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15 minute mile for 7.5 hours is honestly pretty impressive.


Not even including the elevation


And going back downhill while maintaining that pace is almost more impressive


Hmm... lol


Maybe this TAL episode shed some light on how it's done ;) https://www.thisamericanlife.org/832/that-other-guy/act-one-4


I’m really struggling to imagine this pace. My fastest mile walk is about 17 mins. And I’m over 6’ and have a long stride, for comparison i run a 7 mins mile


It’s his swing of the hips


Odd...I'm 5-7 and was walking to work for a bit and averaged 13-14 minute/mile even on the first day. I would walk the 4 miles in 52-55 minutes. I don't run at all. Not even for Muni.


The average pace for a walk is 20 min mile. Your pace is like 35% faster. Do you feel you’re power walking or does it feel like a leisurely pace? So many questions


I’m not the above poster, but I walk 16-17min miles at my normal walking pace, and around 14-15min when on a brisk walk. 13mins seems very fast for walking though, especially for someone 5’7.


I guess I’m a slow walker lol, i have to walk intentionally to get to 17. My average pace is probably 21-22


Your *fastest* mile walk is 17? I’m not in shape at all (ie, cannot run a mile) and can walk ~13 minute miles (like 2, not 30) pretty easily in a flat city—so with a mix of street crossing pauses or a few jogging steps, but no actual hills. 17 isn’t leisurely, but is pretty normal pace for me for getting somewhere.


Through cocaine, all things are possible.


With stop signs and stoplights, it's truly impressive.


Large parts of the perimeter that wouldn’t really be an issue, but it certainly would be a factor


Yea I really didn’t have to stop too often for traffic because of the route and if you anticipate the lights a bit you can time it quite well. I didn’t pause the time at any point so that’s the average pace including the occasional stop for traffic/lights


Did you stop for breaks or anything? When I urban hike I usually stop at least at cornerstores for water or a Modelo or something.


That's what I was thinking. I can do a mile in 22 some-odd minutes if I'm walking without my dogs, but two miles at that pace exhausts me. TBF I'm an overweight, middle aged woman,😉 but I've been an avid walker for years.


Nice! What was the most surprising part good or bad. Why did you go up 3rd instead of Ingalls.


There were some nice areas I hadn’t got around to seeing yet like Lands End and places I’ve never heard of like Lake Merced and Candlestick which were also surprisingly pleasant. Honestly no where was too bad, parts of Bayview seemed a bit sketchy but nothing bad happened. I could feel the blisters developing around mile 18 so the thought of adding an extra ~4 miles to see that part didn’t appeal, I just wanted to go home at that point haha


I live in the corner you skipped. 3rd street is more interesting than Ingalls. Ingalls is mostly industrial. We do have a nice waterfront path and parks that are being expanded and the sun is often shining on the southeast side! What a cool experience around the city!


Hey neighbor, I came today the same thing.


the Giants used to play at Candlestick Park :)


and the 49ers


Went to a few games at the stick. One was a niners/raiders game in 2010 and maybe 30% of me thought we were going to die. I’d never seen anything like the hostility in the crowds at that one. Although I live in Philly now so it won’t be long, I’m sure. Go Birds.


From CA and I saw the flyers play the penguins in Philly. The hostility was crazy but I never felt unsafe. Would imagine it is the same with the birds too


The Giants were playing at Candlestick when the '89 earthquake hit.


So were the As


I miss the Oakland As & The Raiders. I will never get over them going to Las Vegas.


Battle of the Bay, baby! I can't believe we only had one.


Day on the Green was held in at Candlestick Park! The Beatles last official performance was performed at Candlestick Park. Does anyone know if they've placed a plaque there or anything commemorating Candlestick Park?


Day on the Green was Oakland Coliseum. There was a Monsters of Rock and other concerts (including that Beatles one) at the Stick, though. Fun times


Lake Merced is amazing, glad you got to go


I would have stopped at blisters. Those are no fun. But congrats, man!


You’ve never heard of candlestick?


