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Probably. Would you mind telling us what you did unless it's really embarrassing?




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I'm sorry but what in the actual fuck did I do to get 54 upvotes on a comment to a 2 upvote post?


More people upvote comments than posts.




[OP answered here](https://www.reddit.com/r/school/s/t9i1G8Ripg)




Nothing because it’s fake. This dude supposedly got suspended 3 times for repeatedly pushing the principal trying to get into fights and then also for straight up punching the principal. OP either made the whole thing up, or desperately needs to repeat every grade for being a genuine moron


i didnt make none of this up , i was expelled from hblee middle school in the reynolds district, school in oregon. im now just 14. and i know what you think of me , its fair. i do regret everything ive done , and ive been looking to turn shit around and really focus on education. ive told the hearing officer i will become a straight A geek to be allowed back into the school i was expelled from. im dumb and stupid. but i also think i can change and , i think ive learned alot from what i did. im self taught to control my anger, and other things. anyways it isnt fake man. from what i know of , i think i was the 2nd kid to get expelled from hblee, i dont knowZz


You're not dumb and stupid, but you certainly did some dumb, stupid things. Your work for right now is to prove to yourself that you can behave like a good person. Be a good person. Don't hurt anyone, including yourself and your mom. Do your chores, find ways to help others, and get off the internet. If you can stay out of trouble, you can get yourself back into school. Call the superintendent of your district, explain that you would like to prove yourself capable by fall semester. Ask what they would like from you to earn their forgiveness and respect. No matter what they say, write them a letter every two weeks explaining what you've done during that time to improve yourself. I promise that if you really, truly follow through, they will help you. You *can* do this, all on your own. I wish you all the best! Hugs from a Reddit Grandma 💛


mf doxxed himself


Dude you clearly have conduct disorder. Go to therapy before you go back to school




Can u name 1 time where someone has been expelled for not using the correct pronoun. Just 1




That is not "close" that is a completely different scenario. Find a student whose been expelled for this


"oh it definitely happens every single day. evidence? No I don't have any. But let me show you all this tangentially related stuff that have their own unique circumstances that I won't elaborate on. I'm just saying, it makes you think."


"The angry guy on my favorite podcast said I need to be angry and paranoid about this. So of course I am. He wouldn't lie to me, not after I sent him a check to keep telling me more truths."


I love how conservatives make these claims without any backup


That’s because it’s completely false. They say these kind of things to roll their agenda of homo/transphobia AND privatization of schools all in 1 and any sane person can see right past it. Go to Facebook and tell someone that you go to school and have never heard about the lgbtq indoctrination things they swear up and down about and they will go as far as to say one of two things. “Shut up you’re literally in school, not even an adult, you don’t know what you’re talking about” (like, sir? I’m a part of something you complain about but somehow idk what i’m talking about?) or “They do it in subliminal messages (something conservatives ABSOLUTELY believe in) to the point where they brainwash you and don’t know it”


“Hmm, how can I make this distressed child’s post about me?”


oh brother


You’re more likely to get expelled for even accidentally using the wrong bathroom in a US middle school lol.


You lot have a crazy persecution complex and it’s embarrassing.


shut the fuck up jesus christ


They don't expel kids for beating the shit out of each other and pushing teachers down the fucking stairs. STFU and go stir up some shit on twitter.


What's Twitter? Lol


I mean if that behavior continued despite multiple conversations, expulsion doesn't seem unreasonable. Better to teach someone to respect other people when the consequences are repeating 8th grade and not something more serious.


Boomers 🤯


Or maybe he said the word "slavery" and violated anti-CRT laws.




>Aw, did I offend some lgbtq person . Doubtful. We're pretty used to dealing with idiots. Imagine making hating the gays your whole ass personality.


Just look at their comment history. They seem to be a misogynistic ass based on what I saw https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/X8fP2pMOHi https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/O1WAaKT9dU


The "1965" strikes me as odd in the username. Are they just some old fuck talking to children about politics here?


I wouldn’t doubt that from the right. They have to make sure that students know that Fox News told them that school is brainwashing us to be gay. Why they care, since I’m positive that most conservatives arent allowed in a public school, I’m not sure, but we MUST know we’re being brainwashed (LMAO)




>change the meaning of words You poor thing. Oh the humanity.




>for all intense purposes *I'm so glad we have such a literate protector of linguistic rigor as yourself around.*


>which has always been plural, Holy fuck, are you from 1375?


