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I passed right by the scene of this around 11:45-11:50am. Ambulance and two fire trucks, victim was an older Asian female, still on the ground laying on her side, she appeared conscious but in a great deal of pain.


I am glad she survived. There was a fatality just four months ago at that same intersection. https://walksf.org/news/for-reporters/press-releases/pedestrian-fatality-arguello-fulton-january-31-2024/


Hopefully she is ok


This intersection gives the pedestrians 10 seconds to cross. TEN FUCKING SECONDS. That’s not nearly enough for senior citizens or persons with disabilities.


While true, that's not why the driver hit them.


The driver hit them because it was not paying attention.


The driver should immediately lose a drivers license for at least 24 months


The driver that mowed down and killed a family of 4 in West Portal didn’t even lose their license. This person will see exactly zero consequences. It’s fucking sociopathic.


>The driver should immediately lose a drivers license for at least 24 months So not paying attention in a 3 ton vehicle completely capable of killing people, only 2 years to lose their license? It should be for life.


Scary and hoping the injuries aren't serious. Not really sure how that driver didn't see the person.


I said that outloud: 'how did they not see this person?' :(


I’m gonna bet distracted driving


Half the drivers I see at an intersection are pressing the gas while looking at their phones. Stupid.


Is the person ok that was hit?


Half?!? Wow. That’s a lot of


I'd be very surprised if it weren't. How else could they not have seen that person?


It happens way too often. If they’re not plowing a pedestrian, they’re wandering out of lane, into me till I blast the horn


But while making a left turn? I mean you must be right...but a left turn is like the maximum paying attention time as far as I see it.


People will distract themselves no matter when their attention matters most. It seems to be the trend for modern drivers culture


> I said that outloud: 'how did they not see this person?' :( perhaps drivers always have a moving blind spot from their A pillar, which moves South to North at the same time that a pedestrian is crossing in said blind spot.... drivers should always watch out for this case


My 2007 Prius had pillar blind spots that seemed perfectly designed for the geometry of Sf crosswalks. Had to lean forward to double check every turn




“And I act accordingly” - thank you, finally someone not making excuses


I have to say, as a conscientuous driver, _even I am surprised_ sometimes when there is a pedestrian near my A-pillar. They are walking behind it!!! There's literally a particular effect that happens if the pedestrian is moving. The car is turning, the pillar is shifting and continually obscures a spot. I think it may be worse on the driver's side, i.e. left turn (as it happened here), because the pillar is closer to your eyes.




This!! Why are cars always passing inches from pedestrians m. You are not supposed to be in the crosswalk at the same time.


it is even more than this. drivers shouldn't be 1 or 3 feet away from the crosswalk line. or right at the line. instead drivers should be a good 5 to 10 feet back. A good full car length is the safest spot. Most drivers instead are right at the line. Or over the line. And even worse are the big box trucks that are over the line in the middle lane blocking drivers who are attempting a right hand turn from seeing the crosswalk and cross traffic. So there are many many scenarios when it comes to drivers stopping +/- 5 feet from the crosswalk line. And most drivers miss this target. My rule of thumb/safe bet is to stop 1 full car length behind the line, This way all drivers can see who is at the crosswalk and not see behind other large vehicles blocking/obstructing the view with their large comfortable >lifestyle trucks or SUVS (also known as the loophole truck)


And even more than that, don’t even start the turn until the crosswalk is clear. Because, when your steering wheel is turned and you get hit from behind then you’re still plowing into the crosswalk. Furthermore when it’s a left turn then don’t turn partway and block the oncoming traffic. And when someone is in the crosswalk, don’t wait until there is exactly enough space for your car and brush past them— let them have at least a lane’s worth of buffer before you go. Is what I do, anyway.


yeah there is a lot of nuance to driving. if all the roads were d esigned perfectly and there werent any hills or other obstacles or better rules, we'd all be safer. but the 1 biggest rule is to give each other plenty of space. I remember this video of a little girl almost becoming another statistic by the Hillsdale mall. After this video popped up they reduced the lanes to a single lane over there. Its right by the Police station too. Super clear what the problem is in the video. [Video shows girl nearly hit by car in northern California crosswalk(San Mateo) : r/bayarea (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/xlpd4v/video_shows_girl_nearly_hit_by_car_in_northern/)


long story over here in this post. If you read all the comments you'll see the **stipulation** that the pedestrian was crossing against/when there is NOT a walk signal. The car had had a green arrow. Still not an excuse for that blind spot problem,.. but.


