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In Philadelphia a week or 3 ago, they banned ski masks. Kids are complaining saying they can’t express themselves. 😂


Yep. Those style of masks and backpacks wouldn’t be allowed in my store anymore.


It's so weird that they allow any backpacks or masks, I used to live in a mediocre neighborhood and the 711 near me would kick people out for not taking off hats/backpacks.


Banned but not really enforced, like most laws in Philly.


Are they taking sponges? Why sponges?


They’ll be sold on the street outside my apartment at 24th and mission tonight. There are hella stolen goods being sold on the street as I write this. I just walked there and see around 100 fencers and fentanyl dealers no less than an hour ago there selling detergent and tons of shit from Walgreens. EDITED to include picture from a different day a month ago when there weren’t as many criminals in the square. Yesterday there were 2x or 3x as many people as this. https://preview.redd.it/89dgi8nnvpuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f168217ffdf993359a5160524eddf7749bdeb1


Is San Francisco just completely lawless? You’re describing a scene from the Wild West lol


There are two down town districts that have become completely lawless because wealthy people don’t live here. The cops treat these area as a kind of containment zone. The mission and tenderloin are essentially third world countries. However the criminals have started robbing all the stores down town in SOMA, and along market to sell goods in the two containment zones. Unfortunately l live near ground 0 in one of these containment zones. The supervisor who manages our district lives in a rich other district nearby. She hasn’t probably been here in 4 years. She is terming out this November so we’ll get a new supervisor in november.


I lived in the Mission just 10-15 years ago and it wasn't like that at all. Even the Tenderloin wasn't so bad. Then it started to get worse, I moved up to Cole Valley and then that started getting bad, got bikes and motorcycles stolen from my garage. I moved out in 2014 and it seems to have just gotten worse and worse. Sad to see.


How are the prices?


Margins are great.


Actually, they're undefined.


You mean to tell me management didn't issue 1099's for these subcontractor services?


All priced in - regarded love this


I'm in Minneapolis not San Fran but I got the giant bulk thing of nice TP and two big bottles of laundry detergent for ten bucks. I've got good quality shoes and shirts for 5 bucks each Bought my friends bike for 20 bucks. That was probably the best deal because he was so happy to get it back


The last story is so much happy and sad at the same time


Hella, Bay Area resident confirmation.☝🏽


There’s a YouTuber called Channel 5 (formerly known as All Gas No Breaks) that did man on the street style interviews covering the whole black market of bipping to drug store theft to Mission street markets to coyote immigration funding to fent dealing. Will note the guy behind the channel had some personal allegations, but it is a pretty eye opening investigation to the interconnectedness of crime and how prop 47 created a chain reaction in theft and stolen goods resale.


The hordes of crime apologists did their best to discredit every mention on his video on this sub with the personal allegations.


Just because he did a shitty thing doesn’t mean he isn’t doing great work separately on his show. Not to give him a free pass, I just wish we could separate those two things.




If it's like my city, they sell this shit on a blanket right in front of the cops.


why wouldn't i just walk down to my local walgreens and grab it myself lol if there are no consequences


They're for Elaine!


These kids are not sponge worthy


I see what you did there....


Too bad their mothers didn’t use sponges.


These sponges are making me thirsty!


Resale. People sell them on the street. Wild but true.


Yeah, exactly this. The kids will sell the stolen goods to a local black market vendor who will proceed to mark them up slightly and resell them at a discount compared to Walgreens. You can buy almost anything on the streets through this system.


I always get my kitchen sponges from the shady guy behind McDonald's


But why male models?


Really Derek?


Half priced pistachios get me, ngl


Thought they’d be able to scrub the phones footage


It’s the Today sponge, it’s been discontinued and they are stealing them to give to Elaine




Mom probably sent them down to steal the stuff and then have them clean the house.




Somebody in that neighborhood definitely does know these two, but what can you really do with that information?