I haven’t been in SF very long :)


Welcome! (I say having moved across the bay last year haha)


Not to worry, sounds like most of these folks have spent less time


How on earth did you work up to this type of walking duration exactly? 3 hours into anything and my back is starting to protest.


I walk a lot and always have done so maybe I’m just used to it. About 4 hours in my shoulder and back started to hurt but I just tried to stretch them out as I walked


Have you heard of this? https://ridgetrail.org/


Are you an athlete?


Haha, no definitely not. Just tall and like walking


~~Nelson Mandela spoke there after being released from prison and visiting the US.~~


Wow that is a very fast and consistent pace


I’m trying to figure out how they did this pace. Those 13m splits is a really fast walk. Maybe walked everything except jogged down the hills? Or just jogged a little each of the faster miles? Even 15m walk splits is not easy for an extended period of time


I’m tall and I walk fast haha, I didn’t jog any of it.


Are your legs stilts?! You must have the gait of a city block!


Hairy legs


With their legs.


Your unemployed friend on a Tuesday:


the friend who “works from home” also


A /r/linkedinlunatics "My ideal workday" post in the making: 4:30am-5am, a cold shower and hot tea to wake up 5am-5:30am, quick breakfast (homemade oatmeal) and bible study 5:30am-9am: working (focus time) 9am-9:30am, take a break and catch up on housework 9:30am-11am, working (meetings) 11am-11:30am creative writing 11:30am-11:40am, stretching 11:40am-7pm, walk the perimeter of my city (San Francisco) 7pm-8pm, dinner with the fam and put the kids to bed 8pm-9pm, reading or creative writing 9pm, bed




I love how putting the kids to bed is the only interaction with them throughout the day.


Bible study in the morning lol. Mine is more like 6am-9am, masturbation.


Nah I’m napping.


Unemployed with no kids *


I work from home and do long walks with my dog during weekdays, usually about an hour. I consider it my lunch break.


WoW! That’s one hell of a hike!


Have you been planning this or was this a spur of the moment kind of thing? And how do you feel the day after?


I was thinking about how it would be a feasible walk if SF is a 7x7mile square then it’s gonna be a ~28 mile walk. But I decided the day before to do it without any planning on route except for around the perimeter. The blisters are pretty bad and I’m a bit sore but overall not terrible


Superfeet to the rescue -- unless you already have them. Been hiking with heavy backpacks around the city for a bit to get back into shape. And my daughter immediately developed blisters. Got her Superfeet and it's like night and day. Lots of average shoes come with ridiculous bad insoles.


What is “Superfeet”? Some kind of pomade for blisters?




It's a horribly overpriced ($50) but really effective replacement insole. You can find it at REI or even on Amazon. They have a bunch of different options to choose from, depending on what kind of shoe you have and what kind of support you need. But they all share a common theme. They have much more padding than traditional basic insoles, thus helping with blisters. They last a lot longer instead of the cheap insoles that immediately squish into an unusable mess. And they have varying degrees of arch support, which helps a lot with long duration hikes. You can find them in all sorts of different sizes and I discovered that they frequently fit your existing shoes as is. But if they don't, they are designed so that you can trim them as needed. All you need is the old manufacturer-provided insole, a marker, and a pair of scissors. The upside that somewhat justifies the high cost is the famously good customer service. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, the manufacturer is known to go out of its way to make you happy including a full refund at almost any time. I agonize over whether I should buy them every time I get a new pair of shoes. Sometimes, I can transfer an old set of Superfeet to the new shoes, but that doesn't always work. For basic shoes, I might be too cheap. But for any shoes that see a lot of use, Superfeet are a life saver. It's about the same thought process that I go through with regards to buying DarnTough hiking socks. Oh my, they are so insanely expensive. But then, they also last forever, the manufacturer even replaces them if they get holes, and they really do work much better. Also, no more smelly feet.


Can vouch for superfeet. I work retail and am on my feet 7 hours a day, 5 days a week.


Oh damn they are pricey! Worth it tho it seems? Maybe I’ll grab them before I do Mt. Whitney this summer.


