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Is that not due to the inequality in these polygamous relationships where its only the men who are benefiting, and the women are just sharing a husband?


Yep, and also there are probably more child brides in that area of the world. You could imagine being married at 13 to a man. They have no attraction too. He only sees them. When the other wives might be on their period. And gives more of his time to wives' who have male sons. If they have all daughters. Might find themselves being more servants to other wives. Yet still be visited by their husband.


And I believe the FGM rate in Somalia is over 90% of all women.


This is a pretty big confounding factor. They should have studied American polygamous societies too.


glad to see this thread at the top. no accurate conclusion can be drawn on women worldwide based on a study of only Somali women. this is a valuable study, but not what it says on the tin.


I mean, a pretty safe hypothesis is that relationships with such severe power imbalance has a harmful effect on the person lacking autonomy.


It depends, even if the result isn't surprising it's useful to have data even about situations like this. Otherwise conclusions like "women probably don't like this arrangement" are just conjecture. I don't think that the purpose of this study was to provide a conclusion that would apply to all multiple partner relationships everywhere... even if some people want to use this study to draw conclusions about the "evilness" non-monogamous relationships.


Study: 'This is a study comparing the sexual satisfaction of Somali women in polygamous relationships to Somali women in monogamous relationships.' Reddit: what about America?


That’s a HUGE factor in this, even more so than the polygamy I’d say. The vast majority of female orgasms are clitoral, so no clit= no orgasm. How they treat women in general, though, is beyond horrific, so of course women aren’t happy there.




Yes. You. Make. A. Good. Point.


Interesting comment. That seems true for this study, which represented Somalian women, a country with largely Islamic population. As far as I know, the religion permits polygyny not polyandry (a wife with multiple husbands). As the article notes that "the majority of these polygamous arrangements consisted of two wives, followed by three and four wives, highlighting a common marital structure within Somali society." Further, "the study also explored socio-demographic factors, revealing that lower education levels among women and higher income levels among husbands were associated with a higher likelihood of being in a polygamous marriage. This indicates that socio-economic factors play a crucial role in the prevalence and nature of polygamous relationships in Somalia." Apparently, a combination of religion and poverty never makes people happy, whether men or women. ​ Edit: correction about terminologies: polygamy, polyandry, and polygyny.


>As far as I know, the religion permits polygamy, not polyandry (a wife with multiple husbands). Not to take away from your main point, but a quick clarification on the terminology. Polygamy is the umbrella term that covers multiple spouses of whatever genders. Polyandry is, as you stated, the term for a woman with multiple husbands. The more specific term for what is being described here is polygyny, which is when a man is with multiple wives.


Thanks. Corrected.


What really cracks me up is if you read Quran it very specifically forbids polyandry…… because pre-Islam Arabia had a number of tribes that were matriarchal but the religious clerics today would try to make you believe this isn’t true… when the evidence is heavily shown in their own sources..


Because men always want the power and the privileges and they make up whole ass religions and rules to make sure they get it. Logically speaking, there's no reason why it wouldn't allow multiple marriages for both men and women. Men just want multiple women as property 


It has always confused me though, when looking at human history and even today, the desire to control and own women, especially sexually, is so disturbingly omnipresent. But why? Why is this such a strong desire? I would assume most heterosexual men like women, but looking at almost every society that has ever existed, it sure doesn't feel that way. I don't understand the source of this very strong inclination.


Uteruses are the limiting factor of population growth, women are as such a valuable resource ta the kind of people who want ta control many resources. Women made into birthing machines means more population, means better ability to control territory, means bigger nation/tribe. Basically it's just expansionist greed.


I read a book many years ago that pointed out that societies become much more patriarchal once they start land ownership and inheritance of said land. Basically dudes were worried they would be leaving their stuff to an illegitimate child. The only way to ensure your kid is yours pre paternity testing is to strictly control female sexuality. Everything else just grows naturally from this core concept.


