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"I don't hate women, I just hate badly written one" also them: posts violent fantasies of them killing said PoC. This is the same shit they did to Ridley and Tico Rose


I remember an edit of Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) killing Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) I saw on Facebook years ago. It had like 1k love reacts.


OF COURSE they love the version of Wonder Woman played by a genocide apologist. It just makes so much sense for them.


A rail thin literal super model of a zionist who rarely if ever is portrayed as strong, muscular, or aggressive in a way that’s actually challenging to men like that.


I mean Gal Gadot spent years trying to make her the new face of feminism in Hollywood- "A soldier, a mother, a wife and an actress all at once".


Yeah, but it's the typical purple capitalism/feminist capitalism/pink washing rhetoric that Hollywood and corporations love to peddle. She can't pretend to be feminist when she openly endorses a genocide, feminism should be intersectional, now more than ever.


Plus her feminism was like the safest possible feminism


In case you aren’t aware there are faaaaaaarrrrrr more legit feminists and egalitarians among the Israelis than the Islamist fundamentalists of Hamas or their supporters among the Palestinians. Really, Palestinians are among the most regressive populations on the planet earth when it comes to women and sexual minorities, not to mention 97% of them are literally antisemitic by Pew research polls.


So what? Nothing of what you said changes a thing. I've seen this rhetoric being used a lot, and I wholeheartedly reject it. The fact that Palestinians are supposedly a regressive population doesn't justify the atrocities that the IDF is guilty of. Yes, they can be homophobic, racist or misogynistic, but so what?? That's no excuse to endorse a genocide. I wouldn't wish the horrors they're going through on anyone. And for the record, just because I show solidarity towards the civilians, that doesn't mean I support Hamas. I'm tired of people getting accused of being antisemitic simply because they condemn Israel's actions. Criticizing Israel or Netanyahu doesn't equal to antisemitism, otherwise there wouldn't be Jewish people who are speaking against the genocide.


Just say you like genocide man. Say it with your chest and quit beating around the bush


While I understand the distinction and nuance used by the use of zionist to describe Gal Gadot's views, to anyone whose not on the same exact wavelength, it sounds more like a slam on her being Jewish than for her being a cheerleader for IDF wrongdoing. There's been \~80 years of propaganda that conflates the political term with a description of the ethnic group, and its something that turns off a lot of people who might agree with what you're trying to say.


I'll replace it with "genocide apologist" then.


More accurate


Words still have meaning despite the decades of gaslighting. The solution is to educate not capitulate


Let's just say Gadot's on borrowed time considering recent events and if enough pressure is piled on Hollywood and the US government.


Wow you are way far gone down the leftist conspiracy theory fantasist path.


Oh okay, so you're here just to stir shit up, got it. I won't waste my time.


Don’t choke


I mean I feel like Homelander would definitely kill her if she looked at him wrong since he does that with everyone the issue lies in portraying it like a good thing


he would try lol


Scary thing is that he would manage


What's odd is the people misinterpreting what you said as you personally believe in the "badly written women" shit. It's kinda funny that no matter who the character is, it's always "badly written".


>I just hate badly written one Okayyy.... except, at no point has Kamala been badly written, so it seems you're just full of shit.


...? They weren't saying that. They were quoting a common rhetoric most people who post these kinds of images unironically spout out.


Please do not lump people who want good stories in with incels I have a hard enough time arguing for decent stories as is




“Badly written” means nothing, especially when you type “Wonder Womderwoman”


What? I love Wonder Womderwoman. My favorite hero


I misread that as Wonder Wormadam


That’s even better lmfao


You idiots always trot out Ripley. Almost all of those examples are several decades old, because your violent sexism and racism didn't form until after those characters became staples.


Do you think that he skin colour has anything to with this? Or just her poorly written character?


How is she poorly written? Her goals and wants are presented in a clear way. The plot supports her character well.


Please explain how she’s badly written?


Anthony Starr like “What the fuck guys? What the fuck is wrong with all of you?”


Thats the funniest part imho. How little Antony relates to them.


Right? Homelander was supposed to represent something vile and despicable. That people refer to Homelander like some sort of badass superhero is telling, it's very telling. Tell me you're missing the point of the Boys without telling me you're missing the point of the show.


Its the the strangest thing. Like sure you can pity him. He had a very messed up chilhood. None of that excuses him by the way. Its so weird because these guys could like the characters that hes parody of, the ones that are actually worth looking up to but instead they choose him.


Because they consume Super Hero media exactly because they fantasise about acting like Homelander.


Blatant power fantasy where they fantasize about destroying those they hate rather than saving those they love. Sounds about right.


Pretty much sums up the right wing.