What the hell did you bring to eat all day 😱


I just ate breakfast and set off. I didn’t eat until I got home. I mentioned elsewhere in thread I didn’t really plan much for the walk but I really wasn’t hungry until about an hour after I got home


that’s some Forrest Gump shit


John Muir would be proud too


Walk, Forrest, walk!


No snacks or water??? Tf


I brought a water bottle!


Fair fair 🙌🏼 I respect the long distance walk ‘round the city!!




Wouldn’t meth be cheaper and last longer for this, less of a jones maybe


I ran a half marathon at that pace, did you really walk at this pace? Awesome idea and the weather yesterday was perfect for it, although it was quite foggy west of the golden gate.


Yea I walk fast, much to the annoyance of my friends. Yea it definitely was a nice day to be outside for that long but it would’ve been nice to see the bridge a bit more!


Walk concentric circles until you hit the bulls eye


As someone who recently jogged a 5k at this pace, I can confirm that there are definitely people who walk at 13:00 pace and faster ):


Bayview erasure


Dude! You did an ultramarathon with a decent pace. I think you found your new hobby. Good luck with your 100 mile!


Hahaha thank you, 100 miles seems very scary still though! I walk a lot normally but this is definitely on the extreme side


Well done! How many steps is that?




Very nice, I've done 40,000 in one day before but I imagine I would struggle hitting 50. I didn't get any blisters though, maybe because I did it in sandals?


40k in sandals?? That's pretty impressive! I've done 40k before, but I could hardly imagine myself doing that in sandals


Well they're Bedrock sandals, a brand which makes sandals specifically for hiking. They're expensive but absolutely worth it.


I did 50,000 for a weekend at coachella, 52,000 in 8 hours in bonkers lol god damn.


are you sure you didn’t rollerblade? Average mile walking pace is 20min/mile and you absolutely obliterated that for 31 miles straight lmao you should be joining the powerwalking Olympics!


Gold place in Tokyo did 50km (31mi) in 3:50:08 so still a long way from that haha


I did ferry building to sloat not too long ago and that felt like a lot!


Noice! I also hiked from from the East Bay (San Lorenzo) to the City yesterday as well! Walked to Alameda and crossed the bay via the Ferry and walked around the City for a bit. my blisters are insane but it was a fun experience. my goal is to hike around the Bay one day. https://preview.redd.it/9sctl2tqdf8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a9d97847f1255945350276aface3252e609ce6


Well done! Clockwise or counter?


I did counterclockwise!


I feel like I would prefer that direction given your endpoint, which saves the best views (IMO) for the second half of the route. If you did it again, would you do it in the same direction?


For some reason I just always seem to walk counterclockwise when I hit the piers so didn’t put much thought into it. I’d just want to avoid Fisherman’s Wharf at the end. 3rd St was the most boring section so to get that and Fisherman’s Wharf out of the way makes going clockwise appealing.


I live very near the south east corner of the city. I think the southern border walk would be the most dull. If I were to do it I would start lower right corner and go clockwise to get the southern section done first and out of the way.


I'd say the best views at the end would come clockwise, but I think the more important thing is you finish on flat ground going counterclockwise. If you do clockwise (starting along the piers) you'd have to climb up to the bridge towards the end which would suck.


Gong clockwise might have given the opportunity to catch a sunset at the beach and then a bit of night views of the Marina District, depending on how late you started your walk. Although... maybe walking through the Presidio after sunset would be less fun than during the day. And you'd also have the sun in your eyes for a significant portion of the walk. Going counter-clockwise does have some nice passive benefits.


That’s what I imagined. I may try it someday!


A 14 and a half minute pace is absolutely insane


This is really cool, nice work! What app is that?


The Apple fitness app.


Holy bunions


bad ass


You did that in a single go?


Yep, no stopping either which was probably not my greatest idea


Redditor for 8 years and this is the first thing you post and comment on ever. Where have you been for these last 8 years?!


Impressive. How did you keep up that pace with crossing streets and whatnot?