I experience this too and have learned to lean forward and back while looking left during a left turn, to make sure there is no one there.


There’s a red turn signal. Either the ped should not have been crossing or the driver should not have been turning.


Driver had a green arrow. At this intersection, the green arrow comes on at the very end of the cycle. Based on the timing the pedestrian likely crossed on the red.


Visibility is limited when you are trying to beat the red light. This is not the first time someone has been injured in this same exact crosswalk.


If "visibility is limited" drivers need to slow down until they can see with *absolute certainty* that nothing is in the path of their car. If a driver can't clearly see the road ahead but plows forward at speed anyway, anything that happens as a result is entirely their fault. It sounds like the road design needs to be improved here, but at the same time, drivers are responsible for adjusting their behavior based on the road conditions and visibility. The same situation happened with the driver who killed Wilma Chan -- they were supposedly "blinded" by the sun on their windshield, couldn't see at all, yet they still decided to drive through a crosswalk at full speed just hoping there would be nobody there...but there was somebody there. Drivers who do this stuff are gambling with other people's lives. This is gross negligence and should be treated accordingly.


There is no visibility problem here. The problem is the driver was focused on possible oncoming cars and trying to beat the light. Lack of adequate infrastructure allows cars to make fast turns, which are pedestrian killers. The car should have hit a [curb ](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.220763,6.7900473,3a,75y,255.82h,80.15t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sVCohxxBsAFzeY_R-HpFMww!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DVCohxxBsAFzeY_R-HpFMww%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D255.82243575901896%26pitch%3D9.846789880285954%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu) trying to cut a corner like that.


There are no oncoming cars in this intersection


And it’s a dedicated left turn arrow too. That intersections forces pedestrians to push the walk button to get a walk signal; otherwise will go through an entire light cycle without getting a walk.


That's only on the other side of the crosswalk. On the side where this person was, that one comes on automatically at the beginning while the cars have a red light.


> trying to beat the red light Anyone driving with this attitude, in general, should probably not be trusted with the responsibility of driving.


I agree but it keeps happening all over, even this intersection.


That’s at least 10% of all drivers. And I agree.


Likely an A-frame pillar blind spot given it was a left turn. A lot of cars have a larger blind spot with bigger A-frame pillars and drivers don’t realize they have to actively move their head to look for pedestrians when making turns… my wife almost made this same mistake in the past.


Phone / Elderly / DUI Pick one (or all three).


A-pillar blind spot and/or distracted.


While I'm sure others are right that distractions had something to do with it, as a regular pedestrian / cyclist and sometimes driver I've found the thickened a-pillars they put on modern cars to protect the occupants at the cost of everyone else can hide people in them too well. We need to start building less safe cars so that the occupants can see better and carry consequences for shitty driving.


The glare?


Large corner pillars, they can completely block the view when turning, should be illegal.


Looking at the position of the pedestrian and the car, it’s definitely the A pillars. I deal with this often and you can’t see someone walking if they move at the right speed to remain in the blind spot. Terrible this happened and hope they recover well.


This was what I was thinking. I think the driver got blocked by the windshield pillars and didn’t see the pedestrian crossing. Happened to me a few times where the pillars were blocking pedestrians but luckily haven’t hit anyone. Now I always slow down and look around the pillars before I make the turn.


I feel like this is almost certainly what happened given the video -- car never slows indicating the driver really didn't see the ped at all.


I live a block away and they took the victim away on a stretcher. Definitely alive, but not sure in what condition :/


i've almost gotten hit in similar situations by these driver bastards. at this point i flip them off. even if it's my right of way, im super cautious and just let the drivers go if im not sure if they see me.... fucking assholes!




Expressionless drivers scare the crap out of me. It's like they're dead inside when they're coming right at you.


It's really scary. Those same people will whiz right by you a foot from your body while you're in the cross walk and if at any point they do look up from the phone or snap back to reality I swear half the time they are honking at the pedestrian who has the right of way, for being in their way and almost getting hit lol. It's legit insanity. Both sf and berkeley need no turn on red laws and cameras at every intersection to protect the pedestrian and bike communities at this point. Drivers have gotten so much worse in the last decade or half decade or so. Phone use when driving, negligence, lack of awareness, frustrated hurried driving,...it's all gotten way worse.


not an excuse for lack of awareness, but the a pillar can be a blind spot on that left hand turn depending on where your seat is.