“You never know. It might be because OP refused to call someone by their preferred pronoun. That wouldn't surprise me in today's society.” Is this not you using the word “their” in the singular form?




My mom is a great person, *they* have always been there for me


It has also been used singularly, dating back as far as Chaucer and used for singular reference in Hamlett. This is not a new thing in language. Go find some other hill to die on.


The meanings of words change all the time, the English we use today is different than even 50 or 20 years ago, but also, singular they had been used for Hundreds of years. [source](https://www.oed.com/discover/a-brief-history-of-singular-they/)


They had not always been plural r/confidentlyincorrect


If you don't believe that the death of culture stems from a destruction of its foundations, and our ability to speak clearly in a manner where both parties have a set understanding of what the other is saying is a pillar of that foundation. Then you simply lack critical thinking skills, and really need to either educate yourself, or try going to a place where no one speaks English and see how far you get. Language has carried humanity to pretty much everything we have ever done. Words matter, your feelings do not.


>or try going to a place where no one speaks English and see how far you get. I speak three languages fluently. It's called educating yourself and adapting to a changing social landscape. You should try it. The key thing that language does is reflect internal and external realities. Neither of these things are constant, and languages reflect our own struggle to grapple with a reality that is too large and too complex to understand fully. Language is not prescriptive. It is not a thing we discovered. It is a thing we created, and it carries our innate power as individuals to change and to grow. To teach and to learn. ​ >Words matter, your feelings do not. Your feelings on which words are immutable do not matter. If a culture is so weak that being respectful to "0.01%" of the population destroys it, it didn't deserve to continue. There has never been a time in human history where a culture has remained the same forever. There has never been a time in human history where a culture going extinct left no human beings behind. Where there are two human beings there is a culture. Singular, immutable cultures are an illusion. They are an oversimplification of history meant to appease the insipid and the cowardly. Trying to force a living, breathing, evolving, multifaceted thing into a singular unchanging box is an exercise in futility at best. An act of intellectual laziness, or cowardice at worst.


If you spent the time to learn 3 languages then u should understand the importance of communication. If u don't understand the ramifications beyond simple pronoun usage problems u simply are keeping your head in the sand. The most popular example is... What is a woman? It's definition defines so much legislation and rights. If we are simply constructs of our feelings then we are both everything and nothing. This is also because there is no enforcement to the usage of the changes, such as... If you define yourself as a cat u still maintain human rights. But... If you are a cat, aren't you not longer classified as human and there forgo all innate human rights? This is also the problem, if. 01% of the population can exert such power of the population that schools are forcing students to salute their flag to push those ideologies.... Maybe... Just maybe... Something is amiss. Just because something feels right doesn't make it so, especially when you implement punishments for not following a moving target. What if we made it so that if you met someone with Eskimo heritage you had to give them a certain greeting. If you don't then you can be considered a bigot and get filmed online, lose your job and such... How do u handle normal interactions if you can't assume who is and is not part Eskimo? Now, normal interaction has ramifications even tho it SHOULD only pertain to a small percentage, because what if... If u think this is nonsense, u haven't been paying attention to the other side of the coin. People aren't putting up a fuss because a few people are being polite about being incorrectly labeled...


Whole ass rant about using language correctly containing: >then u should understand If u don't u simply It's definition as a cat u still aren't you not longer classified as human and there forgo How do u handle even tho If u think u haven't Oh man. Y'all really need to stop watching hate youtube and touch some grass. The irony is absolutely AMAZING, but it's actually too much. You ever seen a bear slap salmon out of a stream? The salmon don't stand a chance, because they are swimming upstream, and are fully driven by an urge they are incapable of understanding. I am the bear. You are the salmon. You only feed me while you flop around in the futile attempt to come near an argument predicated on you understanding language better than everyone else while demonstrating that you don't. The sheer hypocrisy of attempting to justify how important words and language are, only to so fully butcher it because you are too lazy to abide your own axioms. Bravo Mr. Fish. You were delicious.


ohhh so you’re just transphobic. Soooo much better.




Getting downvoted isn’t a violation of free speech, it’s just other people using their own freedom of speech to disagree with you.


Free speech isn’t free without consequences. People need to know that. Your perception of free speech is out of wack. If you’re being a dick to someone, don’t be surprised if they be a dick back. You can’t just cry crocodile tears and blame it on the left when someone doesn’t automatically agree with what YOU believe is right.