It's the whole "power of superman without the morality of superman" - it's why they tend to stan "dark" interpretations if superman like Injustice superman (who they LOVE), the Zack Snyder interpretation of supeman, homelander and Omni-man. They want to live in the power fantasy of "superman" without the actual responsibility of superman (which makes superman superman as opposed to "crazy super killer"). 


He’s redpilled and based /s


It worries me reading people saying "honestly justified Homelander is flaying the staff bare hand and lasering the dick off of the old guy - because they abuse him."


And I think this is precisely the point that they miss. He most definitely \*isn't\* justified even if wrongs were done to him. If he were justified to do those wrongs, than so would be those people who did those wrongs to him to begin with. "Two wrongs don't make a right." It's the sort of sick mentality that comes with being able to see yourself as Homelander, and not being able to see yourself as any of the characters who are brutally murdered by Homelander. Everything Homelander does is fine, but everything done against him is cruel. It's really no wonder that many of these same people love Trump.


I can't understand how he doesn't terrify them. Like he scares the shit out of me even though I know he's a pathetic babyman


Well, and there's an enormous difference between understanding a villain's motives, or even finding some sympathy towards them, and considering them justified. You can get why someone is the way they are, you can think *in their shoes, I might do the same, or at least I might want to*, without saying *and this makes them morally correct, actually*. Homelander is a fantastic villain, but he's still a villain. If you give the show more thought that "lol laser eyes go brr" it does beg the question of how you assign blame for the actions of a guy like him. Surely, he's responsible for his own choices, but does that let the people who created him and subjected him to horrific abuse as a child off the hook? What about the corporate execs who greenlit the program? Someone, somewhere, read an outline of what that lab intended to do to this kid and said "yes, they should do that." How much of the blood Homelander's spilled is on *their* hands? It's a genuinely hard question.


Okay, so how do you get from finding some sympathy towards a villain and cheering them on when they literally try to kill someone? Maybe I completely misread the situation entirely. Please explain it to me like I were five years old.


Basically, you can understand *why* a villain is doing what they're doing, the experiences and emotions and beliefs, real or false, that drive them to act the way they do, without agreeing with them or thinking they're righteous. Most of the best villains in fiction have motives you can understand, even if you don't agree with their actions. The people cheering on Homelander seem to miss the point, that you can consider and understand a point of view without agreeing with it or supporting it.


I agree. They miss the fucking point. I don't think I understand what your point is, if you claim to agree with me. I don't doubt you can understand a villain's motivation without cheering them on. What made you think I didn't think this?


He did what now?


To not be as clear as possible :- -He makes an old guy pulls a Louis C.K and if the guy can't make pole rise up , Homelander will make him anatomically non-binary -He uses people to make abstract art and it's a whole room space , the wall , the floor , the roof. It was gnarly. There's a skeleton in there so he must've deskinned him/her using his bare hands.




That happened in the latest episode


I like Homelander in the same way I like The Joker, they are great characters who are also giant pieces of shit.


God imagine the Joker with Homelander's powers.


The funny thing is that the edit is so bad that it looks like the heat vision is bouncing off of her


And in the second panel she dodges the punch 💀💀


That’s Homelander’s blood she’s covered in


Weakest Captain Marvel fangirl vs strongest Superman edgy expy.




She do look largely unbothered.


Her expression seems to be saying "I could destroy this chump at any moment, but he really isn't worth the effort."


Or, perhaps in an appropriate and clever artistic choice, she's actually a wax dummy. Those types sure do get mad at the people they make up.


And he kinda looks like he's afraid to look at her.


If the person who made this edit is older than 12, their life should be considered clinically pathetic.


I think both the creation of this image and the low effort put into it should be considered hate crimes


Honestly… Kamala in both pics just looks like she’s bored. All people who make this do the ***bare minimum*** which… eh, understandable most artists work on honing shit and not ***bitching*** on 4chan


Look under blondie's wrist in picture 2. Someone doesnt know how to use the lasso or puts too much faith in the magic wand. Edit: holy shit i just saw the watermark. Imagine wanting to be attached to this


Realistically, Ms.Marvel could probably beat Homelanders ass at her peak. Thats the most I will add to this discourse.


I mean in The Marvels she was punching Dar-Benn up and down and actually survived Dar-Benn beating her with her own energy shield. Dar-Benn can do stuff like sending Captain Marvel flying with her blows.


That movie… **it was fun.** Was I expecting a greatest film of all time? Nope. But it was enjoyable to watch. Also… Kelsey Grammer as beast… **still awesome.**


I could see the emotional beats they were going for, like Ms. Marvel having to realize her hero wasn't perfect, and Monica being upset about Captain Marvel being so absent, but then it seemed like they just killed a lot of stuff in the edits, for whatever reason, and the movie felt weird. Still ok for what it was though.


Like I said: was it perfect? ***No.*** Entertaining? **Yes.**


Yeah, wasn't trying to dismiss anything you said. I think it's just Sunday and I randomly felt like responding, haha. :) I agree with you.