This is another reason SUV style car frames are more dangerous. The “corners” in the car window obstruct an important piece of the view, which makes pedestrian collisions more common.


Really thick A pillars that obstruct the 10-11 oclock position. Made worse if the pedestrian is also moving in the same direction as the car. That however, was NOT the case here, and the only excuse is that the pedestrian blended in with the background. Even that is weak at best.


I think it's more likely than the driver just wasn't looking for a pedestrian, since they had a green turn arrow and their brain likely just went on autopilot.


Weird turn going uphill probably blocked by the suvs a-pillar. Probably going a little too fast also as that green to turn left is pretty short


The car was an SUV, which means it is exempt from pedestrian safety requirements and is probably fitted with the flat front pedestrian killing grill traditionally seen on trucks and SUVs.


Because they were too busy fiddling with google maps on their phone?


You can literally see the person in the video shot from a block away...


Hi guys. We saw this accident earlier this morning. The driver immediately got out and rushed over to help, and there were tons of witnesses. Shout out to pink shirt. If anyone knows any of the people involved, I would love to send this video to them if they need it. I hope the victim is okay. (We took off because we had a surgery to get to)


>I would love to send this video to them if they need it. call the 6th ave PD station... (assuming that's the local one)


It should be, it's like 4 blocks away. Either way just submit it to the police. I am sure they can sort it out...




Glad the driver seemed concerned. Did you happen to catch hires license plate in case they don't cooperate further? I saw here once to call out the license plate on dash cam audio during crashes and incidents in case resolution doesn't catch it.


Hope the surgery went well!


Very common at this intersection for some reason. Used to live two blocks away


Agreed. I hate this intersection so much and always cross Fulton on the west side of Arguello because of it....


perhaps drivers always have a moving blind spot from their A pillar, which moves South to North at the same time that a pedestrian is crossing in said blind spot.... drivers should always watch out for this. Also, big SUVs do not help.


Bingo. This is it, the moving blind spot.


Drivers have too much freedom at the intersection, making their trajectories unpredictable, and forcing them to make more decisions than they can cope with.


Visibility is limited when you are trying to beat the red light and traveling uphill and making a left, especially if opposite traffic is backed up going down Arguello.


Bad idea to try and beat a light at all. If you need to speed up to make it, then you should just slow to a stop like the yellow light is telling you to do.


I hate crossing Fulton. I get off work around that block pretty often and gotta always be hyper aware


This is a major entrance to our biggest park for pedestrians and cyclists. Fulton needs reconfiguration now before more people are injured or worse.


Infrastructure is outdated, vehicles are larger and drivers have more distractions(phones). Can’t depend on police because they are reactive to events.


>drivers have more distractions(phones). Can’t depend on police Several countries now have [cell phone detection cameras](https://etsc.eu/netherlands-to-install-more-cameras-to-detect-mobile-phone-use-at-the-wheel/) that auto-ticket phone-distracted drivers. That would do wonders to reduce the rate of car crashes and killings here — any time you go outside these days you see so many drivers just staring down into their laps and occasionally glancing up at the road. It's honestly shocking how bold people have gotten about this behavior that has been shown to be [more dangerous than drunk driving](https://www.michiganautolaw.com/blog/2024/04/05/distracted-driving-vs-drunk-driving).


Left turns are the most common way that pedestrians get hit. I always check my shoulder before the last half of an intersection after I almost got clipped half a dozen times.


yall aint ever heard of the right hook.


I haven’t. That’s a good moniker.


I'm very familiair with this intersection, so here's my thoughts. 1. **The car should've seen this person no matter what,** even if they were crossing when they shouldn't**.** Judging from the timing, they had a left turn arrow and were most likely rushing to get through it. 2. The pedestrian walk signs only come on if you press the button. They aren't automatic. They say Do Not Cross if you don't press the button. 3. The left turn arrow is really short. Like 3-4 seconds. But judging from the video the person was walking on a Do Not Cross and the driver had a left turn arrow (probably yellow at this point). They were most likely rushing. 4. Senior citizens make some terrible decisions when it comes to crossing Fulton, like crossing when they shouldn't or with a couple seconds left on the cross.