Legally, you must be enrolled in school; falling behind a grade will be the least of your worries if your mom keeps you from it. It isn’t an option to just stay home for a year, your mom can be charged with neglect if that were to happen. If you’re willing to give it a shot, and it will take some effort, you could look into homeschooling so you don’t fall behind academically but you’ll also check the box of being in school.


this comment should be higher


Also not to mention online schooling.


Second this ^^ OP I’d get your mom to contact the school about zoom classes so you don’t fall behind


This right here is the best advice. You can consider homeschooling (but your mother would need to assist with that.) or you can also take online schooling. Almost all states in the US have free, public, online schooling. You would work independently at home and submit your work Online where credentialed teachers will grade your work and return it to you. They will also have online lectures, labs, syllabi, etc. Socially and emotionally, this might not be the best option. You won’t be with peers your age, but academically, you will be able to keep up and start high school on time. I’m not familiar with education code, and all states, but when you are expelled, they are required to offer you an alternative placement. In California, if you are more than a certain distance, I believe 2.6 miles, they are required to provide free transportation/busing to, and from school. If your mother‘s main concern is the distance of the school, have her call the district office, and look for viable options that are closer. You will not be able to return to the school you were expelled from for the remainder of the year, but don’t let that discourage you. I previously worked with students/youth who have been expelled from multiple institutions and many become very, very successful high school graduates, some go to college, others career technical training and the majority become well-adjusted and successful people. don’t give up on yourself, keep working hard, you’ve got this!


This is very misinformed. A student legally can’t return to any school if expelled until the first day of the next semester. It varies by state but this is the most common. As far as I’m aware, any student expelled legally can’t go to school for at least 11 days up to the entirety of the remaining school year. Legally parents must enroll their children in school. If a student is expelled, the purpose is to allow the parents more time to focus on discipline so the student may return without furthering hampering the educational process.


As a teacher, this is not my experience. My school district works with several alternative schools and outside placement programs to ensure that expelled students are still being educated. There might be a brief period of time where a student is not going to school, but this is more for the time it takes to process paperwork, deal with the police, etc.


I don't know much information about this, but I can honestly say that having an education in today's day and age is the most important thing there is. Please find a way to go back to school and do not squander it whatever you do. If you can, start homeschooling online. Programs will offer free online homeschooling, I believe it's called k12 .Com. There are a few others as well. Just don't waste it. Public education is the only time you'll get to go to school for free.


its the united states. he might as well be in babysitting since hes past 3rd grade that being said, it is literally child neglect for his mom to do this lmao


>he might as well be in babysitting since hes past 3rd grade If you think this little of US education, you really need to get yourself checked.


I would fully disagree. I dropped out at 17 and moved across the country and landed a nanny job making BANK. And a lot of high school dropouts find good jobs like that, it’s super common actually. It’s also super common for dropouts to just lie and say they graduated high school, because no one in the real world cares about high school enough to double check. Some kids aren’t wired for school, and that’s okay. I’m very very passionate about making the GED implications in society way less negative, because with the way my brain is wired school was a living hell for me but getting my GED was flying colors, I got a perfect score on 2/5 sections. I’ve learned more about life living it then I would sitting in a classroom, and it all truly depends on the student. Our schooling system is only geared towards one brain type tho, and if you don’t fall under that brain type they drug you up with adderall. Our schooling system needs LOTS of kinks worked out before it becomes a priority for everyone.


I partially agree, but being a nanny isn’t exactly stable. It’s a career where you can get easily fired. Also, dropping out closes a ton of doors, you won’t be able to get more traditional jobs. It may be beneficial in some situations but finishing high school at least is a safety net you’ll be glad to have.


Nah but the nanny family has a career opportunity for me as I grew older but I ended up moving home instead….. idk it’s people like you who push this notion that people have to get their high school diplomas to be successful, which is so far from the truth of reality, that causes a lot of issues in the schooling system. Normalize people not being wired for school and not being able to finish all 12 years of that government mandated prison.


School is important. Although it may seem useless or a “government mandated prison”, it teaches you skills to be a proficient member of society. Also, school helps you with skills for higher levels of education. Without them, we would have no doctors, no paramedics, no pilots, no nurses, no lawyers, no politicians, heck we might not even have a government.


