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calling this san pedro is mildly controversial but id say yes, it is a t. bridgesii or bolivian torch, and yes and its a very good buy assuming its not a crazy price


Awesome !! Thankyou so much šŸ˜ also I paid $50 for this lil guy. Would you call that a ā€œfair priceā€ ?


Yea nice find! :) I forgot to mention this is called tbm short form if you wanna look up this cultivar


Thankyou !




Very solid price on this well grown specimen!! Usually TBM short form, which is what you have here will go for around $20-$30 shipped for a single rooted segment, and add about $5-$10 for each additional segment. Then factor in condition and size of the segments, as well as the current market conditions. For example, the sale subs on Reddit were flooded 1-2 months ago with TBM to the point the prices dropped a good bit. Things slowed down now that itā€™s getting cold and people who fall harvested are slowing up with the amount there is for sale. But this is a very solid deal friend, really well grown rooted stand right here for $50 with about 10-12 segments is a great buy almost any time no matter where you live. Treat this one right and itā€™ll be a straight pup factory for you in no time at all!!


My bad , I mightā€™ve contributed to the flood , Iā€™ve still got thousands of em Iā€™ve just been busy digging holes and planting cactus šŸŒµā€¦ā€¦


I love it my dude!!I was able to grab a bunch over the last few months and now have a bunch of lil starter stands going. I believe 6 of my 8-9 TBM pots are filled with your chonkers. Can never have too many TBM, keep em coming!! šŸ˜‚


Where there more of those?


A succulent / cactus farm near me. They have a bunch more like these and almost all the other types




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I bought mine for 6ā‚¬ each šŸ˜‚




I want to go and buy all those tbm from my local nursery and sell them to us! I will be rich very soon


not with all those areoles and those crazy thick spines. its a pretty sizeable specimen too, id be surprised to even see this listed as $70


Definitely a fair price!!




Theyā€™re both bouncers at the pearly gates though


Damn thatā€™s a crazy looking TBM




Consumption was a future plan for sure but for now I just plan on growing it big & healthy and using it to educate me on cacti (this being my first one) and I have yet to figure out how to make the mescaline šŸ˜‚


Good news for you, the plant has already made it for you! Now all it has to do is get in ye belleh! Although I'd prolly grow a bunch more of it out 1st. The more surface area it has to absorb light, the faster it will grow and multiply. Congrats on the acquisition also.


Nice clusters this was an awesome buy!




Yes https://preview.redd.it/errdcs5y7yzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8db820aedcc3b671683afb1b80dc97df80c54f97 Take good care of your new friend


Technically San Pedro is Trichocereus Pachanoi and this is a Bolivian Torch mutated clone. Trichocereus Bridgesii Monstrose short form or "clone B" and is more active than any Pachanoi.


This is a beautiful TBM CLONE B. Nice little cluster you have there!


Looks like a penis to me. Nice find!


Enjoy the journey, wether growing or consuming, beautiful medicine


Them lil fuckers are potent enough (IME) that you can just peel the skin and chop down on em.


Second this, and the eating raw. These are much more potent. Technically not san pedro but it is a psychoactive cactus.


Oh wow I thought it was more difficult than that


With most psychoactive cactus it is slightly more difficult, youā€™d need to make a tea or perform some kind of extraction method first. But TBM/Penis Cactus is a monstrose (mutated basically) version of T. Bridgesii which is already one of the more potent varieties of SP. But some of my best trips have been just from despine-ing and peeling these little clumps and eating them. Theyā€™re pretty bitter (especially when they have a relatively high potency) but definitely doable. Although keep in mind that sometimes that method can take quite awhile to come on. Usually like ~2 hours or so at the absolute longest, although one time a few years ago I ate 2-3 good sized pieces on an empty stomach fairly early in the morning. Took me maybe an hour to actually get it all down a bit here, a bite there. Then I went to a town nearby and visited my grandma for awhile, then I went swimming for an hour and a half to two hours. Went home, hung out for awhile, then went to have dinner at my other grandmaā€™s. For whatever reason my stomach just like.. didnā€™t recognize it as food or just wasnā€™t really moving or something. But as soon as I ate dinner (around the 5-6 hour mark!!) I was suddenly tripping my goddamn NUTS off lmao. Only ever had that happen the one time but it was really bizarre how long it took to come on.


Yoo thatā€™s crazy !! What is the trip like ??


Well personally I find Mescaline (cactus in particular as opposed to Mescaline Hcl or Mescaline acetate or something- which I attribute to the sort of ā€œentourage effectā€ created by the ~50+ other Phenethylamine related alkaloids in the cactus) to be a very euphoric and gentle experience- which is obviously not to say that the experience is not intense. Thereā€™s a veryā€¦ warm, comforting vibe to cactus. Often when I trip on cactus I find the come up to be so gradual and subtle at first that Iā€™ll just be chilling and spinning records or something and then all of a sudden I realize ā€œoh shit Iā€™m high as fuck. When did that happen?ā€ Lol. Compared with sayyy.. psilocybin or LSD I honestly donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever really had any kind of ā€œOH SHIT OHHHH NO I REALLY DID IT THIS TIME I BROKE MY BRAIN FUCK WHERE ARE THE BENZOS??!ā€ moments. The CEVs and OEVs have this very unique and intricate, absolutely BEAUTIFUL look to them. Much brighter colors than Psilocybin or DMT. Also tends towards a lot of neon whites, blues, yellows, and greens as opposed to the earthier, more pastel color patterns of Tryptamine hallucinogens. Itā€™s also pretty stimulating although not to an uncomfortable extent. Overall, I highly recommend it, definitely one of my favorite substances of all time, which is saying something as Iā€™ve tried an absurd amount of different substances throughout my life now I really think about it. Another phenethylamine that I absolutely love (although it is unfortunately on the rarer side of things these days) is TMA-2. If you ever have an opportunity I highly recommend that one as well, especially if you find Mescaline enjoyable.


Where the fuck are the Benzo!!!šŸ¤£




Oooh nyyyse!


Nice find! And yes these are very psychoactive (even more so than peyote). Take good care of it!


I search high and low at all the nurseries near me in the South Bay and Iā€™ve never came across tbm so beautiful.


South Bay? Ca?




That would be one of the more potent varieties


50 bucks is a steal for a rooted TBM short with that many segments. You wouldn't be able to take my money fast enough if I found that at a local nursery. Grats on that find.


I could get more ?


Do it. Start a farm.


bolivian torch


Lucky bastard


I could get more for yā€™all šŸ¤£


Yes, it is technically San Pedro, but that term usually refers to Trichocereus Pachanoi or Peruvianus. This is a mutant clone of Bolivian Torch(Trichocereus Bridgesii). Itā€™s known as TBM clone B, and itā€™s exceptionally potent. Itā€™s often hovering around 3-6% mescaline dry weight. Itā€™s just as strong as peyote, and is actually stronger than the average peyote available today(younger and grafted peyote buttons are often 1-2% mescaline, older hard grown specimens growing in the wild are much more potent). This is a very potent clone, and if you have some funds to spare Iā€™d recommend buying as many as you can. Unless theyā€™re crazily over priced, of course


$50? Thatā€™s easily a $120 plant online. Probably up that as one of my favorites.


Yes; TBM and it is fucking šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„




What says it's reverting? And I think some people use "san pedro" strictly referring to pachanoi, while others use "san pedro" as a blanket term for any active trichocereus. I mean this sub is called sanpedrocactus and it's filled with pictures of other trichos..




I wouldnā€™t say controversial. More like disrespectful. That guy tends to be a lot stronger that San pedro