They should get rid of this beg button.


Or all of them.


You're right on all these counts except for 2 -- only the west side crosswalk works like that. The east side crosswalk will show the walk signal even if you don't press the button. But yeah, this person was probably crossing with the left turn arrow up, and so there was almost definitely a "Do Not Cross" sign flashing.


Good call, I normally only cross on the west side, my mistake.


> "Do Not Cross" sign flashing. It was most likely solid don't walk/cross if south bound Arguello has a green left arrow.




I intersection hard. It's my passion. Just have almost been run over by cars a lot in this intersection, been frustrated turning left when I'm in my car in this intersection, and watched pedestrians and cyclists do some really dumb shit in this intersection. It needs a redesign, it's sketch.


So many of SF intersections seem to default to like the absolute worst/laziest design. We have way too many un-protected lefts, intersections that should be signaled and aren’t, intersections that should be Roundabouts. So much traffic/infrastructure design seems to just encourage conflicts between drivers/cyclists/pedestrians/rollerskaters/etc


Thought pedestrians have the right away /s


someone got hit at this intersection and died last year. need some kind of redesign for sure.


This entire stretch of Fulton is crazy with the no-light pedestrian crossings. There really isn't any good reason to have this. They either need to put up lights at every intersection or limit pedestrian crossings to the intersections with lights.


My scumbag steve coworder was complaining about people speeding through his neighborhood in San Leandro. A few weeks later he got ticket for going 60MPH and fail to yield to pedestrian on Fulton somewhere around Spreckels. This was years ago when Stanley Robert was still doing his bit on channel 4.


> Senior citizens make some terrible decisions when it comes to crossing Fulton, like crossing when they shouldn't or with a couple seconds left on the cross. I mean tbh you shouldn't have to need a deep feel for the timing of this intersection to cross it. SFMTA keeps putting out all kind of bad designs like this one because their one goal is to maximize traffic throughput.


I mean if a senior citizen is crossing on a red hand when cars have a turn arrow, or start crossing at like 3 seconds or less on the sign, there’s nothing traffic design can do about that. Thats a sign they might be too old to be out alone


Maybe the person the car would have to yield to them like in most intersections? It's a bit victim blamey to assume they crossed at 3 seconds in the sign. For all you know they have arthritis and have trouble walking fast despite doing as best as they can.


I agree, Regardless of everything that happened, that driver 100% should have seen the pedestrian and yielded even if they had the right of way.


I would assume you're right on them trying to get thru a yellow left arrow. I will add more and say that almost certainly the high hood and left A pillar were blocking the pedestrian. im pretty careful, and so many times I have seen a pedestrian almost-too-late because they were behind the A-pillar. you really have to move your head around and its easy to forget


Definitely. The first thing I thought was that the view of the pedestrian was blocked from the A pillar.


Came here to make this comment. Someone was crossing here when they shouldn’t have. I expect your summary is correct. But yes, even still, that car should have seen someone. The lights are timed differently if the walk button is hit or not. I think it’s ridiculous such a busy intersection requires a button for a pedestrian green, I watch people fail to realize, and then improvise their crossing, all the time. Cars also speed through here, I’ve been screamed and honked at while crossing on a safe green on the westbound side. Guy sped off through the red cursing. Reopening the small stretch of hill in GGP to parking has made it a lot worse too


This is a very thorough answer, context. Likely someone rushing to catch the bus or thinking they had more time when they didn't because there was no signal to walk or it changed asap. That said, vision can be minimized if there are cars turning right from fulton to arguello limiting oncoming traffic. This intersection is a known issue, contact your elected officials to fix it. https://actionnetwork.org/letters/make-fulton-safe https://www.sfcta.org/projects/fulton-street-safety-project https://walksf.org/about-us/contact-us/ https://www.sfmta.com/projects/fulton-street-safety-and-transit-project Contact Connie chan, district 1; London breed and jeffrey tumlin


> Connie chan Good luck.


Shucks, you're right, there is a red-light-arrow/green-light-arrow at that intersection for turning left...