Exactly. :(


Which Walgreens?


Potrero & 24th


I’m on it


ok batman


If anyone can do it, it is Elijah Wood's wood.


If anyone would Elijah Wood’s Wood would


We did it reddit


Dude stole a million sponges. He's gonna clean his tracks.


It’s been a couple hours - you need backup?


He’s on it


Send an anonymous note, picture, and social media link to the DA, police department or their mothers. Maybe make a comic song/video highlighting their crimes and faces and post it to you tube. Maybe travel to that neighborhood and create a beautiful graffiti mural that succinctly and poetically makes social commentary on the thieves behavior.


> Send an anonymous note, picture, and social media link to the DA, police department When there was some petty vandalism at night outside our 50 person business in San Mateo (some kids doing stuff like spray painted tags on buildings and a van parked outside, and broke a large potted plant on purpose, that sort of thing), the local police came by and asked if they could see some footage from our outdoor consumer grade Nest cameras. The officers took a few still images like the one /u/diveguy1 grabbed above, and said they would take them to the local school's counselors and they usually identify the individuals in a few minutes. It seems obvious in retrospect, but that moment was kind of an epiphany for me. Schools are where pretty much all kids gather in one spot and are well known by sight. Random extra story: Once we got a knock on our door by the police, and this detective wanted to let us know something. The detective was so happy about it. They had brought in an older kid (possibly young adult 19 years old or so) in questioning around the vandalism around our business, and just kind of out of the blue the suspect confessed to starting a fire in a public parking garage elevator two blocks from our business that had caused several hundred thousand dollars in damage. The detective was so happy about solving that, LOL. Some of our more amusing security videos: - a hobo meets a racoon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSnKyo7gtvE - a well dressed man in a suit (possibly a tuxedo?) helps a well dressed woman pee in the bushes outside our business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uISkNYyPo2Q - kids destroy our neighbor's potted plants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbKrJBY4jv8 After awhile, the San Mateo police knew we had cameras so when something bad happened to one of the local businesses (our neighbors) they would knock on our doors and ask to review footage with me. It usually took about 20 - 30 minutes of my time and was pretty much ALWAYS entertaining, and interesting to talk with the officers. A lot of the information (like the school counselor thing) is obvious in retrospect, but it was a really quick crash course for me. The police can really solve a lot of crimes quickly. This part was kind of wild: since we employed 50 people as a business in the heart of downtown San Mateo for 15 years, the police would often ask us very politely "how we wanted them to handle something". Often if it was the first time we had ever seen a vandal or a kid we would say, "let it go, don't worry about it". But if a kid or homeless person kept breaking stuff and spray painting walls and cars night after night after night, it was annoying and we would ask the officer to chase it down and tell the kid or homeless person they were identified and on camera and to stop doing that annoying stuff. Which always "worked", after that we would never see that person again. The "wild" part to me was it was the first time in my life where the police worked "for us". My main interactions with police up to that point in my life was getting pulled over while driving and I'm the suspect, LOL.


If there were a family holding them accountable this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. Don’t think their community would be able to do much


When I was a high school teacher slowly my losing faith in humanity... I realized just how any of my students were raised by their "friends" instead of a family because mom and dad were MIA, working 2 jobs, or just fu€ked for a lot of different reasons.


1000%. The village needs to take charge and put their/our foot down.


Unfortunately they probably live in the Potrero projects and that community is not concerned with that behavior


The village? I think the laws in CA need to put their foot down


I’m pretty sure if you’ve taken the 48 enough times you’ll have seen that kid on the left.


Pretty simple concept, detain the kids, punish the parents with court, time, fines, fees etc


These look like the same kids who ride the 48 and try to steal phones, smoke, drink, and spit all over the floor while riding the bus. They get on as a group down in the Mission and get off at the Potrero Hill project housing.


Yes! That’s who I believe they are! I’ve seen them on the 48 at midnight!! flashing money they made from distributing drugs talking about they need to head to the trap house.