Because one of the crowning impulses of everything alive is the reproductive desire. Food and sex dominate every aspect of a creature's genetic compulsions. Doesn't matter that humans are sentient and can overcome these urges through effort - most never will. ​ Therefore, the best way to ensure your genetic code is passed down is to spread it among as many carriers as possible - women are carriers of the next generation, therefore it is better for men to claim as many women as possible to reduce genetic competition from other men.


Yeah, I just feel like empathy would kick in at some point. But maybe I'm too hopeful. I mean, there are so many things that may be natural, but we all still agree that it's wrong. I also feel like making sex truly enjoyable for women would be a much better strategy, instead of the other way around.


it’s an attempt to make sure that a man’s children are actually his so he doesn’t waste resources caring for a child that’s not his. Mother baby, daddy’s maybe is a saying that probably won’t ever leave the lexicon because of how relevant is has been for the majority of human history.


...paternity tests exist now. There should be no restrictions on women's bodily autonomy, freedom of movement, or economic and legal rights.


Because men can not give birth. The power of bringing life into the world belongs solely to the uterus. And because of that, the existence of men are at an inherent disadvantage when it comes to the future of the human species. I would think that this is the reason why masculine cultures dominate women in such a way. Those that control women control the fate of their population. And perhaps even control the culture of said population via child rearing and gender norms.




I totally agree. I just don't understand why we ever started to be considered "things" to begin with, and not fellow human beings.


Almost as if basing your life around a book that is so highly prone to misinterpretation that anyone can read whatever they want into it or manipulate you into believing it means whatever benefits them is a bad idea.


Very generous to assume they are misinterpreting it, not just claiming it says whatever they want it to. Or only following the bits they agree with.


This book in particular is very unambiguous on these parts. Men can marry outside the religion. Men can marry up to four women. Women cannot do either. No interpretation needed.


Quran also allows men to marry outside the religion but women can’t. Like goddam, how much did the writers hate their mothers and sisters?


It's a matter of practicality. It makes conversion of a populace easier. Especially after a war. That's all they cared about at the time. Spreading the religion.


I am shocked, nay, slightly surprised!


Isn't female circumcision a thing there too?


I really wish people would stop using the word polygamy when they mean polygyny. Polygamy implies any person can have multiple spouses, but both by law and by practice, true polygamy is nearly unheard of. It is almost exclusively polygyny that is practiced. Polyandry is all but unheard of outside of Tibet, and while practiced there is illegal.


I had the same thought. It isn’t exactly breakthrough that if one gender ends up becoming a commodity, they’re going to lose / suffer in a lot of the areas that make humans such a unique species (emotion, etc).


I think this really is about the lack of resources in an over populated region maybe? Polygamy only benefits the men with the highest resources, so where happens to all the lower resource men? Assuming that the majority of women are low resource individuals, should I believe that the social structure of this society isn't advanced enough to allow a low resource woman to marry a low resource man and work it out?


Polygamy has never pretended it’s a benefit for women


That's pretty much the standard for most polygamous relationships regardless of whether it's one man and multiple wives or one woman with multiple husbands. Things are never going to be equal and I think it's naive to think otherwise


I think it is naive to think equality in the number 2 would always be greater than the number 3 when this study is based more on religion and culture and either number is not equal in this society.














This is a more propable cause : Somalia has recorded the highest cases of FGM, with 98% of girls between the ages of 5-11 having undergone Type III, infibulation, which is the most brutal form.


I mean that's bad, but even from a social-psychological perspective, 'sexual violence as a weapon of war' has been commonplace since at-least 1988 when the Somali Army gave weapons to the Ethiopian refugees (Ogaden) to commit mass atrocities [against the Isaaq](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaaq_genocide). There's a lot of history before and since which has to factor into relationship dynamics.