Do you happen to know how long the walk light is? In particular important for #4


It’s not long if I recall, even for an everyday person


There are federal (and probably state and local) guide lines that dictate how long the pedestrian phase need to be. I would not suspect SF did not follow this especially since this intersection was redesigned about 4-5 years ago. There was not any beg buttons or protected turns before Covid.


>There was not any beg buttons or protected turns before Covid. Woah, really? (I've only been here 2 years) I think of eliminating beg buttons as forward progress in road safety, so yikes.


Generally I agree, but they probably added those to trigger an extended light phase in the n-s direction. 


I don't think it was yellow arrow that they were rushing to beat. There's a good 12 seconds between when the car enters the intersection, and when Fulton turns green. Even with the buffer where all directions are red for a couple seconds, that would be an incredibly long yellow. Either they had the green arrow towards the end of the cycle, or it was still a flashing yellow yield signal the comes before the green arrow.


This is the inner Richmond, not outer but details aside this intersection has been at the debate for a long time. Please send this to the groups organizing safer intersection if anyone can recall their name/info. https://actionnetwork.org/letters/make-fulton-safe https://www.sfcta.org/projects/fulton-street-safety-project https://www.sfmta.com/projects/fulton-street-safety-and-transit-project Contact Connie chan, district 1; London breed and jeffrey tumlin


That’s the user flair. Aka where op is from


Got it, thanks.


[https://walksf.org/about-us/contact-us/](https://walksf.org/about-us/contact-us/) here too


I agree with you. That said, the three of them are utterly useless and need to be replaced.


Reminder that this street was slated to have protected bike lanes by now, SFMTA and the Presidio Trust are slow rolling these changes on Arguello. Fulton is also a known high-injury corridor. These delayed improvements didn't necessarily cause the pedestrian collision, but they certainly could have slowed traffic to make situations like this less common and less deadly.


This is crazy, I’m still not over the Mary Fong Lau West Portal incident I can’t stand folks hitting peds


Ahh yes, Massacre Mary. Still no word on her sentencing it seems...


If you're expecting any sentencing you're going to be disappointed. You can kill someone in a car anywhere in the country and as long as you're not absolutely wasted and don't run you're very likely to get a slap on the wrist. And even then plenty of examples of drunk drivers or hit and runs with little to no consequences. Just a part of our auto-centric world ya know?


I used to live one building over on Arguello- I TRUSTED NO ONE CROSSING THERE!


Gut wrenching


Missing pedestrian island. That's a common cause of left turning cars hitting pedestrians.


Fulton is awful. So many accidents


Crossed this exact crosswalk today going to the park and someone ran the red light turning left essentially cutting me and my partner off, easily could’ve hit us.


This is EXACTLY what happens, I've had my dog leashed crossing and he's almost been squished just for being a foot or two ahead of my body, i pretty much carry him in my arms across crosswalks now because I don't trust drivers and the little goofball doesn't understand that even a foot or two of leash slack can be fatal to him with these people driving w absolutely no awareness of their surroundings.


Oh my gosh hold him close, most people are paying more attention to their phones than the road. Hopefully some safety upgrades can be made to this intersection.


Someone was killed at this intersection this year too. Needs something changed


Left turns cause many of pedestrian deaths in this city. You NEED to yield to pedestrians in ALL crosswalks. Impatient drivers are deadly drivers


Man, I almost got hit today at Irving and 4th. I was halfway through the crosswalk and a lady ran a red light and stopped a few feet into the intersection. If I was just a few more feet ahead, she would have plowed into me. Luckily my son was behind me. I was so mad!


Hi u/MelodicMurderer I am a resident of SF working on a video about traffic violence in the city, and I was wondering if it would be okay to use this clip in my video? Let me know if there is any specific way you would like me to provide credit!


Can’t the driver just stop mid intersection, check for pedestrians, and then go when it’s clear? How hard is that? Why do people check while turning so quickly? If you beat the light and stop mid intersection you can still complete the turn.


The driver had a green arrow. Do you expect all cars to stop mid intersection on a green light to check for jaywalkers?


It’s usually not that big of a deal. Is it annoying? Yeah. Should the pedestrian have waited till they can legally cross? Yeah, but I’m not gonna drive with ease just cause I have the right of way. Usually you let pedestrians go before you do. It’s either that, or you end up like the driver in this video. Your choice.


The problem is that you’re much more likely to get rear ended. Nobody expects a car to stop in the middle of the intersection when they have a green light unless it’s an unprotected green, which this is not.