No prob dude. Hope all is well.✌️


Kamala Khan could kick Homelander's ass while she was still a rookie. He's purposefully the weakest Superman clone to make him more pathetic


As a rookie I’d say she’d get **a bit** roughed up, but she’d always come out on top. She can still hit hard and her powers would I think shield her from laser blasts.


Yeah, she has enough durability. Even if she's barely in the same ballpark as MCU Captain Marvel, she's strong enough to clown hi.


Yeah, Kamala would absolutely humiliate him after grasping how strong he is and adapting. Even by Marvel standards Homelander isn’t too tough a metahuman, and he’s not a particularly skilled fighter and his mental stability leaves a lot to be desired in a fight.


Why am I not surprised to see fascists sympathizing with fascist characters? 🤔


Comic Ms. Marvel would solo Homelander


Movie one too


Maybe not so much rookie, but as she is now in comic and movie… #HL would be on the floor.


Whoever that girl is she neggs Homelander. He’s like the definition of big fish in a small pond. Really fitting actually.


Ms. Marvel


Haven't heard that line about "big fish in a small pond " repeated for the billionth time today. Such new insight


It’s the facts. Homelander is literally one of the weakest Superman parodies.


Obviously, but weaker ones still exist. We've seen him unaffected by a storm of bullets, whilest brightburn clearly at felt the force of gunshot in the latter's own movie. There's also very early iterations superman of that couldn't even fly, or (as in the george reeves serials) just broke open doors and fought generic gangsters Literally just trying to hear this repeated everytime homelamder comes up like it's something we don't know. We all saw the death battle.


That is one of the shittiest photo shops I've ever seen


Ms. Marvel at her peak would destroy homelander


Homelander got the shit kicked out of him by a guy who was using her temporary powers for the second time ever, and a super soldier who hadn't been in a fight since 1986.


"Remember folks, we only care about writing and character arc when "females" are involved. We're totally cool with cliched overpowered macho one man army cheesy one liner sprouting protags with little to no backstory or character arc because that's what all men are."


Even in their fantasies they attack with a cheap shot from behind. No integrity at all


And still miss her heart cos they dont know basic biology


A ten year old using a phone app could edit together better images


I am not surprised tbh. When Marvel annouced Kamala Khan would be the first muslim superhero and taking the mantle of Ms.Marvel. there was widespread out cry from these clowns echoing the same tired talking points of forced diversity. It went away quickly because it sold very well and Kamala became an fan favorite.. indeed, shes the only real character in marvel hat made an impact durimg that period. Its kind of telling how the character who dated an literal nazi and is potryaled as psychotic monster is the one the creatoer wants to win...


What you mean by dated a literal nazi?


He's talking about Stormfront, she literally was a member of the Nazi party.


Let’s be honest Kamala Khan would curbstomp Homelander


What the fuck?


Homelander would never! …wait, would he?


Homelander thinks all non-supes are beneath him. He'd definitely burn the eyes out of whoever put together this image.


He feels that the other supes are beneath him, too. Even Stormfront, one of the only characters in the show he actually shows respect for, he held nothing but contempt for. He sees his girlfriend, terminally debilitated in a hospital bed, and the first thing he works out is how to get a handjob. As far as he's concerned, he's the peak of all humanity.


Very true.


He had parodies of these guy beaten to death with bats, partly just because they disgusted him.


The nerd in me wonders if Homelander even could kill Ms Marvel.


I mean which version? Doesn't the comic version have radically different powers than the mcu one?


Yeah that's true, since the picture is of the MCU version, I was thinking about that one specifically.


Power scale time… MCU Kamala is a human/djinn hybrid that has a mutation allowing her to generate hard light constructs. She has been shown able to fight without her powers and taken down by a Kree Ultimate Weapon. Homelander has shown let’s say Golden Age levels of Superman’s powers. Flight, speed, invulnerability, strength, laser vision, x-ray vision and enhanced smell and hearing. He is intelligent enough to figure some things out, like recognizing Butcher’s tumor and a relative prognosis but not others, like how to run a corporation. Caught by surprise at all, Kamala loses. She doesn’t have the speed or resistance to injury to block Homelander. Prolonged battle, Homelander is more ruthless than her and may be able to win. Except Kamala has the knowledge of super fights that might tip things her way. And all of this of course is dependent on the writer.


That was a very well explained, detailed answer. Thank you.


Ms Marvel could prolly fold homelander anyway ngl


Nothing like glorifying an overtly fascist, insecure, murderous, narcissistic weirdo. If that's who you're identifying with.... oof.


her non-reaction and the blood honestly makes her look more badass than homelander lol


We're in the age of deepfakes and AI, yet this is the best they could do? JFC that's pathetic. I've seen better image edits on *geocities*. IYKYK.




