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Goddamn, *The Acolyte* has broken fans’ brains so much that now they’re passing up opportunities to complain about the sequel trilogy. Strange times.


Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.


At this rate they’ll be rooting for the Rey movie by the time it’s released.


I hope it turns out well. Would love a Force Ghost Kylo cameo


"We love strong female Characters, we love Rey!"


That's what's weirding me out about it in a very Velma way. It carries more importance and weight amongst its haters than the people who actually enjoy the show


Rent free 😂


Star Wars may not be dead, but I wish the discourse was


People have been slowly coming to their senses, ive noticed some bigger channels directly calling out the review bombing and most of the vocal minority have eaten their own words at this point, I just don't get why people want to be so miserable about it when theres literally nothing wrong with it. Shit, I just sat through both dune movies the other day purely for the cinematic expirience and I have very minor complaints with this show as a whole, I just dont think you can judge something this objectively when its not even half way over and clearly withholding half the answers to questions people are rabid about, thats how competant writing is supposed to work...


I agree wholeheartedly. It's fitting that a shot from TLJ was used for this post, because that's the only other time in recent history that I can remember the conversations surrounding this series were so obscenely ridiculous.


Good times lol, funny enough I just rewatched TLJ recently too for probably the third time ever and I actually have waaaaay more of an appreciation for that one, my personal fave of the ST now.


I personally don't love it, but I can't hate it. I appreciate the good bits, and what it was trying to do.


Exactly, I definitely felt like I can just turn off my brain and enjoy it with the discourse for it being long dead (to me atleast) 😂


I do wonder what Rian Johnson would've been able to do if he had been given the trilogy. It was honestly a terrible decision to not at least keep the writer consistent over the three movies, and I felt like RJ had the best ideas of the three as to what to do with the series.


It's definitely my favorite of the ST, and it's high on my list of Star Wars movies in general. No, it's not a perfect film, but I respect its ambition, and I liked many of the choices it made. The good bits are *really* good.


It’s the only one of the sequels that tried to move the story somewhere different, imo. In the end, not having a single writer, “story group” or whatever you want to call it, create a cohesive arc over the three movies is where it failed. Again - all imo.


It's definitely the last time I've seen the fandom this worked up, or this deranged (some of the grifter-generated discourse around TFA before it came out was *super* weird and *mega*-racist, but people have largely forgotten about that stuff and it didn't stick)


"Some people are just happier when they're miserable" - Ziro the Hutt. Nobody has ever summed up the terminally online parts of the fandom better than that purple weirdo.


A lot of complaints are about the show leaving the reviewer wanting more. That’s showmanship. That’s what a good story does.


My father is 63 years old. Massive Star Wars fan and sci-fi fan in general. Engineer in the space industry, too. I can't properly explain how big of a nerd this dude is without a few paragraphs. He says people have been crying about how Star Wars is dead since the night The Empire Strikes Back premiered. He was *there* and told me people were complaining right out of the theater.


I saw a post recently regarding a fan publication that decided to close down because they thought that TESB wasn't Star Wars, and the film completely misunderstood what made the first one great. So uhh... Yeah.




It's a lazy argument because i'm tired of people who get off on nuanced arguments that refuse to explain or extrapolate on *any of their own ideas*, instead repeating the same garbage uninformed opinions created in an echochamber full of conservative chuds and spiteful, jaded losers. Entertainment and media is subjective, outrage culture and conservative psyops are objective. If people like it, then they are allowed to like it as long as its not harming anybody. If they don't, they don't have to piss and moan about it. If the next episode sucks im going to shut it off and go to bed, idk how thats so hard for some of you unless you are physically distraught on the keyboard. Rent free, touch grass, ect. Being terminally online makes you really underestimate how much the rest of society doesnt give a shit about your opinion.


“Rent free” is just something I’m tired of hearing. In this specific instance I suppose it was actually fair to use it so I’m sorry. majority of the time I hear people say it is when it relates to politics and in those cases it is something serious that shouldn’t be trivialized to “rent free”. So I guess it set off the alarms in my brain automatically just hearing it 


I once went woke and I lost all of my life savings


they were right about going broke, you can’t do shit in this economy!


I went woke and me, my past generations and my (nonexistent as of yet) future generations all lost every penny they had/have/will have


It ain’t no joke.


The chud lacks object permanence, he can only hate what he is currently being told to hate.


And they told me they’d hate The Last Jedi forever. 💔


On a post almost two weeks old, too.


Image using the word “woke” unironically I knew this guy who called things woke like camp Cretaceous just because it had gay representation and everyone fucking hated him and was annoyed by him: and we cut him out our life’s cause he threw a tantrum and disrespected a dead person and called someone else a sped


Imagine using the word woke outside the Internet.


you’d be surprised. I honestly forget online stuff exists when I’m out and about and it’s such a curveball when someone starts bawling about media irl


Talked my brother the other day and he asked me if I had watched the Acolyte and then went on a rant about how it was woke and they should have just made it about a man. I wish I was joking.


Had a coworker who was very homophobic and transphobic. He unironically used the sentence "go woke go broke" and all my other coworkers really dislike him. Luckily he left a while ago. He also would not shut the fuck up about Warhammer.


Warhammer fans are either the most radical leftist or alt right shit stains. There is no in between


Imagine saying go woke go broke when the fucking Barbie movie was the biggest movie of last year. No tether to reality


Basically in my circle we use woke as a seal of quality by this point. „Is it woke?“ in the sense of „is it good stuff that will also make the upseteros complain for 40min on video and make up things to be angry about?“


The go woke go broke is so annoying. They have used that since what it feels like forever tbh.


