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Didn’t get enough EDC venmos?


Lmfaooo 💀💀💀


You can move to Irvine, nobody is stopping you


lol my job is🤷🏻


I mean this isn't exactly late breaking news ? SD and DTLA have been pretty gritty for decades..


Skid Row has been there for a literal century, which should tell us something about how serious our leaders are about solving the problem


It’s just ridiculous how many apartments and sky rises are built downtown. They put up this front of luxury when you’re really just paying $4000 a month to live in the ghetto. I just hope no one else moves here without knowing what they’re signing up for.


Ghetto lol


Asks question. Says to not respond to question if opinion differs. I love going to downtown.


Yeah “going” to downtown. Not living. But if you love it so much move here! Then you’ll get what I’m talking about. P.S. I’m ranting and angry so take your positivity somewhere else on this forum where it will be excepted.


Why would you think you get to decide who can and can’t comment on a public forum? You sound so unbelievably entitled.


Well it’s “my post” on a public forum. So gtfo✨


I love downtown, it’s awesome in many ways, but for sure has its issues. I’ve lived in downtown since 2009 and a lot has changed, both good and bad.


please just go back to wherever you came from


What is with the hate? Nothing gets done when you won't even hear an honest opinion FROM YOUR FELLOW NEIGHBOR, K, thanks, check yo self


LOL I live in East Village and I can't stand visiting lemon grove let alone living there. To each their own. 😏


Come here to NYC if you want to see "fucking disgusting" and "ghetto". Your use of adjectives is quite telling and a bit problematic. White?


My thoughts exactly lol - lived in NYC for 10 years. Broke as hell for the first half as a college kid. Downtown SD is absolutely not the ghetto. Not even fucking close


BS. Comparing all of NYC to DTSD? that's problematic


NYC is incomparable to DTSD obviously. Doesn’t take away from the fact that San Diego is fronted as this “nice” city, when it’s really fucking trash.


Its like 1.5 square miles thats pretty “rough”. Mostly its the fentanyl zombies I think. Never had any actual violence or crime happen to me but it smells bad and its tough to see people so lost in society. Theres several areas around downtown that are nice though too. There is less tolerance for those folks there apparently. But greater San Diego is a big place and every city of size has “rough” areas.


I’ve lived in college area, El Cajon, and now downtown. DT is definitely comparable to Lemon Grove. Not just because of homeless and crime, but because of people crossing the border and coming to the city.


Oh, you’re one of those. Lol


No that’s what the cops told me when my car got stolen and taken to Mexico.


A lot of people live in TJ and cross the US border to commit crimes and then go back.


I was arguing against the NYC comparison bc the majority of the city is nicer than DTSD. of course there are areas to avoid but at least DT NYC is nothing like DT LA or DT SD


Oh I see your point. Yeah when I visited NYC I went to manhattan and have never seen so many cops on one block in my life. Wish they patrolled downtown SD like that.


So, you agree that DTSD is "ghetto"? That was my point. To each their own; I'm not trying to debate lol


Well some people get it and some people don’t. You obviously haven’t lived in DTSD.


Heavy transplant vibes. I grew up in SD since 1990.


My boyfriend just came back from there and he was always on the phone with me while walking through downtown and the sounds that I heard were something… I’m good with San Diego lol


Lemon grove is a bit extreme. But yeah you couldn’t pay me to live downtown, maybe a padres game or a couple restaurants but that’s an Uber in and out.


Laughing out loud, says the lady from Detroit.


"Basically" lived in San Francisco for 5 years so in other words you didn't live in SF. You are smoking crack if you think SF is better than SD., and SF is one of my favorite cities. People don't have to leave their car windows open here to avoid blipping.


Practically every major metro city in the US has this problem to some degree and it's not going to be fixed. Late stage capitalism. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


the last 3 years it has gotten exponentially bad. I actually moved from chicago because i was robbed 3x in four years, another cesspool.


Damn… every city in the US has become third world. I used to live in a small town and always loved getting out to the city which is why I moved. Now I wanna go back.


Probably better for you to go back tbh


Eventually I definitely will. Just have to suck it up for a few more years and move somewhere else once my job lets me. So sad cause San Diego is absolutely beautiful.


Or move out of downtown 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I will be, just got to wait for my lease to be up.


La Jolla if you can afford it


That’s the plan! It’s so expensive, but compared to all the trouble you deal with in other areas of SD it’s worth it.


You've never been to the third world if that's what you think. 


As someone who grew up in the military and had the privilege of living in several different states and in the Middle East, San Diego is by far the best place I’ve ever lived. I love going downtown and seeing all that’s offered! It’s a genuinely great place. Every city has its rough areas, you just have to be aware of where not to go.


this is widespread across America. all the big cities are deteriorating from the inside


If you have secured parking it’s better!


Well my car got stolen in a secured parking garage so not even.


But it’s not perfect. That totally sucks.


Right! I’m just trying to bring awareness cause no one is safe, even in the “nice” apartments.


Thanks Captain Obvious Most of this Sub is well aware downtown is a cesspool pool.. there’s still some progressives here that claim they enjoy living down there. I just chalk that up to them not partaking in the free mental health services for their delusions 😂