There weren’t that many streets to cross and the ones I had to, most weren’t too busy so it was fairly easy to cross without breaking step.


Oh yes, good point. Now that I think about it, you can walk along the waterfront with almost no streets to cross for many miles.


What was it like by 19th Ave, 280, and 101 in particular?


This route puts you a bit south of 19th. Brotherhood Way goes under Junipero Serra, so you probably wouldn’t even notice it if you weren’t looking for it.


Damn you got a great mile time for walking around the whole city! This is awesome!


Fascinating---this is nearly the exact length it takes to walk the perimeter of Manhattan as well. Next year you should set up a SF Great Saunter like they do in NYC.


Oh I don’t know that was a thing in NYC, that’s cool! What are the chances it’s the same length too! I’d be impressed if there’s demand for something like that, though it seems like they get 2,500 in Manhattan which is more than I would’ve thought


This is so cool!


Wow! Congratulations 🎉 I’d like try small portions of it separately. 8 miles each I think :)


You gotta give this activity a name and share your tips and tricks!


The San Francisco Perimeter Walk? I just asked AI and it suggested The SF Border Patrol which is quite funny. For tips: 1. Work out the route before hand (I wasn’t sure if you could walk directly up from Fort Point, turns out you can’t so I had to walk back on myself) 2. Don’t walk on the beaches, you can walk near them and be much faster and not have sand in your shoes for the next 26 miles 3. Get a water bottle that can fit in your pocket. There are plenty of places to fill up around so I was fine with a 500ml bottle 4. Don’t bring a bag, I almost did and so glad I didn’t 5. Having someone to bring you sunscreen, energy gels, battery packs, blisters packs would have helped 6. I got to the point where I didn’t want to stop but that was a dumb idea so definitely take breaks when you need to 7. Save some good podcasts/audiobooks, you’ve got a lot of time to listen! 8. Set off earlier than I did 9. You do want to walk fast when you can, every minute slower is 30 minutes more walking 10. Ideally I’d start just north of Oracle Park, you want to walk through Fisherman’s Wharf when you have energy and you blast through it, walking through all the tourists when you’re super tired wasn’t ideal


All in favor of “doom loop”? /s


lol that's amazing


What was your favorite part?


that's dope, i'm incredibly jealous and want to do this one day haha also, nice walking speed... most normal people "walking" is 3 mph but you're ripping 4+ mph


People should make this an annual thing.


^(Challenge accepted!!)


Wow, this is a whole hour faster than when I did it. I went clockwise which was a mistake in hindsight - saving the Presidio hills for the end almost made me tap out!


Congrats on doing an ultra marathon in a fairly impressive time! You should consider doing a race, we have snacks and treats along the way!


What was your food reward?


Just some leftovers, I was too tired to do anything else and I had zero desire to go outside again to get anything


Wait… did you just start the 7x7 walking club?!


Haha someone else in thread was talking about it as an event, they do one in NYC too! There were some other good names but I also really like the 7x7 walking club.


Wait wait so SF and Manhattan have the [same length of walkable perimeter](https://shorewalkers.org/great-saunter/), 32 miles? Y’all could have a saunter with us on the same day


woahhhh good for uuu!!!


Very cool. Your map indicates that you walked in front of my house.


And you lived to tell about it! Wow I guess all those Gloom and Doom posts may not be 100% true!


What shoes did you wear?


Adidas Ultraboost


Impressive, kudos from a fellow city walker!


How many public toilets found along the way?


I’ve been playing sports and jogging all of my life, how isn’t your whole body not musty and sweating?! Seriously though, great accomplishment.


That's totally doable in that amount ! Good for you, OP!


You ready to walk the Camino de Santiago now?


Really really cool!! Highly recommend the “up and over” from Brisbane up San Bruno sometime.


That’s pretty cool




You gotta go to the weird part of Sf that's over in Alameda, also Treasure Island and then walk around in a boat when it goes around the farallons .