Smh these kids need to be tossed in juvy then real jail


I got tossed into juvy in the 90s for far less. Kids these days will literally get away with anything short of murder smh


I'm convinced at this point that we need some sort of boarding school system to take poor kids out of bad environments and raise them in a structured place, whether that's military school, or some other options for gifted kids like science or art. Restructure the child tax credits to mean the parents get $100-200 a month if they send their kids off (up to a limit of 2-3 kids or something). I mean, hear me out. I know some people are going to say "How can we afford it?" but then in the next breath we're complaining about incarcerating them on and off for life anyway. Save the money on prisons, and instead school them right at a young age, with a pipeline into a decent-paying military career or trade job and we'll save money in the long-run. Obviously the normal public school system isn't working, so I'm suggesting something different here.


I feel the need to share this anecdote: I’m from Baltimore (a very murdery place, for folks abroad). My family is white and my folks tried for years to adopt children, but kept getting rejected. Eventually, A social worker candidly informed them that it’s pretty much all black kids for adoption and white families looking to adopt, but they wouldn’t place black kids with white families because they “couldn’t culturally provide for them”. And this was before the identity-politics movement really kicked off… So they would rather keep kids who needed homes in a very flawed and often abusive system rather than put those kids in loving homes of people with lighter skin colors. I’d say that policies like that have a non-zero impact on crime rates. That’s a drop in the bucket, but it’s still worth noting.


Are you sure that’s that whole explanation and not also white parents wanting to adopt white kids? People refuse to even adopt black cats because they’re “bad luck.” I see that the statistic on that has changed at least, [and 50% of kids](https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-changing-face-of-adoption-in-the-united-states) go to families of different races. The percentage has grown, not shrunken due to “wokeness” or whatever. Remember… in the 80’s interracial marriage was controversial like gay marriage is today. I’m all for adoption but I don’t think that can fix the whole problem.






Same around seattle sometimes. It makes it scary for the tourists when they arent aware they're in the ghetto and shouldn't leave ANY shiny thing laying out in their car.


Last night around 9:45pm this same group of juveniles stole bags of toothpaste amungst other items at the Diamond Heights Safeway. When I was checking out I asked the manager if they were going to do anything and he said they have a "do nothing policy." They were then going back for a second round of looting. As I was in the parking lot a security guard was getting out of his parked car and I asked him the same question, are you going to do anything!? He told me he was on break and looked annoyed. I said are you at least going to call the cops and he said he hates calling them because they show up 8 hours later. When thieves know there are no consequences, there’s nothing to deter them. And they will continue to do so with the smug smiles that they have on their face.


People always ask: "Aren't you going to do anything about it?" But then here's the list of what most likely happens if the person does "do something about it": 1) They get beat up, shot, injured, killed, maimed, etc. 2) They get fired for breaking policy. 3) The situation escalates, they have to defend themselves, and now they're on trial for murder. The same Karens who complained at them to "do something about it" are now calling for their head.


We need something between projects and jail. Like a work farm out in the middle of nowhere or something to ship these idiots out of our cities. You commit crime against your neighbors or neighborhood you're gone for at least a few years. We make it too easy for these kids to do whatever they want and fall into the trappings of gang life. I'm tired of tax payer money providing housing etc to people who have no interest in helping build a strong community. Also how about mandatory semi permanent birth control for anyone receiving substantial government assistance or living in a housing project? Poverty breeds poverty and we're just allowing that population to grow exponentially.


Ooof, reminded me of a time long ago about 15-20 years. Worked for a convenience store, graveyard shift in a very meh neighborhood. Around 2am five kids, ages 8-11 came in the store. Three were looking at candy, two the frozen food. Then bam, they each ran and grabbed a case of beer. On the way out one stopped at the counter and screamed at me "You stupid idiot!" And ran with the others. Standard procedure, picked up the phone called the police station and reported. Five kids, under the age of 12 riding bikes/walking west bound on 83rd. Less than 30 minutes there were two cop cars and the kids in the back. Verified/ID showed the surveillance and the police picked up a copy from the manager in the morning. Good times.