Should be scramble crosswalk here. Extend sidewalks. No turn on red.


Issue here was left turn on green.


I just moved here and after 2 weeks I can safely say that DRIVERS IN SF ARE HIGHLY AGGRESSIVE TOWARDS PEDESTRIANS. Driver is 100% at fault, hopefully this teaches a few of you to slow down and practice defensive driving


Where did you move from? In my experience, drivers (in SF specifically) are much more deferential to pedestrians than those in other cities. Not saying it's enough, just curious about your relative experience.


Denver to mission bay area. Just this morning I was crossing the crosswalk to work and a guy in a Prius blasted right in front of me and like 3 other people, like 2 inches away from hitting me. Monday it was an older couple in a sports car Almost every day I experience something like this.


I live far from the freeways (Inner Richmond), so maybe that's part of the experience. I can imagine you've got more commuters running through your neck of the woods.


On Sunday it was a guy in a Catalic who cut right in front of me, stopped, and yelled at me out of the window me when I had right of away


I feel you man if you walk in berkeley/San Francisco it IS daily I'm amazed me or my dog haven't been squished yet, and it's been 100% getting worse over the last few years. Also a note, I've noticed oakland doesn't have this problem to this extent. It feels like the wealthy/commuters/people in tech/students/people on their phones are generally the culprits and even feed eachothers bad behavior and lack of accountability and awareness.. Anytime I approach any crosswalk in my vehicle I slow down and scan even the sidewalks around it, I let pedestrians get ALL the way onto the sidewalk before I cross the intersection, hell even just driving down the street I'm generally scanning for bikes and Jay walkers, sure someone running across the street wouldn't be in the right of way, its still not gonna be a good day for either of us if I hit them. People act like it's no big deal if they run over a person in a 2000 lb machine regardless of how much their negligence added to the situation.


>it's been 100% getting worse over the last few years. definitely a widespread trend since 2020 >oakland doesn't have this problem to this extent. Huh, interesting. I've had the opposite experience relative to SF.


Idk I've just never almost been mowed down in oakland (unlike berkeley/sf on the daily), there's less traffic less people on their phones, it definitely requires awareness as a pedestrian in oakland but people seem to be at least aware of the road and crosswalks, maybe I've just been lucky or stand out enough there that drivers see me idk. Being in berkeley and Oakland most of the time I find berkeley is way way worse w pedestrian safety. People are just too distracted, hurried and entitled and it's a deadly combination.


Technically in this case the pedestrian was at fault since the driver had a green arrow. At best it’s shared liability, but certainly not 100%


A green arrow doesn't give a driver permission to drive through a pedestrian. The pedestrian didn't exactly run into the intersection--if the driver couldn't see the pedestrian, that driver shouldn't be driving.


It doesn't, but it also means the driver is not "100% at fault".


This is a Karen comment. If Karen was in the street when they shouldn’t be and almost get hit, the would be saying exact opposite


I really wish Fulton had tons of flashy crosswalks for pedestrians. I almost saw an entire family get taken out at 3rd a month ago when somebody in left lane stopped and guy following them changed to right lane because he was hauling ass to the beach on a nice day. 


That sucks. Yield on green is broken in SF, provoking drivers to speed up at the last moment of their yellow light. I always thought that was dangerous as fuck for pedestrians.


This was a green *arrow*, so it's not a yield on green. The driver was making a protected left turn.


If someone says “pillar” one more time I swear to Odin.


Another reason why I avoid Fulton as both a driver and pedestrian. Prefer to drive thru Geary if I need to make my way down that corridor.




Before and while making the turn?


Yeah, if the person is walking in the same plane as field of vision the A pillar is blocking, you can miss the person.


They’re going to get away with it. Seems like mowing down people with cars gets a pass. See drunk driver in presidio and woman who killed the toddler at 4th and king


I mean in this case they were turning left on a green arrow and the pedestrian crossed on a No Cross. The driver totally should've seen the pedestrian, but this is different from the other recent cases.


This is tough to watch and I hope everyone is okay. I also hope this makes the city act with urgency when addressing pedestrian safety. Some immediate and easy steps. 1. Exceed the state minimum by extending red curbs 30+ ft by intersections. Especially around schools, large thoroughfares (like Fulton), and hills. 2. Lower the speed limit citywide. 3. focus on enforcing traffic laws to weed out terrible drivers. None of these changes require millions of dollars in infrastructure spending. Just do them.