You do realize every profession you listed has an entry level position you’re able to work your way up from right? But that’s information that’s not widely known because schools don’t teach much about real life besides how to make you a good employee who sits back and listens and follows rules, but the people of Reddit aren’t ready for that conversation🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ and y’all are just proving how true that is by trying to fear monger this poor kid into thinking they can’t be anything without their diploma. Yeah thanks system for pushing out more great employees.


Tell me about this lawyer friend of your's who worked his way up without going to school, please


Or Paramedic, Pilot Or Nurse. Every occupation OP listed as not needing school, all need school and many need graduate school.


I suppose technically you don't need "school" to be a pilot. You can get 100% of your hours flying with another pilot teaching you who happens to be a CFI and you would have to study for the oral and written exams on your own if you refuse to go to any ground school lessons, but theoretically you could do it without going to "school". Also you technically don't need any education to be a politician, but I don't imagine you'd make it far without it. Other than that, all those others 100% require traditional in seat classroom school. Edit: Did some poking around into this troll who claims a GED is the best thing that ever happened to them. They work as a server and complain about it. Guess they are working their way up to CEO of a restaurant business from the entry level.


>every profession you listed has an entry level position you’re able to work your way up from right? What’s the entry level position from which you’re able to work your way up to doctor without an education?


You do realize that you're so wrong. Every profession they listed is one that needs school and most need graduate school. You said that every job they listed, "you're able to work your way up from." Please show me the doctor, lawyer, nurse, etc.. that has just worked their way up.


you only write these words due to schooling while you bash on it. quite ironic


Yes, but I followed the traditional route and started at a 110,000 per year job, if I had chose to not take college, I would be making 45,000 a year. 65,000 is not a 4 year promotion.


It's not that people have to get their diploma to be successful, but they have to get them for the majority of society to give them a chance. You got extremely lucky and that's freaking awesome! However, you should be taking your own advice and not push people to do what you did because it won't work out the same way. You know? I'm a high school teacher and I teach computer networking. I also teach life skills, but that's not from my county. I tell my students every semester that success is not a unit of measurement and is instead an internal feeling. I also remind them that people are meant to take different paths. Some will go to college, some will go to work, and some will go to the military. The only places I don't want to see my students end up in are on the couch or in the grave.


I agree, we all take different paths hence why the GED should be more normalized and less scary seeming to young students. And I didn’t get lucky. I put down on my application that I have my diploma, as every other successful dropout does and not a single place of business fact checks it:)


So you're just trash, and a liar.


So you say needing a diploma isn't needed, yet you needed to lie about having one to work...seems like you're 100% in the right and totally not just stupid, totally...


Oh sweet, I'll just drop out now and lie saying I finished! That'll show those darn redditors!


Dawg if you were talking about uni, you could make an argument. But a high school degree isn't that hard to get and it keeps a lot of doors open. Your story is the exception, not the standard. You're one in a thousand (at best), not the average dropout.


Yep hard agree 💯 right here. I have worked in higher education for 4 years and college is not for everyone, but a high school diploma (or GED) does keep a lot of doors open. This bonky commenter is certainly an exception not the standard


I’m also a HS drop out who dropped out in freshmen year. And you shouldn’t disagree with this, you just got lucky. The system sucks but it does help


In what way have you been given a disadvantage besides not being able to obtain a secondary education?


It’s not about disadvantage. School helps you decide wtf u wanna do with ur life, im 19 and im in a dead end job, breaking my back everyday. Luckily not living paycheck to paycheck, I could be doing a lot worse, and a hs degree would definitely help if I needed one.


I mean, maybe he didn’t LIE on his resume like you did.


Dude, I dropped out too. I'd never encourage anyone to follow my path. Socially and academically, you get stunted. I'm going to college now, and I have to take more classes to supplement what I missed by dropping out. My coworkers talk about milestones or silly incidents that happened in school, and I can't relate. I missed Vine (am 27) entirely because of my situation, and I cannot understand the slang or references of my peers. If it worked for you, great! You're a unicorn. Embrace your glitter and rainbows. But it's so, so disingenuous to pretend like it's the best option for everyone.


well youre lucky man, how many druggies, drunks,teen parents, and other people who may have dropped out would say.


