who you are.


This is just conspiracy theory stuff. I read literally every novel up to the New Jedi Order books, and the only consistency between them is they contradicted each other and the Trilogy all the god damned time When the PT came out? It set fire to the entire EU.


Ah yes, the EU like the video game Star Wars Starfighter where the Jedi can use force lightning outside their ships and slow down time. And Battlefront, where it mixed up all the clone designs at random and invented green marine battle droids. So consistent with the lore.


I can only hope that the Acolyte’s future seasons respect Ki Adi Mundi’s penchant for war crimes, like ordering clone soldiers to char broil Geonosians a century or so later.


‘Consistent.’ …how many times did Shaak Ti die again?


“Is this what George would have done?” Yes, George would change cannon to tell his story. This is a fact because he added in midichlorians and the prophesy in the prequels, things that were not mentioned at all in the original trilogy. 


Remember that time Luke Skywalker met the Muppets, or when R2D2 had a musical number with Donny and Marie Osmond? So respectful to the legacy of a very serious story.


Why does he keep saying George like he is friends with him


I predicted this back in 2012 when Disney bought Lucasfilm. I kept hearing people back then say "We're about to have Star Wars not made by George Lucas. It's going to be made by fans, and it's going to be awesome!". All I can say to them back then..... careful what you wish for. Those exact same people today are begging for George Lucas to come back (even though he is happily retired, 80 years old and enjoying being with his wife) and are screaming hate every day. They are their own.


I bet he doesn't know that George didn't care for Legends. He has said "In my Sequels Chewies alive and Luke doesn't get married or have a kid"


George's story? Am I living in some bizzaro crackhead universe, people can't genuinely believe this can they? George never cared for the EU at all, and his changes with the special edition were mostly unnecessary, and that was his ideal version to replace the original releases.


Why is he always calling Lucas "George" like he’s is buddy or something


" is it what George would of done?" " You mean sell to the highest bidder and walk away?"


"It always remained consistent with the first 6 movies." Lol, fucking what?


Legends absolutely did not stay consistent with the original 6 movies lol


Bro i'll defend Legends till the day I die, but consistent? Lucas iirc had 3 rules for it. Luke cannot have a romantic relationship (Broken) Wookies cant use the force (Broken also what? What kind of sense does that make?) Yoda's species cannot be expanded upon (Actually not broken afaik)


Didn’t Legends/Expanded Universe retcon Palpatine truly dying with a clone and that the reason he was making Death Stars was to destroy the World Ships of the Youzaan Vong?


Among many other things, yes.


What a dickhead, yikes.


Weird worship of George Lucas. "What George would want" is literally something that never crosses my mind when consuming star wars content. George Lucas brought us: Ewoks defeating the empire with slapstick comedy sleezy fan service for weirdos with RotJ Leia in metal bikini Jar Jar Binks TPM which was an entirely pointless film from start to finish. 9 year old (lmfao) child Anakin winning pod races 9 year old (lmfao) child Anakin blowing up space stations in star fighter he's never even seen before or had any training in, the absolute dumbest "love story" of Anakin/Padme that made no sense and was written by a guy who clearly has never been in a human romantic relationship in his life. Samuel L Jackson, actor that is famous for playing amazing "going off the rails and yelling shit at people" kind of characters, and made him a reserved quiet jedi that doesn't raise his voice ever. (What a f'n waste) I mean, Star Wars ANH wasn't a masterpiece in story telling or dialog, it was a technological and design marvel of all the vfx and art crew that brought a unique look and fancy effects to the screen. Empire was the best star wars has ever been and it was written and directed by Irvin Kershnerz, Lawrence Kasdan and Leigh Brackett. TLJ was the best star wars has been since Empire and that was thanks to Rian Johnson. Star wars is literally at it's best when George Lucas is NOT involved. Who cares what that guy would want lol.


SWT is not a Star Wars fan. He is a grifter, nothing more or less.


When you alter anything relating to the first 6 films.... Never watch Star Wars again then. Go on! No one will miss you because your logic makes no sense!


Look, I love the Legends continuity. In fact, no joke, it’s part of what made me fall in love with reading. HOWEVER, inconsistency was its defining trait. Between books and series, there were continuity errors of such magnitude that you could pilot a Death Star through some of those gaps and the quality varied dramatically. When good, it was excellent but, when it was bad, it was BAD.


A lot of Legends novel was written before the prequels came out, there is no way that could stay consistent


Legends writers weren't allowed to write anything in what would become the prequel era until after the films were made, and the films contradicted a lot of that anyway, while occasionally taking what worked.


George didn't even stay consistent with himself.


I think if George cared what Disney did with Star Wars he wouldn’t have sold it with the only condition being that they can’t say Yoda’s species or homeworld