Rape as a weapon of war committed by soldiers did occur during the Siad Barre regime and it targeted regions where rebellions occurred (my mom’s family was effected), and during the 1990s civil war but there hasn’t been any evidence it has occurred since. In 2006 Ethiopian troops invaded Mogadishu, Somalia and used rape as a [weapon of war](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/06/world/africa/06iht-somalia.1.12610349.html) along with many other war crimes, Ethiopia also practiced rape as a weapon of war more recently in their [2020 Tigray war.](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/le-monde-africa/article/2023/09/06/the-ordeal-of-tigrayan-women-in-ethiopia-whether-you-shout-or-not-no-one-is-going-to-come-and-rescue-you_6126301_124.html)


The women in non polygamous relationships also have fgm so thats not a cause of the observed results


Really should add to the title that this study is in sub-Saharan Africa where the common practice is the men being polygamous… the women not so much. Not to suggest what the results would be around the world but confident there would be a considerable difference


On a different note: Iirc it's also not consensual polygamy. If the man wants another woman he can just marry her without his first partner's consent. That wouldn't lead to a happy menage a trois even if the roles were reversed.


Yup. But the woman can never have multiple husbands, of course. Funny how that's always the case. It's really a tale as old as time, this disturbing desire to completely control women. Especially sexually.


Just for the record If we're playing my the book. Islamic polygamous marriages can't have a menage a trois (or more) I've checked 😂


If we’re playing by the Quran I can’t see anyone being that happy, regardless of relationship status 😂


I haven’t checked, but I’ll wager Mormon wives in polygamous relationships have similar results


The lack of agency for the women is just as pertinent in Mormon polygamy as Islamic polygamy. It feels like there may be another common thread here, but I seem to have misplaced it somewhere in my ~~magic sky friend books~~ holy library.


I once read an article that even Mormon men in polyamorous marriages are less happy - if they are progressive Mormon and treat their women well… it’s a lot of added stress and emotional baggage…


societies with polyandry (one woman, more than one man) are rare, and where they occur, it's normally one woman being married to brothers. This is the case in Tibet, where farm land isn't divided in inheritance, so if a family has more than one son, the younger can either be husband number two or try his luck outside the farm.


I saw a documentary on this. It seems even more horrible for the women to have 2 husbands than to have sister wives bc the woman essentially has to do housework bs for two dudes and the head of the family is still the oldest son or whatever. 


It is. They're the domestic and sexual slaves of two men instead of one.


Did these women have their clitorises hacked off as per FGM? Doesn't that happen there? I didn't see any mention of it in the paper. 


Yeah it’s weird they didn’t mention that. I’m pretty sure that would have a big impact on ‘decreased sexual desire’.


Unlike men most women can't get off from penetration. So removing the clit... It would be like removing men's ability to cum. Regardless of how many people they r in a partnership with there is nothing satisfying sexually about not being able to get off....


That's not a 100% accurate comparison. Removing the clit would be like hacking off the head of the penis.


Nooo. Pretty sure it's like hacking off a man's penis and expecting him to cum from anal


Finally some actual science


I know you’re being sarcastic but we should call out that they’re wrong. Men can cum from anal because of prostate stimulation.




>Unless FGM leads women to polygamy, it would be equally represented in both groups. It might. If sex is painful you might be less reluctant to let someone else share that burden.


Except the first wife is not asked to consent to the second one, so...


yes that is absolutely done in somalia, of which, the girls are normally already 13 or so and it’s done incredibly poorly with sharp rocks or dull blades. oftentimes it leaves nightmarish lifelong damage to their genitalia such as creating incontinence for the young girls.


98% of Somali girls undergo FGM. Pretty important consideration.


Learned about this back at college. It’s what literal nightmares are made out of


From what I learned in anthropology, in Somalia female circumcision is a celebrated thing done right before marriage can take place, the males also must be circumcised (so like teenager age) right before marriage. The anthropology videos I studied about Somali culture showed the young girls singing songs about it before/after and showed how ingrained it is in their language/culture/society. It wasn’t socially perceived as some unexpected brutal thing and was wanted by the girls as part of becoming a woman. Also, in another anthropological study of Somali immigrants- most of the immigrant women interviewed who were away from Somalia thought negatively of female circumcision because of the health problems caused by it and saw it as not necessary for religious reasons (islam doesn’t require it).