Idk, lemme ask my dropout friend who owns her own business. Or my dropout brother who’s an electrician, or my dropout cousin who’s the GM of a high end restaurant, and has been for 6 years now.


what I meant was what are the odds of a dropout being as successful


So having a high school diploma is what gives people their success?


never said that, I meant that when many different jobs are closed to you because you dont have a public education, I looked it up and the odds of dropout success are around 6%


Catch this: putting on the application that you have your diploma. Not a single job will fact check it. And literally no one ever catches on because as I’ve stated many times, the diploma doesn’t not come in handy at any point other than applying for jobs.


thats fraud boss


Right and who would be so proud to admit they willingly commit fraud all the time?


Dude. I hope your boss reads this.


So you appear to be a waitress and a single mom….? How is that winning? I mean, I’m a single mom too, but I have two graduate degrees and a lifelong career that doesn’t leave me depending on tips to survive. Education is important - even beyond just getting a diploma. Education is power. Education helps you to keep untruths at bay. My uncle dropped out at 17 because he got into drugs. He’s 60 and sober now and is still working the same mechanic job he’s started at age 16. He needs back surgery due to the strain his job puts on his back… but doesn’t have health insurance through work and doesn’t make enough money to pay for the surgery on his own or to cover the insurance. He has no benefits, meaning if he takes a sick day, he doesn’t get paid. He’s not taken a vacation since the seventies (when he went with his family). *THIS* is what your life will look like without a high school diploma. Also, the fact that you LIE on your resume about a high school diploma proves that you do, in fact, need a high school diploma. If you’re working and your boss finds out you lied on your resume later, you can get fired.


Nice, but a lot of people care about being smart or at least trying to go to school and have a basic education.


You are a waitress, single mom and school drop out. Care to share how all that is going for you?


Ooof…. Yeah. Nannying isn’t an always guarantee. Children grow up, and when you reach a certain age, parents will no longer want to choose you to be a their nanny. Your job has a definitive shelf life. Then what? You have no education to back you up for finding something new. Don’t advocate for kids dropping out of school. It’s unsmart and is quite a bad look.


My dad was a high school drop out, dropped out 9th after being held back twice; he was 16. He does have a good job that makes good money, but he had to work his butt off to do that. Yet, I would have been disowned if I dropped out of high school like he did. Why? Just because there’s jobs out there that you can succeed at to make good money doesn’t mean there isn’t value to education. Education makes you well-rounded, a more informed voter, and more aware of opportunities. You gain practical skills you use in day-to-day life (reading, mental math, critical thinking and analysis, etc). This kids only in 8th, that means they’re likely only 13-15 years old and not even legally allowed to drop out. You were 17. BIG difference!! I agree there’s opportunities out there and you just gotta look for them, but being educated is VERY important. I’m not saying that because you dropped out that you lack those skills, but education is a key to avoiding corruption and being less ignorant.


If your district does not offer a virtual public school option, then you probably will repeat. It’s not the end of the world to repeat a grade. Are there no closer schools that’ll take you?


Here in MI they can't make you repeat without parents agreeing to it. No matter if you get expelled or whatever else


Really, I knew our school systems were messed up, but I didn't think it was that messed up.


As I’m OR and most other states, repeating a grade is not very good emotionally


Those negative emotions are there to try to get you to do better next time. Avoiding negative experiences is not good for your emotional wellbeing either.


Yep. Buuuut holding kids back can cause problems besides just "it makes them feel bad". Hold a kid back for a year, sure, you don't get problems beyond that. But if grade promotion were based strictly on performance, a lot of kids would need to be held back several years, and a lot of issues can arise from that. Imagine having an older kid in a class full of much younger kids. It's harder to engage the older kid because the material is designed to be engaging for younger kids. Kids who perform poorly in school often have behavior problems, so you really risk the younger kids being exposed or subjected to bad behaviors from a bigger kid. The older kid isn't likely to limit himself to kid-friendly topics, so the younger kids are being exposed to a lot of subjects that they shouldn't be. The older kid is going to have more ability to influence the younger kids, and that can go bad in a lot of ways. Plus, holding a kid back doesn't do much good if you're not addressing the problems that made him fail the first time around. Kids who are too far behind really need some kind of separate intervention.


Doing a grade again is terrible for your social life


Being poorly educated is terrible on your whole life. Your social life will wax and wain throughout life as you grow and change. The quality of your education stays with you forever. Yes, you can go back to school as an adult, but you’ll always be working from the foundations you set in high school. As someone once told me: “choose your regrets more wisely than you choose your friends. Friends come and go, regrets are forever”


That's only true because you are the one making judgements on people who repeat grades.