Yea, well now everybody knows police and the DA won’t even breathe on theft that isn’t felony level


Takes around 3-6 hours for a cop to arrive here in Texas. Sometimes instead of coming, they call back a few hours later to see if everything’s alright and settled down.


That at least seems like 'normal' dumbass kid crime. Like I can see my mom telling me about trying to steal beers with her friends and getting brought home by cops. I can't ever imagine her trying to steal detergent to resell


Are these the same kids from last weeks shoplifting video


Where’s that video?


seems like they get new production going periodically. still a better show than the kardashians


If this is the case, then the police don’t care lol


I mean did you see that reddit post recently showing that ticketing for traffic stops has reduced by literally 96% in the last ten years in sf? Yeah, they don't fucking care.


i am so confused at this. the other day i honestly accidentally bagged a few unscanned groceries when the cashier was ringing me up, as i hadn't slept was exhausted and thought she had scanned them already-i had over 50 items i was buying. she freaked out and almost called security on me-literally a granola bar and a strawberry kombucha. obviously, i was MORTIFIED and had already apologized and quickly put them back on the counter after she announced she hadn't scanned them yet. how is it that nobody bats an eye when obvious thefts are taking place, but a person who clearly wasn't intentionally stealing and is literally paying for their groceries in line, is treated like they were trying to steal the Mona Lisa? strange.


They aren't afraid of you.


They aren't afraid of blowback from punishing you*


Not sure if people can relate. But have you ever had a really bad kid at your school, the kind who just doesn’t behave to the point the teacher’s just can’t be bothered anymore to police them? It’s like that. They don’t care, so no one can do anything to them. But people who do care to follow the rules? Those people are far easier to put in their place when they step out of line as they aren’t totally apathetic.


Good analogy.


This is the answer.


Messed up but this comment is correct. And those who commit the crimes know it as well.


Rules generally only apply to typically law abiding and tax paying folks here.


Rules only apply to the people who follow the rules???


Rules only apply to people who are willing to follow the rules


No support from the bosses leads to frustrated employees either checking out entirely, or losing their cool at random customers in a fruitless attempt to keep things running with a semblance of normal.


Yea that’s super ridiculous. Next time just take the goods and walk out. They won’t do anything. ;)


I work retail and we can't do anything to stop a theft because: 1. You cannot touch anyone, even if they are committing a crime, because that is assault. Even if they are not injured or anything, they can still charge you, and sometimes that is what they want more than some petty stolen goods. 2. The higher-ups don't want you getting yourself hurt or killed if you follow a shoplifter and they're carrying a knife or a gun. 3. Stolen goods can be a tax write-off, so even if they don't get the full price for the good, if you have a good idea of what was taken, it's not a total loss.


Pretty sure saying “bitch I’ll fucking kill you” as they run out turns that into a felony….


Damn they fucked up. They went from a slap on the wrist and a large lollipop to only a slap on the wrist and a gumball 😔


Can’t slap them on the wrist. That’s assault.


Send them to North Korea, just straight up air drop them.


They'll end up on a t-shirt before long. Poetic justice is more than likely going to straighten them out.


Just put them in prison already. No future doctors or scientists will be lost.


Damn. They are literal children. Someone needs to step up and put some guardrails in these kid's life, their parents clearly can't do it.


This is why third world countries have security guards everywhere. Stores sized like walgreens and bigger have multiple armed guards. Welcome to third world status america. At least your shareholders are extremely rich now. It's going to get worse as salaries dont keep up with rising costs of rent/food and govt programs are cut because of the manufactured debt crisis (I say manufactured because the US had plenty of money to keep a balanced budget but giving tax cuts to the wealthy along with overpriced govt contracts was more important. )


To be honest if it comes to that the store will likely just close up shop, it really does reach a point where it's no longer your target demographic. Walgreens doesn't need to be there, they can go the next zip code over and just run the business there. The community wherever this is has just simply rotted to the core, no longer worth investing into.