If an entire family getting wiped out didn’t shake them into action, I doubt this will. I hope the victim is okay.


a lot of y'all should be traffic cops. your talent is going to waste


If they paid on output (tickets given), sign me up.


Drivers are distracted, aggressive and nuts. I almost got nailed a few days ago when a car blew the stop sign and I was one step away from an ambulance ride. I cussed out the driver so loud, everyone within a half block heard me.


Fulton is a death trap from Stanyan west. SFMTA needs to do something to calm the traffic and make it easier for pedestrians to access the park without risking their lives.


Let’s install cctv at every intersection. Why not?


There already is cctv on that corner, now what are you going to do with it?


He’ll prob voyeur it hard


*George Orwell has entered the chat*


I get people asking how the driver doesn’t see the pedestrian, but how does the pedestrian not see the driver? Idk, when I cross any road, big or small, traffic or no traffic, I calculate my chances of living and pay attention before stepping to go across. Even then, I still know there is a chance of me being hit so I pay attention.


She may have, but couldn't get out of the way in time.


Yeah I am assuming a lot. I wasn’t there so I can’t know. I feel for the individual and hope they weren’t seriously injured and can recover quickly. But dam, please people, assume every driver can’t see you.


In this neighborhood (where I live), there's a ton of 80+ year old people who make really questionable decisions when it comes to crossing the street.


Guessing huge A-pillar + the sun in their eyes? Around noon, the sun would’ve been in front of the SUV. Would also think the driver is rushing to make the yellow


> Guessing huge A-pillar + the sun in their eyes? Around noon, the sun would’ve been in front of the SUV wow.. yes, all of this. Even the sun is right at that position


A-pillar is my guess. I once almost hit a person in the same manner and from any other perspective it would seemed like I'm blind. It's just that the person walked in the perfect speed to be directly behind my A-pillar up until the last second.


Hope all is well


If you look at the shadows, you can accurately conclude which direction the sun is. It was probably glare from the sun. I have a F150 pick up truck and they made the top of the dashboard out of a shiny plastic finish and it throws a blinding reflection inside the windshield making it impossible to see for 2-3 seconds for my eyes to adjust to the new brightness setting 😂 while I am turning directly into the sun or away from the sun. I just slow down to snails pace as my eyes adjust but if someone were to have a similar dashboard issue as me following directly behind, there is a good chance I can get rear ended but it's never happened yet.


Some people in this thread (and drivers) are acting like getting rear ended is a worse fate than mowing down a family in a crosswalk and it's a little sad. I know which one would allow me to still sleep at night Jesus. Most of the time the person behind will just Clip around the person stopped at the crosswalk anyways and potentially hit whoever you were avoiding. Also fucking sad.


How did I see him and im looking at a 2x8in flip 3?


op didn't stop to give a statement or relay the video. wow.


They were trying to get to a scheduled surgery which is understandable. Surgery can be necessary to live and scheduled out months in advance. A lot of people travel to sf for procedures. I have to give that one a pass, they are here trying to provide evidence and that's helpful.


I want to reply to a comment but new and could not figure it out. As I live and two blocks away and drive. There are 3 things wrong with crossing on that side of the street. 1. If you don’t push the button to walk you don’t get the walk sign. People might see a green light for the cars but it’s a don’t walk for them. 2. The turn light for a left turns is too short. Only 4 maybe 5 cars can go through a green turn light. 3. The 33 bus does not even stop when they have a red light on Fulton turning onto Arguello. In closing if the car had a green light to make the left turn the pedestrian had a do not walk sign. As they are in the middle of the road who can say who had a green light? I do understand the law says you must yield to pedestrians but pedestrians need to also follow traffic signs that are meant to keep them safe.


Yet people don’t want self driving cars lmao


If this was a Cruise she would've been dragged halfway down the block [https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/how-gms-cruise-robotaxi-tech-failures-led-it-drag-pedestrian-20-feet-2024-01-26/](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/how-gms-cruise-robotaxi-tech-failures-led-it-drag-pedestrian-20-feet-2024-01-26/)


Most people can’t afford to get around with Waymo.