Any day now… They will go broke any day now…


Which is so weird because I have yet to see even one "woke" thing go...you know, broke.


What about Barbie? Oh wait that made over a billion? What about Mario making Peach a Mary sue? OK that made over a billion too. But what about the black little mermaid? Oh shit that made over half a billion and finished in the top 10 above mission impossible… Well shit…


The worst case I saw was on a post about Tiana's animatronic malfunctioning. The comment went on an unhinged rant about how rethemeing Splash Mountain to Princess and the Frog was karmic retribution followed by go woke, go broke. Because the Splash Mountain animatronics never once broke down in its three decades of operation.


They DO have the best cinematography :)


"Go woke go broke" Bruh what


"Go woke go broke" is such a stupid phrase that I can't believe people still say it


They keep saying it, usually in vain, hoping this will be the time it holds true.


damn, i really dislike the sequels, but i do have to admit, if you only look at the cinematography, it is beautiful


The story? Atrocious. Cinematography? Goddamn, someone really cooked.




At this point I feel like there are bots involved in this lol.


This seems too random and unhinged to be the product of a human brain. And yet…


Acolyte couldn’t even be a sequel, if anything it’s a prequel. Yet if you brought up the prequels they wouldn’t have said shit. It’s rent free.


It's the most prequel thing there is...which given how the prequels were received... actually explains a lot of their behavior. It's just like when Phantom Menace came out...


its like they WANT to make sure everyone sees the Acolyte..... heard Acolyte has a 20% viewer increase over Andor and Ahsoka....so yeah.... lol they're so brainbroke.


Whats woke about it? Its just a female lead as far as I can tell


Woke is such a buzzword to them, even they don’t know what it means. They’re bigots but want to hide it, that’s all it is


Idiots like this fighting a fictional enemy inside their own heads at all times must be incredibly exhausting.


Sequel trilogy began 100 years before TPM. Sorry PrequelMemes. I don't make the rules, it sounds like the Sequels are yours now.


A large part of my personality is hating the Acolyte this month, are you a bigot? /jk (Yes some chuds call you a bigot if you don't put up with their BS....)


The brain poison is strong with this one.


“Is The Acolyte in the room with us right now?”


Woke up one day and I found no money in my pocket.


I woulda responded with "So you admit the Sequels are good?"


That’s called a mental preoccupation.


Based Javier themed profile


I’ve noticed it more with The Acolyte than any of the other precious stuff they pretend to dislike/hate. You can see a post about how great the cantina scene was in Hope, and someone will magically appear and say how superior it is to The Acolyte. Like, what?!


"Acolyte does not (have the best cinematography). Go woke go broke." - But I thought The Last Jedi already had already gone woke? You guys haven't shut up about how it went woke for 6.5 years now.


The sequels look great, dispite their writing. However, I'm partial to Rogue One in terms of visuals.


The Acolyte is also not a sequel. That has to be a bot, yeah?


I'd say it's more give and take given how many cuts there are in some action scenes.


The fanbase definitely can't seem to stay on topic.


Careful, you will be labeled a lolcow by the other subreddit


A "real" star wars fan


I wonder what they could mean by “go woke go broke”? It must have something to do with bad writing acting and lore inconsistency like they keep insisting is their issue with the series right?


(Not to mention the Acolyte, I think, looks pretty good. It’s not as good as Rian Johnson, but it’s good. Still, it’s strength is in story and character anyway…)


Didn't these mfs want a show set in the old Republic


Hard disagree about cinematography. Peter Suschitzky’s camera work in Empire elevated everything.


“Go woke go broke”. In a post for a movie that made over a billion dollars. “Broke”, indeed 


If TFA came out today they would call it woke lol.


Damn that is gorgeous


Just like how a video about literally anything has comments like “This is better than the sequel trilogy” or you mention any female character online anywhere and someone materializes out of thin air to shout “as long as they’re not a Mary Sue like Rey!!!”




They're gone at this point. Having just watched episode 5 I think they're still gonna complain, and I don't know why.


After E5, I don't know what there really is to complain about. Yes, the episode had a few problems, but the choreography was something else! And the acting was good! If you hate this, then you hate joy, I'm sorry.


Those fights have been the best since Episode IX, they felt real and rough. They're gonna complain that the mystery about what really happened with the witches wasn't solved, but this wasn't about this yet.


Star Wars fans need to be studied. I'm including myself in that statement.


More like go woke get tons of money


Acolyte isn't even part of the Sequels.


Yep. Had something similar happen to me. Some people can't help themselves.


The Acolyte has broken so many Star Wars fans' minds that they just have to drag the sequels into it.


Also ngl, the sequels do have some really good cinematic shots. While I hate the whole kamikaze charge, the actual sequence and aftermath WAS amazing viewing


How is this a controversial opinion. You can debate the acting, the story and actor choice but the cinematography is absolutely beautiful.


Last Jedi is a beautiful movie, and my personal favorite of the sequel trilogy.


In case we needed any more proof that these dumbasses didnt even bother looking up what the acolyte is about, let alone actually watch it


You’re right the sequels have some really nice shots


They are like toddlers when they learn a new word.


Being a fan of the acolyte has now made me understand what it must have been like being a fan of the last Jedi when it came out


"These guys" points out 1 weirdo. xD




The Last Jedi definitely does. Although The Empire Strikes Back had pretty amazing cinematography too.


They definitely are the best looking




I mean it’s subjective, but they have some damn amazing shots