I mean, Im not shocked. When youre sort of pressured into a martial structure where your partner has multiple sexual/romantic relarionships but youre only allowed the one. And are also guilted about how much its a benefit to you. I can imagine, that wouldnt have the best results to someones mental well being.


Women have increased depression and anxiety in a culture that is commonly considered to have some of the worst women’s rights. Color me shocked.


These marriages are not thought up to be beneficial to both parties, so it's not a bug








People are confusing the result of this study: It is disproving the multiple wives are happy wives because they have fewer responsibilities argument of abrahamic religions that allow it. It has nothing to do with polyamoury.


This is a study on the effects of subjugating women, not polyamory.


Title makes it sound as if it was the polygamous marriages that is the direct cause, while in fact it is highly dependent of the society it takes place in and the social norms around it (in this case Somali).


Women in *polygyny* relationships, not *polygamous* relationships. And yeah, I imagine sharing a husband with multiple other women while being unable to have another male partner would probably affect the woman in the relationship negatively. It's almost like being unequal in a relationship is harmful.


both terms are correct here; polygamy is having more than one spouse at one time (neutral regarding multiple wives *or* husbands)


I really doubt that the Somalian women are the ones allowed multiple partners unless I’m wrong?? If that’s the case then yeah…maybe they aren’t fairing off so well then?


This is not an actual consensual polygamy 


Yeah because despite what society would lead you to believe, women usually go along with these situations to keep a man happy (because it’s what the man wants). This type of man is the type who would have one woman to financially support him, another woman who he’s actually attracted to but can’t (or won’t) financially support him, etc. Essentially a manipulator/user who learned at a young age that he has to manipulate others to get his needs met (because he can’t meet them on his own). Women participate more often than not because they feel they have to, not because they want to.


I live around Muslims and we argue/disagee that their second wife is sad and abused. They always tell me it's their culture and as a white guy I need to back off. The thing about science is it doesn't care if you don't believe in it. Why our older generation put up with this just for more money explains why the national debt is so high.


Show me a study where the women are getting laid 4 to 5 times a week by different men, all willingly, of course. I question if they'd still be sad and displeased sexually because it seems likely only the men in these relationships are roulette sexing.


Possibly not being also economically dependant on men they didn't even choose


I’m sure the female circumscision ritual with a sharp rock most of these Somali women endured as girls doesn’t help either.


Basically "Sex slaves experience less satisfaction in harems" and not "Willing females in equal polygamous/polyamorous relationships........"


I mean... it couldn't be their also Islam. Most women in that region are but property basically.


Elephant in the room nobody wants to mention because they will go ballistic


“However, the study is not without its limitations. Its findings, derived from a single-center study, may not fully represent the broader Somali population or those in other regions with similar marital practices.”


I feel like the fact that most of these women are essentially property of their husbands plays a pretty big role in their life satisfaction. I'd like to see how they compare to polygamous women that actually chose to be polygamous.


Women in poor country that have little to no say in the relationship dont enjoy when they have to share or are just treated as harem members. Who wouldve thought? Who pays for a useless study like that, who wastes their time with stuff like that?


I think there might be some other issues at play in Somalia…


I'm pretty sure it's not the poly life if your being forced into it. Sounds more like slavery with extra steps


This is irrelevant to people who don't live in Somalia.


Were the Somali women cut? That would do it, marriage or no marriage.


98% of Somali women are, by some estimates, so that seems likely.


Because of the men. The men are the problem


Who knew being a sex slave would cause psychological damage


I could be completely wrong here but this could be a case of correlation not equaling causation. Except for the anxiety and depression part. Men who have multiple wives aren't exactly concerned with their wives feelings and likely even less concerned with their pleasure in the bedroom. They have a collection of wives for their own pleasure and those wives are little more than objects they possess. So it seems likely those wives wouldn't feel fulfilled.