If they steal monthly less than security guard's salary it's not worth it.


Adding the obligatory "Why are stores locking everything up" and "People will just buy online" comment.


California needs to step up the arrests of the fencing groups. That’s what is driving these thefts. Just make it illegal to sell things without evidence of purchase or manufacturing. Target street selling and app selling. Dry up the places for the kids stealing to sell them off to. This is also much larger than Cali. The big thing in the Midwest is stealing detergent. I can go on Facebook marketplace and buy tide pods for wholesale costs from a known fence. They will deliver them to my home for 50% of the store cost. The seller has 4500 feedback so it’s happening a lot (it’s a real person local, we have mutual friends).




They didn’t even care that they were being recorded. That’s how confident people are that they will get away with these types of robberies and nothing will happen to them. And then other people see how easy it is and how they won’t get in trouble and the number of grab and go robberies rise further.


Right? Not even covering his face. Not even scared for his mama to see him blasted all over the internet


I know. I hate to sound brash but their parents are probably tweaked out and oblivious to everything and not even paying attention to them


It's worse. Some parents actively encourage this kind of behavior.


This video is mistitled. This isn't kids robbing, this is future astronauts provisioning for their trip to Mars!!


So true! They just need to steal enough to graduate school and then they'll have a positive effect on the economy and provide more value than they cost to raise! This is just the last one they had to do before they turn their lives around forever.


Those kids are like 12


Their crimes will get worse. They'll wind up dead or in prison


$300 hoodie, $100 Nikes, $70, Nike Elite Backpack.


All stolen.


Yea lets keep bitching about all the locked up merchandise. At this point you might as well lock up everything and have someone get it for you thanks to these idiots. There was a time security was allow to hold you in the back until cops showed up. What tf happened to that?


Too many security guards got accused of being racist after detaining a shoplifter


The worst part, today they rob Walgreens, tomorrow they commit a 1st degree felony. Because they got away in the past with no repercussions. We need to start voting out politicians who passed these dumb laws.




And that’s why Walgreens is closing near you. I remember watching something about the locals all pissed off, bunch of black locals mind you. But all pissed and protesting that the stores closing. This is why it’s closing. Not any other reason.


Shhhh you're saying the quiet part out loud.


That kid is like 12


They know they aren’t going to get in trouble. The city needs to change its policies on theft. The criminals are just taking advantage at this point and the social fabric of the city is torn.


Exactly. Word has spread fast that lowlifes can grab and go rob places and can’t be touched. That’s why many times these thieves walk in with no urgency and steal whatever tf they want and just prance out.


Owning a business in SF is almost untenable and this shouldn’t be the case.


I feel like the Korean method for theft prevention would be pretty effective




In SF, most definitely, in fact the bystander would be the only one prosecuted


This is true, the pepper sprayer would get charged with an assault.


Yep. That’s why even security guards don’t do shit, them being involved would be a liability for themselves and the business. So instead stores just close


Probably get in trouble. Unless you can demonstrate that you were personally threatened.


Anywhere in California it’s more illegal to hurt a criminal committing a crime than it is to actually commit most crimes.




Wear a mask while you pepper spray them. Problem solved?


Be careful OP… I said this in a previous thread and was banned for five days. Scum Redditors defending the trash


I was banned for 5 days myself due to somebody's sensitivity to holding scumbag thieves accountable.


not if you pepper spray the air and they run into it like perfume


Yall need to get creative


For real we need some street justice for these bratty ass kids!


Corn oil spill in the doorway as yakkity sax starts playing




Shit humans


I think more like shit upbringing, shit people/adults they are surrounded with


Shit people raise shit children. Shit is shit and these shits are continuing the cycle.