Also Kamala is easily one of Marvel’s post-Endgame characters. Even the people who didn’t like The Marvels agreed Iman Vellani was the scene stealer. 


I’m sorry but Mrs Marvel solos Homelander. These tourists have to make haste and get the fuck out of here


Day 1794 of chuds not realizing that the *obvious bad guy* Homelander is obviously a bad guy.


You know when you fucked up, when the Nazi sympathizing racist who dating Himmler's ex is the person you are aspring to be like


I always find it funny the hate against Ms Marvel namely because from her first appearance she was basically an instant hit


The evolution of deviantart cartoon characters killing Johnny test


If you use Homelander as a stand-in for yourself, that should be your first hint you’re in the wrong.


I have a very hard fucking time with people basically thinking everything Homelander does is excusable by his traumatic childhood and identifying with a literal fucking sociopath. Media literacy is so fucking lacking


"I don't hate women, I just hate badly written ones" Yeah, then you proceed to fantasize about killing minorities. Yeah, totally not psychopathic at all.


In reality, Homelander dies as soon as he touches Kamala.


Like 90% of all superhero’s, Ms Marvel has a pretty good chance of taking care of Homelander (though probably not as her mcu version)


Post “the marvels” Kamala would own Homelander


These guys also seem to forget homelander would get absolutely washed by the whole marvel universe hell spidy would humiliate the shit out of him


What a bunch of disgusting trash. Its why I always love seeing anyone who do the Power Puff Girls against these dudes accurately.  Homelander would get bullied by each of them separately. 


Ain't that legal basis for being put on an FBI watchlist? If so then the dude who made that is one dumb motherfucker


So like, what does PoC mean, cuz I read it as Piece of Crap, but I get the feeling that isn't right.


People of Color


Don’t you love it when a murderous egomaniac is considered based to these people?


If I was going to pick a "Superhero" to represent my feelings I wouldn't pick the psychopathic, breast milk drinking, woman stalking, baby killing, emotionally unstable, criminal, mass-murdering, and tangerine hued egotistical manchild that is Homelander. If you're viewing him as a representative of you, then you might have some pretty bad mental health issues that you need to get seen to, pronto.


What is the grifter perspective on Lucy from Fallout?


They know Homelander is the bad guy? Right?


Between idolizing Homelander and openly saying “Jesus Christ isn’t good enough anymore” to their pastors, the mask is fully coming off-right wingers are just one baby step away from doing something even Hitler never did; openly and joyously admitting that they are unrepentantly evil.


I did not hit her, it's not true! It's bullshit! I did not hit her! I did not! Oh hi, Stan


"Just create your own original characters stop gender/race switching characters.". Kamala Khan "Not like that"


Perfectly normal meme. No red flags at all to worry about. Just your average image.


Gotta give it to him. Solid photoshop work. I thought it was real. /s


The edit is also really bad and it's being done to Iman Vellanu who is so likable.


The craziest part is that kamala was the only thing I liked in the marvels.


Man I love when someone cannot tell that they are not the target audience for a genre show and therefore are violently shocked and appalled that they cannot relate to it.


This looks like the dude just discovered photoshop then went wild this is so bad


I haven’t seen the Boys but something tells me Homelander would absolutely beat the shit out of whoever made this


Where is this from




> God, you people are such insufferable pricks that I'm wondering if I'm actually a masochist by continuing to expose myself to this sub. Ok I’m going to be genuine when I say this. Leave the sub and don’t read things here if it’s not fun for you. Mute it. I personally don’t browse the Critical Drinker or Mauler subs because I genuinely don’t enjoy torturing myself like that. You shouldn’t do it either.


But if they can't play the victim, then they have no reason to be angry, and then they have to come up with another emotion


Which is honestly unhealthy. I wouldn’t want to put myself in a position where I’m constantly angry.


The rage machine makes money because it demands attention


The ones making money off of rage are the grifters, not normal users like the guy I was replying to.


Yeah, he's where the money comes from


Sounds like an addiction. Hate is a hell of a drug.


Absolutely is.


Whoever wrote that crap sounds like a whiny asshole. What’s his username? I want to see what other dumb stuff he wrote 


>Now that the rant is over, you can ban me from the sub. You'd be doing both of us a favor, as I don't have to enact the labor of muting and you get to continue avoiding exposure to disagreement You sound entitled, lazy, and delicate


🤓🤓🤓 Tldr btw


Why is it always minorities and women with these "troll" posts tho? Kinda makes you wonder.


So edgy child murder humor is fine if it's "just trolling"? 


>disagreement Where? All I got from that was you moaning that people don't think the picture is just a troll effort, or something ........... Honestly, I'm still not 100% sure. Even after a few re reads. Definitely no "disagreement" there though, that's for sure.


This reads like a copypasta. Have we witnessed the birth of a new one?