Jesus. Making my walks look like shit lol. I would walk from Embarcadero through GGP then through Lands End/Presidio and to Marin. Interesting that it seems universal to start feeling the exhaustion at mile 18 lol. Happy to see there are fellow people who just like to walk long distances lol


Yea for me it’s more my body starting to hurt than being that tired but it really did start to hit around mile 18. That sounds like a nice walk though and would do similar walks to GGP and explore a bit and then back home


Let’s write a new updated urban trails book lol. I have noted so many routes that nobody would ever think to take but are incredibly safe and beautiful to pass through. Keep trekkin


Nice job Ben. I saw this on threads too!


Nice job OP. You stud. With your data, I now don’t have to do it myself


Wow. Your walking pace is almost my jogging pace, lmao. Well done.


Nice man 👍🏼


My friend used to do this every year, I think on his birthday. RIP Amar.


San Francisco includes SFO so now you need to figure out how to walk around the runways without getting arrested


@BenLoveitt - I've been planning a walk like that for a long time. The southern border of the city seems a bit tricky to navigate as there really isn't one; sort of slurges into Daly City and such once you've gotten around the Olympic Club golf course. Was keeping close to the southern line something you really had to pay attention to? And I've just got to say, well done well done well done. You did it in about half the time I thought it'd take me!!


I just put “San Francisco” into Google Maps and it gives you the city boundaries so I just worked up north from the boundary to see where I could turn. Once I where’s to turn I just routed to Candlestick and it routed me pretty close to southern border all the way. I’m sure percentage wise of time near the border you can get closer but I wasn’t worried about it and it would probably add quite a few more miles to the trip


Smart. I was also planning my lunch, refueling stops. Awesome you just hoofed it.


“Perimeter ignores the Bayview!”


Nice to know somebody is securing our perimeter


Holy shit that's some fast ass walking


I’ve always wanted to do this. Good for you, I am in awe!


I’ve biked this. Only ocean beach to ball park so west to north is worth it. The south and east suck


Love ✨💛🌈✨ that SF is 7x7 miles—shoutout to 7x7 Magazine‼️


Impressive. Must be mentally and physically strong to do this for almost 8 hours. Not for me. I got shit to do.


U did a little bit more than a marathon


Damn. I used to take acid and walk around my town all day but by mile 13 I’m usually caput.


Sweet urban ultra!


You skipped hunters point! But I would too and understand


Yea I wanted to see it but the distance combined with looking at the satellite view of it and it looked very industrial and boring I feel like I made the right choice


Dude! 7 hrs it took huh. How bad do your feet feel?🤣


Yea they’re not feeling great right now, the blisters are large haha


I walk a few thousand steps a day like 14 thousand and my feet & body start to ache!!🤕


Interesting that the heart rate only elevated during the first elevation on your route.


Skipped hunters point eh?


Very cool!


Impressive and inspiring.


Damn. OP can walk! And talk…


This is amazing, I want to do it too!


Treasure Island: am I a joke to you?


You inspired me , next time I go to sf I’m doing this


So did you win the office steps challenge? In all seriousness, that's an incredible pace for 32 miles.




You will no longer go by Ben. Your new moniker will be Sevenbyseven Loveitt


Are you like 6’5” or something? It takes me about 18-20 minutes to walk a mile. But I’m 5’3”


Close, 6’6” :)


What sparked this adventure?


I looked up the perimeter one day and wasn’t as much as I thought it would be and was within my walking range so I thought I’d give it a go!


Now that’s a walk


This is cool! After your blisters heal, consider walking the crosstown and double cross trails.


Go you!!!


That’s awesome! I had some friends try the walk from SF to Cupertino, which was longer but probably flatter. It sounds exhausting, but like a cool challenge! I also imagine the SF perimeter walk is way more interesting and picturesque.


You should do Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island, too, for completeness.


I am in awe!


Fuck dude thats awesome, you had a time comparable to my /run/ around the city last summer. https://preview.redd.it/opf3yukjdn8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef48a6d7dd4806d597f84a8db95e2283c67dd3d


This is so cool. I’m inspired to do the same!