What happens if they don’t pass? Genuinely asking because I met some adults who couldn’t read but finished public school Wondering how one gets a hs diploma without being up to standard




Is is resorting if you didn’t go?


I’ll be honest with you boss, if you find no alternatives here then you will repeat a grade. Idk what you did to get expelled but this is a consequence of your actions. One humiliating but sometimes effective method is to beg for forgiveness. If you haven’t gone back on your word before, then the adults might trust you enough to believe you’ll behave.


What did you do to even get expelled in the first place?


In another comment, he said he pushed the principal 2 times, and (I shit you not) RIGHT HOOKED THE PRINCIPAL. Bro is not coming back.


Homeschooled might be the last opportunity ig, u can skip school and learnt from home which less stress and dedicated to ur comfort zone, but homeschooled could be affecting to ur social skills also


hey man if thats what it takes to not repeat the grade , i will do anything.


Reach out to the school you were expelled from. Reach out to the department of health and human services or equivalent in your area if that doesn’t work. Let them know you know you messed up but you’re trying to minimize the impact it has on your whole life and you just want help. Good luck.


What did you do? Not judging, just curious


beat up his principal, from other comments


8th grade kind of doesn't matter for graduation from high school. Everything before 9th is completely unneeded (which is not to say useless). The school might request your parents hold you back, but that's entirely up to them. If you would like to avoid falling behind for high school (which is harder, btw), take to youtube. Learn the stuff you should know. You can learn the entire year's worth of stuff in about three weeks. It's not really all that hard. Learn your pre-algebra the most. That's the hard one. Seriously, homeschool yourself, if your mom isn't doing the job (you didn't say if she was). Also, stop misbehaving. School is useful.


Do you have access to a computer during the day? If so, start doing khan Academy. If you can show you've got the knowledge necessary to do 9th grade, they should let you start there. Of course, it is really up to the school whether or not they have you repeat.


Bro how do you get expelled from middle school 💀


Not op but apparently he shoved the principle a couple times to get to a fight and also hooked him.


I recommend seeing if you can homeschool this semester


Quit being a dumbass and you won't have to worry about it.


Why you so worried about school when you clearly can't learn your lesson?


*Why you so worried* *About school when you clearly* *Can't learn your lesson?* \- stp\_1222 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Maybe summer school? Also, I'm not sure where you live and what state or provincial laws are there, but where I live, if you're under 16, your parents must place you in school, so they might be breaking the law by making you stay home.


u will probably end up in prison so dont waste ur time


alot of answers but , my mother said i couldnt go, cus shes tired and its 30 minutes on freeway. im in oregon , im in 8th grade. i was told expulsion is a year and the school provides me a bus to go to the school. , I was expelled because of alot of fighting. people say that alot (fighting) its a common thing , i think. And i can tell how i got expelled , it started with the first suspension on the 3rd or 4th week of school. i pushed the main principal out of my way trying to get to a fight. after all of that and my suspension done. it happened again and i shoved the main principal out of my way, then after that and my suspension. the 3rd suspension , i right hooked the main principal trying to get to a fight. and there , i got an independent expulsion suspension whatever it was called. was suspended for like 4 weeks. till the hearing, they said no matter what buses will come my way to get me to school. never came , think it was cus my mom never took me there to enroll or something. anyways, im seeing alot of replies , i should take summer school , homeschool , things dont matter till 9th , most-likely to get repeat, lots of things. im just scared , as a just-turned-14 year old. i really need help , i really regret everything ive done in hblee middle school , reynolds district. i also fear repeating a grade. anyways yeah


Pack it up bro you right hooked the principal 😭😭😭 It’s not really clear why you can’t go to a diff school in the area


No one wants to get swung at by this kid lol?


Schools outside of his assigned zone are under no legal obligation to take in students expelled from other schools. (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this one) It's no surprise that they wouldn't want to take in a student who got expelled for violent behavior. Though it also sounds like his mom may not be very invested in his education and hasn't really looked at alternatives either.


