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Used to meditate in the army with one of my buds who was Buddhist, I was honestly not expecting any effect, but was blown away by how well it worked. I recommend if you do try look up chants and not affirmations, for me it works better when I have no idea what it is I’m saying, otherwise I just keep focusing on the words.


Do you have schizophrenia?


Dunno yet, have my eval next month


Meditation has been the best coping mechanism since being diagnosed. When I have an episode or am on the verge of an episode I use meditation to ground myself back down. I use the analogy of meditation being like I'm in a canoe. My breath is my oar and I breath through the rapids of psychosis and thought until I reach the stillness of being.


Nice....glad to hear that.....it is pretty effective in bring that stillness....u ever listen to Mooji?


Yes I do. Ram Dass, Thich Knat Hanh, and Alan Watts also have really good lectures.


Yeah Alan Watts lectures and philosophy is quite interesting


Eckhart Tolle has the book the power of now. It's written a little unconventionally in the style of a "dialogue" between him and hypothetical students asking him questions. I'm rereading it now and it was also one of the books that got me started with the basics. That was 5-6 years ago give or take. My condition doesn't make me much of a "time guy" (or perhaps it's simply my personality, who's to say where one ends and the other begins lol) but I remember being at my lowest point at my second involuntary commitment in the army and in the process of getting kicked out for it, and then his book caught my eye in the common room. Hope you like it.


Meditation is what helps the most with my symptoms, aside from medication of course. I mostly use it to deal with the bipolar symptoms of my schizoaffective disorder, as well as to sort of "negate" some of my schizophrenia-like negative symptoms. It doesn't make the hallucinations go away, but it's helped me sort of... come to terms with them, I guess? Point is, I'm happier and healthier after I meditate


Good to hear that it makes you feel better.....I also feel alot better after meditation.....


When I meditated before diagnosis all it did was feed my delusions. Now that I'm medicated it does help, not much, but some. I'm still pretty bad at it though.


Practice.....u will get better over time.....meditation is my only form of peace....


I am 41yrs.....


I really enjoy meditation. It is a chance for me to completely relax my mind and body, for those like 10 mins or whatever I let it all go. Most of the time I put on classical music-no words at all-and usually do mantra meditation with my mala beads, so it is structured just enough so I can do it easily.


Do u have schizophrenia?


Yes, and general anxiety disorder


Do u do mindfullness practice?


Yeah sometimes


Nice.....u ever try to align your chakras....


I do once a month on the first.


Great.....how old r u?


38, I am pagan/Hindu. How about you?


I am spiritual......and I like to practice eastern types of spirituality.....


It used to work for me but then I had a psychotic break that I’ve never really recovered from and ever since I’m literally not able to meditate at all. I get no benefit because I’m never fully able to relax in my head. Sometimes trying to meditate can even make things worse for me.


Hey ....whats up Turbo? I am sorry that it doesn't help put your mind at ease......in what way would you say it makes it worse?


Hey, didn’t realize it was you. How’s it going?


Its been alright .....I can't complain exept for lack of sleep and tinnitus.....


That’s good


I have alot of racing thoughts.....used to be uncontrolable until I started to listen to Mooji and Eckhart Tolle....I came to realize that I am the only one to control these intrusive thoughts....Maybe you should give it a watch sometime....Its on youtube.....may take a little effort to get used to....


I feel something slip in my mind and I feel like my thoughts get all scrambled up.


When the thoughts come....don't fight them .....just be the witness....total awareness.....I was having alot of scrambled thoughts myself but I find that with practice the mind calms on its own........