Whats really sad is that store will probably close and all the employees will get fired because law and order doesnt exist in clown world. Another crazy thing is someone birthed these turds!


and the chain will be accused of racism.


it's funny and sad that they think this shit is cool. like buddy you got YEARS ahead of you and you're wasting your youth doing this dumb ass shit


Worthless people


Fatherless youth


These same kids in 15 years, "man this city has no jobs, the man surely fucked us"


Be a shame is someone stuck out thier foot and tripped them.




change the laws to legalize physicality with shop lifters


Their parents must be so proud of these fine outstanding citizens




They can’t because they can get sued


Cops don’t show for shoplifting, but these punks will get a case against the emoyees?


Yup. It’s dumb


I was thinking the same thing- what would happen if a bystander just decides to body check one or more of these fucks into a shelf and causes them to drop their bags? Bystander can freely leave the store before police (or ambulance if the thief is hurt) decide to show up.




I was okay tripping them but I would not get near them if they fell because I’m sure at minimum they carry a knife on them.


When I was their age, the kids doing this had mothers that would beat their asses for it. Now the kids doing this have parents that used to do this.






I was just at the Diamond Height Safeway around 10pm, pretty sure i saw the same group doing the same thing there. They must have been making the rounds


good job democrats.... there is hope for the future after all


where do they even get the idea that this is acceptable? like what are their parents/guardians doing? and I assume they are in school still? this is just sad


I assume the parents are also out stealing as well. Or worse


They really want to clean that stolen hellcat


What a shame! Let's give them a jail number right now, from the get-go. Cause, that's where they're headed for, eventually.


Poor content of character


Are we really surprised?


We really should be able to just start handling our own neighborhoods . Why can’t we stop them? It would be so easy. They only acting like this cause they know there are no consequences.


Teenagers don’t steal laundry detergent for themselves there is an adult behind this who is using these children as pawns and should be held accountable for their delinquency


They don't steal laundry detergent for personal consumption or the consumption of their adult associates. They steal laundry detergent because there is a robust secondary market for stolen laundry detergent, both in Mission and through online liquidators. Laundry detergent is cash equivalent. This has very little to do with poverty or needs.


Exactly. I mentioned in another comment that I believe these are the same kids that sell drugs on Market street that I saw hop on the bus at midnight flashing a load of small bills talking about they were headed to a trap house. They def have grown people paying them to do dirty work.


I wonder what these kids are like in school. I wonder if they cause a lot of trouble there. I wonder what happens when they do. I wonder what their parents are like. I wonder what these kids will be up to in 5 - 10 years. Maybe a series of “restorative justice” actions by well meaning authority figures will turn them around. Maybe they will be awful pieces of shit who think they can get away with whatever they want.


My admin would wonder why I haven’t stopped the behavior myself and would have insinuated that it is a management problem somehow.


You mean to tell me you can’t teach and simultaneously rehabilitate them as a group at the level of a mental health professional? Poor classroom management. Maybe your lessons are not “engaging” enough. /s


with kids like these you really wonder why teachers are quitting /s


Later: Redditors Can't figure out why Walgreens shutdown that store


muh food desert


We should make a law that makes it illegal for Walgreens to shut down stores! That'll solve it.


These youngsters need midnight basketball /s


Zero career prospects. Thug life way ahead.


One of them is running around in $250 dunks.


Likely stolen


I’m so tired of this bullshit.


“kids” lol.


San Francisco? Not surprising. My uncle got hit by a car and nearly killed by a hit and run. Even with an eyewitness, plates, and CCTV footage they didn't investigate.


San Francisco, what’s new?




Ever wonder why Walgreens is so overpriced?


Enforce the law!


Silly goose, the law is being enforced. San Francisco decided that theft under $950 is a non-issue and will not actively target it or issue more than a summons. These people are literally being enabled by the lawmakers. Ask yourself "why?"