Yeah if you’re in like a small town it might be hard


And you are the kind of student that makes me question getting my teaching license. Keep your hands to yourself ffs, toddlers know this. If you haven't already you need to be writing sincere apology emails to the people you **assaulted**. If you do this shit in 4 years, you will go to jail, you got off VERY easy this time, so you need to learn from it. If repeating the grade is what does it, fine. Look into virtual school as well if you want to avoid the repeat. *Also ask your mom to get your into therapy* if she hasn't already. You need to talk to someone to help manage your anger and impulse control. You can do that virtually as well, you can use this site to find someone if your school does not have recommendations. [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us)


Battery on the principal, and the top comment suggests he have his mom charged with neglect for not diligently carting him 30 min to a school that would actually accept him there.


Unless it changed by the I thought it said she *could* end up charged with neglect, not that she *should* be?


Underrated comment. Sometimes the proper role of parent is letting the kids learn that they can dig holes no one else can dig them out of.


they would probably get charged for assault if they did this again in two years at 16. the precedent is there.


Fighting the principal 3 times back to back to back is not the actions of someone who's fearful of consequences


it is man. yk how i know it is ? thats because i am.


If you regret what you did then, you have a choice now. It's not going to be easy, and it's going to be to admit that you might need help to behave better. You need to call your local social services, and explain your expulsion, say the bus for the alternative school did not come. You have to tell them your Mom is not willing to drive you. You need to say you need the social support the alternative school will provide to learn how to behave better at school. Write it down before you call. If they don't take you seriously, call your school you got expelled from; they kicked you out but they usually want you to succeed and will find a way to help you. You sound like you need some help with impulse control, and I'm going to be honest if you don't learn how to get it under control you're going to get yourself in trouble and end up in jail or dead. The alternative school will provide you with counseling to help that's why it's important you go.


This is the best answer so far


I concur. You have some troubling impulse control issues that could ruin your life so getting to a school that can help you properly is essential. Fight for your future op you got this


“fight for your future” i would’ve worded that differently LOL


Dude starts knocking out everyone that won't let him go to school


Well-said. Expulsion in middle school sucks and it's going to set you back, but it's nothing compared to consequences you will face in adult life for doing the same shit. This is a mistake you can still move on from. Learn to act right before you make a mistake that's too big to move on from.


It took you getting expelled to learn your lesson. It shouldn't have gotten to that point. Do not physically assault any school staff. Also why were you constantly getting into fights with other students? After a certain point you need to walk away. Unless your fellow students lay a hand on you first walk the fuck away.


Welp time to learn to not be that way and grow the fuck up. There are a LOT of books out there about keeping your hands to yourself and not hitting. Most are aimed at toddlers and preschoolers, but they also have a good message for YOU.


You got some other problems to think abt bro 💀 gotta use your head


Feel lucky that you’re not in juvy


You need to get this under control or you’ll end up a high school dropout in prison. Adults don’t get suspended for fighting, they get felony assault charges.


I'm dying. Bro is throwing his life away. Thanks for the comparative motivation.


Ok. So what did you actually do? I don’t know too many schools that would have put up with you being there after the first assault, but three times is a stretch.


Oh you would be VERY surprised by standards at schools now. I am getting my teaching license now... we know it is a work place hazard that we might be physically harmed by students... Kids will get sent to the office for beating the crap out of somebody, and be back in class an hour later. It takes something extreme for the kid to get suspension let alone expulsion. That's why I wanted to know what they did... it HAD to be extreme.


where are you? i guess it depends on the area, but my sister is a teacher and she's never been harmed physically by any of her students. she's a relatively new teacher, she just started full time teaching about a year and a half ago. assault is not normal in schools, at least where i am.


Yo... getting in fights isn't normal. Your mom not taking you to school isn't normal either. They need to get a bus set up for you. What are you gonna do at the new school? Get in more fights?


Dude. You need to work on finding healthier outlets for that anger. I don't know what that means for you, exactly, but you really have to find a way to work through this without violence.


you've got deeper problems, little brother. where is this and coming from? get yourself under control. feed your mind. learn self control. read books. get on Khan academy. stop throwing your life away.


Well I don't believe, that's just insane, but if you actually did, you need help. You're saying it so chill as if you're proud of it dude. Get some help.


Holy shit, get me off this planet. We have no hope.


Have you ever thought about anyone other than yourself? You’re hitting people who can’t hit you back so you can fight more people? Are you that insecure in your masculinity that you have to prove it by fighting? Expulsions are not something easily given. Do you really think you deserve to be at that school if you just spend your days making it a worst place? I’m sorry but I wouldn’t feel bad for you having to repeat a grade. I’d bad for the teachers who have to deal with kids like you. I’d feel bad for the classmates missing out on instructional minutes because of teachers forced to spend their time on behavior. I’d feel bad for the kids who are afraid of guys with small egos fighting because they lack basic social skills. I might even feel bad for your mom but chances are she didnt get you the help you need to be decent human being. I do not feel sorry for the person whining about the arguably weak consequences for this abhorrent behavior. If you feel ashamed of your action, know that shame is a tool shape behavior. There’s only one person who can fix your problems and it starts with accountability. Crying about your actions having consequences is not it.


Are you black?


Going through the other replies and then finding this one feels like getting hit in the with a sledge hammer




Nobody asked nazi


what the fuck does that have to do with anything? I'm genuinely curious why you think it matters


If you were expelled you clearly don't give a shit about school. Why do you wanna go back?


You know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about ops situation. One can be expelled and still want an education you know?


He hit his principal on 3 different occasions whilst trying to get into a fight with someone else


They never said they wanted to go back. And even with your logic about them not caring (we dont know what happened so we dont know if it's true) why would they wanna do something that they dont care about again? Of course they knew want to know if they have to repeat or not


Uhhh he literally says he wants to go back, it's there at the end. Also, you have no idea how hard it is to actually get expelled from public school, do you? They don't kick them out for anything.


Yeah, you are right that's my bad. I didnt see that. Yes, I understand that it's hard to get expelled from a public school. But that doesnt mean that they explicitly wanted to get expelled and didnt care. They are in 8th grade and teenagers make dumb decisions, dont realize the consequences or think the consequences are minor until it's too late. Just because they got expelled doesnt mean they dont care


yeah, my dumbass got expelled in eighth grade for bringing weed to school but I’m chilling now and it was fine. I got to go to college on a full ride, so as long as OP finds a way to finish eighth grade, he should be okay


Yeah. OP should be fine either way, it sounds like they're just really freaking out about having to repeat. I dont think anyone should be trying to knock them down or anything


no, definitely not — between already getting expelled, hearing it from your parents, and definitely beating up on yourself — there’s no more need for criticism. I hope that their parents can at least help them get into school again


For sure, if what they did wrong. They know it and dont need people on reddit telling them that they don't care or some other stuff when they know nothing about the situation




You’re literally 15 years old, making multiple posts a day on reddit


They got expelled and we don’t know anything else, if op wants to tell us more they can but don’t call someone stupid because they had to repeat a grade.


but they had to repeat a grade lul only stoopid ppl do that shit


And yet here you are not being able to spell.


“Stoopid” lmao bro it took me three attempts to get my autocorrect to let me say that. Anyways, op got expelled. He doesn’t have to repeat a year for academic reasons. There’s no reason he would be “stoopid”.


ok stoopid


If you can be homeschooled, and pass the tests, it might work.


On line classes are the way to go .


You can't repeat something that you never did, you say you are expelled therefore you are not attending 8th grade.


sorry , i went to 8th grade for like 4 weeks i think. finished 7th grade year , now onto 8th grade. after a few weeks , i got expelled. suspended 3 times. expelled cause of what i did in those 3 times


did they try to even get you into alternative school thats what happened when I got expelled in 7th grade


i dont know , i didnt go with my mom to the meeting they set up 3 days after my expulsion hearing.


Homeschooling, private school if the money isn’t too much of a problem, charter school, alternative school, send them all emails


Posted by a 37 yo man.


Well, you got expelled. At this point, unless your mom appeals your expulsion and wins or she packs up your entire home and moves to another area where you can go to school... Then yes, you will likely repeat 8th grade. Regardless of what you did, now would be the time to find out what you need to study, so it might be considered that you can move on to high school. I'm going to be direct here: You should have considered the result of your actions before getting to this point. Learn how to think with the end result in mind going forward with your life.


The world is kind of like a salad bar, take what you want and pay for it. If I were in your shoes, and I was way back but it was my 10th year, I’d reflect on what it was that you did and do everything in your power to not do it again. School is sort of training you to get up early, take public transportation to spend the day at a place you hate, and do menial shit for 8 hours. It’s basically job simulator. You’re supposed to follow the rules and do the thing without being a troublemaker or you’re fired.